import gradio as gr | |
import requests | |
import json | |
import os | |
import pandas as pd | |
from geopy.distance import geodesic | |
# =============== 7-11 所需常數 =============== | |
# 請確認此處的 MID_V 是否有效,若過期請更新 | |
MID_V = "W0_DiF4DlgU5OeQoRswrRcaaNHMWOL7K3ra3385ocZcv-bBOWySZvoUtH6j-7pjiccl0C5h30uRUNbJXsABCKMqiekSb7tdiBNdVq8Ro5jgk6sgvhZla5iV0H3-8dZfASc7AhEm85679LIK3hxN7Sam6D0LAnYK9Lb0DZhn7xeTeksB4IsBx4Msr_VI" # 請填入有效的 mid_v | |
USER_AGENT_7_11 = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148" | |
API_7_11_BASE = "" | |
# =============== FamilyMart 所需常數 =============== | |
FAMILY_PROJECT_CODE = "202106302" # 若有需要請自行調整 | |
API_FAMILY = "" | |
# 3 公里範圍 | |
MAX_DISTANCE = 3000 | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
# 7-11: 取得 AccessToken | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
def get_7_11_token(): | |
url = f"{API_7_11_BASE}/Auth/FrontendAuth/AccessToken?mid_v={MID_V}" | |
headers = { | |
"user-agent": USER_AGENT_7_11 | |
} | |
resp =, headers=headers, data="") | |
resp.raise_for_status() | |
js = resp.json() | |
if not js.get("isSuccess"): | |
raise RuntimeError(f"取得 7-11 token 失敗: {js}") | |
token = js["element"] | |
return token | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
# 7-11: 取得附近門市清單 (含剩餘即期品總數量) | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
def get_7_11_nearby_stores(token, lat, lon): | |
url = f"{API_7_11_BASE}/Search/FrontendStoreItemStock/GetNearbyStoreList?token={token}" | |
headers = { | |
"user-agent": USER_AGENT_7_11, | |
"content-type": "application/json", | |
} | |
body = { | |
"CurrentLocation": {"Latitude": lat, "Longitude": lon}, | |
"SearchLocation": {"Latitude": lat, "Longitude": lon} | |
} | |
resp =, headers=headers, json=body) | |
resp.raise_for_status() | |
js = resp.json() | |
if not js.get("isSuccess"): | |
raise RuntimeError(f"取得 7-11 附近門市失敗: {js}") | |
return js["element"].get("StoreStockItemList", []) | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
# 7-11: 取得單一門市的即期品清單 | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
def get_7_11_store_detail(token, lat, lon, store_no): | |
url = f"{API_7_11_BASE}/Search/FrontendStoreItemStock/GetStoreDetail?token={token}" | |
headers = { | |
"user-agent": USER_AGENT_7_11, | |
"content-type": "application/json", | |
} | |
body = { | |
"CurrentLocation": {"Latitude": lat, "Longitude": lon}, | |
"StoreNo": store_no | |
} | |
resp =, headers=headers, json=body) | |
resp.raise_for_status() | |
js = resp.json() | |
if not js.get("isSuccess"): | |
raise RuntimeError(f"取得 7-11 門市({store_no})資料失敗: {js}") | |
return js["element"].get("StoreStockItem", {}) | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
# FamilyMart: 取得附近門市即期品清單 (單次呼叫可拿到所有商品細項) | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
def get_family_nearby_stores(lat, lon): | |
headers = { | |
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8", | |
} | |
body = { | |
"ProjectCode": FAMILY_PROJECT_CODE, | |
"latitude": lat, | |
"longitude": lon | |
} | |
resp =, headers=headers, json=body) | |
resp.raise_for_status() | |
js = resp.json() | |
# 根據回傳範例,成功時 code 為 1 | |
if js.get("code") != 1: | |
raise RuntimeError(f"取得全家門市資料失敗: {js}") | |
return js["data"] | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Gradio 查詢邏輯 | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
def find_nearest_store(address, lat, lon): | |
print(f"🔍 收到查詢請求: address={address}, lat={lat}, lon={lon}") | |
if lat == 0 or lon == 0: | |
return [["❌ 請輸入地址或提供 GPS 座標", "", "", "", ""]] | |
result_rows = [] | |
# ------------------ 7-11 ------------------ | |
try: | |
token_711 = get_7_11_token() | |
nearby_stores_711 = get_7_11_nearby_stores(token_711, lat, lon) | |
for store in nearby_stores_711: | |
dist_m = store.get("Distance", 999999) | |
if dist_m <= MAX_DISTANCE: | |
store_no = store.get("StoreNo") | |
store_name = store.get("StoreName", "7-11 未提供店名") | |
remaining_qty = store.get("RemainingQty", 0) | |
if remaining_qty > 0: | |
detail = get_7_11_store_detail(token_711, lat, lon, store_no) | |
for cat in detail.get("CategoryStockItems", []): | |
cat_name = cat.get("Name", "") | |
for item in cat.get("ItemList", []): | |
item_name = item.get("ItemName", "") | |
item_qty = item.get("RemainingQty", 0) | |
# 在最後加一個 float 距離欄位以便排序 | |
row = [ | |
f"7-11 {store_name}", | |
f"{dist_m:.1f} m", | |
f"{cat_name} - {item_name}", | |
str(item_qty), | |
dist_m # 供排序用 | |
] | |
result_rows.append(row) | |
else: | |
row = [ | |
f"7-11 {store_name}", | |
f"{dist_m:.1f} m", | |
"即期品 0 項", | |
"0", | |
dist_m # 供排序用 | |
] | |
result_rows.append(row) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"❌ 取得 7-11 即期品時發生錯誤: {e}") | |
# ------------------ FamilyMart ------------------ | |
try: | |
nearby_stores_family = get_family_nearby_stores(lat, lon) | |
for store in nearby_stores_family: | |
dist_m = store.get("distance", 999999) | |
if dist_m <= MAX_DISTANCE: | |
store_name = store.get("name", "全家 未提供店名") | |
info_list = store.get("info", []) | |
has_item = False | |
for big_cat in info_list: | |
big_cat_name = big_cat.get("name", "") | |
for subcat in big_cat.get("categories", []): | |
subcat_name = subcat.get("name", "") | |
for product in subcat.get("products", []): | |
product_name = product.get("name", "") | |
qty = product.get("qty", 0) | |
if qty > 0: | |
has_item = True | |
row = [ | |
f"全家 {store_name}", | |
f"{dist_m:.1f} m", | |
f"{big_cat_name} - {subcat_name} - {product_name}", | |
str(qty), | |
dist_m # 供排序用 | |
] | |
result_rows.append(row) | |
if not has_item: | |
row = [ | |
f"全家 {store_name}", | |
f"{dist_m:.1f} m", | |
"即期品 0 項", | |
"0", | |
dist_m # 供排序用 | |
] | |
result_rows.append(row) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"❌ 取得全家 即期品時發生錯誤: {e}") | |
if not result_rows: | |
return [["❌ 附近 3 公里內沒有即期食品", "", "", "", ""]] | |
# ============= 在這裡進行排序 ============= | |
# result_rows 的結構是 [門市, 距離(字串), 商品, 數量, float_distance] | |
# 我們要依照最後一欄 float_distance 做由小到大排序 | |
result_rows.sort(key=lambda x: x[4]) | |
# 排序完之後,再把最後一欄刪掉 (不顯示給使用者) | |
for row in result_rows: | |
row.pop() # 移除 index=4 (float_distance) | |
return result_rows | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Gradio 介面 | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
import gradio as gr | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
gr.Markdown("## 便利商店「即期食品」搜尋示範") | |
gr.Markdown(""" | |
1. 按下「使用目前位置」或自行輸入緯度/經度 | |
2. 點選「搜尋」查詢 3 公里內 7-11 / 全家的即期品 | |
3. 若要執行,需要有效的 mid_v (7-11 愛食記憶官網) | |
4. 在 Logs 查看詳細錯誤或除錯資訊 | |
""") | |
address = gr.Textbox(label="輸入地址(可留空)") | |
lat = gr.Number(label="GPS 緯度", value=0, elem_id="lat") | |
lon = gr.Number(label="GPS 經度", value=0, elem_id="lon") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
gps_button = gr.Button("📍 ❶ 使用目前位置-先按這個 並等待3秒 ", elem_id="gps-btn") | |
search_button = gr.Button("🔍 ❷ 搜尋 ") | |
output_table = gr.Dataframe( | |
headers=["門市", "距離 (m)", "商品/即期食品", "數量"], | |
interactive=False | |
) | |, inputs=[address, lat, lon], outputs=output_table) | | | |
None, | |
None, | |
[lat, lon], | |
js=""" | |
() => { | |
return new Promise((resolve) => { | |
if (!navigator.geolocation) { | |
alert("您的瀏覽器不支援地理位置功能"); | |
resolve([0, 0]); | |
return; | |
} | |
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( | |
(position) => { | |
resolve([position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude]); | |
}, | |
(error) => { | |
alert("無法取得位置:" + error.message); | |
resolve([0, 0]); | |
} | |
); | |
}); | |
} | |
""" | |
) | |
def main(): | |
demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860, debug=True) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() |