tarek / djezzy.py
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Update djezzy.py
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from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, BitsAndBytesConfig,HfArgumentParser,TrainingArguments,pipeline, logging
import os,torch
from datasets import load_dataset
from langdetect import detect
from langdetect import detect_langs
from langdetect import DetectorFactory
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
from datasets import Dataset
import re
from langchain_community.embeddings import SentenceTransformerEmbeddings
from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import json
import pickle
import numpy as np
import shutil
import tempfile
model_name = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
embedding_llm = SentenceTransformerEmbeddings(model_name=model_name)
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration
tokenizer1 = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("google/flan-t5-base")
model1 = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("google/flan-t5-base")
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
# Chemins des fichiers cibles dans le répertoire temporaire
index_target = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'index.faiss')
hh_target = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'index.pkl')
# Copier les fichiers dans le répertoire temporaire
shutil.copy(index_source, index_target)
shutil.copy(hh_source, hh_target)
# Charger la base de données FAISS à partir du répertoire temporaire
vector_db = FAISS.load_local(temp_dir, embedding_llm, allow_dangerous_deserialization=True)
def load_data(text_filename='docs_text.json', embeddings_filename='docs_embeddings.json'):
with open(text_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
docs_text = json.load(f)
with open(embeddings_filename, 'r') as f:
docs_embeddings = json.load(f)
return docs_text, docs_embeddings
#docs_text, docs_embeddings = load_data()
def mot_cle(path):
with open(path, 'r') as fichier:
contenu = fichier.read()
# Séparer les mots en utilisant la virgule comme séparateur
mots = contenu.split(',')
# Afficher les mots pour vérifier
for mot in mots:
# stocker les mots dans un tableau (une liste)
tableau_de_mots = [mot.strip() for mot in mots]
return tableau_de_mots
def pip(question,docs_text, docs_embeddings,mots_a_verifier,vector_db):
query_text = question
main_language = max(detected_languages, key=lambda lang: lang.prob)
lang = main_language.lang
if lang=='fr':
input_text = f"translate french to English: {query_text}"
input_ids = tokenizer1(input_text, return_tensors="pt").input_ids
outputs = model1.generate(input_ids,max_length = 100)
cleaned_text = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', text) # Supprime les balises HTML
cleaned_text = cleaned_text.strip() # Enlève les espaces de début et de fin
query_embedding = embedding_llm.embed_query(query_text)
query_embedding_array = np.array(query_embedding)
# Question à analyser
question = query_text
# Convertir la question en une liste de mots
mots_question = question.lower().split()
bi_grammes = [' '.join([mots_question[i], mots_question[i+1]]) for i in range(len(mots_question)-1)]
#mots_a_verifier_lower=[mot.lower() for mot in mots_a_verifier]
mots_a_verifier_lower = {mot.lower(): mot for mot in mots_a_verifier}
mots_question_lower=[mot.lower() for mot in mots_question]
bi_grammes_lower=[mot.lower() for mot in bi_grammes]
# Trouver les mots de la question qui sont dans le tableau
mots_trouves1 = [mots_a_verifier_lower[mot] for mot in mots_a_verifier_lower if mot in bi_grammes_lower]
if not mots_trouves1:
mots_trouves1 = [mots_a_verifier_lower[mot] for mot in mots_a_verifier_lower if mot in mots_question_lower ]
# Afficher les mots trouvés
if not mots_trouves:
similarities = [cosine_similarity(doc.reshape(1,-1), query_embedding_array.reshape(1,-1)) for doc in docs_embeddings]
sorted_docs = sorted(zip(docs_text, docs_embeddings, similarities), key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
similar_docs1 = [(doc,sim) for doc, _, sim in sorted_docs if sim > 0.72]
if not similar_docs1:
similar_docs2 = [(doc,sim) for doc, _, sim in sorted_docs if sim > 0.65]
if not similar_docs2:
similar_docs = [(doc,sim) for doc, _, sim in sorted_docs if sim > 0.4]
if not similar_docs:
similar_docsA = [(doc,sim) for doc, _, sim in sorted_docs if (sim >= 0.3 and sim<0.4)]
if not similar_docsA:
print("As a chatbot for Djezzy, I can provide information exclusively about our affiliated companies. Unfortunately, I'm unable to respond to inquiries outside of that scope.")
prompt=" for this question write this answer and don't add anything :As a chatbot for Djezzy, I can provide information exclusively about our affiliated companies. Unfortunately, I'm unable to respond to inquiries outside of that scope."
if lang=='fr':
prompt="for this question translate this answer in frensh and write theme , don't add anything and don't mention that you translate the answer :As a chatbot for Djezzy, I can provide information exclusively about our affiliated companies. Unfortunately, I'm unable to respond to inquiries outside of that scope."
print("I apologize, I don't fully understand your question. You can contact our customer service for answers to your needs, or if you can provide more details, I would be happy to help.")
prompt="for this question write this answer and don't add anything: I apologize, I don't fully understand your question. You can contact our customer service for answers to your needs, or if you can provide more details, I would be happy to help."
if lang=='fr':
prompt="for this question translate this answer in frensh and write theme,don't add anything and don't mention that you translate the answer :As a chatbot for Djezzy, I can provide information exclusively about our affiliated companies. Unfortunately, I'm unable to respond to inquiries outside of that scope."
context="\n---------------------\n".join([doc for doc,_ in similar_docs[:4]]if len(similar_docs) >=3 else [doc for doc, _ in similar_docs[:1]])
system_message=" "
prompt = f"As Djezzy's chatbot\nread each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n dont' mention that you used the provided context ###context:{context}\n ###question: {query_text} "
if lang=='fr':
prompt=f"[INST] <<SYS>>\n As Djezzy's chatbot\nread each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n dont' mention that you used the provided context\n translate the answer in french and write theme ,don't mention that you translate the answer \n ###context:{context}<</SYS>>\n\n ###question: {query_text} [/INST]"
#prompt = f" <bos><start_of_turn>user \n read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{contexts[0]}\n ###question:\nWhat are the benefits of opting for the Djezzy Legend 100 DA package? \n###answer:\n{reponses[0]}<eos>\nuser \n read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{contexts[1]}\n ###question:\nWhat are the benefits of opting for the Djezzy Legend 100 DA package? \n###answer:\n{reponses[1]}<eos>\nuser read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{context}\n###question:\n{query_text}\n###answer:\n<end_of_turn>\n <start_of_turn>model" # replace the command here with something relevant to your task
#pipe = pipeline(task="text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,temperature=0.1,top_p=0.9, max_length=4000)
#result = pipe(prompt)
#generate=repons.replace("<start_of_turn>model", "")
context = "\n---------------------\n".join([doc for doc, _ in similar_docs2[:2]] if len(similar_docs2) >= 2 else [doc for doc, _ in similar_docs2[:1]])
system_message=" "
prompt = f" As Djezzy's chatbot\nread each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n ###context:{context}\n ###question: {query_text} "
if lang=='fr':
prompt=f" As Djezzy's chatbot\nread each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n dont' mention that you used the provided context\n translate the answer in french and write theme ,don't mention that you translate the answer\n ###context:{context}\n ###question: {query_text}"
#prompt = f" <bos><start_of_turn>user \n read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{contexts[0]}\n ###question:\nWhat are the benefits of opting for the Djezzy Legend 100 DA package? \n###answer:\n{reponses[0]}<eos>\nuser \n read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{contexts[1]}\n ###question:\nWhat are the benefits of opting for the Djezzy Legend 100 DA package? \n###answer:\n{reponses[1]}<eos>\nuser read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{context}\n###question:\n{query_text}\n###answer:\n<end_of_turn>\n <start_of_turn>model" # replace the command here with something relevant to your task
#pipe = pipeline(task="text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,temperature=0.1,top_p=0.9, max_length=4000)
#result = pipe(prompt)
#generate=repons.replace("<start_of_turn>model", "")
context="\n---------------------\n".join([doc for doc,_ in similar_docs1[:1]])
system_message=" "
prompt = f"As Djezzy's chatbot\nread 3 times each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n differentiates between each price and gives the correct answer and does not distinguish between the offers of each price\n ###context:{context}\n {query_text}"
if lang=='fr':
prompt=f" As Djezzy's chatbot\nread each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n dont' mention that you used the provided context\n translate the answer in french ,don't mention that you translate the answer\n ###context:{context}\n ###question: {q1} "
#prompt = f" <bos><start_of_turn>user \n read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{contexts[0]}\n ###question:\nWhat are the benefits of opting for the Djezzy Legend 100 DA package? \n###answer:\n{reponses[0]}<eos>\nuser \n read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{contexts[1]}\n ###question:\nWhat are the benefits of opting for the Djezzy Legend 100 DA package? \n###answer:\n{reponses[1]}<eos>\nuser read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{context}\n###question:\n{query_text}\n###answer:\n<end_of_turn>\n <start_of_turn>model" # replace the command here with something relevant to your task
#pipe = pipeline(task="text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,temperature=0.1,top_p=0.9, max_length=4000)
#result = pipe(prompt)
#generate=repons.replace("<start_of_turn>model", "")
for i in range(len(mots_trouves)):
filter={'document':mots_trouves[i] }
context="\n---------------------\n".join([similar_docs[i].page_content for i in range(len(similar_docs))])
system_message=" "
prompt = f" As Djezzy's chatbot\nread each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n ###context:{context}\n ###question: {query_text} "
if lang=='fr':
prompt=f" As Djezzy's chatbot\nread each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n dont' mention that you used the provided context\n give me the answer in french language \n ###context:{context}\n ###question: {q1}"
#prompt = f" <bos><start_of_turn>user \n read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{contexts[0]}\n ###question:\nWhat are the benefits of opting for the Djezzy Legend 100 DA package? \n###answer:\n{reponses[0]}<eos>\nuser \n read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{contexts[1]}\n ###question:\nWhat are the benefits of opting for the Djezzy Legend 100 DA package? \n###answer:\n{reponses[1]}<eos>\nuser read each paraphrase in the context and Answer the question .\ndo not take into consideration the paragraphs which have no relation to the question\n if there is not a paragraph that is related to the question, respond that for this question it's best to reach out to our customer service team . They'll be able to assist you with your needs\n just give me the answer I don't want any other details \n###context:\n{context}\n###question:\n{query_text}\n###answer:\n<end_of_turn>\n <start_of_turn>model" # replace the command here with something relevant to your task
#pipe = pipeline(task="text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,temperature=0.1,top_p=0.9, max_length=4000)
#result = pipe(prompt)
#generate=repons.replace("<start_of_turn>model", "")
return prompt