Build error
Build error
import streamlit as st | |
import numpy as np | |
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
import graphviz | |
from backend.maximally_activating_patches import load_layer_infos, load_activation, get_receptive_field_coordinates | |
from frontend import on_click_graph | |
from backend.utils import load_dataset_dict | |
HIGHTLIGHT_COLOR = '#e7bcc5' | |
st.set_page_config(layout='wide') | |
# -------------------------- LOAD DATASET --------------------------------- | |
dataset_dict = load_dataset_dict() | |
# -------------------------- LOAD GRAPH ----------------------------------- | |
def load_dot_to_graph(filename): | |
dot = graphviz.Source.from_file(filename) | |
source_lines = str(dot).splitlines() | |
source_lines.pop(0) | |
source_lines.pop(-1) | |
graph = graphviz.Digraph() | |
graph.body += source_lines | |
return graph, dot | |
st.title('Maximally activating image patches') | |
st.write('Visualize image patches that maximize the activation of layers in ConvNeXt model') | |
# st.header('ConvNeXt') | |
convnext_dot_file = './data/dot_architectures/' | |
convnext_graph = load_dot_to_graph(convnext_dot_file)[0] | |
convnext_graph.graph_attr['size'] = '4,40' | |
# -------------------------- DISPLAY GRAPH ----------------------------------- | |
def chosen_node_text(clicked_node_title): | |
clicked_node_title = clicked_node_title.replace('stage ', 'stage_').replace('block ', 'block_') | |
stage_id = clicked_node_title.split()[0].split('_')[1] if 'stage' in clicked_node_title else None | |
block_id = clicked_node_title.split()[1].split('_')[1] if 'block' in clicked_node_title else None | |
layer_id = clicked_node_title.split()[-1] | |
if 'embeddings' in layer_id: | |
display_text = 'Patchify layer' | |
activation_key = 'embeddings.patch_embeddings' | |
elif 'downsampling' in layer_id: | |
display_text = f'Stage {stage_id} > Downsampling layer' | |
activation_key = f'encoder.stages[{stage_id}].downsampling_layer[1]' | |
else: | |
display_text = f'Stage {stage_id} > Block {block_id} > {layer_id} layer' | |
activation_key = f'encoder.stages[{int(stage_id)-1}].layers[{int(block_id)-1}].{layer_id}' | |
return display_text, activation_key | |
props = { | |
'hightlight_color': HIGHTLIGHT_COLOR, | |
'initial_state': { | |
'group_1_header': 'Choose an option from group 1', | |
'group_2_header': 'Choose an option from group 2' | |
} | |
} | |
col1, col2 = st.columns((2,5)) | |
col1.markdown("#### Architecture") | |
col1.write('') | |
col1.write('Click on a layer below to generate top-k maximally activating image patches') | |
col1.graphviz_chart(convnext_graph) | |
with col2: | |
st.markdown("#### Output") | |
nodes = on_click_graph(key='toggle_buttons', **props) | |
# -------------------------- DISPLAY OUTPUT ----------------------------------- | |
if nodes != None: | |
clicked_node_title = nodes["choice"]["node_title"] | |
clicked_node_id = nodes["choice"]["node_id"] | |
display_text, activation_key = chosen_node_text(clicked_node_title) | |
col2.write(f'**Chosen layer:** {display_text}') | |
# col2.write(f'**Activation key:** {activation_key}') | |
hightlight_syle = f''' | |
<style> | |
div[data-stale]:has(iframe) {{ | |
height: 0; | |
}} | |
#{clicked_node_id}>polygon {{ | |
stroke: {HIGHTLIGHT_COLOR}; | |
}} | |
</style> | |
''' | |
col2.markdown(hightlight_syle, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
with col2: | |
layer_infos = None | |
with st.form('top_k_form'): | |
activation_path = './data/activation/convnext_activation.json' | |
activation = load_activation(activation_path) | |
num_channels = activation[activation_key].shape[1] | |
top_k = st.slider('Choose K for top-K maximally activating patches', 1,20, value=10) | |
channel_start, channel_end = st.slider( | |
'Choose channel range of this layer (recommend to choose small range less than 30)', | |
1, num_channels, value=(1, 30)) | |
summit_button = st.form_submit_button('Generate image patches') | |
if summit_button: | |
activation = activation[activation_key][:top_k,:,:] | |
layer_infos = load_layer_infos('./data/layer_infos/convnext_layer_infos.json') | |
# st.write(channel_start, channel_end) | |
# st.write(activation.shape, activation.shape[1]) | |
if layer_infos != None: | |
num_cols, num_rows = top_k, channel_end - channel_start + 1 | |
# num_rows = activation.shape[1] | |
top_k_coor_max_ = activation | |
st.markdown(f"#### Top-{top_k} maximally activating image patches of {num_rows} channels ({channel_start}-{channel_end})") | |
for row in range(channel_start, channel_end+1): | |
if row == channel_start: | |
top_margin = 50 | |
fig = make_subplots( | |
rows=1, cols=num_cols, | |
subplot_titles=tuple([f"#{i+1}" for i in range(top_k)]), shared_yaxes=True) | |
else: | |
top_margin = 0 | |
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=num_cols, shared_yaxes=True) | |
for col in range(1, num_cols+1): | |
k, c = col-1, row-1 | |
img_index = int(top_k_coor_max_[k, c, 3]) | |
activation_value = top_k_coor_max_[k, c, 0] | |
img = dataset_dict[img_index//10_000][img_index%10_000]['image'] | |
class_label = dataset_dict[img_index//10_000][img_index%10_000]['label'] | |
class_id = dataset_dict[img_index//10_000][img_index%10_000]['id'] | |
idx_x, idx_y = top_k_coor_max_[k, c, 1], top_k_coor_max_[k, c, 2] | |
x1, x2, y1, y2 = get_receptive_field_coordinates(layer_infos, activation_key, idx_x, idx_y) | |
img = np.array(img)[y1:y2, x1:x2, :] | |
hovertemplate = f"""Top-{col}<br>Activation value: {activation_value:.5f}<br>Class Label: {class_label}<br>Class id: {class_id}<br>Image id: {img_index}""" | |
fig.add_trace(go.Image(z=img, hovertemplate=hovertemplate), row=1, col=col) | |
fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=False, showgrid=False) | |
fig.update_yaxes(showticklabels=False, showgrid=False) | |
fig.update_layout(margin={'b':0, 't':top_margin, 'r':0, 'l':0}) | |
fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, yaxis_title=row) | |
fig.update_layout(height=100, plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)') | |
fig.update_layout(hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor="#e9f2f7")) | |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) | |
else: | |
col2.markdown(f'Chosen layer: <code>None</code>', unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
col2.markdown("""<style>div[data-stale]:has(iframe) {height: 0};""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |