import os |
import datetime |
import logging |
import itertools |
from collections import OrderedDict |
from collections import defaultdict |
import copy |
import json |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from tabulate import tabulate |
from lvis.lvis import LVIS |
from lvis.results import LVISResults |
import pycocotools.mask as mask_utils |
from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager |
import detectron2.utils.comm as comm |
from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog |
from detectron2.evaluation.coco_evaluation import instances_to_coco_json |
from detectron2.utils.logger import create_small_table |
from detectron2.evaluation import DatasetEvaluator |
def compute_average_precision(precision, recall): |
"""Compute Average Precision according to the definition in VOCdevkit. |
Precision is modified to ensure that it does not decrease as recall |
decrease. |
Args: |
precision: A float [N, 1] numpy array of precisions |
recall: A float [N, 1] numpy array of recalls |
Raises: |
ValueError: if the input is not of the correct format |
Returns: |
average_precison: The area under the precision recall curve. NaN if |
precision and recall are None. |
""" |
if precision is None: |
if recall is not None: |
raise ValueError("If precision is None, recall must also be None") |
return np.NAN |
if not isinstance(precision, np.ndarray) or not isinstance( |
recall, np.ndarray): |
raise ValueError("precision and recall must be numpy array") |
if precision.dtype != np.float or recall.dtype != np.float: |
raise ValueError("input must be float numpy array.") |
if len(precision) != len(recall): |
raise ValueError("precision and recall must be of the same size.") |
if not precision.size: |
return 0.0 |
if np.amin(precision) < 0 or np.amax(precision) > 1: |
raise ValueError("Precision must be in the range of [0, 1].") |
if np.amin(recall) < 0 or np.amax(recall) > 1: |
raise ValueError("recall must be in the range of [0, 1].") |
if not all(recall[i] <= recall[i + 1] for i in range(len(recall) - 1)): |
raise ValueError("recall must be a non-decreasing array") |
recall = np.concatenate([[0], recall, [1]]) |
precision = np.concatenate([[0], precision, [0]]) |
for i in range(len(precision) - 2, -1, -1): |
precision[i] = np.maximum(precision[i], precision[i + 1]) |
indices = np.where(recall[1:] != recall[:-1])[0] + 1 |
average_precision = np.sum( |
(recall[indices] - recall[indices - 1]) * precision[indices]) |
return average_precision |
class OIDEval: |
def __init__( |
self, lvis_gt, lvis_dt, iou_type="bbox", expand_pred_label=False, |
oid_hierarchy_path='./datasets/oid/annotations/challenge-2019-label500-hierarchy.json'): |
"""Constructor for OIDEval. |
Args: |
lvis_gt (LVIS class instance, or str containing path of annotation file) |
lvis_dt (LVISResult class instance, or str containing path of result file, |
or list of dict) |
iou_type (str): segm or bbox evaluation |
""" |
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
if iou_type not in ["bbox", "segm"]: |
raise ValueError("iou_type: {} is not supported.".format(iou_type)) |
if isinstance(lvis_gt, LVIS): |
self.lvis_gt = lvis_gt |
elif isinstance(lvis_gt, str): |
self.lvis_gt = LVIS(lvis_gt) |
else: |
raise TypeError("Unsupported type {} of lvis_gt.".format(lvis_gt)) |
if isinstance(lvis_dt, LVISResults): |
self.lvis_dt = lvis_dt |
elif isinstance(lvis_dt, (str, list)): |
self.lvis_dt = LVISResults(self.lvis_gt, lvis_dt) |
else: |
raise TypeError("Unsupported type {} of lvis_dt.".format(lvis_dt)) |
if expand_pred_label: |
oid_hierarchy = json.load(open(oid_hierarchy_path, 'r')) |
cat_info = self.lvis_gt.dataset['categories'] |
freebase2id = {x['freebase_id']: x['id'] for x in cat_info} |
id2freebase = {x['id']: x['freebase_id'] for x in cat_info} |
id2name = {x['id']: x['name'] for x in cat_info} |
fas = defaultdict(set) |
def dfs(hierarchy, cur_id): |
all_childs = set() |
all_keyed_child = {} |
if 'Subcategory' in hierarchy: |
for x in hierarchy['Subcategory']: |
childs = dfs(x, freebase2id[x['LabelName']]) |
all_childs.update(childs) |
if cur_id != -1: |
for c in all_childs: |
fas[c].add(cur_id) |
all_childs.add(cur_id) |
return all_childs |
dfs(oid_hierarchy, -1) |
expanded_pred = [] |
id_count = 0 |
for d in self.lvis_dt.dataset['annotations']: |
cur_id = d['category_id'] |
ids = [cur_id] + [x for x in fas[cur_id]] |
for cat_id in ids: |
new_box = copy.deepcopy(d) |
id_count = id_count + 1 |
new_box['id'] = id_count |
new_box['category_id'] = cat_id |
expanded_pred.append(new_box) |
print('Expanding original {} preds to {} preds'.format( |
len(self.lvis_dt.dataset['annotations']), |
len(expanded_pred) |
)) |
self.lvis_dt.dataset['annotations'] = expanded_pred |
self.lvis_dt._create_index() |
self.eval_imgs = defaultdict(list) |
self.eval = {} |
self._gts = defaultdict(list) |
self._dts = defaultdict(list) |
self.params = Params(iou_type=iou_type) |
self.results = OrderedDict() |
self.ious = {} |
self.params.img_ids = sorted(self.lvis_gt.get_img_ids()) |
self.params.cat_ids = sorted(self.lvis_gt.get_cat_ids()) |
def _to_mask(self, anns, lvis): |
for ann in anns: |
rle = lvis.ann_to_rle(ann) |
ann["segmentation"] = rle |
def _prepare(self): |
"""Prepare self._gts and self._dts for evaluation based on params.""" |
cat_ids = self.params.cat_ids if self.params.cat_ids else None |
gts = self.lvis_gt.load_anns( |
self.lvis_gt.get_ann_ids(img_ids=self.params.img_ids, cat_ids=cat_ids) |
) |
dts = self.lvis_dt.load_anns( |
self.lvis_dt.get_ann_ids(img_ids=self.params.img_ids, cat_ids=cat_ids) |
) |
if self.params.iou_type == "segm": |
self._to_mask(gts, self.lvis_gt) |
self._to_mask(dts, self.lvis_dt) |
for gt in gts: |
self._gts[gt["image_id"], gt["category_id"]].append(gt) |
img_data = self.lvis_gt.load_imgs(ids=self.params.img_ids) |
img_nl = {d["id"]: d["neg_category_ids"] for d in img_data} |
img_pl = {d["id"]: d["pos_category_ids"] for d in img_data} |
for ann in gts: |
assert ann["category_id"] in img_pl[ann["image_id"]] |
for dt in dts: |
img_id, cat_id = dt["image_id"], dt["category_id"] |
if cat_id not in img_nl[img_id] and cat_id not in img_pl[img_id]: |
continue |
self._dts[img_id, cat_id].append(dt) |
def evaluate(self): |
""" |
Run per image evaluation on given images and store results |
(a list of dict) in self.eval_imgs. |
""" |
self.logger.info("Running per image evaluation.") |
self.logger.info("Evaluate annotation type *{}*".format(self.params.iou_type)) |
self.params.img_ids = list(np.unique(self.params.img_ids)) |
if self.params.use_cats: |
cat_ids = self.params.cat_ids |
else: |
cat_ids = [-1] |
self._prepare() |
self.ious = { |
(img_id, cat_id): self.compute_iou(img_id, cat_id) |
for img_id in self.params.img_ids |
for cat_id in cat_ids |
} |
print('Evaluating ...') |
self.eval_imgs = [ |
self.evaluate_img_google(img_id, cat_id, area_rng) |
for cat_id in cat_ids |
for area_rng in self.params.area_rng |
for img_id in self.params.img_ids |
] |
def _get_gt_dt(self, img_id, cat_id): |
"""Create gt, dt which are list of anns/dets. If use_cats is true |
only anns/dets corresponding to tuple (img_id, cat_id) will be |
used. Else, all anns/dets in image are used and cat_id is not used. |
""" |
if self.params.use_cats: |
gt = self._gts[img_id, cat_id] |
dt = self._dts[img_id, cat_id] |
else: |
gt = [ |
_ann |
for _cat_id in self.params.cat_ids |
for _ann in self._gts[img_id, cat_id] |
] |
dt = [ |
_ann |
for _cat_id in self.params.cat_ids |
for _ann in self._dts[img_id, cat_id] |
] |
return gt, dt |
def compute_iou(self, img_id, cat_id): |
gt, dt = self._get_gt_dt(img_id, cat_id) |
if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) == 0: |
return [] |
idx = np.argsort([-d["score"] for d in dt], kind="mergesort") |
dt = [dt[i] for i in idx] |
iscrowd = [int('iscrowd' in g and g['iscrowd'] > 0) for g in gt] |
if self.params.iou_type == "segm": |
ann_type = "segmentation" |
elif self.params.iou_type == "bbox": |
ann_type = "bbox" |
else: |
raise ValueError("Unknown iou_type for iou computation.") |
gt = [g[ann_type] for g in gt] |
dt = [d[ann_type] for d in dt] |
ious = mask_utils.iou(dt, gt, iscrowd) |
return ious |
def evaluate_img_google(self, img_id, cat_id, area_rng): |
gt, dt = self._get_gt_dt(img_id, cat_id) |
if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) == 0: |
return None |
if len(dt) == 0: |
return { |
"image_id": img_id, |
"category_id": cat_id, |
"area_rng": area_rng, |
"dt_ids": [], |
"dt_matches": np.array([], dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, -1), |
"dt_scores": [], |
"dt_ignore": np.array([], dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, -1), |
'num_gt': len(gt) |
} |
no_crowd_inds = [i for i, g in enumerate(gt) \ |
if ('iscrowd' not in g) or g['iscrowd'] == 0] |
crowd_inds = [i for i, g in enumerate(gt) \ |
if 'iscrowd' in g and g['iscrowd'] == 1] |
dt_idx = np.argsort([-d["score"] for d in dt], kind="mergesort") |
if len(self.ious[img_id, cat_id]) > 0: |
ious = self.ious[img_id, cat_id] |
iou = ious[:, no_crowd_inds] |
iou = iou[dt_idx] |
ioa = ious[:, crowd_inds] |
ioa = ioa[dt_idx] |
else: |
iou = np.zeros((len(dt_idx), 0)) |
ioa = np.zeros((len(dt_idx), 0)) |
scores = np.array([dt[i]['score'] for i in dt_idx]) |
num_detected_boxes = len(dt) |
tp_fp_labels = np.zeros(num_detected_boxes, dtype=bool) |
is_matched_to_group_of = np.zeros(num_detected_boxes, dtype=bool) |
def compute_match_iou(iou): |
max_overlap_gt_ids = np.argmax(iou, axis=1) |
is_gt_detected = np.zeros(iou.shape[1], dtype=bool) |
for i in range(num_detected_boxes): |
gt_id = max_overlap_gt_ids[i] |
is_evaluatable = (not tp_fp_labels[i] and |
iou[i, gt_id] >= 0.5 and |
not is_matched_to_group_of[i]) |
if is_evaluatable: |
if not is_gt_detected[gt_id]: |
tp_fp_labels[i] = True |
is_gt_detected[gt_id] = True |
def compute_match_ioa(ioa): |
scores_group_of = np.zeros(ioa.shape[1], dtype=float) |
tp_fp_labels_group_of = np.ones( |
ioa.shape[1], dtype=float) |
max_overlap_group_of_gt_ids = np.argmax(ioa, axis=1) |
for i in range(num_detected_boxes): |
gt_id = max_overlap_group_of_gt_ids[i] |
is_evaluatable = (not tp_fp_labels[i] and |
ioa[i, gt_id] >= 0.5 and |
not is_matched_to_group_of[i]) |
if is_evaluatable: |
is_matched_to_group_of[i] = True |
scores_group_of[gt_id] = max(scores_group_of[gt_id], scores[i]) |
selector = np.where((scores_group_of > 0) & (tp_fp_labels_group_of > 0)) |
scores_group_of = scores_group_of[selector] |
tp_fp_labels_group_of = tp_fp_labels_group_of[selector] |
return scores_group_of, tp_fp_labels_group_of |
if iou.shape[1] > 0: |
compute_match_iou(iou) |
scores_box_group_of = np.ndarray([0], dtype=float) |
tp_fp_labels_box_group_of = np.ndarray([0], dtype=float) |
if ioa.shape[1] > 0: |
scores_box_group_of, tp_fp_labels_box_group_of = compute_match_ioa(ioa) |
valid_entries = (~is_matched_to_group_of) |
scores = np.concatenate( |
(scores[valid_entries], scores_box_group_of)) |
tp_fps = np.concatenate( |
(tp_fp_labels[valid_entries].astype(float), |
tp_fp_labels_box_group_of)) |
return { |
"image_id": img_id, |
"category_id": cat_id, |
"area_rng": area_rng, |
"dt_matches": np.array([1 if x > 0 else 0 for x in tp_fps], dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, -1), |
"dt_scores": [x for x in scores], |
"dt_ignore": np.array([0 for x in scores], dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, -1), |
'num_gt': len(gt) |
} |
def accumulate(self): |
"""Accumulate per image evaluation results and store the result in |
self.eval. |
""" |
self.logger.info("Accumulating evaluation results.") |
if not self.eval_imgs: |
self.logger.warn("Please run evaluate first.") |
if self.params.use_cats: |
cat_ids = self.params.cat_ids |
else: |
cat_ids = [-1] |
num_thrs = 1 |
num_recalls = 1 |
num_cats = len(cat_ids) |
num_area_rngs = 1 |
num_imgs = len(self.params.img_ids) |
precision = -np.ones( |
(num_thrs, num_recalls, num_cats, num_area_rngs) |
) |
recall = -np.ones((num_thrs, num_cats, num_area_rngs)) |
dt_pointers = {} |
for cat_idx in range(num_cats): |
dt_pointers[cat_idx] = {} |
for area_idx in range(num_area_rngs): |
dt_pointers[cat_idx][area_idx] = {} |
for cat_idx in range(num_cats): |
Nk = cat_idx * num_area_rngs * num_imgs |
for area_idx in range(num_area_rngs): |
Na = area_idx * num_imgs |
E = [ |
self.eval_imgs[Nk + Na + img_idx] |
for img_idx in range(num_imgs) |
] |
E = [e for e in E if not e is None] |
if len(E) == 0: |
continue |
dt_scores = np.concatenate([e["dt_scores"] for e in E], axis=0) |
dt_idx = np.argsort(-dt_scores, kind="mergesort") |
dt_scores = dt_scores[dt_idx] |
dt_m = np.concatenate([e["dt_matches"] for e in E], axis=1)[:, dt_idx] |
dt_ig = np.concatenate([e["dt_ignore"] for e in E], axis=1)[:, dt_idx] |
num_gt = sum([e['num_gt'] for e in E]) |
if num_gt == 0: |
continue |
tps = np.logical_and(dt_m, np.logical_not(dt_ig)) |
fps = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(dt_m), np.logical_not(dt_ig)) |
tp_sum = np.cumsum(tps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float) |
fp_sum = np.cumsum(fps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float) |
dt_pointers[cat_idx][area_idx] = { |
"tps": tps, |
"fps": fps, |
} |
for iou_thr_idx, (tp, fp) in enumerate(zip(tp_sum, fp_sum)): |
tp = np.array(tp) |
fp = np.array(fp) |
num_tp = len(tp) |
rc = tp / num_gt |
if num_tp: |
recall[iou_thr_idx, cat_idx, area_idx] = rc[ |
-1 |
] |
else: |
recall[iou_thr_idx, cat_idx, area_idx] = 0 |
pr = tp / (fp + tp + np.spacing(1)) |
pr = pr.tolist() |
for i in range(num_tp - 1, 0, -1): |
if pr[i] > pr[i - 1]: |
pr[i - 1] = pr[i] |
mAP = compute_average_precision( |
np.array(pr, np.float).reshape(-1), |
np.array(rc, np.float).reshape(-1)) |
precision[iou_thr_idx, :, cat_idx, area_idx] = mAP |
self.eval = { |
"params": self.params, |
"counts": [num_thrs, num_recalls, num_cats, num_area_rngs], |
"date": datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), |
"precision": precision, |
"recall": recall, |
"dt_pointers": dt_pointers, |
} |
def _summarize(self, summary_type): |
s = self.eval["precision"] |
if len(s[s > -1]) == 0: |
mean_s = -1 |
else: |
mean_s = np.mean(s[s > -1]) |
return mean_s |
def summarize(self): |
"""Compute and display summary metrics for evaluation results.""" |
if not self.eval: |
raise RuntimeError("Please run accumulate() first.") |
max_dets = self.params.max_dets |
self.results["AP50"] = self._summarize('ap') |
def run(self): |
"""Wrapper function which calculates the results.""" |
self.evaluate() |
self.accumulate() |
self.summarize() |
def print_results(self): |
template = " {:<18} {} @[ IoU={:<9} | area={:>6s} | maxDets={:>3d} catIds={:>3s}] = {:0.3f}" |
for key, value in self.results.items(): |
max_dets = self.params.max_dets |
if "AP" in key: |
title = "Average Precision" |
_type = "(AP)" |
else: |
title = "Average Recall" |
_type = "(AR)" |
if len(key) > 2 and key[2].isdigit(): |
iou_thr = (float(key[2:]) / 100) |
iou = "{:0.2f}".format(iou_thr) |
else: |
iou = "{:0.2f}:{:0.2f}".format( |
self.params.iou_thrs[0], self.params.iou_thrs[-1] |
) |
cat_group_name = "all" |
area_rng = "all" |
print(template.format(title, _type, iou, area_rng, max_dets, cat_group_name, value)) |
def get_results(self): |
if not self.results: |
self.logger.warn("results is empty. Call run().") |
return self.results |
class Params: |
def __init__(self, iou_type): |
self.img_ids = [] |
self.cat_ids = [] |
self.iou_thrs = np.linspace( |
0.5, 0.95, int(np.round((0.95 - 0.5) / 0.05)) + 1, endpoint=True |
) |
self.google_style = True |
self.iou_thrs = self.iou_thrs[:1] |
self.max_dets = 1000 |
self.area_rng = [ |
[0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], |
] |
self.area_rng_lbl = ["all"] |
self.use_cats = 1 |
self.iou_type = iou_type |
class OIDEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator): |
def __init__(self, dataset_name, cfg, distributed, output_dir=None): |
self._distributed = distributed |
self._output_dir = output_dir |
self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") |
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
self._metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name) |
json_file = PathManager.get_local_path(self._metadata.json_file) |
self._oid_api = LVIS(json_file) |
self._do_evaluation = len(self._oid_api.get_ann_ids()) > 0 |
self._mask_on = cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON |
def reset(self): |
self._predictions = [] |
self._oid_results = [] |
def process(self, inputs, outputs): |
for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs): |
prediction = {"image_id": input["image_id"]} |
instances = output["instances"].to(self._cpu_device) |
prediction["instances"] = instances_to_coco_json( |
instances, input["image_id"]) |
self._predictions.append(prediction) |
def evaluate(self): |
if self._distributed: |
comm.synchronize() |
self._predictions = comm.gather(self._predictions, dst=0) |
self._predictions = list(itertools.chain(*self._predictions)) |
if not comm.is_main_process(): |
return |
if len(self._predictions) == 0: |
self._logger.warning("[LVISEvaluator] Did not receive valid predictions.") |
return {} |
self._logger.info("Preparing results in the OID format ...") |
self._oid_results = list( |
itertools.chain(*[x["instances"] for x in self._predictions])) |
for result in self._oid_results: |
result["category_id"] += 1 |
PathManager.mkdirs(self._output_dir) |
file_path = os.path.join( |
self._output_dir, "oid_instances_results.json") |
self._logger.info("Saving results to {}".format(file_path)) |
with PathManager.open(file_path, "w") as f: |
f.write(json.dumps(self._oid_results)) |
f.flush() |
if not self._do_evaluation: |
self._logger.info("Annotations are not available for evaluation.") |
return |
self._logger.info("Evaluating predictions ...") |
self._results = OrderedDict() |
res, mAP = _evaluate_predictions_on_oid( |
self._oid_api, |
file_path, |
eval_seg=self._mask_on, |
class_names=self._metadata.get("thing_classes"), |
) |
self._results['bbox'] = res |
mAP_out_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "oid_mAP.npy") |
self._logger.info('Saving mAP to' + mAP_out_path) |
np.save(mAP_out_path, mAP) |
return copy.deepcopy(self._results) |
def _evaluate_predictions_on_oid( |
oid_gt, oid_results_path, eval_seg=False, |
class_names=None): |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
metrics = ["AP50", "AP50_expand"] |
results = {} |
oid_eval = OIDEval(oid_gt, oid_results_path, 'bbox', expand_pred_label=False) |
oid_eval.run() |
oid_eval.print_results() |
results["AP50"] = oid_eval.get_results()["AP50"] |
if eval_seg: |
oid_eval = OIDEval(oid_gt, oid_results_path, 'segm', expand_pred_label=False) |
oid_eval.run() |
oid_eval.print_results() |
results["AP50_segm"] = oid_eval.get_results()["AP50"] |
else: |
oid_eval = OIDEval(oid_gt, oid_results_path, 'bbox', expand_pred_label=True) |
oid_eval.run() |
oid_eval.print_results() |
results["AP50_expand"] = oid_eval.get_results()["AP50"] |
mAP = np.zeros(len(class_names)) - 1 |
precisions = oid_eval.eval['precision'] |
assert len(class_names) == precisions.shape[2] |
results_per_category = [] |
id2apiid = sorted(oid_gt.get_cat_ids()) |
inst_aware_ap, inst_count = 0, 0 |
for idx, name in enumerate(class_names): |
precision = precisions[:, :, idx, 0] |
precision = precision[precision > -1] |
ap = np.mean(precision) if precision.size else float("nan") |
inst_num = len(oid_gt.get_ann_ids(cat_ids=[id2apiid[idx]])) |
if inst_num > 0: |
results_per_category.append(("{} {}".format( |
name.replace(' ', '_'), |
inst_num if inst_num < 1000 else '{:.1f}k'.format(inst_num / 1000)), |
float(ap * 100))) |
inst_aware_ap += inst_num * ap |
inst_count += inst_num |
mAP[idx] = ap |
inst_aware_ap = inst_aware_ap * 100 / inst_count |
N_COLS = min(6, len(results_per_category) * 2) |
results_flatten = list(itertools.chain(*results_per_category)) |
results_2d = itertools.zip_longest(*[results_flatten[i::N_COLS] for i in range(N_COLS)]) |
table = tabulate( |
results_2d, |
tablefmt="pipe", |
floatfmt=".3f", |
headers=["category", "AP"] * (N_COLS // 2), |
numalign="left", |
) |
logger.info("Per-category {} AP: \n".format('bbox') + table) |
logger.info("Instance-aware {} AP: {:.4f}".format('bbox', inst_aware_ap)) |
logger.info("Evaluation results for bbox: \n" + \ |
create_small_table(results)) |
return results, mAP |