import streamlit as st | |
from collections import Counter | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
import keras | |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import text,sequence | |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer | |
import nltk | |'punkt') | |
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize | |'stopwords') | |
from nltk.corpus import stopwords | |'wordnet') | |
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer | |
from textblob import TextBlob, Blobber | |
from textblob_fr import PatternTagger, PatternAnalyzer | |
import spacy.cli | |"fr_core_news_md") | |
import torch | |
import sentencepiece as spm | |
from transformers import CamembertTokenizer, CamembertModel | |
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize | |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity | |
# nombre de mots et de mots uniques | |
def number_words(text): | |
word = text.split() | |
return f'Nombre de mots : {len(word)}', f'Nombre de mots uniques : {len(Counter(word))}' | |
# polarité | |
def polarity(text): | |
tb = Blobber(pos_tagger=PatternTagger(), analyzer=PatternAnalyzer()) | |
if tb(text).sentiment[0] < 0: | |
return f'La polarité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[0]} : ce texte est plus négatif que positif' | |
elif tb(text).sentiment[0] > 0: | |
return f'La polarité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[0]} : ce texte est plus positif que négatif' | |
else : | |
return f'La polarité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[0]} : ce texte est neutre, pas plus négatif que positif' | |
# subjectivité | |
def subjectivity(text): | |
tb = Blobber(pos_tagger=PatternTagger(), analyzer=PatternAnalyzer()) | |
if tb(text).sentiment[1] < 0.5: | |
return f'La subjectivité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[1]} : ce texte est plus subjectif que factuel' | |
elif tb(text).sentiment[1] > 0.5: | |
return f'La subjectivité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[1]} : ce texte est plus subjectif que factuel' | |
else : | |
return f'La subjectivité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[1]} : ce texte est neutre, pas plus subjectif que factuel' | |
# mots clés | |
def keywords(text): | |
nlp = spacy.load("fr_core_news_md") | |
text2 = nlp(text) | |
text_keywords = [token.text for token in text2 if token.pos_== 'NOUN' or token.pos_== 'PROPN' or token.pos_== 'VERB'] | |
counter_words = Counter(text_keywords) | |
most_freq_words = [word for word in counter_words.most_common(10)] | |
most_freq_words_p = [] | |
for i in range(len(most_freq_words)): | |
mfwp = most_freq_words[i][0] | |
most_freq_words_p.append(mfwp) | |
return 'mots clés :', ', '.join(most_freq_words_p) | |
# summary1 | |
def summary_1(text): | |
model = CamembertModel.from_pretrained('camembert-base') | |
tokenizer = CamembertTokenizer.from_pretrained('camembert-base') | |
## preprocessing | |
sentences = sent_tokenize(text) | |
tokenized_sentences = [tokenizer.encode(sent, add_special_tokens=True) for sent in sentences] | |
## padding, encoding | |
max_len = 0 | |
for i in tokenized_sentences: | |
if len(i) > max_len: | |
max_len = len(i) | |
padded_sentences = [] | |
for i in tokenized_sentences: | |
while len(i) < max_len: | |
i.append(0) | |
padded_sentences.append(i) | |
input_ids = torch.tensor(padded_sentences) | |
## embedding | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
last_hidden_states = model(input_ids)[0] | |
sentence_embeddings = [] | |
for i in range(len(sentences)): | |
sentence_embeddings.append(torch.mean(last_hidden_states[i], dim=0).numpy()) | |
## summarizing | |
similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(sentence_embeddings) | |
num_sentences = 3 | |
summary_sentences = [] | |
for i in range(num_sentences): | |
sentence_scores = list(enumerate(similarity_matrix[i])) | |
sentence_scores = sorted(sentence_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) | |
summary_sentences.append(sentences[sentence_scores[1][0]]) | |
summary = ' '.join(summary_sentences) | |
return summary | |
# summary2 | |
def summary_2(text): | |
nlp = spacy.load("fr_core_news_md") | |
text2 = nlp(text) | |
text_keywords = [token.text for token in text2 if token.pos_== 'NOUN' or token.pos_== 'PROPN'] | |
counter_words = Counter(text_keywords) | |
most_freq_words = [word for word in counter_words.most_common(3)] | |
most_freq_words_p = [] | |
for i in range(len(most_freq_words)): | |
mfwp = most_freq_words[i][0] | |
most_freq_words_p.append(mfwp) | |
sentences = sent_tokenize(text) | |
summary = [] | |
for sent in sentences: | |
for word in sent.split(): | |
if word in most_freq_words_p and sent not in summary: | |
summary.append(sent) | |
return summary | |
def analyze_text(text): | |
nb_mots = number_words(text) | |
polarite = polarity(text) | |
subjectivite = subjectivity(text) | |
mots_cles = keywords(text) | |
resume1 = summary_1(text) | |
resume2 = summary_2(text) | |
return nb_mots, polarite, subjectivite, mots_cles, resume1, resume2 | |
st.title("Text Analysis and Summary") | |
text = st.text_area("Enter text here:") | |
if st.button("Analyze"): | |
if text: | |
nb_mots, polarite, subjectivite, mots_cles, resume1, resume2 = analyze_text(text) | |
st.write(f'Nombre de mots : {nb_mots}') | |
st.write(f'Polarité : {polarite}') | |
st.write(f'Subjectivité : {subjectivite}') | |
st.write(f'Mots clés : {", ".join(mots_cles)}') | |
st.write(f'Résumé 1 : {resume1}') | |
st.write(f'Résumé 2 : {resume2}') | |