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from db import fetch_db_rows_as_dicts
import google.generativeai as genai
import json
import os
import pandas as pd
model = genai.GenerativeModel(model_name = "gemini-pro")
def load_json_from_string(json_string):
data = json.loads(json_string)
return data
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
print(f"Error decoding JSON: {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
def concatenate_keys(keys):
concatenated_string = ""
for i, d in enumerate(keys, start=1):
concatenated_string += f"{i}. {d}"
return concatenated_string.strip()
def transform_to_dict_of_dicts(columns, rows):
# Initialize the result dictionary
result = {}
# Iterate over each row
for row in rows:
# The first element of the row is the key for the outer dictionary
outer_key = row[0].strip()
# Initialize the inner dictionary
inner_dict = {}
# Iterate over the rest of the elements in the row
for i, value in enumerate(row[1:], start=1):
# The corresponding column name is the key for the inner dictionary
inner_key = columns[i].strip()
# Add the key-value pair to the inner dictionary
inner_dict[inner_key] = value
# Add the inner dictionary to the result dictionary with the outer key
result[outer_key] = inner_dict
return result
def transform_topologies_to_dict(columns, rows):
# Initialize the result dictionary
result = {}
# Iterate over each row
for row in rows:
# The first element of the row is the key for the outer dictionary
outer_key = row[0].strip()
# Initialize the inner dictionary
inner_dict = {}
# Iterate over the rest of the elements in the row
for i, value in enumerate(row[1:], start=1):
# The corresponding column name is the key for the inner dictionary
inner_key = columns[i].strip()
# Add the key-value pair to the inner dictionary
inner_dict[inner_key] = value
# Add the inner dictionary to the result dictionary with the outer key
result[outer_key] = inner_dict
return result
def listNeeds(tableName, dbName='data.sqlite'):
needs, rows = fetch_db_rows_as_dicts(dbName, tableName)
needsDict = transform_to_dict_of_dicts(needs, rows)
return list(needsDict.keys()), needsDict
def findTop3MoneyNeeds(proposition):
moneyNeeds, rows = fetch_db_rows_as_dicts('data.sqlite', 'money_needs')
moneyNeedsDict = transform_to_dict_of_dicts(moneyNeeds, rows)
needs = findTop3Needs(proposition, list(moneyNeedsDict.keys()))
needDictIndexes = []
for need in needs:
return needs, needDictIndexes
def findTop3CustomerExperienceNeeds(proposition):
moneyNeeds, rows = fetch_db_rows_as_dicts('data.sqlite', 'customer_exp')
moneyNeedsDict = transform_to_dict_of_dicts(moneyNeeds, rows)
needs = findTop3Needs(proposition, list(moneyNeedsDict.keys()))
needDictIndexes = []
for need in needs:
return needs, needDictIndexes
def findTop3SustainabilityNeeds(proposition):
print(" Proposition sustain = {}".format(proposition))
allNeeds, rows = fetch_db_rows_as_dicts('data.sqlite', 'sustainability')
needsDict = transform_to_dict_of_dicts(allNeeds, rows)
needs = findTop3Needs(proposition, list(needsDict.keys()))
needDictIndexes = []
for need in needs:
return needs, needDictIndexes
def findTop3Needs(proposition, needs):
needsString = concatenate_keys(needs)
prompt = '''You have this comma separated listed needs of customers
Now given a proposition
Find the best 3 strings out of the above numbered list which best matches this proposition. Return in output only the number next to the matching string strictly only in json under a list called matches
needsPrompt = prompt.format(needsString, proposition)
response = model.generate_content([needsPrompt])
output = response.text
output = output.replace('```json', '')
output = output.replace('```', '')
obj = load_json_from_string(output)
needsIndexes = [needs[int(idx)-1] for idx in obj['matches']]
return needsIndexes #obj['matches']
def findTop3Topologies(proposition, demographic):
topologies = pd.read_csv('topologies_desc.csv', encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
topologies = topologies.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
topologyAttributes = topologies['Column1']
topologyNames = list(topologies.columns)
#print(" topologyNames = {} ", topologyNames)
topologyDetails = {}
for name in topologyNames:
topologyDetails[name] = {}
for attribute in topologyAttributes:
topologyDetails[name][attribute] = topologies[name][pd.Index(topologies['Column1']).get_loc(attribute)]
prompt = '''You have these listed topology names of a demographic in comma separated values below
Now for each of these above topologies here are the details
Now given a proposition details below
and given a demographic details below
Find the best 3 common strings out of the topology names which matches the proposition and the demographic the most. Return output strictly only in json under a list called matches
topologyPrompt = prompt.format(", ".join(topologyNames), str(topologyDetails), proposition, demographic)
response = model.generate_content([topologyPrompt])
output = response.text
output = output.replace('```json', '')
output = output.replace('```', '')
obj = load_json_from_string(output)
return obj['matches'], topologyDetails
def generatePropositionExample(productName, selectedProduct, moneyNeeds, customerExperience, sutainabilityNeeds):
proposal = '''You are a business sales professional who can form propostion summary of 100 words based upon the details.
Please take the below details and summarize a propostion in less than 100 words.
product name = {}
product type = {}
money needs of customer which this product is supposed to target = {}
Customer experience needs which our company will provide = {}
Sustainability needs which our product takes care of = {}
proposal = proposal.format(productName, selectedProduct, moneyNeeds, customerExperience, sutainabilityNeeds)
response = model.generate_content([proposal])
return response.text
# def findTop3Needs(proposition, moneyNeeds):
# moneyNeedsString = concatenate_keys(moneyNeeds)
# print(moneyNeedsString)
# prompt = '''You have these listed needs of customers
# {}
# Now given a proposition
# "{}"
# Find the best 3 strings out of the list which matches this proposition. Return output strictly only in json under a list called matches
# '''
# moneyNeedsPrompt = prompt.format(moneyNeedsString, proposition)
# response = model.generate_content([moneyNeedsPrompt])
# output = response.text
# output = output.replace('```json', '')
# output = output.replace('```', '')
# obj = load_json_from_string(output)
# print(obj)
# return obj['matches']
# findTop3Topologies('We have a product for family people giving them discounts and low interest loans for home appliances. They can pay us back in small instalments over the course of 4 years',
# 'CharlesTown city people are young families people mostly with a population of 20000. Out of this 65% are between the age of 30-45. Most of them have kids aged between 0-15')
#findTop3SustainabilityNeeds('We support Home appliances are all electric and use no fuel based energy')
#We provide a credit card which gives 10% discount on purchasing home appliances and also provides low interest rates based loans
#customer need - We provide our customer with utmost comfort and at home service
# subscriber take out
# 250 and below with a negative factor of 2.0
# 260 with a negative factor of 1.8
# 270 with a negative factor of 1.6
# 280 with a negative factor of 1.0
# 300 with a factor of 1
# 310 with a factor of 1.2
# 320 with a factor of 1.4
# 340 with a factor or 1.5
# 360+ with a factor of 2.0