# Natural Language Toolkit: Recursive Descent Parser Application | |
# | |
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project | |
# Author: Edward Loper <> | |
# URL: <> | |
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT | |
""" | |
A graphical tool for exploring the recursive descent parser. | |
The recursive descent parser maintains a tree, which records the | |
structure of the portion of the text that has been parsed. It uses | |
CFG productions to expand the fringe of the tree, and matches its | |
leaves against the text. Initially, the tree contains the start | |
symbol ("S"). It is shown in the main canvas, to the right of the | |
list of available expansions. | |
The parser builds up a tree structure for the text using three | |
operations: | |
- "expand" uses a CFG production to add children to a node on the | |
fringe of the tree. | |
- "match" compares a leaf in the tree to a text token. | |
- "backtrack" returns the tree to its state before the most recent | |
expand or match operation. | |
The parser maintains a list of tree locations called a "frontier" to | |
remember which nodes have not yet been expanded and which leaves have | |
not yet been matched against the text. The leftmost frontier node is | |
shown in green, and the other frontier nodes are shown in blue. The | |
parser always performs expand and match operations on the leftmost | |
element of the frontier. | |
You can control the parser's operation by using the "expand," "match," | |
and "backtrack" buttons; or you can use the "step" button to let the | |
parser automatically decide which operation to apply. The parser uses | |
the following rules to decide which operation to apply: | |
- If the leftmost frontier element is a token, try matching it. | |
- If the leftmost frontier element is a node, try expanding it with | |
the first untried expansion. | |
- Otherwise, backtrack. | |
The "expand" button applies the untried expansion whose CFG production | |
is listed earliest in the grammar. To manually choose which expansion | |
to apply, click on a CFG production from the list of available | |
expansions, on the left side of the main window. | |
The "autostep" button will let the parser continue applying | |
applications to the tree until it reaches a complete parse. You can | |
cancel an autostep in progress at any time by clicking on the | |
"autostep" button again. | |
Keyboard Shortcuts:: | |
[Space]\t Perform the next expand, match, or backtrack operation | |
[a]\t Step through operations until the next complete parse | |
[e]\t Perform an expand operation | |
[m]\t Perform a match operation | |
[b]\t Perform a backtrack operation | |
[Delete]\t Reset the parser | |
[g]\t Show/hide available expansions list | |
[h]\t Help | |
[Ctrl-p]\t Print | |
[q]\t Quit | |
""" | |
from tkinter import Button, Frame, IntVar, Label, Listbox, Menu, Scrollbar, Tk | |
from tkinter.font import Font | |
from nltk.draw import CFGEditor, TreeSegmentWidget, tree_to_treesegment | |
from nltk.draw.util import CanvasFrame, EntryDialog, ShowText, TextWidget | |
from nltk.parse import SteppingRecursiveDescentParser | |
from nltk.tree import Tree | |
from nltk.util import in_idle | |
class RecursiveDescentApp: | |
""" | |
A graphical tool for exploring the recursive descent parser. The tool | |
displays the parser's tree and the remaining text, and allows the | |
user to control the parser's operation. In particular, the user | |
can expand subtrees on the frontier, match tokens on the frontier | |
against the text, and backtrack. A "step" button simply steps | |
through the parsing process, performing the operations that | |
``RecursiveDescentParser`` would use. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, grammar, sent, trace=0): | |
self._sent = sent | |
self._parser = SteppingRecursiveDescentParser(grammar, trace) | |
# Set up the main window. | |
self._top = Tk() | |
self._top.title("Recursive Descent Parser Application") | |
# Set up key bindings. | |
self._init_bindings() | |
# Initialize the fonts. | |
self._init_fonts(self._top) | |
# Animations. animating_lock is a lock to prevent the demo | |
# from performing new operations while it's animating. | |
self._animation_frames = IntVar(self._top) | |
self._animation_frames.set(5) | |
self._animating_lock = 0 | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
# The user can hide the grammar. | |
self._show_grammar = IntVar(self._top) | |
self._show_grammar.set(1) | |
# Create the basic frames. | |
self._init_menubar(self._top) | |
self._init_buttons(self._top) | |
self._init_feedback(self._top) | |
self._init_grammar(self._top) | |
self._init_canvas(self._top) | |
# Initialize the parser. | |
self._parser.initialize(self._sent) | |
# Resize callback | |
self._canvas.bind("<Configure>", self._configure) | |
######################################### | |
## Initialization Helpers | |
######################################### | |
def _init_fonts(self, root): | |
# See: <> | |
self._sysfont = Font(font=Button()["font"]) | |
root.option_add("*Font", self._sysfont) | |
# TWhat's our font size (default=same as sysfont) | |
self._size = IntVar(root) | |
self._size.set(self._sysfont.cget("size")) | |
self._boldfont = Font(family="helvetica", weight="bold", size=self._size.get()) | |
self._font = Font(family="helvetica", size=self._size.get()) | |
if self._size.get() < 0: | |
big = self._size.get() - 2 | |
else: | |
big = self._size.get() + 2 | |
self._bigfont = Font(family="helvetica", weight="bold", size=big) | |
def _init_grammar(self, parent): | |
# Grammar view. | |
self._prodframe = listframe = Frame(parent) | |
self._prodframe.pack(fill="both", side="left", padx=2) | |
self._prodlist_label = Label( | |
self._prodframe, font=self._boldfont, text="Available Expansions" | |
) | |
self._prodlist_label.pack() | |
self._prodlist = Listbox( | |
self._prodframe, | |
selectmode="single", | |
relief="groove", | |
background="white", | |
foreground="#909090", | |
font=self._font, | |
selectforeground="#004040", | |
selectbackground="#c0f0c0", | |
) | |
self._prodlist.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=1) | |
self._productions = list(self._parser.grammar().productions()) | |
for production in self._productions: | |
self._prodlist.insert("end", (" %s" % production)) | |
self._prodlist.config(height=min(len(self._productions), 25)) | |
# Add a scrollbar if there are more than 25 productions. | |
if len(self._productions) > 25: | |
listscroll = Scrollbar(self._prodframe, orient="vertical") | |
self._prodlist.config(yscrollcommand=listscroll.set) | |
listscroll.config(command=self._prodlist.yview) | |
listscroll.pack(side="left", fill="y") | |
# If they select a production, apply it. | |
self._prodlist.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self._prodlist_select) | |
def _init_bindings(self): | |
# Key bindings are a good thing. | |
self._top.bind("<Control-q>", self.destroy) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-x>", self.destroy) | |
self._top.bind("<Escape>", self.destroy) | |
self._top.bind("e", self.expand) | |
# self._top.bind('<Alt-e>', self.expand) | |
# self._top.bind('<Control-e>', self.expand) | |
self._top.bind("m", self.match) | |
self._top.bind("<Alt-m>", self.match) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-m>", self.match) | |
self._top.bind("b", self.backtrack) | |
self._top.bind("<Alt-b>", self.backtrack) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-b>", self.backtrack) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-z>", self.backtrack) | |
self._top.bind("<BackSpace>", self.backtrack) | |
self._top.bind("a", self.autostep) | |
# self._top.bind('<Control-a>', self.autostep) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-space>", self.autostep) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-c>", self.cancel_autostep) | |
self._top.bind("<space>", self.step) | |
self._top.bind("<Delete>", self.reset) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-p>", self.postscript) | |
# self._top.bind('<h>', | |
# self._top.bind('<Alt-h>', | |
self._top.bind("<Control-h>", | |
self._top.bind("<F1>", | |
# self._top.bind('<g>', self.toggle_grammar) | |
# self._top.bind('<Alt-g>', self.toggle_grammar) | |
# self._top.bind('<Control-g>', self.toggle_grammar) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-g>", self.edit_grammar) | |
self._top.bind("<Control-t>", self.edit_sentence) | |
def _init_buttons(self, parent): | |
# Set up the frames. | |
self._buttonframe = buttonframe = Frame(parent) | |
buttonframe.pack(fill="none", side="bottom", padx=3, pady=2) | |
Button( | |
buttonframe, | |
text="Step", | |
background="#90c0d0", | |
foreground="black", | |
command=self.step, | |
).pack(side="left") | |
Button( | |
buttonframe, | |
text="Autostep", | |
background="#90c0d0", | |
foreground="black", | |
command=self.autostep, | |
).pack(side="left") | |
Button( | |
buttonframe, | |
text="Expand", | |
underline=0, | |
background="#90f090", | |
foreground="black", | |
command=self.expand, | |
).pack(side="left") | |
Button( | |
buttonframe, | |
text="Match", | |
underline=0, | |
background="#90f090", | |
foreground="black", | |
command=self.match, | |
).pack(side="left") | |
Button( | |
buttonframe, | |
text="Backtrack", | |
underline=0, | |
background="#f0a0a0", | |
foreground="black", | |
command=self.backtrack, | |
).pack(side="left") | |
# Replace autostep... | |
# self._autostep_button = Button(buttonframe, text='Autostep', | |
# underline=0, command=self.autostep) | |
# self._autostep_button.pack(side='left') | |
def _configure(self, event): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._cframe.scrollregion() | |
y2 = event.height - 6 | |
self._canvas["scrollregion"] = "%d %d %d %d" % (x1, y1, x2, y2) | |
self._redraw() | |
def _init_feedback(self, parent): | |
self._feedbackframe = feedbackframe = Frame(parent) | |
feedbackframe.pack(fill="x", side="bottom", padx=3, pady=3) | |
self._lastoper_label = Label( | |
feedbackframe, text="Last Operation:", font=self._font | |
) | |
self._lastoper_label.pack(side="left") | |
lastoperframe = Frame(feedbackframe, relief="sunken", border=1) | |
lastoperframe.pack(fill="x", side="right", expand=1, padx=5) | |
self._lastoper1 = Label( | |
lastoperframe, foreground="#007070", background="#f0f0f0", font=self._font | |
) | |
self._lastoper2 = Label( | |
lastoperframe, | |
anchor="w", | |
width=30, | |
foreground="#004040", | |
background="#f0f0f0", | |
font=self._font, | |
) | |
self._lastoper1.pack(side="left") | |
self._lastoper2.pack(side="left", fill="x", expand=1) | |
def _init_canvas(self, parent): | |
self._cframe = CanvasFrame( | |
parent, | |
background="white", | |
# width=525, height=250, | |
closeenough=10, | |
border=2, | |
relief="sunken", | |
) | |
self._cframe.pack(expand=1, fill="both", side="top", pady=2) | |
canvas = self._canvas = self._cframe.canvas() | |
# Initially, there's no tree or text | |
self._tree = None | |
self._textwidgets = [] | |
self._textline = None | |
def _init_menubar(self, parent): | |
menubar = Menu(parent) | |
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) | |
filemenu.add_command( | |
label="Reset Parser", underline=0, command=self.reset, accelerator="Del" | |
) | |
filemenu.add_command( | |
label="Print to Postscript", | |
underline=0, | |
command=self.postscript, | |
accelerator="Ctrl-p", | |
) | |
filemenu.add_command( | |
label="Exit", underline=1, command=self.destroy, accelerator="Ctrl-x" | |
) | |
menubar.add_cascade(label="File", underline=0, menu=filemenu) | |
editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) | |
editmenu.add_command( | |
label="Edit Grammar", | |
underline=5, | |
command=self.edit_grammar, | |
accelerator="Ctrl-g", | |
) | |
editmenu.add_command( | |
label="Edit Text", | |
underline=5, | |
command=self.edit_sentence, | |
accelerator="Ctrl-t", | |
) | |
menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit", underline=0, menu=editmenu) | |
rulemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) | |
rulemenu.add_command( | |
label="Step", underline=1, command=self.step, accelerator="Space" | |
) | |
rulemenu.add_separator() | |
rulemenu.add_command( | |
label="Match", underline=0, command=self.match, accelerator="Ctrl-m" | |
) | |
rulemenu.add_command( | |
label="Expand", underline=0, command=self.expand, accelerator="Ctrl-e" | |
) | |
rulemenu.add_separator() | |
rulemenu.add_command( | |
label="Backtrack", underline=0, command=self.backtrack, accelerator="Ctrl-b" | |
) | |
menubar.add_cascade(label="Apply", underline=0, menu=rulemenu) | |
viewmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) | |
viewmenu.add_checkbutton( | |
label="Show Grammar", | |
underline=0, | |
variable=self._show_grammar, | |
command=self._toggle_grammar, | |
) | |
viewmenu.add_separator() | |
viewmenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="Tiny", | |
variable=self._size, | |
underline=0, | |
value=10, | |
command=self.resize, | |
) | |
viewmenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="Small", | |
variable=self._size, | |
underline=0, | |
value=12, | |
command=self.resize, | |
) | |
viewmenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="Medium", | |
variable=self._size, | |
underline=0, | |
value=14, | |
command=self.resize, | |
) | |
viewmenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="Large", | |
variable=self._size, | |
underline=0, | |
value=18, | |
command=self.resize, | |
) | |
viewmenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="Huge", | |
variable=self._size, | |
underline=0, | |
value=24, | |
command=self.resize, | |
) | |
menubar.add_cascade(label="View", underline=0, menu=viewmenu) | |
animatemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) | |
animatemenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="No Animation", underline=0, variable=self._animation_frames, value=0 | |
) | |
animatemenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="Slow Animation", | |
underline=0, | |
variable=self._animation_frames, | |
value=10, | |
accelerator="-", | |
) | |
animatemenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="Normal Animation", | |
underline=0, | |
variable=self._animation_frames, | |
value=5, | |
accelerator="=", | |
) | |
animatemenu.add_radiobutton( | |
label="Fast Animation", | |
underline=0, | |
variable=self._animation_frames, | |
value=2, | |
accelerator="+", | |
) | |
menubar.add_cascade(label="Animate", underline=1, menu=animatemenu) | |
helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) | |
helpmenu.add_command(label="About", underline=0, command=self.about) | |
helpmenu.add_command( | |
label="Instructions", underline=0,, accelerator="F1" | |
) | |
menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", underline=0, menu=helpmenu) | |
parent.config(menu=menubar) | |
######################################### | |
## Helper | |
######################################### | |
def _get(self, widget, treeloc): | |
for i in treeloc: | |
widget = widget.subtrees()[i] | |
if isinstance(widget, TreeSegmentWidget): | |
widget = widget.label() | |
return widget | |
######################################### | |
## Main draw procedure | |
######################################### | |
def _redraw(self): | |
canvas = self._canvas | |
# Delete the old tree, widgets, etc. | |
if self._tree is not None: | |
self._cframe.destroy_widget(self._tree) | |
for twidget in self._textwidgets: | |
self._cframe.destroy_widget(twidget) | |
if self._textline is not None: | |
self._canvas.delete(self._textline) | |
# Draw the tree. | |
helv = ("helvetica", -self._size.get()) | |
bold = ("helvetica", -self._size.get(), "bold") | |
attribs = { | |
"tree_color": "#000000", | |
"tree_width": 2, | |
"node_font": bold, | |
"leaf_font": helv, | |
} | |
tree = self._parser.tree() | |
self._tree = tree_to_treesegment(canvas, tree, **attribs) | |
self._cframe.add_widget(self._tree, 30, 5) | |
# Draw the text. | |
helv = ("helvetica", -self._size.get()) | |
bottom = y = self._cframe.scrollregion()[3] | |
self._textwidgets = [ | |
TextWidget(canvas, word, font=self._font) for word in self._sent | |
] | |
for twidget in self._textwidgets: | |
self._cframe.add_widget(twidget, 0, 0) | |
twidget.move(0, bottom - twidget.bbox()[3] - 5) | |
y = min(y, twidget.bbox()[1]) | |
# Draw a line over the text, to separate it from the tree. | |
self._textline = canvas.create_line(-5000, y - 5, 5000, y - 5, dash=".") | |
# Highlight appropriate nodes. | |
self._highlight_nodes() | |
self._highlight_prodlist() | |
# Make sure the text lines up. | |
self._position_text() | |
def _redraw_quick(self): | |
# This should be more-or-less sufficient after an animation. | |
self._highlight_nodes() | |
self._highlight_prodlist() | |
self._position_text() | |
def _highlight_nodes(self): | |
# Highlight the list of nodes to be checked. | |
bold = ("helvetica", -self._size.get(), "bold") | |
for treeloc in[:1]: | |
self._get(self._tree, treeloc)["color"] = "#20a050" | |
self._get(self._tree, treeloc)["font"] = bold | |
for treeloc in[1:]: | |
self._get(self._tree, treeloc)["color"] = "#008080" | |
def _highlight_prodlist(self): | |
# Highlight the productions that can be expanded. | |
# Boy, too bad tkinter doesn't implement Listbox.itemconfig; | |
# that would be pretty useful here. | |
self._prodlist.delete(0, "end") | |
expandable = self._parser.expandable_productions() | |
untried = self._parser.untried_expandable_productions() | |
productions = self._productions | |
for index in range(len(productions)): | |
if productions[index] in expandable: | |
if productions[index] in untried: | |
self._prodlist.insert(index, " %s" % productions[index]) | |
else: | |
self._prodlist.insert(index, " %s (TRIED)" % productions[index]) | |
self._prodlist.selection_set(index) | |
else: | |
self._prodlist.insert(index, " %s" % productions[index]) | |
def _position_text(self): | |
# Line up the text widgets that are matched against the tree | |
numwords = len(self._sent) | |
num_matched = numwords - len(self._parser.remaining_text()) | |
leaves = self._tree_leaves()[:num_matched] | |
xmax = self._tree.bbox()[0] | |
for i in range(0, len(leaves)): | |
widget = self._textwidgets[i] | |
leaf = leaves[i] | |
widget["color"] = "#006040" | |
leaf["color"] = "#006040" | |
widget.move(leaf.bbox()[0] - widget.bbox()[0], 0) | |
xmax = widget.bbox()[2] + 10 | |
# Line up the text widgets that are not matched against the tree. | |
for i in range(len(leaves), numwords): | |
widget = self._textwidgets[i] | |
widget["color"] = "#a0a0a0" | |
widget.move(xmax - widget.bbox()[0], 0) | |
xmax = widget.bbox()[2] + 10 | |
# If we have a complete parse, make everything green :) | |
if self._parser.currently_complete(): | |
for twidget in self._textwidgets: | |
twidget["color"] = "#00a000" | |
# Move the matched leaves down to the text. | |
for i in range(0, len(leaves)): | |
widget = self._textwidgets[i] | |
leaf = leaves[i] | |
dy = widget.bbox()[1] - leaf.bbox()[3] - 10.0 | |
dy = max(dy, leaf.parent().label().bbox()[3] - leaf.bbox()[3] + 10) | |
leaf.move(0, dy) | |
def _tree_leaves(self, tree=None): | |
if tree is None: | |
tree = self._tree | |
if isinstance(tree, TreeSegmentWidget): | |
leaves = [] | |
for child in tree.subtrees(): | |
leaves += self._tree_leaves(child) | |
return leaves | |
else: | |
return [tree] | |
######################################### | |
## Button Callbacks | |
######################################### | |
def destroy(self, *e): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
if self._top is None: | |
return | |
self._top.destroy() | |
self._top = None | |
def reset(self, *e): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
self._parser.initialize(self._sent) | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Reset Application" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = "" | |
self._redraw() | |
def autostep(self, *e): | |
if self._animation_frames.get() == 0: | |
self._animation_frames.set(2) | |
if self._autostep: | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
else: | |
self._autostep = 1 | |
self._step() | |
def cancel_autostep(self, *e): | |
# self._autostep_button['text'] = 'Autostep' | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
# Make sure to stop auto-stepping if we get any user input. | |
def step(self, *e): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
self._step() | |
def match(self, *e): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
self._match() | |
def expand(self, *e): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
self._expand() | |
def backtrack(self, *e): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
self._backtrack() | |
def _step(self): | |
if self._animating_lock: | |
return | |
# Try expanding, matching, and backtracking (in that order) | |
if self._expand(): | |
pass | |
elif self._parser.untried_match() and self._match(): | |
pass | |
elif self._backtrack(): | |
pass | |
else: | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Finished" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = "" | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
# Check if we just completed a parse. | |
if self._parser.currently_complete(): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
self._lastoper2["text"] += " [COMPLETE PARSE]" | |
def _expand(self, *e): | |
if self._animating_lock: | |
return | |
old_frontier = | |
rv = self._parser.expand() | |
if rv is not None: | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Expand:" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = rv | |
self._prodlist.selection_clear(0, "end") | |
index = self._productions.index(rv) | |
self._prodlist.selection_set(index) | |
self._animate_expand(old_frontier[0]) | |
return True | |
else: | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Expand:" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = "(all expansions tried)" | |
return False | |
def _match(self, *e): | |
if self._animating_lock: | |
return | |
old_frontier = | |
rv = self._parser.match() | |
if rv is not None: | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Match:" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = rv | |
self._animate_match(old_frontier[0]) | |
return True | |
else: | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Match:" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = "(failed)" | |
return False | |
def _backtrack(self, *e): | |
if self._animating_lock: | |
return | |
if self._parser.backtrack(): | |
elt = self._parser.tree() | |
for i in[0]: | |
elt = elt[i] | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Backtrack" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = "" | |
if isinstance(elt, Tree): | |
self._animate_backtrack([0]) | |
else: | |
self._animate_match_backtrack([0]) | |
return True | |
else: | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Finished" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = "" | |
return False | |
def about(self, *e): | |
ABOUT = ( | |
"NLTK Recursive Descent Parser Application\n" + "Written by Edward Loper" | |
) | |
TITLE = "About: Recursive Descent Parser Application" | |
try: | |
from tkinter.messagebox import Message | |
Message(message=ABOUT, title=TITLE).show() | |
except: | |
ShowText(self._top, TITLE, ABOUT) | |
def help(self, *e): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
# The default font's not very legible; try using 'fixed' instead. | |
try: | |
ShowText( | |
self._top, | |
"Help: Recursive Descent Parser Application", | |
(__doc__ or "").strip(), | |
width=75, | |
font="fixed", | |
) | |
except: | |
ShowText( | |
self._top, | |
"Help: Recursive Descent Parser Application", | |
(__doc__ or "").strip(), | |
width=75, | |
) | |
def postscript(self, *e): | |
self._autostep = 0 | |
self._cframe.print_to_file() | |
def mainloop(self, *args, **kwargs): | |
""" | |
Enter the Tkinter mainloop. This function must be called if | |
this demo is created from a non-interactive program (e.g. | |
from a secript); otherwise, the demo will close as soon as | |
the script completes. | |
""" | |
if in_idle(): | |
return | |
self._top.mainloop(*args, **kwargs) | |
def resize(self, size=None): | |
if size is not None: | |
self._size.set(size) | |
size = self._size.get() | |
self._font.configure(size=-(abs(size))) | |
self._boldfont.configure(size=-(abs(size))) | |
self._sysfont.configure(size=-(abs(size))) | |
self._bigfont.configure(size=-(abs(size + 2))) | |
self._redraw() | |
######################################### | |
## Expand Production Selection | |
######################################### | |
def _toggle_grammar(self, *e): | |
if self._show_grammar.get(): | |
self._prodframe.pack( | |
fill="both", side="left", padx=2, after=self._feedbackframe | |
) | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Show Grammar" | |
else: | |
self._prodframe.pack_forget() | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Hide Grammar" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = "" | |
# def toggle_grammar(self, *e): | |
# self._show_grammar = not self._show_grammar | |
# if self._show_grammar: | |
# self._prodframe.pack(fill='both', expand='y', side='left', | |
# after=self._feedbackframe) | |
# self._lastoper1['text'] = 'Show Grammar' | |
# else: | |
# self._prodframe.pack_forget() | |
# self._lastoper1['text'] = 'Hide Grammar' | |
# self._lastoper2['text'] = '' | |
def _prodlist_select(self, event): | |
selection = self._prodlist.curselection() | |
if len(selection) != 1: | |
return | |
index = int(selection[0]) | |
old_frontier = | |
production = self._parser.expand(self._productions[index]) | |
if production: | |
self._lastoper1["text"] = "Expand:" | |
self._lastoper2["text"] = production | |
self._prodlist.selection_clear(0, "end") | |
self._prodlist.selection_set(index) | |
self._animate_expand(old_frontier[0]) | |
else: | |
# Reset the production selections. | |
self._prodlist.selection_clear(0, "end") | |
for prod in self._parser.expandable_productions(): | |
index = self._productions.index(prod) | |
self._prodlist.selection_set(index) | |
######################################### | |
## Animation | |
######################################### | |
def _animate_expand(self, treeloc): | |
oldwidget = self._get(self._tree, treeloc) | |
oldtree = oldwidget.parent() | |
top = not isinstance(oldtree.parent(), TreeSegmentWidget) | |
tree = self._parser.tree() | |
for i in treeloc: | |
tree = tree[i] | |
widget = tree_to_treesegment( | |
self._canvas, | |
tree, | |
node_font=self._boldfont, | |
leaf_color="white", | |
tree_width=2, | |
tree_color="white", | |
node_color="white", | |
leaf_font=self._font, | |
) | |
widget.label()["color"] = "#20a050" | |
(oldx, oldy) = oldtree.label().bbox()[:2] | |
(newx, newy) = widget.label().bbox()[:2] | |
widget.move(oldx - newx, oldy - newy) | |
if top: | |
self._cframe.add_widget(widget, 0, 5) | |
widget.move(30 - widget.label().bbox()[0], 0) | |
self._tree = widget | |
else: | |
oldtree.parent().replace_child(oldtree, widget) | |
# Move the children over so they don't overlap. | |
# Line the children up in a strange way. | |
if widget.subtrees(): | |
dx = ( | |
oldx | |
+ widget.label().width() / 2 | |
- widget.subtrees()[0].bbox()[0] / 2 | |
- widget.subtrees()[0].bbox()[2] / 2 | |
) | |
for subtree in widget.subtrees(): | |
subtree.move(dx, 0) | |
self._makeroom(widget) | |
if top: | |
self._cframe.destroy_widget(oldtree) | |
else: | |
oldtree.destroy() | |
colors = [ | |
"gray%d" % (10 * int(10 * x / self._animation_frames.get())) | |
for x in range(self._animation_frames.get(), 0, -1) | |
] | |
# Move the text string down, if necessary. | |
dy = widget.bbox()[3] + 30 - self._canvas.coords(self._textline)[1] | |
if dy > 0: | |
for twidget in self._textwidgets: | |
twidget.move(0, dy) | |
self._canvas.move(self._textline, 0, dy) | |
self._animate_expand_frame(widget, colors) | |
def _makeroom(self, treeseg): | |
""" | |
Make sure that no sibling tree bbox's overlap. | |
""" | |
parent = treeseg.parent() | |
if not isinstance(parent, TreeSegmentWidget): | |
return | |
index = parent.subtrees().index(treeseg) | |
# Handle siblings to the right | |
rsiblings = parent.subtrees()[index + 1 :] | |
if rsiblings: | |
dx = treeseg.bbox()[2] - rsiblings[0].bbox()[0] + 10 | |
for sibling in rsiblings: | |
sibling.move(dx, 0) | |
# Handle siblings to the left | |
if index > 0: | |
lsibling = parent.subtrees()[index - 1] | |
dx = max(0, lsibling.bbox()[2] - treeseg.bbox()[0] + 10) | |
treeseg.move(dx, 0) | |
# Keep working up the tree. | |
self._makeroom(parent) | |
def _animate_expand_frame(self, widget, colors): | |
if len(colors) > 0: | |
self._animating_lock = 1 | |
widget["color"] = colors[0] | |
for subtree in widget.subtrees(): | |
if isinstance(subtree, TreeSegmentWidget): | |
subtree.label()["color"] = colors[0] | |
else: | |
subtree["color"] = colors[0] | |
self._top.after(50, self._animate_expand_frame, widget, colors[1:]) | |
else: | |
widget["color"] = "black" | |
for subtree in widget.subtrees(): | |
if isinstance(subtree, TreeSegmentWidget): | |
subtree.label()["color"] = "black" | |
else: | |
subtree["color"] = "black" | |
self._redraw_quick() | |
widget.label()["color"] = "black" | |
self._animating_lock = 0 | |
if self._autostep: | |
self._step() | |
def _animate_backtrack(self, treeloc): | |
# Flash red first, if we're animating. | |
if self._animation_frames.get() == 0: | |
colors = [] | |
else: | |
colors = ["#a00000", "#000000", "#a00000"] | |
colors += [ | |
"gray%d" % (10 * int(10 * x / (self._animation_frames.get()))) | |
for x in range(1, self._animation_frames.get() + 1) | |
] | |
widgets = [self._get(self._tree, treeloc).parent()] | |
for subtree in widgets[0].subtrees(): | |
if isinstance(subtree, TreeSegmentWidget): | |
widgets.append(subtree.label()) | |
else: | |
widgets.append(subtree) | |
self._animate_backtrack_frame(widgets, colors) | |
def _animate_backtrack_frame(self, widgets, colors): | |
if len(colors) > 0: | |
self._animating_lock = 1 | |
for widget in widgets: | |
widget["color"] = colors[0] | |
self._top.after(50, self._animate_backtrack_frame, widgets, colors[1:]) | |
else: | |
for widget in widgets[0].subtrees(): | |
widgets[0].remove_child(widget) | |
widget.destroy() | |
self._redraw_quick() | |
self._animating_lock = 0 | |
if self._autostep: | |
self._step() | |
def _animate_match_backtrack(self, treeloc): | |
widget = self._get(self._tree, treeloc) | |
node = widget.parent().label() | |
dy = (node.bbox()[3] - widget.bbox()[1] + 14) / max( | |
1, self._animation_frames.get() | |
) | |
self._animate_match_backtrack_frame(self._animation_frames.get(), widget, dy) | |
def _animate_match(self, treeloc): | |
widget = self._get(self._tree, treeloc) | |
dy = (self._textwidgets[0].bbox()[1] - widget.bbox()[3] - 10.0) / max( | |
1, self._animation_frames.get() | |
) | |
self._animate_match_frame(self._animation_frames.get(), widget, dy) | |
def _animate_match_frame(self, frame, widget, dy): | |
if frame > 0: | |
self._animating_lock = 1 | |
widget.move(0, dy) | |
self._top.after(10, self._animate_match_frame, frame - 1, widget, dy) | |
else: | |
widget["color"] = "#006040" | |
self._redraw_quick() | |
self._animating_lock = 0 | |
if self._autostep: | |
self._step() | |
def _animate_match_backtrack_frame(self, frame, widget, dy): | |
if frame > 0: | |
self._animating_lock = 1 | |
widget.move(0, dy) | |
self._top.after( | |
10, self._animate_match_backtrack_frame, frame - 1, widget, dy | |
) | |
else: | |
widget.parent().remove_child(widget) | |
widget.destroy() | |
self._animating_lock = 0 | |
if self._autostep: | |
self._step() | |
def edit_grammar(self, *e): | |
CFGEditor(self._top, self._parser.grammar(), self.set_grammar) | |
def set_grammar(self, grammar): | |
self._parser.set_grammar(grammar) | |
self._productions = list( | |
self._prodlist.delete(0, "end") | |
for production in self._productions: | |
self._prodlist.insert("end", (" %s" % production)) | |
def edit_sentence(self, *e): | |
sentence = " ".join(self._sent) | |
title = "Edit Text" | |
instr = "Enter a new sentence to parse." | |
EntryDialog(self._top, sentence, instr, self.set_sentence, title) | |
def set_sentence(self, sentence): | |
self._sent = sentence.split() # [XX] use tagged? | |
self.reset() | |
def app(): | |
""" | |
Create a recursive descent parser demo, using a simple grammar and | |
text. | |
""" | |
from nltk.grammar import CFG | |
grammar = CFG.fromstring( | |
""" | |
# Grammatical productions. | |
S -> NP VP | |
NP -> Det N PP | Det N | |
VP -> V NP PP | V NP | V | |
PP -> P NP | |
# Lexical productions. | |
NP -> 'I' | |
Det -> 'the' | 'a' | |
N -> 'man' | 'park' | 'dog' | 'telescope' | |
V -> 'ate' | 'saw' | |
P -> 'in' | 'under' | 'with' | |
""" | |
) | |
sent = "the dog saw a man in the park".split() | |
RecursiveDescentApp(grammar, sent).mainloop() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
app() | |
__all__ = ["app"] | |