Runtime error
Runtime error
#git clone | |
#git clone --recursive | |
#cd "tacotron_pytorch/" && pip install -e . | |
#mkdir trained_models | |
import gdown | |
url = '' | |
output = 'trained_models/angry_dctts.pth' | |, output, quiet=False) | |
url = '' | |
output = 'trained_models/neutral_dctts.pth' | |, output, quiet=False) | |
url = '' | |
output = 'trained_models/ssrn.pth' | |, output, quiet=False) | |
url = '' | |
output = 'trained_models/disgust_tacotron.pth' | |, output, quiet=False) | |
url = '' | |
output = 'trained_models/amused_tacotron.pth' | |, output, quiet=False) | |
url = '' | |
output = 'trained_models/sleepiness_tacotron.pth' | |, output, quiet=False) | |
%tensorflow_version 1.x | |
%pylab inline | |
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10,5) | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import numpy as np | |
sys.path.append('pytorch-dc-tts/') | |
sys.path.append('pytorch-dc-tts/models') | |
sys.path.append("tacotron_pytorch/") | |
sys.path.append("tacotron_pytorch/lib/tacotron") | |
# For the DC-TTS | |
import torch | |
from text2mel import Text2Mel | |
from ssrn import SSRN | |
from audio import save_to_wav, spectrogram2wav | |
from utils import get_last_checkpoint_file_name, load_checkpoint_test, save_to_png, load_checkpoint | |
from datasets.emovdb import vocab, get_test_data | |
# For the Tacotron | |
from text import text_to_sequence, symbols | |
# from util import audio | |
from tacotron_pytorch import Tacotron | |
from synthesis import tts as _tts | |
# For Audio/Display purposes | |
import librosa.display | |
import IPython | |
from IPython.display import Audio | |
from IPython.display import display | |
from google.colab import widgets | |
from google.colab import output | |
import warnings | |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') | |
torch.set_grad_enabled(False) | |
text2mel = Text2Mel(vocab).eval() | |
ssrn = SSRN().eval() | |
load_checkpoint('trained_models/ssrn.pth', ssrn, None) | |
model = Tacotron(n_vocab=len(symbols), | |
embedding_dim=256, | |
mel_dim=80, | |
linear_dim=1025, | |
r=5, | |
padding_idx=None, | |
use_memory_mask=False, | |
) | |
def visualize(alignment, spectrogram, Emotion): | |
label_fontsize = 16 | |
tb = widgets.TabBar(['Alignment', 'Spectrogram'], location='top') | |
with tb.output_to('Alignment'): | |
imshow(alignment.T, aspect="auto", origin="lower", interpolation=None) | |
xlabel("Decoder timestamp", fontsize=label_fontsize) | |
ylabel("Encoder timestamp", fontsize=label_fontsize) | |
with tb.output_to('Spectrogram'): | |
if Emotion == 'Disgust' or Emotion == 'Amused' or Emotion == 'Sleepiness': | |
librosa.display.specshow(spectrogram.T, sr=fs,hop_length=hop_length, x_axis="time", y_axis="linear") | |
else: | |
librosa.display.specshow(spectrogram, sr=fs,hop_length=hop_length, x_axis="time", y_axis="linear") | |
xlabel("Time", fontsize=label_fontsize) | |
ylabel("Hz", fontsize=label_fontsize) | |
def tts_dctts(text2mel, ssrn, text): | |
sentences = [text] | |
max_N = len(text) | |
L = torch.from_numpy(get_test_data(sentences, max_N)) | |
zeros = torch.from_numpy(np.zeros((1, 80, 1), np.float32)) | |
Y = zeros | |
A = None | |
for t in range(210): | |
_, Y_t, A = text2mel(L, Y, monotonic_attention=True) | |
Y =, Y_t), -1) | |
_, attention = torch.max(A[0, :, -1], 0) | |
attention = attention.item() | |
if L[0, attention] == vocab.index('E'): # EOS | |
break | |
_, Z = ssrn(Y) | |
Y = Y.cpu().detach().numpy() | |
A = A.cpu().detach().numpy() | |
Z = Z.cpu().detach().numpy() | |
return spectrogram2wav(Z[0, :, :].T), A[0, :, :], Y[0, :, :] | |
def tts_tacotron(model, text): | |
waveform, alignment, spectrogram = _tts(model, text) | |
return waveform, alignment, spectrogram | |
def present(waveform, Emotion, figures=False): | |
if figures!=False: | |
visualize(figures[0], figures[1], Emotion) | |
IPython.display.display(Audio(waveform, rate=fs)) | |
fs = 20000 #20000 | |
hop_length = 250 | |
model.decoder.max_decoder_steps = 200 | |
#@title Select the emotion and type the text | |
%pylab inline | |
Emotion = "Neutral" #@param ["Neutral", "Angry", "Disgust", "Sleepiness", "Amused"] | |
Text = 'I am exhausted.' #@param {type:"string"} | |
wav, align, mel = None, None, None | |
if Emotion == "Neutral": | |
load_checkpoint('trained_models/'+Emotion.lower()+'_dctts.pth', text2mel, None) | |
wav, align, mel = tts_dctts(text2mel, ssrn, Text) | |
elif Emotion == "Angry": | |
load_checkpoint_test('trained_models/'+Emotion.lower()+'_dctts.pth', text2mel, None) | |
wav, align, mel = tts_dctts(text2mel, ssrn, Text) | |
# wav = wav.T | |
elif Emotion == "Disgust" or Emotion == "Amused" or Emotion == "Sleepiness": | |
checkpoint = torch.load('trained_models/'+Emotion.lower()+'_tacotron.pth', map_location=torch.device('cpu')) | |
model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) | |
wav, align, mel = tts_tacotron(model, Text) | |
present(wav, Emotion, (align,mel)) | |