gestsync /
sindhuhegde's picture
Update app
history blame
No virus
30.1 kB
import gradio as gr
import argparse
import os, subprocess
from shutil import rmtree
import numpy as np
import cv2
import librosa
import torch
from utils.audio_utils import *
from utils.inference_utils import *
from sync_models.gestsync_models import *
import sys
if sys.version_info > (3, 0): long, unicode, basestring = int, str, str
from tqdm import tqdm
from import write
import mediapipe as mp
from protobuf_to_dict import protobuf_to_dict
mp_holistic =
from ultralytics import YOLO
from decord import VideoReader, cpu
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
# Set the path to checkpoint file
CHECKPOINT_PATH = "model_rgb.pth"
# Initialize global variables
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
n_negative_samples = 100
print("Using CUDA: ", use_cuda, device)
def preprocess_video(path, result_folder, apply_preprocess, padding=20):
This function preprocesses the input video to extract the audio and crop the frames using YOLO model
- path (string) : Path of the input video file
- result_folder (string) : Path of the folder to save the extracted audio and cropped video
- padding (int) : Padding to add to the bounding box
- wav_file (string) : Path of the extracted audio file
- fps (int) : FPS of the input video
- video_output (string) : Path of the cropped video file
- msg (string) : Message to be returned
# Load all video frames
vr = VideoReader(path, ctx=cpu(0))
fps = vr.get_avg_fps()
frame_count = len(vr)
msg = "Oops! Could not load the video. Please check the input video and try again."
return None, None, None, msg
if frame_count < 25:
msg = "Not enough frames to process! Please give a longer video as input"
return None, None, None, msg
# Extract the audio from the input video file using ffmpeg
wav_file = os.path.join(result_folder, "audio.wav")
status ='ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -y -i %s -async 1 -ac 1 -vn \
-acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 %s -y' % (path, wav_file), shell=True)
if status != 0:
msg = "Oops! Could not load the audio file. Please check the input video and try again."
return None, None, None, msg
print("Extracted the audio from the video")
if apply_preprocess=="True":
all_frames = []
for k in range(len(vr)):
all_frames = np.asarray(all_frames)
print("Extracted the frames for pre-processing")
# Load YOLOv9 model (pre-trained on COCO dataset)
yolo_model = YOLO("")
print("Loaded the YOLO model")
person_videos = {}
person_tracks = {}
print("Processing the frames...")
for frame_idx in tqdm(range(frame_count)):
frame = all_frames[frame_idx]
# Perform person detection
results = yolo_model(frame, verbose=False)
detections = results[0].boxes
for i, det in enumerate(detections):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = det.xyxy[0]
cls = det.cls[0]
if int(cls) == 0: # Class 0 is 'person' in COCO dataset
x1 = max(0, int(x1) - padding)
y1 = max(0, int(y1) - padding)
x2 = min(frame.shape[1], int(x2) + padding)
y2 = min(frame.shape[0], int(y2) + padding)
if i not in person_videos:
person_videos[i] = []
person_tracks[i] = []
num_persons = 0
for i in person_videos.keys():
if len(person_videos[i]) >= frame_count//2:
if num_persons==0:
msg = "No person detected in the video! Please give a video with one person as input"
return None, None, None, msg
if num_persons>1:
msg = "More than one person detected in the video! Please give a video with only one person as input"
return None, None, None, msg
# For the person detected, crop the frame based on the bounding box
if len(person_videos[0]) > frame_count-10:
crop_filename = os.path.join(result_folder, "preprocessed_video.avi")
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX')
# Get bounding box coordinates based on person_tracks[i]
max_x1 = min([track[0] for track in person_tracks[0]])
max_y1 = min([track[1] for track in person_tracks[0]])
max_x2 = max([track[2] for track in person_tracks[0]])
max_y2 = max([track[3] for track in person_tracks[0]])
max_width = max_x2 - max_x1
max_height = max_y2 - max_y1
out = cv2.VideoWriter(crop_filename, fourcc, fps, (max_width, max_height))
for frame in person_videos[0]:
crop = frame[max_y1:max_y2, max_x1:max_x2]
crop = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
no_sound_video = crop_filename.split('.')[0] + '_nosound.mp4'
status ='ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -y -i %s -c copy -an -strict -2 %s' % (crop_filename, no_sound_video), shell=True)
if status != 0:
msg = "Oops! Could not preprocess the video. Please check the input video and try again."
return None, None, None, msg
video_output = crop_filename.split('.')[0] + '.mp4'
status ='ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -y -i %s -i %s -strict -2 -q:v 1 %s' %
(wav_file , no_sound_video, video_output), shell=True)
if status != 0:
msg = "Oops! Could not preprocess the video. Please check the input video and try again."
return None, None, None, msg
print("Successfully saved the pre-processed video: ", video_output)
msg = "Could not track the person in the full video! Please give a single-speaker video as input"
return None, None, None, msg
video_output = path
return wav_file, fps, video_output, "success"
def resample_video(video_file, video_fname, result_folder):
This function resamples the video to 25 fps
- video_file (string) : Path of the input video file
- video_fname (string) : Name of the input video file
- result_folder (string) : Path of the folder to save the resampled video
- video_file_25fps (string) : Path of the resampled video file
video_file_25fps = os.path.join(result_folder, '{}.mp4'.format(video_fname))
# Resample the video to 25 fps
command = ("ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -y -i {} -q:v 1 -filter:v fps=25 {}".format(video_file, video_file_25fps))
from subprocess import call
cmd = command.split(' ')
print('Resampled the video to 25 fps: {}'.format(video_file_25fps))
return video_file_25fps
def load_checkpoint(path, model):
This function loads the trained model from the checkpoint
- path (string) : Path of the checkpoint file
- model (object) : Model object
- model (object) : Model object with the weights loaded from the checkpoint
# Load the checkpoint
if use_cuda:
checkpoint = torch.load(path)
checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu")
s = checkpoint["state_dict"]
new_s = {}
for k, v in s.items():
new_s[k.replace('module.', '')] = v
if use_cuda:
print("Loaded checkpoint from: {}".format(path))
return model.eval()
def load_video_frames(video_file):
This function extracts the frames from the video
- video_file (string) : Path of the video file
- frames (list) : List of frames extracted from the video
- msg (string) : Message to be returned
# Read the video
vr = VideoReader(video_file, ctx=cpu(0))
msg = "Oops! Could not load the input video file"
return None, msg
# Extract the frames
frames = []
for k in range(len(vr)):
frames = np.asarray(frames)
return frames, "success"
def get_keypoints(frames):
This function extracts the keypoints from the frames using MediaPipe Holistic pipeline
- frames (list) : List of frames extracted from the video
- kp_dict (dict) : Dictionary containing the keypoints and the resolution of the frames
- msg (string) : Message to be returned
holistic = mp_holistic.Holistic(min_detection_confidence=0.5, min_tracking_confidence=0.5)
resolution = frames[0].shape
all_frame_kps = []
for frame in frames:
results = holistic.process(frame)
pose, left_hand, right_hand, face = None, None, None, None
if results.pose_landmarks is not None:
pose = protobuf_to_dict(results.pose_landmarks)['landmark']
if results.left_hand_landmarks is not None:
left_hand = protobuf_to_dict(results.left_hand_landmarks)['landmark']
if results.right_hand_landmarks is not None:
right_hand = protobuf_to_dict(results.right_hand_landmarks)['landmark']
if results.face_landmarks is not None:
face = protobuf_to_dict(results.face_landmarks)['landmark']
frame_dict = {"pose":pose, "left_hand":left_hand, "right_hand":right_hand, "face":face}
kp_dict = {"kps":all_frame_kps, "resolution":resolution}
except Exception as e:
print("Error: ", e)
return None, "Error: Could not extract keypoints from the frames"
return kp_dict, "success"
def check_visible_gestures(kp_dict):
This function checks if the gestures in the video are visible
- kp_dict (dict) : Dictionary containing the keypoints and the resolution of the frames
- msg (string) : Message to be returned
keypoints = kp_dict['kps']
keypoints = np.array(keypoints)
if len(keypoints)<25:
msg = "Not enough keypoints to process! Please give a longer video as input"
return msg
pose_count, hand_count = 0, 0
for frame_kp_dict in keypoints:
pose = frame_kp_dict["pose"]
left_hand = frame_kp_dict["left_hand"]
right_hand = frame_kp_dict["right_hand"]
if pose is None:
pose_count += 1
if left_hand is None and right_hand is None:
hand_count += 1
if hand_count/len(keypoints) > 0.7 or pose_count/len(keypoints) > 0.7:
msg = "The gestures in the input video are not visible! Please give a video with visible gestures as input."
return msg
print("Successfully verified the input video - Gestures are visible!")
return "success"
def load_rgb_masked_frames(input_frames, kp_dict, stride=1, window_frames=25, width=480, height=270):
This function masks the faces using the keypoints extracted from the frames
- input_frames (list) : List of frames extracted from the video
- kp_dict (dict) : Dictionary containing the keypoints and the resolution of the frames
- stride (int) : Stride to extract the frames
- window_frames (int) : Number of frames in each window that is given as input to the model
- width (int) : Width of the frames
- height (int) : Height of the frames
- input_frames (array) : Frame window to be given as input to the model
- num_frames (int) : Number of frames to extract
- orig_masked_frames (array) : Masked frames extracted from the video
- msg (string) : Message to be returned
# Face indices to extract the face-coordinates needed for masking
face_oval_idx = [10, 21, 54, 58, 67, 93, 103, 109, 127, 132, 136, 148, 149, 150, 152, 162, 172,
176, 234, 251, 284, 288, 297, 323, 332, 338, 356, 361, 365, 377, 378, 379, 389, 397, 400, 454]
input_keypoints, resolution = kp_dict['kps'], kp_dict['resolution']
print("Input keypoints: ", len(input_keypoints))
print("Creating masked input frames...")
input_frames_masked = []
for i, frame_kp_dict in tqdm(enumerate(input_keypoints)):
img = input_frames[i]
face = frame_kp_dict["face"]
if face is None:
img = cv2.resize(img, (width, height))
masked_img = cv2.rectangle(img, (0,0), (width,110), (0,0,0), -1)
face_kps = []
for idx in range(len(face)):
if idx in face_oval_idx:
x, y = int(face[idx]["x"]*resolution[1]), int(face[idx]["y"]*resolution[0])
face_kps = np.array(face_kps)
x1, y1 = min(face_kps[:,0]), min(face_kps[:,1])
x2, y2 = max(face_kps[:,0]), max(face_kps[:,1])
masked_img = cv2.rectangle(img, (0,0), (resolution[1],y2+15), (0,0,0), -1)
if masked_img.shape[0] != width or masked_img.shape[1] != height:
masked_img = cv2.resize(masked_img, (width, height))
orig_masked_frames = np.array(input_frames_masked)
input_frames = np.array(input_frames_masked) / 255.
print("Input images full: ", input_frames.shape) # num_framesx270x480x3
input_frames = np.array([input_frames[i:i+window_frames, :, :] for i in range(0,input_frames.shape[0], stride) if (i+window_frames <= input_frames.shape[0])])
print("Input images window: ", input_frames.shape) # Tx25x270x480x3
num_frames = input_frames.shape[0]
if num_frames<10:
msg = "Not enough frames to process! Please give a longer video as input."
return None, None, None, msg
return input_frames, num_frames, orig_masked_frames, "success"
def load_spectrograms(wav_file, num_frames, window_frames=25, stride=4):
This function extracts the spectrogram from the audio file
- wav_file (string) : Path of the extracted audio file
- num_frames (int) : Number of frames to extract
- window_frames (int) : Number of frames in each window that is given as input to the model
- stride (int) : Stride to extract the audio frames
- spec (array) : Spectrogram array window to be used as input to the model
- orig_spec (array) : Spectrogram array extracted from the audio file
- msg (string) : Message to be returned
# Extract the audio from the input video file using ffmpeg
wav = librosa.load(wav_file, sr=16000)[0]
msg = "Oops! Could extract the spectrograms from the audio file. Please check the input and try again."
return None, None, msg
# Convert to tensor
wav = torch.FloatTensor(wav).unsqueeze(0)
mel, _, _, _ = wav2filterbanks(
spec = mel.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy()
orig_spec = spec
spec = np.array([spec[i:i+(window_frames*stride), :] for i in range(0, spec.shape[0], stride) if (i+(window_frames*stride) <= spec.shape[0])])
if len(spec) != num_frames:
spec = spec[:num_frames]
frame_diff = np.abs(len(spec) - num_frames)
if frame_diff > 60:
print("The input video and audio length do not match - The results can be unreliable! Please check the input video.")
return spec, orig_spec, "success"
def calc_optimal_av_offset(vid_emb, aud_emb, num_avg_frames, model):
This function calculates the audio-visual offset between the video and audio
- vid_emb (array) : Video embedding array
- aud_emb (array) : Audio embedding array
- num_avg_frames (int) : Number of frames to average the scores
- model (object) : Model object
- offset (int) : Optimal audio-visual offset
- msg (string) : Message to be returned
pos_vid_emb, all_aud_emb, pos_idx, stride, status = create_online_sync_negatives(vid_emb, aud_emb, num_avg_frames)
if status != "success":
return None, status
scores, _ = calc_av_scores(pos_vid_emb, all_aud_emb, model)
offset = scores.argmax()*stride - pos_idx
return offset.item(), "success"
def create_online_sync_negatives(vid_emb, aud_emb, num_avg_frames, stride=5):
This function creates all possible positive and negative audio embeddings to compare and obtain the sync offset
- vid_emb (array) : Video embedding array
- aud_emb (array) : Audio embedding array
- num_avg_frames (int) : Number of frames to average the scores
- stride (int) : Stride to extract the negative windows
- vid_emb_pos (array) : Positive video embedding array
- aud_emb_posneg (array) : All possible combinations of audio embedding array
- pos_idx_frame (int) : Positive video embedding array frame
- stride (int) : Stride used to extract the negative windows
- msg (string) : Message to be returned
slice_size = num_avg_frames
aud_emb_posneg = aud_emb.squeeze(1).unfold(-1, slice_size, stride)
aud_emb_posneg = aud_emb_posneg.permute([0, 2, 1, 3])
aud_emb_posneg = aud_emb_posneg[:, :int(n_negative_samples/stride)+1]
pos_idx = (aud_emb_posneg.shape[1]//2)
pos_idx_frame = pos_idx*stride
min_offset_frames = -(pos_idx)*stride
max_offset_frames = (aud_emb_posneg.shape[1] - pos_idx - 1)*stride
print("With the current video length and the number of average frames, the model can predict the offsets in the range: [{}, {}]".format(min_offset_frames, max_offset_frames))
vid_emb_pos = vid_emb[:, :, pos_idx_frame:pos_idx_frame+slice_size]
if vid_emb_pos.shape[2] != slice_size:
msg = "Video is too short to use {} frames to average the scores. Please use a longer input video or reduce the number of average frames".format(slice_size)
return None, None, None, None, msg
return vid_emb_pos, aud_emb_posneg, pos_idx_frame, stride, "success"
def calc_av_scores(vid_emb, aud_emb, model):
This function calls functions to calculate the audio-visual similarity and attention map between the video and audio embeddings
- vid_emb (array) : Video embedding array
- aud_emb (array) : Audio embedding array
- model (object) : Model object
- scores (array) : Audio-visual similarity scores
- att_map (array) : Attention map
scores = calc_att_map(vid_emb, aud_emb, model)
att_map = logsoftmax_2d(scores)
scores = scores.mean(-1)
return scores, att_map
def calc_att_map(vid_emb, aud_emb, model):
This function calculates the similarity between the video and audio embeddings
- vid_emb (array) : Video embedding array
- aud_emb (array) : Audio embedding array
- model (object) : Model object
- scores (array) : Audio-visual similarity scores
vid_emb = vid_emb[:, :, None]
aud_emb = aud_emb.transpose(1, 2)
scores = run_func_in_parts(lambda x, y: (x * y).sum(1),
scores = model.logits_scale(scores[..., None]).squeeze(-1)
return scores
def generate_video(frames, audio_file, video_fname):
This function generates the video from the frames and audio file
- frames (array) : Frames to be used to generate the video
- audio_file (string) : Path of the audio file
- video_fname (string) : Path of the video file
- video_output (string) : Path of the video file
fname = 'inference.avi'
video = cv2.VideoWriter(fname, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX'), 25, (frames[0].shape[1], frames[0].shape[0]))
for i in range(len(frames)):
video.write(cv2.cvtColor(frames[i], cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
no_sound_video = video_fname + '_nosound.mp4'
status ='ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -y -i %s -c copy -an -strict -2 %s' % (fname, no_sound_video), shell=True)
if status != 0:
msg = "Oops! Could not generate the video. Please check the input video and try again."
return None, msg
video_output = video_fname + '.mp4'
status ='ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -y -i %s -i %s -strict -2 -q:v 1 -shortest %s' %
(audio_file, no_sound_video, video_output), shell=True)
if status != 0:
msg = "Oops! Could not generate the video. Please check the input video and try again."
return None, msg
return video_output
def sync_correct_video(video_path, frames, wav_file, offset, result_folder, sample_rate=16000, fps=25):
This function corrects the video and audio to sync with each other
- video_path (string) : Path of the video file
- frames (array) : Frames to be used to generate the video
- wav_file (string) : Path of the audio file
- offset (int) : Predicted sync-offset to be used to correct the video
- result_folder (string) : Path of the result folder to save the output sync-corrected video
- sample_rate (int) : Sample rate of the audio
- fps (int) : Frames per second of the video
- video_output (string) : Path of the video file
if offset == 0:
print("The input audio and video are in-sync! No need to perform sync correction.")
return video_path
print("Performing Sync Correction...")
corrected_frames = np.zeros_like(frames)
if offset > 0:
audio_offset = int(offset*(sample_rate/fps))
wav = librosa.core.load(wav_file, sr=sample_rate)[0]
corrected_wav = wav[audio_offset:]
corrected_wav_file = os.path.join(result_folder, "audio_sync_corrected.wav")
write(corrected_wav_file, sample_rate, corrected_wav)
wav_file = corrected_wav_file
corrected_frames = frames
elif offset < 0:
corrected_frames[0:len(frames)+offset] = frames[np.abs(offset):]
corrected_frames = corrected_frames[:len(frames)-np.abs(offset)]
corrected_video_path = os.path.join(result_folder, "result_sync_corrected")
video_output = generate_video(corrected_frames, wav_file, corrected_video_path)
return video_output
class Logger:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.terminal = sys.stdout
self.log = open(filename, "w")
def write(self, message):
def flush(self):
def isatty(self):
return False
def process_video(video_path, num_avg_frames, apply_preprocess):
# Extract the video filename
video_fname = os.path.basename(video_path.split(".")[0])
# Create folders to save the inputs and results
result_folder = os.path.join("results", video_fname)
result_folder_input = os.path.join(result_folder, "input")
result_folder_output = os.path.join(result_folder, "output")
if os.path.exists(result_folder):
# Preprocess the video
print("Applying preprocessing: ", apply_preprocess)
wav_file, fps, vid_path_processed, status = preprocess_video(video_path, result_folder_input, apply_preprocess)
if status != "success":
return status, None
print("Successfully preprocessed the video")
# Resample the video to 25 fps if it is not already 25 fps
print("FPS of video: ", fps)
if fps!=25:
vid_path = resample_video(vid_path_processed, "preprocessed_video_25fps", result_folder_input)
orig_vid_path_25fps = resample_video(video_path, "input_video_25fps", result_folder_input)
vid_path = vid_path_processed
orig_vid_path_25fps = video_path
# Load the original video frames (before pre-processing) - Needed for the final sync-correction
orig_frames, status = load_video_frames(orig_vid_path_25fps)
if status != "success":
return status, None
# Load the pre-processed video frames
frames, status = load_video_frames(vid_path)
if status != "success":
return status, None
print("Successfully extracted the video frames")
if len(frames) < num_avg_frames:
return "Error: The input video is too short. Please use a longer input video.", None
# Load keypoints and check if gestures are visible
kp_dict, status = get_keypoints(frames)
if status != "success":
return status, None
print("Successfully extracted the keypoints: ", len(kp_dict), len(kp_dict["kps"]))
status = check_visible_gestures(kp_dict)
if status != "success":
return status, None
# Load RGB frames
rgb_frames, num_frames, orig_masked_frames, status = load_rgb_masked_frames(frames, kp_dict, window_frames=25, width=480, height=270)
if status != "success":
return status, None
print("Successfully loaded the RGB frames")
# Convert frames to tensor
rgb_frames = np.transpose(rgb_frames, (4, 0, 1, 2, 3))
rgb_frames = torch.FloatTensor(rgb_frames).unsqueeze(0)
B = rgb_frames.size(0)
print("Successfully converted the frames to tensor")
# Load spectrograms
spec, orig_spec, status = load_spectrograms(wav_file, num_frames, window_frames=25)
if status != "success":
return status, None
spec = torch.FloatTensor(spec).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).permute(0, 1, 2, 4, 3)
print("Successfully loaded the spectrograms")
# Create input windows
video_sequences =[rgb_frames[:, :, i] for i in range(rgb_frames.size(2))], dim=0)
audio_sequences =[spec[:, :, i] for i in range(spec.size(2))], dim=0)
# Load the trained model
model = Transformer_RGB()
model = load_checkpoint(CHECKPOINT_PATH, model)
print("Successfully loaded the model")
# Process in batches
batch_size = 12
video_emb = []
audio_emb = []
for i in tqdm(range(0, len(video_sequences), batch_size)):
video_inp = video_sequences[i:i+batch_size, ]
audio_inp = audio_sequences[i:i+batch_size, ]
vid_emb = model.forward_vid(
vid_emb = torch.mean(vid_emb, axis=-1).unsqueeze(-1)
aud_emb = model.forward_aud(
audio_emb =, dim=0)
video_emb =, dim=0)
# L2 normalize embeddings
video_emb = torch.nn.functional.normalize(video_emb, p=2, dim=1)
audio_emb = torch.nn.functional.normalize(audio_emb, p=2, dim=1)
audio_emb = torch.split(audio_emb, B, dim=0)
audio_emb = torch.stack(audio_emb, dim=2)
audio_emb = audio_emb.squeeze(3)
audio_emb = audio_emb[:, None]
video_emb = torch.split(video_emb, B, dim=0)
video_emb = torch.stack(video_emb, dim=2)
video_emb = video_emb.squeeze(3)
print("Successfully extracted GestSync embeddings")
# Calculate sync offset
pred_offset, status = calc_optimal_av_offset(video_emb, audio_emb, num_avg_frames, model)
if status != "success":
return status, None
print("Predicted offset: ", pred_offset)
# Generate sync-corrected video
video_output = sync_correct_video(video_path, orig_frames, wav_file, pred_offset, result_folder_output, sample_rate=16000, fps=fps)
print("Successfully generated the video:", video_output)
return f"Predicted offset: {pred_offset}", video_output
except Exception as e:
return f"Error: {str(e)}", None
def read_logs():
with open("output.log", "r") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.stdout = Logger("output.log")
# Define the custom HTML for the header
custom_css = """
body {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #333333; /* Default text color */
.container {
max-width: 100% !important;
padding-left: 0 !important;
padding-right: 0 !important;
.header {
background-color: #f0f0f0;
color: #333333;
padding: 30px;
margin-bottom: 30px;
text-align: center;
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
.header h1 {
font-size: 36px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #333333; /* Explicitly set heading color */
.header h2 {
font-size: 24px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
color: #333333; /* Explicitly set subheading color */
.header p {
font-size: 18px;
margin: 5px 0;
color: #666666;
.blue-text {
color: #4a90e2;
/* Custom styles for slider container */
.slider-container {
background-color: white !important;
padding-top: 0.9em;
padding-bottom: 0.9em;
/* Add gap before examples */
.examples-holder {
margin-top: 2em;
/* Set fixed size for example videos */
.gradio-container .gradio-examples .gr-sample {
width: 240px !important;
height: 135px !important;
object-fit: cover;
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 10px;
.gradio-container .gradio-examples {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 10px;
/* Ensure the parent container does not stretch */
.gradio-container .gradio-examples {
max-width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
/* Additional styles to ensure proper sizing in Safari */
.gradio-container .gradio-examples .gr-sample img {
width: 240px !important;
height: 135px !important;
object-fit: cover;
custom_html = custom_css + """
<div class="header">
<h1><span class="blue-text">GestSync:</span> Determining who is speaking without a talking head</h1>
<h2>Upload any video to predict the synchronization offset and generate a sync-corrected video</h2>
<p>Sindhu Hegde and Andrew Zisserman</p>
<p>VGG, University of Oxford</p>
# Define paths to sample videos
sample_videos = [
# Define Gradio interface
with gr.Blocks(css=custom_css, theme=gr.themes.Default(, as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Group(elem_classes="slider-container"):
num_avg_frames = gr.Slider(
label="Number of Average Frames",
apply_preprocess = gr.Checkbox(label="Apply Preprocessing", value=False)
video_input = gr.Video(label="Upload Video", height=400)
with gr.Column():
result_text = gr.Textbox(label="Result")
output_video = gr.Video(label="Sync Corrected Video", height=400)
with gr.Row():
submit_button = gr.Button("Submit", variant="primary")
clear_button = gr.Button("Clear")
inputs=[video_input, num_avg_frames, apply_preprocess],
outputs=[result_text, output_video]
fn=lambda: (None, 75, False, "", None),
outputs=[video_input, num_avg_frames, apply_preprocess, result_text, output_video]
gr.HTML('<div class="examples-holder"></div>')
# Add examples
logs = gr.Textbox(label="Logs")
demo.load(read_logs, None, logs, every=1)
# Launch the interface
demo.queue().launch(allowed_paths=["."], show_error=True)