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<h4 class="date-line">Thursday, February 29, 2024</h4>
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<div id="ePaNBsa-iUc" class="fr-embedded"><p id="eCOllQTmDCCN">Good evening,</p><p id="erBxlZvSpvq0">In tonight's 5pm briefing Wayne Couzens’ history of sexual offending has prompted questions about how Sarah Everard’s murderer was allowed to join the police, Russian president Vladimir Putin has threatened to unleash nuclear war if Nato troops enter Ukraine, and Hairy Biker Dave Myers has died at the age of 66...</p><div id="ezLHQ4dtlxW8" class="fr-embedded">
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<td style="text-align: center; padding: 20px 0 5px 0;"><span class="topic-tag">TONIGHT&#x27;S TOP STORIES</span></td>
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<h2 style="margin:0 0 0 0">How was Couzens EVER allowed to join the police?
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<h2 style="margin:0 0 0 0">Russia ‘fully ready for a nuclear war’
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<h2 style="margin:0 0 0 0">Hairy Biker Dave Myers dies at 66 after battle with cancer
</div><hr id="ezQMVZy0aZfm" /><p style="text-align: center;" id="e7aMavTZnIOw"><strong id="ehfCGUZTEhTy">Tonight's other headlines</strong></p><p id="eFSw8RtnpaCR" class=""><strong id="eT2RPfSchO">Home Affairs</strong><span>: </span>
<a href="" style="margin:0">‘Astonishing’ rise in foreigner visas </a></p><p id="e6LnZbEUuNN0" class=""><strong id="eyNFDTJQkc">Politics</strong><span>: </span>
<a href="" style="margin:0">Gaza protest demos ‘put lives at risk’ by draining resources</a></p><p id="ejOzVL4dlPIo" class=""><strong id="eKekxqh9Pi">Crime</strong><span>: </span>
<a href="" style="margin:0">Now the father of Brianna’s killer is locked up after exposing himself to teenage girls</a></p><p id="esWcYNaKFaLK" class=""><strong id="eEFTYzrkhj">Royals</strong><span></span>
<a href="" style="margin:0">Queen Camilla meets First Lady of Ukraine</a></p><p id="e_x1jd4Y_rAc" class=""><strong id="e7zr2O1Qkq">Showbiz</strong><span>: </span>
<a href="" style="margin:0">Rhapsody, the song we all want to play</a></p><hr id="elA_3tNhQScf" /><p id="eYwBOlcgF9ih" class=""><strong id="eogSNyDF828U">Daily poll</strong><span>: </span>
<a href="" style="margin:0">Can Ukraine win the war against Russia? </a></p><hr id="eRbv_ZzDJd2e" /><p id="eXx7XSU139PK" class=""><strong id="eiHI3BQe6nqe">Listen</strong><span>: </span>
<a href="" style="margin:0">The Trial: Constance Marten and Mark Gordon</a></p><hr id="eA9kP3MPHyIu" /><p id="eGrxGKpQ0GpG" class=""></p><div id="eaTL45lM1KTR" class="fr-embedded">
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<a href="" style="margin:0">The latest news from the City</a></p><hr id="ekxFH9FSGpQf" /><p style="text-align: left;" id="eHjFGS7n99WY"></p><div id="ecYDa84Tp2Fs" class="fr-embedded">
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<td style="text-align: center; padding: 20px 0 5px 0;"><span class="topic-tag">MAIL SPORT</span></td>
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<h2 style="margin:0 0 0 0">Pogba ban bombshell
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<h2 style="margin:0 0 0 0">Pick of today’s TV: The Mighty Mississippi With Nick Knowles (9pm, CH5)
</div><hr id="e80hbxCOpc1I" /><p style="text-align: center;" id="e64Jmw5Ny41B"><strong id="e3neNlJBtXft">Tomorrow's news today</strong></p><p id="e3c4ocwsXYcB" class="">• Scottish Conservative conference in Aberdeen</p><p id="ep6Sg4zI37UB" class="">• Michael Gove and Angela Rayner to speak at the Convention of the North 2024 in Leeds</p><p id="efIoUVM7dzDy" class="">• Rochdale by-election result</p><hr id="eudguLoJwQSP" /><p id="eABpga2qNEtm" class=""></p><div id="eQI7CEMKPSDp" class="fr-embedded">
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