# fmt: off | |
############################################ | |
# imports | |
############################################ | |
import jax | |
import requests | |
import hashlib | |
import tarfile | |
import time | |
import pickle | |
import os | |
import re | |
import random | |
import tqdm.notebook | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import matplotlib | |
import matplotlib.patheffects | |
from matplotlib import collections as mcoll | |
try: | |
import py3Dmol | |
except: | |
pass | |
from string import ascii_uppercase,ascii_lowercase | |
pymol_color_list = ["#33ff33","#00ffff","#ff33cc","#ffff00","#ff9999","#e5e5e5","#7f7fff","#ff7f00", | |
"#7fff7f","#199999","#ff007f","#ffdd5e","#8c3f99","#b2b2b2","#007fff","#c4b200", | |
"#8cb266","#00bfbf","#b27f7f","#fcd1a5","#ff7f7f","#ffbfdd","#7fffff","#ffff7f", | |
"#00ff7f","#337fcc","#d8337f","#bfff3f","#ff7fff","#d8d8ff","#3fffbf","#b78c4c", | |
"#339933","#66b2b2","#ba8c84","#84bf00","#b24c66","#7f7f7f","#3f3fa5","#a5512b"] | |
pymol_cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(pymol_color_list) | |
alphabet_list = list(ascii_uppercase+ascii_lowercase) | |
aatypes = set('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY') | |
########################################### | |
# control gpu/cpu memory usage | |
########################################### | |
def rm(x): | |
'''remove data from device''' | |
jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda y: y.device_buffer.delete(), x) | |
def to(x,device="cpu"): | |
'''move data to device''' | |
d = jax.devices(device)[0] | |
return jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda y:jax.device_put(y,d), x) | |
def clear_mem(device="gpu"): | |
'''remove all data from device''' | |
backend = jax.lib.xla_bridge.get_backend(device) | |
for buf in backend.live_buffers(): buf.delete() | |
########################################## | |
# call mmseqs2 | |
########################################## | |
TQDM_BAR_FORMAT = '{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [elapsed: {elapsed} remaining: {remaining}]' | |
def run_mmseqs2(x, prefix, use_env=True, use_filter=True, | |
use_templates=False, filter=None, host_url=""): | |
def submit(seqs, mode, N=101): | |
n,query = N,"" | |
for seq in seqs: | |
query += f">{n}\n{seq}\n" | |
n += 1 | |
res ='{host_url}/ticket/msa', data={'q':query,'mode': mode}) | |
try: out = res.json() | |
except ValueError: out = {"status":"UNKNOWN"} | |
return out | |
def status(ID): | |
res = requests.get(f'{host_url}/ticket/{ID}') | |
try: out = res.json() | |
except ValueError: out = {"status":"UNKNOWN"} | |
return out | |
def download(ID, path): | |
res = requests.get(f'{host_url}/result/download/{ID}') | |
with open(path,"wb") as out: out.write(res.content) | |
# process input x | |
seqs = [x] if isinstance(x, str) else x | |
# compatibility to old option | |
if filter is not None: | |
use_filter = filter | |
# setup mode | |
if use_filter: | |
mode = "env" if use_env else "all" | |
else: | |
mode = "env-nofilter" if use_env else "nofilter" | |
# define path | |
path = f"{prefix}_{mode}" | |
if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) | |
# call mmseqs2 api | |
tar_gz_file = f'{path}/out.tar.gz' | |
N,REDO = 101,True | |
# deduplicate and keep track of order | |
seqs_unique = sorted(list(set(seqs))) | |
Ms = [N+seqs_unique.index(seq) for seq in seqs] | |
# lets do it! | |
if not os.path.isfile(tar_gz_file): | |
TIME_ESTIMATE = 150 * len(seqs_unique) | |
with tqdm.notebook.tqdm(total=TIME_ESTIMATE, bar_format=TQDM_BAR_FORMAT) as pbar: | |
while REDO: | |
pbar.set_description("SUBMIT") | |
# Resubmit job until it goes through | |
out = submit(seqs_unique, mode, N) | |
while out["status"] in ["UNKNOWN","RATELIMIT"]: | |
# resubmit | |
time.sleep(5 + random.randint(0,5)) | |
out = submit(seqs_unique, mode, N) | |
if out["status"] == "ERROR": | |
raise Exception(f'MMseqs2 API is giving errors. Please confirm your input is a valid protein sequence. If error persists, please try again an hour later.') | |
if out["status"] == "MAINTENANCE": | |
raise Exception(f'MMseqs2 API is undergoing maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes.') | |
# wait for job to finish | |
ID,TIME = out["id"],0 | |
pbar.set_description(out["status"]) | |
while out["status"] in ["UNKNOWN","RUNNING","PENDING"]: | |
t = 5 + random.randint(0,5) | |
time.sleep(t) | |
out = status(ID) | |
pbar.set_description(out["status"]) | |
if out["status"] == "RUNNING": | |
TIME += t | |
pbar.update(n=t) | |
#if TIME > 900 and out["status"] != "COMPLETE": | |
# # something failed on the server side, need to resubmit | |
# N += 1 | |
# break | |
if out["status"] == "COMPLETE": | |
pbar.update(n=(TIME_ESTIMATE-TIME)) | |
REDO = False | |
# Download results | |
download(ID, tar_gz_file) | |
# prep list of a3m files | |
a3m_files = [f"{path}/uniref.a3m"] | |
if use_env: a3m_files.append(f"{path}/bfd.mgnify30.metaeuk30.smag30.a3m") | |
# extract a3m files | |
if not os.path.isfile(a3m_files[0]): | |
with as tar_gz: | |
tar_gz.extractall(path) | |
# templates | |
if use_templates: | |
templates = {} | |
print("seq\tpdb\tcid\tevalue") | |
for line in open(f"{path}/pdb70.m8","r"): | |
p = line.rstrip().split() | |
M,pdb,qid,e_value = p[0],p[1],p[2],p[10] | |
M = int(M) | |
if M not in templates: templates[M] = [] | |
templates[M].append(pdb) | |
if len(templates[M]) <= 20: | |
print(f"{int(M)-N}\t{pdb}\t{qid}\t{e_value}") | |
template_paths = {} | |
for k,TMPL in templates.items(): | |
TMPL_PATH = f"{prefix}_{mode}/templates_{k}" | |
if not os.path.isdir(TMPL_PATH): | |
os.mkdir(TMPL_PATH) | |
TMPL_LINE = ",".join(TMPL[:20]) | |
os.system(f"curl -s{TMPL_LINE} | tar xzf - -C {TMPL_PATH}/") | |
os.system(f"cp {TMPL_PATH}/pdb70_a3m.ffindex {TMPL_PATH}/pdb70_cs219.ffindex") | |
os.system(f"touch {TMPL_PATH}/pdb70_cs219.ffdata") | |
template_paths[k] = TMPL_PATH | |
# gather a3m lines | |
a3m_lines = {} | |
for a3m_file in a3m_files: | |
update_M,M = True,None | |
for line in open(a3m_file,"r"): | |
if len(line) > 0: | |
if "\x00" in line: | |
line = line.replace("\x00","") | |
update_M = True | |
if line.startswith(">") and update_M: | |
M = int(line[1:].rstrip()) | |
update_M = False | |
if M not in a3m_lines: a3m_lines[M] = [] | |
a3m_lines[M].append(line) | |
# return results | |
a3m_lines = ["".join(a3m_lines[n]) for n in Ms] | |
if use_templates: | |
template_paths_ = [] | |
for n in Ms: | |
if n not in template_paths: | |
template_paths_.append(None) | |
print(f"{n-N}\tno_templates_found") | |
else: | |
template_paths_.append(template_paths[n]) | |
template_paths = template_paths_ | |
if isinstance(x, str): | |
return (a3m_lines[0], template_paths[0]) if use_templates else a3m_lines[0] | |
else: | |
return (a3m_lines, template_paths) if use_templates else a3m_lines | |
######################################################################### | |
# utils | |
######################################################################### | |
def get_hash(x): | |
return hashlib.sha1(x.encode()).hexdigest() | |
def homooligomerize(msas, deletion_matrices, homooligomer=1): | |
if homooligomer == 1: | |
return msas, deletion_matrices | |
else: | |
new_msas = [] | |
new_mtxs = [] | |
for o in range(homooligomer): | |
for msa,mtx in zip(msas, deletion_matrices): | |
num_res = len(msa[0]) | |
L = num_res * o | |
R = num_res * (homooligomer-(o+1)) | |
new_msas.append(["-"*L+s+"-"*R for s in msa]) | |
new_mtxs.append([[0]*L+m+[0]*R for m in mtx]) | |
return new_msas, new_mtxs | |
# keeping typo for cross-compatibility | |
def homooliomerize(msas, deletion_matrices, homooligomer=1): | |
return homooligomerize(msas, deletion_matrices, homooligomer=homooligomer) | |
def homooligomerize_heterooligomer(msas, deletion_matrices, lengths, homooligomers): | |
''' | |
----- inputs ----- | |
msas: list of msas | |
deletion_matrices: list of deletion matrices | |
lengths: list of lengths for each component in complex | |
homooligomers: list of number of homooligomeric copies for each component | |
----- outputs ----- | |
(msas, deletion_matrices) | |
''' | |
if max(homooligomers) == 1: | |
return msas, deletion_matrices | |
elif len(homooligomers) == 1: | |
return homooligomerize(msas, deletion_matrices, homooligomers[0]) | |
else: | |
frag_ij = [[0,lengths[0]]] | |
for length in lengths[1:]: | |
j = frag_ij[-1][-1] | |
frag_ij.append([j,j+length]) | |
# for every msa | |
mod_msas, mod_mtxs = [],[] | |
for msa, mtx in zip(msas, deletion_matrices): | |
mod_msa, mod_mtx = [],[] | |
# for every sequence | |
for n,(s,m) in enumerate(zip(msa,mtx)): | |
# split sequence | |
_s,_m,_ok = [],[],[] | |
for i,j in frag_ij: | |
_s.append(s[i:j]); _m.append(m[i:j]) | |
_ok.append(max([o != "-" for o in _s[-1]])) | |
if n == 0: | |
# if first query sequence | |
mod_msa.append("".join([x*h for x,h in zip(_s,homooligomers)])) | |
mod_mtx.append(sum([x*h for x,h in zip(_m,homooligomers)],[])) | |
elif sum(_ok) == 1: | |
# elif one fragment: copy each fragment to every homooligomeric copy | |
a = _ok.index(True) | |
for h_a in range(homooligomers[a]): | |
_blank_seq = [["-"*l]*h for l,h in zip(lengths,homooligomers)] | |
_blank_mtx = [[[0]*l]*h for l,h in zip(lengths,homooligomers)] | |
_blank_seq[a][h_a] = _s[a] | |
_blank_mtx[a][h_a] = _m[a] | |
mod_msa.append("".join(["".join(x) for x in _blank_seq])) | |
mod_mtx.append(sum([sum(x,[]) for x in _blank_mtx],[])) | |
else: | |
# else: copy fragment pair to every homooligomeric copy pair | |
for a in range(len(lengths)-1): | |
if _ok[a]: | |
for b in range(a+1,len(lengths)): | |
if _ok[b]: | |
for h_a in range(homooligomers[a]): | |
for h_b in range(homooligomers[b]): | |
_blank_seq = [["-"*l]*h for l,h in zip(lengths,homooligomers)] | |
_blank_mtx = [[[0]*l]*h for l,h in zip(lengths,homooligomers)] | |
for c,h_c in zip([a,b],[h_a,h_b]): | |
_blank_seq[c][h_c] = _s[c] | |
_blank_mtx[c][h_c] = _m[c] | |
mod_msa.append("".join(["".join(x) for x in _blank_seq])) | |
mod_mtx.append(sum([sum(x,[]) for x in _blank_mtx],[])) | |
mod_msas.append(mod_msa) | |
mod_mtxs.append(mod_mtx) | |
return mod_msas, mod_mtxs | |
def chain_break(idx_res, Ls, length=200): | |
# Minkyung's code | |
# add big enough number to residue index to indicate chain breaks | |
L_prev = 0 | |
for L_i in Ls[:-1]: | |
idx_res[L_prev+L_i:] += length | |
L_prev += L_i | |
return idx_res | |
################################################## | |
# plotting | |
################################################## | |
def plot_plddt_legend(dpi=100): | |
thresh = ['plDDT:','Very low (<50)','Low (60)','OK (70)','Confident (80)','Very high (>90)'] | |
plt.figure(figsize=(1,0.1),dpi=dpi) | |
######################################## | |
for c in ["#FFFFFF","#FF0000","#FFFF00","#00FF00","#00FFFF","#0000FF"]: | |, 0, color=c) | |
plt.legend(thresh, frameon=False, | |
loc='center', ncol=6, | |
handletextpad=1, | |
columnspacing=1, | |
markerscale=0.5,) | |
plt.axis(False) | |
return plt | |
def plot_ticks(Ls): | |
Ln = sum(Ls) | |
L_prev = 0 | |
for L_i in Ls[:-1]: | |
L = L_prev + L_i | |
L_prev += L_i | |
plt.plot([0,Ln],[L,L],color="black") | |
plt.plot([L,L],[0,Ln],color="black") | |
ticks = np.cumsum([0]+Ls) | |
ticks = (ticks[1:] + ticks[:-1])/2 | |
plt.yticks(ticks,alphabet_list[:len(ticks)]) | |
def plot_confidence(plddt, pae=None, Ls=None, dpi=100): | |
use_ptm = False if pae is None else True | |
if use_ptm: | |
plt.figure(figsize=(10,3), dpi=dpi) | |
plt.subplot(1,2,1); | |
else: | |
plt.figure(figsize=(5,3), dpi=dpi) | |
plt.title('Predicted lDDT') | |
plt.plot(plddt) | |
if Ls is not None: | |
L_prev = 0 | |
for L_i in Ls[:-1]: | |
L = L_prev + L_i | |
L_prev += L_i | |
plt.plot([L,L],[0,100],color="black") | |
plt.ylim(0,100) | |
plt.ylabel('plDDT') | |
plt.xlabel('position') | |
if use_ptm: | |
plt.subplot(1,2,2);plt.title('Predicted Aligned Error') | |
Ln = pae.shape[0] | |
plt.imshow(pae,cmap="bwr",vmin=0,vmax=30,extent=(0, Ln, Ln, 0)) | |
if Ls is not None and len(Ls) > 1: plot_ticks(Ls) | |
plt.colorbar() | |
plt.xlabel('Scored residue') | |
plt.ylabel('Aligned residue') | |
return plt | |
def plot_msas(msas, ori_seq=None, sort_by_seqid=True, deduplicate=True, dpi=100, return_plt=True): | |
''' | |
plot the msas | |
''' | |
if ori_seq is None: ori_seq = msas[0][0] | |
seqs = ori_seq.replace("/","").split(":") | |
seqs_dash = ori_seq.replace(":","").split("/") | |
Ln = np.cumsum(np.append(0,[len(seq) for seq in seqs])) | |
Ln_dash = np.cumsum(np.append(0,[len(seq) for seq in seqs_dash])) | |
Nn,lines = [],[] | |
for msa in msas: | |
msa_ = set(msa) if deduplicate else msa | |
if len(msa_) > 0: | |
Nn.append(len(msa_)) | |
msa_ = np.asarray([list(seq) for seq in msa_]) | |
gap_ = msa_ != "-" | |
qid_ = msa_ == np.array(list("".join(seqs))) | |
gapid = np.stack([gap_[:,Ln[i]:Ln[i+1]].max(-1) for i in range(len(seqs))],-1) | |
seqid = np.stack([qid_[:,Ln[i]:Ln[i+1]].mean(-1) for i in range(len(seqs))],-1).sum(-1) / (gapid.sum(-1) + 1e-8) | |
non_gaps = gap_.astype(np.float) | |
non_gaps[non_gaps == 0] = np.nan | |
if sort_by_seqid: | |
lines.append(non_gaps[seqid.argsort()]*seqid[seqid.argsort(),None]) | |
else: | |
lines.append(non_gaps[::-1] * seqid[::-1,None]) | |
Nn = np.cumsum(np.append(0,Nn)) | |
lines = np.concatenate(lines,0) | |
if return_plt: | |
plt.figure(figsize=(8,5),dpi=dpi) | |
plt.title("Sequence coverage") | |
plt.imshow(lines, | |
interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', | |
cmap="rainbow_r", vmin=0, vmax=1, origin='lower', | |
extent=(0, lines.shape[1], 0, lines.shape[0])) | |
for i in Ln[1:-1]: | |
plt.plot([i,i],[0,lines.shape[0]],color="black") | |
for i in Ln_dash[1:-1]: | |
plt.plot([i,i],[0,lines.shape[0]],"--",color="black") | |
for j in Nn[1:-1]: | |
plt.plot([0,lines.shape[1]],[j,j],color="black") | |
plt.plot((np.isnan(lines) == False).sum(0), color='black') | |
plt.xlim(0,lines.shape[1]) | |
plt.ylim(0,lines.shape[0]) | |
plt.colorbar(label="Sequence identity to query") | |
plt.xlabel("Positions") | |
plt.ylabel("Sequences") | |
if return_plt: return plt | |
def read_pdb_renum(pdb_filename, Ls=None): | |
if Ls is not None: | |
L_init = 0 | |
new_chain = {} | |
for L,c in zip(Ls, alphabet_list): | |
new_chain.update({i:c for i in range(L_init,L_init+L)}) | |
L_init += L | |
n,pdb_out = 1,[] | |
resnum_,chain_ = 1,"A" | |
for line in open(pdb_filename,"r"): | |
if line[:4] == "ATOM": | |
chain = line[21:22] | |
resnum = int(line[22:22+5]) | |
if resnum != resnum_ or chain != chain_: | |
resnum_,chain_ = resnum,chain | |
n += 1 | |
if Ls is None: pdb_out.append("%s%4i%s" % (line[:22],n,line[26:])) | |
else: pdb_out.append("%s%s%4i%s" % (line[:21],new_chain[n-1],n,line[26:])) | |
return "".join(pdb_out) | |
def show_pdb(pred_output_path, show_sidechains=False, show_mainchains=False, | |
color="lDDT", chains=None, Ls=None, vmin=50, vmax=90, | |
color_HP=False, size=(800,480)): | |
if chains is None: | |
chains = 1 if Ls is None else len(Ls) | |
view = py3Dmol.view(js='', width=size[0], height=size[1]) | |
view.addModel(read_pdb_renum(pred_output_path, Ls),'pdb') | |
if color == "lDDT": | |
view.setStyle({'cartoon': {'colorscheme': {'prop':'b','gradient': 'roygb','min':vmin,'max':vmax}}}) | |
elif color == "rainbow": | |
view.setStyle({'cartoon': {'color':'spectrum'}}) | |
elif color == "chain": | |
for n,chain,color in zip(range(chains),alphabet_list,pymol_color_list): | |
view.setStyle({'chain':chain},{'cartoon': {'color':color}}) | |
if show_sidechains: | |
BB = ['C','O','N'] | |
HP = ["ALA","GLY","VAL","ILE","LEU","PHE","MET","PRO","TRP","CYS","TYR"] | |
if color_HP: | |
view.addStyle({'and':[{'resn':HP},{'atom':BB,'invert':True}]}, | |
{'stick':{'colorscheme':"yellowCarbon",'radius':0.3}}) | |
view.addStyle({'and':[{'resn':HP,'invert':True},{'atom':BB,'invert':True}]}, | |
{'stick':{'colorscheme':"whiteCarbon",'radius':0.3}}) | |
view.addStyle({'and':[{'resn':"GLY"},{'atom':'CA'}]}, | |
{'sphere':{'colorscheme':"yellowCarbon",'radius':0.3}}) | |
view.addStyle({'and':[{'resn':"PRO"},{'atom':['C','O'],'invert':True}]}, | |
{'stick':{'colorscheme':"yellowCarbon",'radius':0.3}}) | |
else: | |
view.addStyle({'and':[{'resn':["GLY","PRO"],'invert':True},{'atom':BB,'invert':True}]}, | |
{'stick':{'colorscheme':f"WhiteCarbon",'radius':0.3}}) | |
view.addStyle({'and':[{'resn':"GLY"},{'atom':'CA'}]}, | |
{'sphere':{'colorscheme':f"WhiteCarbon",'radius':0.3}}) | |
view.addStyle({'and':[{'resn':"PRO"},{'atom':['C','O'],'invert':True}]}, | |
{'stick':{'colorscheme':f"WhiteCarbon",'radius':0.3}}) | |
if show_mainchains: | |
BB = ['C','O','N','CA'] | |
view.addStyle({'atom':BB},{'stick':{'colorscheme':f"WhiteCarbon",'radius':0.3}}) | |
view.zoomTo() | |
return view | |
def plot_plddts(plddts, Ls=None, dpi=100, fig=True): | |
if fig: plt.figure(figsize=(8,5),dpi=100) | |
plt.title("Predicted lDDT per position") | |
for n,plddt in enumerate(plddts): | |
plt.plot(plddt,label=f"rank_{n+1}") | |
if Ls is not None: | |
L_prev = 0 | |
for L_i in Ls[:-1]: | |
L = L_prev + L_i | |
L_prev += L_i | |
plt.plot([L,L],[0,100],color="black") | |
plt.legend() | |
plt.ylim(0,100) | |
plt.ylabel("Predicted lDDT") | |
plt.xlabel("Positions") | |
return plt | |
def plot_paes(paes, Ls=None, dpi=100, fig=True): | |
num_models = len(paes) | |
if fig: plt.figure(figsize=(3*num_models,2), dpi=dpi) | |
for n,pae in enumerate(paes): | |
plt.subplot(1,num_models,n+1) | |
plt.title(f"rank_{n+1}") | |
Ln = pae.shape[0] | |
plt.imshow(pae,cmap="bwr",vmin=0,vmax=30,extent=(0, Ln, Ln, 0)) | |
if Ls is not None and len(Ls) > 1: plot_ticks(Ls) | |
plt.colorbar() | |
return plt | |
def plot_adjs(adjs, Ls=None, dpi=100, fig=True): | |
num_models = len(adjs) | |
if fig: plt.figure(figsize=(3*num_models,2), dpi=dpi) | |
for n,adj in enumerate(adjs): | |
plt.subplot(1,num_models,n+1) | |
plt.title(f"rank_{n+1}") | |
Ln = adj.shape[0] | |
plt.imshow(adj,cmap="binary",vmin=0,vmax=1,extent=(0, Ln, Ln, 0)) | |
if Ls is not None and len(Ls) > 1: plot_ticks(Ls) | |
plt.colorbar() | |
return plt | |
def plot_dists(dists, Ls=None, dpi=100, fig=True): | |
num_models = len(dists) | |
if fig: plt.figure(figsize=(3*num_models,2), dpi=dpi) | |
for n,dist in enumerate(dists): | |
plt.subplot(1,num_models,n+1) | |
plt.title(f"rank_{n+1}") | |
Ln = dist.shape[0] | |
plt.imshow(dist,extent=(0, Ln, Ln, 0)) | |
if Ls is not None and len(Ls) > 1: plot_ticks(Ls) | |
plt.colorbar() | |
return plt | |
########################################################################## | |
########################################################################## | |
def kabsch(a, b, weights=None, return_v=False): | |
a = np.asarray(a) | |
b = np.asarray(b) | |
if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(b)) | |
else: weights = np.asarray(weights) | |
B = np.einsum('ji,jk->ik', weights[:, None] * a, b) | |
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(B) | |
if np.linalg.det(u @ vh) < 0: u[:, -1] = -u[:, -1] | |
if return_v: return u | |
else: return u @ vh | |
def plot_pseudo_3D(xyz, c=None, ax=None, chainbreak=5, | |
cmap="gist_rainbow", line_w=2.0, | |
cmin=None, cmax=None, zmin=None, zmax=None): | |
def rescale(a,amin=None,amax=None): | |
a = np.copy(a) | |
if amin is None: amin = a.min() | |
if amax is None: amax = a.max() | |
a[a < amin] = amin | |
a[a > amax] = amax | |
return (a - amin)/(amax - amin) | |
# make segments | |
xyz = np.asarray(xyz) | |
seg = np.concatenate([xyz[:-1,None,:],xyz[1:,None,:]],axis=-2) | |
seg_xy = seg[...,:2] | |
seg_z = seg[...,2].mean(-1) | |
ord = seg_z.argsort() | |
# set colors | |
if c is None: c = np.arange(len(seg))[::-1] | |
else: c = (c[1:] + c[:-1])/2 | |
c = rescale(c,cmin,cmax) | |
if isinstance(cmap, str): | |
if cmap == "gist_rainbow": c *= 0.75 | |
colors = | |
else: | |
colors = cmap(c) | |
if chainbreak is not None: | |
dist = np.linalg.norm(xyz[:-1] - xyz[1:], axis=-1) | |
colors[...,3] = (dist < chainbreak).astype(np.float) | |
# add shade/tint based on z-dimension | |
z = rescale(seg_z,zmin,zmax)[:,None] | |
tint, shade = z/3, (z+2)/3 | |
colors[:,:3] = colors[:,:3] + (1 - colors[:,:3]) * tint | |
colors[:,:3] = colors[:,:3] * shade | |
set_lim = False | |
if ax is None: | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() | |
fig.set_figwidth(5) | |
fig.set_figheight(5) | |
set_lim = True | |
else: | |
fig = ax.get_figure() | |
if ax.get_xlim() == (0,1): | |
set_lim = True | |
if set_lim: | |
xy_min = xyz[:,:2].min() - line_w | |
xy_max = xyz[:,:2].max() + line_w | |
ax.set_xlim(xy_min,xy_max) | |
ax.set_ylim(xy_min,xy_max) | |
ax.set_aspect('equal') | |
# determine linewidths | |
width = fig.bbox_inches.width * ax.get_position().width | |
linewidths = line_w * 72 * width / np.diff(ax.get_xlim()) | |
lines = mcoll.LineCollection(seg_xy[ord], colors=colors[ord], linewidths=linewidths, | |
path_effects=[matplotlib.patheffects.Stroke(capstyle="round")]) | |
return ax.add_collection(lines) | |
def add_text(text, ax): | |
return plt.text(0.5, 1.01, text, horizontalalignment='center', | |
verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes) | |
def plot_protein(protein=None, pos=None, plddt=None, Ls=None, dpi=100, best_view=True, line_w=2.0): | |
if protein is not None: | |
pos = np.asarray(protein.atom_positions[:,1,:]) | |
plddt = np.asarray(protein.b_factors[:,0]) | |
# get best view | |
if best_view: | |
if plddt is not None: | |
weights = plddt/100 | |
pos = pos - (pos * weights[:,None]).sum(0,keepdims=True) / weights.sum() | |
pos = pos @ kabsch(pos, pos, weights, return_v=True) | |
else: | |
pos = pos - pos.mean(0,keepdims=True) | |
pos = pos @ kabsch(pos, pos, return_v=True) | |
if plddt is not None: | |
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2) | |
fig.set_figwidth(6); fig.set_figheight(3) | |
ax = [ax1, ax2] | |
else: | |
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1) | |
fig.set_figwidth(3); fig.set_figheight(3) | |
ax = [ax1] | |
fig.set_dpi(dpi) | |
fig.subplots_adjust(top = 0.9, bottom = 0.1, right = 1, left = 0, hspace = 0, wspace = 0) | |
xy_min = pos[...,:2].min() - line_w | |
xy_max = pos[...,:2].max() + line_w | |
for a in ax: | |
a.set_xlim(xy_min, xy_max) | |
a.set_ylim(xy_min, xy_max) | |
a.axis(False) | |
if Ls is None or len(Ls) == 1: | |
# color N->C | |
c = np.arange(len(pos))[::-1] | |
plot_pseudo_3D(pos, line_w=line_w, ax=ax1) | |
add_text("colored by N→C", ax1) | |
else: | |
# color by chain | |
c = np.concatenate([[n]*L for n,L in enumerate(Ls)]) | |
if len(Ls) > 40: plot_pseudo_3D(pos, c=c, line_w=line_w, ax=ax1) | |
else: plot_pseudo_3D(pos, c=c, cmap=pymol_cmap, cmin=0, cmax=39, line_w=line_w, ax=ax1) | |
add_text("colored by chain", ax1) | |
if plddt is not None: | |
# color by pLDDT | |
plot_pseudo_3D(pos, c=plddt, cmin=50, cmax=90, line_w=line_w, ax=ax2) | |
add_text("colored by pLDDT", ax2) | |
return fig | |