Simon Duerr
add fast af
history blame
No virus
12.9 kB
# Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Functions for parsing various file formats."""
import collections
import dataclasses
import re
import string
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
DeletionMatrix = Sequence[Sequence[int]]
class TemplateHit:
"""Class representing a template hit."""
index: int
name: str
aligned_cols: int
sum_probs: float
query: str
hit_sequence: str
indices_query: List[int]
indices_hit: List[int]
def parse_fasta(fasta_string: str) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Sequence[str]]:
"""Parses FASTA string and returns list of strings with amino-acid sequences.
fasta_string: The string contents of a FASTA file.
A tuple of two lists:
* A list of sequences.
* A list of sequence descriptions taken from the comment lines. In the
same order as the sequences.
sequences = []
descriptions = []
index = -1
for line in fasta_string.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('>'):
index += 1
descriptions.append(line[1:]) # Remove the '>' at the beginning.
elif not line:
continue # Skip blank lines.
sequences[index] += line
return sequences, descriptions
def parse_stockholm(
stockholm_string: str
) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], DeletionMatrix, Sequence[str]]:
"""Parses sequences and deletion matrix from stockholm format alignment.
stockholm_string: The string contents of a stockholm file. The first
sequence in the file should be the query sequence.
A tuple of:
* A list of sequences that have been aligned to the query. These
might contain duplicates.
* The deletion matrix for the alignment as a list of lists. The element
at `deletion_matrix[i][j]` is the number of residues deleted from
the aligned sequence i at residue position j.
* The names of the targets matched, including the jackhmmer subsequence
name_to_sequence = collections.OrderedDict()
for line in stockholm_string.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith(('#', '//')):
name, sequence = line.split()
if name not in name_to_sequence:
name_to_sequence[name] = ''
name_to_sequence[name] += sequence
msa = []
deletion_matrix = []
query = ''
keep_columns = []
for seq_index, sequence in enumerate(name_to_sequence.values()):
if seq_index == 0:
# Gather the columns with gaps from the query
query = sequence
keep_columns = [i for i, res in enumerate(query) if res != '-']
# Remove the columns with gaps in the query from all sequences.
aligned_sequence = ''.join([sequence[c] for c in keep_columns])
# Count the number of deletions w.r.t. query.
deletion_vec = []
deletion_count = 0
for seq_res, query_res in zip(sequence, query):
if seq_res != '-' or query_res != '-':
if query_res == '-':
deletion_count += 1
deletion_count = 0
return msa, deletion_matrix, list(name_to_sequence.keys())
def parse_a3m(a3m_string: str) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], DeletionMatrix]:
"""Parses sequences and deletion matrix from a3m format alignment.
a3m_string: The string contents of a a3m file. The first sequence in the
file should be the query sequence.
A tuple of:
* A list of sequences that have been aligned to the query. These
might contain duplicates.
* The deletion matrix for the alignment as a list of lists. The element
at `deletion_matrix[i][j]` is the number of residues deleted from
the aligned sequence i at residue position j.
sequences, _ = parse_fasta(a3m_string)
deletion_matrix = []
for msa_sequence in sequences:
deletion_vec = []
deletion_count = 0
for j in msa_sequence:
if j.islower():
deletion_count += 1
deletion_count = 0
# Make the MSA matrix out of aligned (deletion-free) sequences.
deletion_table = str.maketrans('', '', string.ascii_lowercase)
aligned_sequences = [s.translate(deletion_table) for s in sequences]
return aligned_sequences, deletion_matrix
def _convert_sto_seq_to_a3m(
query_non_gaps: Sequence[bool], sto_seq: str) -> Iterable[str]:
for is_query_res_non_gap, sequence_res in zip(query_non_gaps, sto_seq):
if is_query_res_non_gap:
yield sequence_res
elif sequence_res != '-':
yield sequence_res.lower()
def convert_stockholm_to_a3m(stockholm_format: str,
max_sequences: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
"""Converts MSA in Stockholm format to the A3M format."""
descriptions = {}
sequences = {}
reached_max_sequences = False
for line in stockholm_format.splitlines():
reached_max_sequences = max_sequences and len(sequences) >= max_sequences
if line.strip() and not line.startswith(('#', '//')):
# Ignore blank lines, markup and end symbols - remainder are alignment
# sequence parts.
seqname, aligned_seq = line.split(maxsplit=1)
if seqname not in sequences:
if reached_max_sequences:
sequences[seqname] = ''
sequences[seqname] += aligned_seq
for line in stockholm_format.splitlines():
if line[:4] == '#=GS':
# Description row - example format is:
# #=GS UniRef90_Q9H5Z4/4-78 DE [subseq from] cDNA: FLJ22755 ...
columns = line.split(maxsplit=3)
seqname, feature = columns[1:3]
value = columns[3] if len(columns) == 4 else ''
if feature != 'DE':
if reached_max_sequences and seqname not in sequences:
descriptions[seqname] = value
if len(descriptions) == len(sequences):
# Convert sto format to a3m line by line
a3m_sequences = {}
# query_sequence is assumed to be the first sequence
query_sequence = next(iter(sequences.values()))
query_non_gaps = [res != '-' for res in query_sequence]
for seqname, sto_sequence in sequences.items():
a3m_sequences[seqname] = ''.join(
_convert_sto_seq_to_a3m(query_non_gaps, sto_sequence))
fasta_chunks = (f">{k} {descriptions.get(k, '')}\n{a3m_sequences[k]}"
for k in a3m_sequences)
return '\n'.join(fasta_chunks) + '\n' # Include terminating newline.
def _get_hhr_line_regex_groups(
regex_pattern: str, line: str) -> Sequence[Optional[str]]:
match = re.match(regex_pattern, line)
if match is None:
raise RuntimeError(f'Could not parse query line {line}')
return match.groups()
def _update_hhr_residue_indices_list(
sequence: str, start_index: int, indices_list: List[int]):
"""Computes the relative indices for each residue with respect to the original sequence."""
counter = start_index
for symbol in sequence:
if symbol == '-':
counter += 1
def _parse_hhr_hit(detailed_lines: Sequence[str]) -> TemplateHit:
"""Parses the detailed HMM HMM comparison section for a single Hit.
This works on .hhr files generated from both HHBlits and HHSearch.
detailed_lines: A list of lines from a single comparison section between 2
sequences (which each have their own HMM's)
A dictionary with the information from that detailed comparison section
RuntimeError: If a certain line cannot be processed
# Parse first 2 lines.
number_of_hit = int(detailed_lines[0].split()[-1])
name_hit = detailed_lines[1][1:]
# Parse the summary line.
pattern = (
'Probab=(.*)[\t ]*E-value=(.*)[\t ]*Score=(.*)[\t ]*Aligned_cols=(.*)[\t'
' ]*Identities=(.*)%[\t ]*Similarity=(.*)[\t ]*Sum_probs=(.*)[\t '
match = re.match(pattern, detailed_lines[2])
if match is None:
raise RuntimeError(
'Could not parse section: %s. Expected this: \n%s to contain summary.' %
(detailed_lines, detailed_lines[2]))
(prob_true, e_value, _, aligned_cols, _, _, sum_probs,
neff) = [float(x) for x in match.groups()]
# The next section reads the detailed comparisons. These are in a 'human
# readable' format which has a fixed length. The strategy employed is to
# assume that each block starts with the query sequence line, and to parse
# that with a regexp in order to deduce the fixed length used for that block.
query = ''
hit_sequence = ''
indices_query = []
indices_hit = []
length_block = None
for line in detailed_lines[3:]:
# Parse the query sequence line
if (line.startswith('Q ') and not line.startswith('Q ss_dssp') and
not line.startswith('Q ss_pred') and
not line.startswith('Q Consensus')):
# Thus the first 17 characters must be 'Q <query_name> ', and we can parse
# everything after that.
# start sequence end total_sequence_length
patt = r'[\t ]*([0-9]*) ([A-Z-]*)[\t ]*([0-9]*) \([0-9]*\)'
groups = _get_hhr_line_regex_groups(patt, line[17:])
# Get the length of the parsed block using the start and finish indices,
# and ensure it is the same as the actual block length.
start = int(groups[0]) - 1 # Make index zero based.
delta_query = groups[1]
end = int(groups[2])
num_insertions = len([x for x in delta_query if x == '-'])
length_block = end - start + num_insertions
assert length_block == len(delta_query)
# Update the query sequence and indices list.
query += delta_query
_update_hhr_residue_indices_list(delta_query, start, indices_query)
elif line.startswith('T '):
# Parse the hit sequence.
if (not line.startswith('T ss_dssp') and
not line.startswith('T ss_pred') and
not line.startswith('T Consensus')):
# Thus the first 17 characters must be 'T <hit_name> ', and we can
# parse everything after that.
# start sequence end total_sequence_length
patt = r'[\t ]*([0-9]*) ([A-Z-]*)[\t ]*[0-9]* \([0-9]*\)'
groups = _get_hhr_line_regex_groups(patt, line[17:])
start = int(groups[0]) - 1 # Make index zero based.
delta_hit_sequence = groups[1]
assert length_block == len(delta_hit_sequence)
# Update the hit sequence and indices list.
hit_sequence += delta_hit_sequence
_update_hhr_residue_indices_list(delta_hit_sequence, start, indices_hit)
return TemplateHit(
def parse_hhr(hhr_string: str) -> Sequence[TemplateHit]:
"""Parses the content of an entire HHR file."""
lines = hhr_string.splitlines()
# Each .hhr file starts with a results table, then has a sequence of hit
# "paragraphs", each paragraph starting with a line 'No <hit number>'. We
# iterate through each paragraph to parse each hit.
block_starts = [i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if line.startswith('No ')]
hits = []
if block_starts:
block_starts.append(len(lines)) # Add the end of the final block.
for i in range(len(block_starts) - 1):
hits.append(_parse_hhr_hit(lines[block_starts[i]:block_starts[i + 1]]))
return hits
def parse_e_values_from_tblout(tblout: str) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Parse target to e-value mapping parsed from Jackhmmer tblout string."""
e_values = {'query': 0}
lines = [line for line in tblout.splitlines() if line[0] != '#']
# As per fields are
# space-delimited. Relevant fields are (1) target name: and
# (5) E-value (full sequence) (numbering from 1).
for line in lines:
fields = line.split()
e_value = fields[4]
target_name = fields[0]
e_values[target_name] = float(e_value)
return e_values