Runtime error
Runtime error
import * as d3 from 'd3'; | |
import * as _ from "lodash" | |
import * as R from 'ramda' | |
import * as tp from '../etc/types'; | |
import * as rsp from '../api/responses'; | |
import '../etc/xd3' | |
import { API } from '../api/mainApi' | |
import { UIConfig } from '../uiConfig' | |
import { TextTokens, LeftTextToken, RightTextToken } from './TextToken' | |
import { AttentionHeadBox, getAttentionInfo } from './AttentionHeadBox' | |
import { AttentionGraph } from './AttentionConnector' | |
import { CorpusInspector } from './CorpusInspector' | |
import { TokenWrapper, sideToLetter } from '../data/TokenWrapper' | |
import { AttentionWrapper, makeFromMetaResponse } from '../data/AttentionCapsule' | |
import { SimpleEventHandler } from '../etc/SimpleEventHandler' | |
import { CorpusMatManager } from '../vis/CorpusMatManager' | |
import { CorpusHistogram } from '../vis/CorpusHistogram' | |
import { FaissSearchResultWrapper } from '../data/FaissSearchWrapper' | |
import { D3Sel, Sel } from '../etc/Util'; | |
import { from, fromEvent, interval } from 'rxjs' | |
import { switchMap, map, tap } from 'rxjs/operators' | |
import { BaseType } from "d3"; | |
import { SimpleMeta } from "../etc/types"; | |
import ChangeEvent = JQuery.ChangeEvent; | |
function isNullToken(tok: tp.TokenEvent) { | |
const isSomeNull = x => { | |
return (x == null) || (x == "null") | |
} | |
const tokIsNull = tok == null; | |
const tokHasNull = isSomeNull(tok.side) || isSomeNull(tok.ind) | |
return tokIsNull || tokHasNull | |
} | |
function showBySide(e: tp.TokenEvent) { | |
// Check if saved token in uiConf is null | |
if (!isNullToken(e)) { | |
const classSelector = e.side == "left" ? "src-idx" : "target-idx"; | |
Sel.setHidden(".atn-curve") | |
Sel.setVisible(`.atn-curve[${classSelector}='${e.ind}']`) | |
} | |
} | |
function chooseShowBySide(savedEvent: tp.TokenEvent, newEvent: tp.TokenEvent) { | |
if (isNullToken(savedEvent)) { | |
showBySide(newEvent) | |
} | |
} | |
function chooseShowAll(savedEvent: tp.TokenEvent) { | |
if (isNullToken(savedEvent)) | |
Sel.setVisible(".atn-curve") | |
} | |
function unselectHead(head: number) { | |
const affectedHeads = d3.selectAll(`.att-rect[head='${head}']`); | |
affectedHeads.classed("unselected", true) | |
} | |
function selectHead(head: number) { | |
const affectedHeads = d3.selectAll(`.att-rect[head='${head}']`); | |
affectedHeads.classed("unselected", false) | |
} | |
function setSelDisabled(attr: boolean, sel: D3Sel) { | |
const val = attr ? true : null | |
sel.attr('disabled', val) | |
} | |
export class MainGraphic { | |
api: API | |
uiConf: UIConfig | |
attCapsule: AttentionWrapper | |
tokCapsule: TokenWrapper | |
sels: any // Contains initial d3 selections of objects | |
vizs: any // Contains vis components wrapped around parent sel | |
eventHandler: SimpleEventHandler // Orchestrates events raised from components | |
constructor() { | |
this.api = new API() | |
this.uiConf = new UIConfig() | |
this.skeletonInit() | |
this.mainInit(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Functions that can be called without any information of a response. | |
* | |
* This should be called once and only once | |
*/ | |
skeletonInit() { | |
this.sels = { | |
body:'body'), | |
atnContainer:'#atn-container'), | |
atnDisplay:"#atn-display"), | |
modelSelector:"#model-option-selector"), | |
corpusSelector:"#corpus-select"), | |
atnHeads: { | |
left:"#left-att-heads"), | |
right:"#right-att-heads"), | |
headInfo:"#head-info-box") | |
.classed('mat-hover-display', true) | |
.classed('text-center', true) | |
.style('width', String(70) + 'px') | |
.style('height', String(30) + 'px') | |
.style('visibillity', 'hidden') | |
}, | |
form: { | |
sentenceA:"#form-sentence-a"), | |
button:"#update-sentence"), | |
}, | |
tokens: { | |
left:"#left-tokens"), | |
right:"#right-tokens"), | |
}, | |
clsToggle:"#cls-toggle").select(".switch"), | |
layerCheckboxes:"#layer-select"), | |
headCheckboxes:"#head-select"), | |
contextQuery:"#search-contexts"), | |
embeddingQuery:"#search-embeddings"), | |
selectedHeads:"#selected-heads"), | |
headSelectAll:"#select-all-heads"), | |
headSelectNone:"#select-no-heads"), | |
testCheckbox:"#simple-embed-query"), | |
threshSlider:"#my-range"), | |
corpusInspector:"#corpus-similar-sentences-div"), | |
corpusMatManager:"#corpus-mat-container"), | |
corpusMsgBox:"#corpus-msg-box"), | |
histograms: { | |
matchedWordDescription:"#match-kind"), | |
matchedWord:"#matched-histogram-container"), | |
maxAtt:"#max-att-histogram-container"), | |
}, | |
buttons: { | |
killLeft:"#kill-left"), | |
addLeft:"#minus-left"), | |
addRight:"#plus-right"), | |
killRight:"#kill-right"), | |
refresh:"#mat-refresh") | |
}, | |
metaSelector: { | |
matchedWord:"#matched-meta-select"), | |
maxAtt:"#max-att-meta-select") | |
} | |
} | |
this.eventHandler = new SimpleEventHandler(<Element>this.sels.body.node()); | |
this.vizs = { | |
leftHeads: new AttentionHeadBox(this.sels.atnHeads.left, this.eventHandler, { side: "left", }), | |
rightHeads: new AttentionHeadBox(this.sels.atnHeads.right, this.eventHandler, { side: "right" }), | |
tokens: { | |
left: new LeftTextToken(this.sels.tokens.left, this.eventHandler), | |
right: new RightTextToken(this.sels.tokens.right, this.eventHandler), | |
}, | |
attentionSvg: new AttentionGraph(this.sels.atnDisplay, this.eventHandler), | |
corpusInspector: new CorpusInspector(this.sels.corpusInspector, this.eventHandler), | |
corpusMatManager: new CorpusMatManager(this.sels.corpusMatManager, this.eventHandler, { idxs: this.uiConf.offsetIdxs() }), | |
histograms: { | |
matchedWord: new CorpusHistogram(this.sels.histograms.matchedWord, this.eventHandler), | |
maxAtt: new CorpusHistogram(this.sels.histograms.maxAtt, this.eventHandler), | |
}, | |
} | |
this._bindEventHandler() | |
} | |
private mainInit() { | |
const self = this; | |"cursor", "progress") | |
this.api.getModelDetails(this.uiConf.model()).then(md => { | |
const val = md.payload | |
this.uiConf.nLayers(val.nlayers).nHeads(val.nheads) | |
this.initLayers(this.uiConf.nLayers()) | |
this.api.getMetaAttentions(this.uiConf.model(), this.uiConf.sentence(), this.uiConf.layer()).then(attention => { | |
const att = attention.payload; | |
this.initFromResponse(att) | |
// Wrap postInit into function so asynchronous call does not mess with necessary inits | |
const postResponseDisplayCleanup = () => { | |
this._toggleTokenSel() | |
const toDisplay = this.uiConf.displayInspector() | |
this._searchDisabler() | |
if (toDisplay == 'context') { | |
this._queryContext() | |
} else if (toDisplay == 'embeddings') { | |
this._queryEmbeddings() | |
} | |
} | |
let normBy | |
if ((this.uiConf.modelKind() == tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive) && (!this.uiConf.hideClsSep())) { | |
normBy = tp.NormBy.Col | |
} | |
else { | |
normBy = tp.NormBy.All | |
} | |
this.vizs.attentionSvg.normBy = normBy | |
if (this.uiConf.maskInds().length > 0) { | |
this.tokCapsule.a.maskInds = this.uiConf.maskInds() | |
this.api.updateMaskedAttentions(this.uiConf.model(), this.tokCapsule.a, this.uiConf.sentence(), this.uiConf.layer()).then(resp => { | |
const r = resp.payload; | |
this.attCapsule.updateFromNormal(r, this.uiConf.hideClsSep()); | |
this.tokCapsule.updateTokens(r) | |
this.update() | |
postResponseDisplayCleanup() | |
}) | |
} else { | |
this.update() | |
postResponseDisplayCleanup() | |
} | |
if (this.uiConf.modelKind() == tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive) { | |
// Ensure only 1 mask ind is present for autoregressive models | |
if (this.uiConf.hasToken()) { | |
this.grayToggle(<number>this.uiConf.token().ind) | |
} | |
self.vizs.tokens.left.options.divHover.textInfo = "Would predict next..." | |
self.vizs.tokens.right.options.divHover.textInfo = "Would predict next..." | |
} | |
else { | |
self.vizs.tokens.left.options.divHover.textInfo = "Would predict here..." | |
self.vizs.tokens.right.options.divHover.textInfo = "Would predict here..." | |
} | |"cursor", "default") | |
}); | |
}) | |
} | |
private initFromResponse(attention: tp.AttentionResponse) { | |
this.attCapsule = makeFromMetaResponse(attention, this.uiConf.hideClsSep()) | |
this.tokCapsule = new TokenWrapper(attention); | |
this._staticInits() | |
} | |
private leaveCorpusMsg(msg: string) { | |
this.vizs.corpusInspector.hideView() | |
this.vizs.corpusMatManager.hideView() | |
console.log("Running leave msg"); | |
Sel.unhideElement(this.sels.corpusMsgBox) | |
this.sels.corpusMsgBox.text(msg) | |
} | |
private _bindEventHandler() { | |
const self = this; | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e) => { | |
switch (self.uiConf.modelKind()) { | |
case tp.ModelKind.Bidirectional: { | |
e.sel.classed("masked-token", !e.sel.classed("masked-token")); | |
const letter = sideToLetter(e.side, this.uiConf.attType) | |
self.tokCapsule[letter].toggle(e.ind) | |"cursor", "progress") | |
self.api.updateMaskedAttentions(this.uiConf.model(), this.tokCapsule.a, this.uiConf.sentence(), this.uiConf.layer()).then((resp: rsp.AttentionDetailsResponse) => { | |
const r = resp.payload; | |
self.attCapsule.updateFromNormal(r, this.uiConf.hideClsSep()); | |
self.tokCapsule.updateTokens(r); | |
self.uiConf.maskInds(this.tokCapsule.a.maskInds) | |
self.update(); | |"cursor", "default") | |
}) | |
break; | |
} | |
case tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive: { | |
console.log("Autoregressive model doesn't do masking"); | |
break; | |
} | |
default: { | |
console.log("What kind of model is this?"); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: tp.TokenEvent) => { | |
chooseShowBySide(this.uiConf.token(), e) | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e) => { | |
chooseShowAll(this.uiConf.token()) | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: tp.TokenEvent) => { | |
const tokToggle = () => { | |
this.uiConf.toggleToken(e) | |
this._toggleTokenSel() | |
showBySide(e) | |
} | |
tokToggle() | |
this.renderAttHead() | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: tp.HeadBoxEvent) => { | |'visibility', 'visible') | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, () => { | |'visibility', 'hidden') | |
// Don't do anything special on row mouse out | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: tp.HeadBoxEvent) => { | |
const updateMat = this.attCapsule.byHead(e.head) | | | |
this.vizs.attentionSvg.update(updateMat) | |
showBySide(this.uiConf.token()) | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, () => { | |
const att = this.attCapsule.byHeads(this.uiConf.heads()) | | | |
this.vizs.attentionSvg.update(att) | |
showBySide(this.uiConf.token()) | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e) => { | |
const headInfo = self.sels.atnHeads.headInfo | |
let left, top, borderRadius | |
if (e.side == "left") { | |
const divOffset = [12, 3] | |
left = e.mouse[0] + e.baseX - ('width').replace('px', '') + divOffset[0]) | |
top = e.mouse[1] + e.baseY - ('height').replace('px', '') + divOffset[1]) | |
borderRadius = "8px 8px 1px 8px" | |
} | |
else { | |
const divOffset = [-13, 3] | |
left = e.mouse[0] + e.baseX + divOffset[0] | |
top = e.mouse[1] + e.baseY - ('height').replace('px', '') + divOffset[1]) | |
borderRadius = "8px 8px 8px 1px" | |
} | |
headInfo | |
.style('visibility', 'visible') | |
.style('left', String(left) + 'px') | |
.style('top', String(top) + 'px') | |
.style('border-radius', borderRadius) | |
.text(`Head: ${e.ind + 1}`) | |
// Don't do anything special on row mouse over | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: { head }) => { | |
const result = this.uiConf.toggleHead(e.head) | |
if (result == tp.Toggled.ADDED) { | |
selectHead(e.head) | |
} else if (result == tp.Toggled.REMOVED) { | |
unselectHead(e.head) | |
} | |
this._searchDisabler() | |
this._renderHeadSummary(); | |
this.renderSvg(); | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: { val: "pos" | "dep" | "is_ent", offset: number }) => { | |
// Uncomment the below if you want to modify the whole column | |
// const selector = `.inspector-cell[index-offset='${e.offset}']` | |
// d3.selectAll(selector).classed("hovered-col", true) | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: { offset: number, idx: number }) => { | |
// Uncomment the below if you want to modify the whole column | |
// const selector = `.inspector-cell[index-offset='${e.offset}']` | |
// d3.selectAll(selector).classed("hovered-col", false) | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: { offset: number, idx: number }) => { | |
const row =`.inspector-row[rownum='${e.idx}']`) | |
const word =`.inspector-cell[index-offset='${e.offset}']`) | |
word.classed("hovered-col", true) | |
}) | |
this.eventHandler.bind(, (e: { offset: number, idx: number }) => { | |
const row =`.inspector-row[rownum='${e.idx}']`) | |
const word =`.inspector-cell[index-offset='${e.offset}']`) | |
word.classed("hovered-col", false) | |
}) | |
} | |
private _toggleTokenSel() { | |
const e = this.uiConf.token() | |
const alreadySelected ='.selected-token') | |
// If no token should be selected, unselect all tokens | |
if (!this.uiConf.hasToken()) { | |
const newSel: d3.Selection<BaseType, any, BaseType, any> = d3.selectAll('.selected-token') | |
if (!newSel.empty()) newSel.classed('selected-token', false) | |
} | |
// Otherwise, select the indicated token | |
else { | |
const token2String = (e: tp.TokenEvent) => `#${e.side}-token-${e.ind}` | |
const newSel = | |
// Check that selection exists | |
if (!newSel.empty()) newSel.classed('selected-token', true) | |
} | |
// Remove previous token selection, if any | |
if (!alreadySelected.empty()) { | |
alreadySelected.classed('selected-token', false) | |
} | |
if (this.uiConf.modelKind() == tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive) { | |
this.grayToggle(+e.ind) | |
this.markNextToggle(+e.ind, this.tokCapsule.a.length()) | |
} | |
this._searchDisabler() | |
} | |
/** Gray all tokens that have index greater than ind */ | |
private grayBadToks(ind: number) { | |
if (this.uiConf.modelKind() == tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive) { | |
const grayToks = function (d, i) { | |
const s = | |
s.classed("masked-token", i > ind) | |
} | |
d3.selectAll('.right-token').each(grayToks) | |
d3.selectAll('.left-token').each(grayToks) | |
} | |
} | |
private grayToggle(ind: number) { | |
if (this.uiConf.hasToken()) | |
this.grayBadToks(ind) | |
else | |
d3.selectAll('.token').classed('masked-token', false) | |
} | |
private markNextWordToks(ind: number, N: number) { | |
const markToks = function (d, i) { | |
const s = | |
s.classed("next-token", i == Math.min(ind + 1, N)) | |
} | |
d3.selectAll('.right-token').each(markToks) | |
d3.selectAll('.left-token').each(markToks) | |
} | |
private markNextToggle(ind: number, N: number) { | |
if (this.uiConf.hasToken()) | |
this.markNextWordToks(ind, N) | |
else | |
d3.selectAll('.token').classed('next-token', false) | |
} | |
private _initModelSelection() { | |
const self = this | |
// Below are the available models. Will need to choose 3 to be available ONLY | |
const data = [ | |
{ name: "bert-base-cased", kind: tp.ModelKind.Bidirectional }, | |
{ name: "bert-base-uncased", kind: tp.ModelKind.Bidirectional }, | |
{ name: "distilbert-base-uncased", kind: tp.ModelKind.Bidirectional }, | |
{ name: "distilroberta-base", kind: tp.ModelKind.Bidirectional }, | |
// { name: "roberta-base", kind: tp.ModelKind.Bidirectional }, | |
{ name: "gpt2", kind: tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive }, | |
// { name: "gpt2-medium", kind: tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive }, | |
// { name: "distilgpt2", kind: tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive }, | |
] | |
const names ='name'))(data) | |
const kinds ='kind'))(data) | |
const kindmap = R.zipObj(names, kinds) | |
this.sels.modelSelector.selectAll('.model-option') | |
.data(data) | |
.join('option') | |
.classed('model-option', true) | |
.property('value', d => | |
.attr("modelkind", d => d.kind) | |
.text(d => | |'value', this.uiConf.model()); | |
this.sels.modelSelector.on('change', function () { | |
const me = | |
const mname ='value') | |
self.uiConf.model(mname); | |
self.uiConf.modelKind(kindmap[mname]); | |
if (kindmap[mname] == tp.ModelKind.Autoregressive) { | |
console.log("RESETTING MASK INDS"); | |
self.uiConf.maskInds([]) | |
} | |
self.mainInit(); | |
}) | |
} | |
private _initCorpusSelection() { | |
const data = [ | |
{ code: "woz", display: "Wizard of Oz" }, | |
{ code: "wiki", display: "Wikipedia" }, | |
] | |
const self = this | |
self.sels.corpusSelector.selectAll('option') | |
.data(data) | |
.join('option') | |
.property('value', d => d.code) | |
.text(d => d.display) | |
this.sels.corpusSelector.on('change', function () { | |
const me = | |
self.uiConf.corpus('value')) | |
console.log(self.uiConf.corpus()); | |
}) | |
} | |
private _staticInits() { | |
this._initSentenceForm(); | |
this._initModelSelection(); | |
this._initCorpusSelection(); | |
this._initQueryForm(); | |
this._initAdder(); | |
this._renderHeadSummary(); | |
this._initMetaSelectors(); | |
this._initToggle(); | |
this.renderAttHead(); | |
this.renderTokens(); | |
} | |
private _initAdder() { | |
const updateUrlOffsetIdxs = () => { | |
this.uiConf.offsetIdxs(this.vizs.corpusMatManager.idxs) | |
} | |
const fixCorpusMatHeights = () => { | |
const newWrapped = this._wrapResults( | | | |
updateUrlOffsetIdxs() | |
} | |
this.sels.buttons.addRight.on('click', () => { | |
this.vizs.corpusMatManager.addRight() | |
updateUrlOffsetIdxs() | |
}) | |
this.sels.buttons.addLeft.on('click', () => { | |
this.vizs.corpusMatManager.addLeft() | |
updateUrlOffsetIdxs() | |
}) | |
this.sels.buttons.killRight.on('click', () => { | |
this.vizs.corpusMatManager.killRight() | |
updateUrlOffsetIdxs() | |
}) | |
this.sels.buttons.killLeft.on('click', () => { | |
this.vizs.corpusMatManager.killLeft() | |
updateUrlOffsetIdxs() | |
}) | |
this.sels.buttons.refresh.on('click', () => { | |
fixCorpusMatHeights(); | |
}) | |
const onresize = () => { | |
if (this.sels.corpusInspector.text() != '') fixCorpusMatHeights(); | |
} | |
window.onresize = onresize | |
} | |
private _initMetaSelectors() { | |
this._initMatchedWordSelector(this.sels.metaSelector.matchedWord) | |
this._initMaxAttSelector(this.sels.metaSelector.maxAtt) | |
} | |
private _initMaxAttSelector(sel: D3Sel) { | |
const self = this; | |
const chooseSelected = (value) => { | |
const ms = sel.selectAll('label') | |
ms.classed('active', false) | |
const el = sel.selectAll(`label[value=${value}]`) | |
el.classed('active', true) | |
} | |
chooseSelected(this.uiConf.metaMax()) | |
const el = sel.selectAll('label') | |
el.on('click', function () { | |
const val = <SimpleMeta>'value'); | |
// Do toggle | |
sel.selectAll('.active').classed('active', false) | |'active', true) | |
self.uiConf.metaMax(val) | |
self.vizs.histograms.maxAtt.meta(val) | |
}) | |
} | |
private _initMatchedWordSelector(sel: D3Sel) { | |
const self = this; | |
const chooseSelected = (value) => { | |
const ms = sel.selectAll('label') | |
ms.classed('active', false) | |
const el = sel.selectAll(`label[value=${value}]`) | |
el.classed('active', true) | |
} | |
chooseSelected(this.uiConf.metaMatch()) | |
const el = sel.selectAll('label') | |
el.on('click', function () { | |
const val = <SimpleMeta>'value') | |
// Do toggle | |
sel.selectAll('.active').classed('active', false) | |'active', true) | |
self.uiConf.metaMatch(val) | |
self._updateCorpusInspectorFromMeta(val) | |
}) | |
} | |
private _disableSearching(attr: boolean) { | |
setSelDisabled(attr, this.sels.contextQuery) | |
setSelDisabled(attr, this.sels.embeddingQuery) | |
} | |
private _updateCorpusInspectorFromMeta(val: tp.SimpleMeta) { | |
this.vizs.corpusInspector.showNext(this.uiConf.showNext) | |
this.vizs.corpusMatManager.pick(val) | |
this.vizs.histograms.matchedWord.meta(val) | |
} | |
private _initSentenceForm() { | |
const self = this; | |
this.sels.form.sentenceA.attr('placeholder', "Enter new sentence to analyze") | |
this.sels.form.sentenceA.attr('value', this.uiConf.sentence()) | |
const clearInspector = () => { | |
self.vizs.corpusMatManager.clear(); | |
self.vizs.corpusInspector.clear(); | |
self.vizs.histograms.matchedWord.clear(); | |
self.vizs.histograms.maxAtt.clear(); | |
} | |
const submitNewSentence = () => { | |
// replace all occurences of '#' in sentence as this causes the API to break | |
const sentence_a: string ="value").replace(/\#/g, '') | |
// Only update if the form is filled correctly | |
if (sentence_a.length) { | |"cursor", "progress") | |
this.api.getMetaAttentions(this.uiConf.model(), sentence_a, this.uiConf.layer()) | |
.then((resp: rsp.AttentionDetailsResponse) => { | |
const r = resp.payload | |
this.uiConf.sentence(sentence_a) | |
this.uiConf.rmToken(); | |
this.attCapsule.updateFromNormal(r, this.uiConf.hideClsSep()); | |
this.tokCapsule.updateFromResponse(r); | |
this._toggleTokenSel(); | |
this.update(); | |
clearInspector(); | |"cursor", "default") | |
}) | |
} | |
} | |
const onEnter = R.curry((keyCode, f, event) => { | |
const e = event || window.event; | |
if (e.keyCode !== keyCode) return; | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
f(); | |
}) | |
const onEnterSubmit = onEnter(13, submitNewSentence) | |
const btn = this.sels.form.button; | |
const inputBox = this.sels.form.sentenceA; | |
btn.on("click", submitNewSentence) | |
inputBox.on('keypress', onEnterSubmit) | |
} | |
private _getSearchEmbeds() { | |
const savedToken = this.uiConf.token(); | |
const out = this.vizs.tokens[savedToken.side].getEmbedding(savedToken.ind) | |
return out.embeddings | |
} | |
private _getSearchContext() { | |
const savedToken = this.uiConf.token(); | |
const out = this.vizs.tokens[savedToken.side].getEmbedding(savedToken.ind) | |
return out.contexts | |
} | |
private _searchEmbeddings() { | |
const self = this; | |
console.log("SEARCHING EMBEDDINGS"); | |
const embed = this._getSearchEmbeds() | |
const layer = self.uiConf.layer() | |
const heads = self.uiConf.heads() | |
const k = 50 | |
self.vizs.corpusInspector.showNext(self.uiConf.showNext) | |"cursor", "progress") | |
self.api.getNearestEmbeddings(self.uiConf.model(), self.uiConf.corpus(), embed, layer, heads, k) | |
.then((val: rsp.NearestNeighborResponse) => { | |
if (val.status == 406) { | |
self.leaveCorpusMsg(`Embeddings are not available for model '${self.uiConf.model()}' and corpus '${self.uiConf.corpus()}' at this time.`) | |
} | |
else { | |
const v = val.payload | |
self.vizs.corpusInspector.unhideView() | |
self.vizs.corpusMatManager.unhideView() | |
// Get heights of corpus inspector rows. | |
self.vizs.corpusInspector.update(v) | |
const wrappedVals = self._wrapResults(v) | |
const countedVals = wrappedVals.getMatchedHistogram() | |
const offsetVals = wrappedVals.getMaxAttHistogram() | |
self.vizs.corpusMatManager.update( | |
self.sels.histograms.matchedWordDescription.text(this.uiConf.matchHistogramDescription) | |
console.log("MATCHER: ", self.sels.histograms.matchedWord); | |
self.vizs.histograms.matchedWord.update(countedVals) | |
self.vizs.histograms.maxAtt.update(offsetVals) | |
self.uiConf.displayInspector('embeddings') | |
this._updateCorpusInspectorFromMeta(this.uiConf.metaMatch()) | |
} | |"cursor", "default") | |
}) | |
} | |
private _searchContext() { | |
const self = this; | |
console.log("SEARCHING CONTEXTS"); | |
const context = this._getSearchContext() | |
const layer = self.uiConf.layer() | |
const heads = self.uiConf.heads() | |
const k = 50 | |
self.vizs.corpusInspector.showNext(self.uiConf.showNext) | |"cursor", "progress") | |
self.api.getNearestContexts(self.uiConf.model(), self.uiConf.corpus(), context, layer, heads, k) | |
.then((val: rsp.NearestNeighborResponse) => { | |
// Get heights of corpus inspector rows. | |
if (val.status == 406) { | |
console.log("Contexts are not available!"); | |
self.leaveCorpusMsg(`Contexts are not available for model '${self.uiConf.model()}' and corpus '${self.uiConf.corpus()}' at this time.`) | |
} | |
else { | |
const v = val.payload; | |
console.log("HIDING"); | |
self.vizs.corpusInspector.update(v) | |
Sel.hideElement(self.sels.corpusMsgBox) | |
self.vizs.corpusInspector.unhideView() | |
self.vizs.corpusMatManager.unhideView() | |
const wrappedVals = self._wrapResults(v) | |
const countedVals = wrappedVals.getMatchedHistogram() | |
const offsetVals = wrappedVals.getMaxAttHistogram() | |
self.vizs.corpusMatManager.update( | |
self.vizs.histograms.matchedWord.update(countedVals) | |
self.vizs.histograms.maxAtt.update(offsetVals) | |
self.uiConf.displayInspector('context') | |
this._updateCorpusInspectorFromMeta(this.uiConf.metaMatch()) | |
self.vizs.histograms.maxAtt.meta(self.uiConf.metaMax()) | |
} | |"cursor", "default") | |
}) | |
} | |
private _queryContext() { | |
const self = this; | |
if (this.uiConf.hasToken()) { | |
this._searchContext(); | |
} else { | |
console.log("Was told to show inspector but was not given a selected token embedding") | |
} | |
} | |
private _queryEmbeddings() { | |
const self = this; | |
if (this.uiConf.hasToken()) { | |
console.log("token: ", this.uiConf.token()); | |
this._searchEmbeddings(); | |
} else { | |
console.log("Was told to show inspector but was not given a selected token embedding") | |
} | |
} | |
private _searchingDisabled() { | |
return (this.uiConf.heads().length == 0) || (!this.uiConf.hasToken()) | |
} | |
private _searchDisabler() { | |
this._disableSearching(this._searchingDisabled()) | |
} | |
private _initQueryForm() { | |
const self = this; | |
this._searchDisabler() | |
this.sels.contextQuery.on("click", () => { | |
self._queryContext() | |
}) | |
this.sels.embeddingQuery.on("click", () => { | |
self._queryEmbeddings() | |
}) | |
} | |
private _renderHeadSummary() { | |
this.sels.selectedHeads | |
.html(R.join(', ', this.uiConf.heads().map(h => h + 1))) | |
} | |
// Modify faiss results with corresponding heights | |
private _wrapResults(returnedFaissResults: tp.FaissSearchResults[]) { | |
const rows = d3.selectAll('.inspector-row') | |
// Don't just use offsetHeight since that rounds to the nearest integer | |
const heights = rows.nodes().map((n: HTMLElement) => n.getBoundingClientRect().height) | |
const newVals =, i) => { | |
return R.assoc('height', heights[i], v) | |
}) | |
const wrappedVals = new FaissSearchResultWrapper(newVals, this.uiConf.showNext) | |
return wrappedVals | |
} | |
private initLayers(nLayers: number) { | |
const self = this; | |
let hasActive = false; | |
const checkboxes = self.sels.layerCheckboxes.selectAll(".layerCheckbox") | |
.data(_.range(0, nLayers)) | |
.join("label") | |
.attr("class", "btn button layerCheckbox") | |
.classed('active', (d, i) => { | |
// Assign to largest layer available if uiConf.layer() > new nLayers | |
if (d == self.uiConf.layer()) { // Javascript is 0 indexed! | |
hasActive = true; | |
return true | |
} | |
if (!hasActive && d == nLayers) { | |
self.uiConf.layer(d) | |
hasActive = true | |
return true | |
} | |
return false | |
}) | |
.text((d) => d + 1) | |
.append("input") | |
.attr("type", "radio") | |
.attr("class", "checkbox-inline") | |
.attr("name", "layerbox") | |
// .attr("head", d => d) | |
.attr("id", (d, i) => "layerCheckbox" + i) | |
// .text((d, i) => d + " ") | |
fromEvent(checkboxes.nodes(), 'change').pipe( | |
tap((e: Event) => { | |
const myData =<BaseType>; | |
console.log(myData, "--- myData"); | |
this.sels.layerCheckboxes.selectAll(".layerCheckbox") | |
.classed('active', d => d === myData) | |
}), | |
map((v: Event) =><BaseType>, | |
tap(v => { | |
console.log("New layer: ", v); | |
self.uiConf.layer(v); | |"cursor", "progress"); | |
}), | |
switchMap((v) => from(self.api.updateMaskedAttentions(self.uiConf.model(), self.tokCapsule.a, self.uiConf.sentence(), v))) | |
).subscribe({ | |
next: (resp: rsp.AttentionDetailsResponse) => { | |
const r = resp.payload; | |
self.attCapsule.updateFromNormal(r, this.uiConf.hideClsSep()); | |
self.tokCapsule.updateTokens(r); | |
self.uiConf.maskInds(self.tokCapsule.a.maskInds) | |
self.update(); | |"cursor", "default") | |
self._toggleTokenSel(); | |
} | |
}) | |
const layerId = `#layerCheckbox${this.uiConf.layer()}` | |
console.log("Layer ID: ", layerId); | |"checked", "checked") | |
// Init threshold stuff | |
const dispThresh = (thresh) => Math.round(thresh * 100) | |'#my-range-value').text(dispThresh(self.uiConf.threshold())) | |
this.sels.threshSlider.on("input", _.throttle(function () { | |
const node = <HTMLInputElement>this; | |
self.uiConf.threshold(+node.value / 100); | |'#my-range-value').text(dispThresh(self.uiConf.threshold())) | |
self.vizs.attentionSvg.threshold(self.uiConf.threshold()) | |
}, 100)) | |
this.sels.headSelectAll.on("click", function () { | |
self.uiConf.selectAllHeads(); | |
self._searchDisabler() | |
self.renderSvg() | |
self.renderAttHead() | |
}) | |
this.sels.headSelectNone.on("click", function () { | |
self.uiConf.selectNoHeads(); | |
self._searchDisabler(); | |
self.renderSvg() | |
self.renderAttHead() | |
Sel.setHidden(".atn-curve") | |
}) | |
} | |
_initToggle() { | |
fromEvent(this.sels.clsToggle.node(), 'input').pipe( | |
// @ts-ignore -- TODO: FIX ! | |
map(e => e.srcElement.checked), | |
).subscribe({ | |
next: v => { | |
this.uiConf.hideClsSep(v) | |
this.attCapsule.zeroed(v) | |
this.renderSvg(); | |
this.renderAttHead(); | |
} | |
}) | |
} | |
renderAttHead() { | |
const heads = _.range(0, this.uiConf._nHeads) | |
const focusAtt = this.attCapsule.att | |
const token = this.uiConf.hasToken() ? this.uiConf.token() : null | |
//@ts-ignore | |
const leftAttInfo = getAttentionInfo(focusAtt, heads, "left", token); | |
//@ts-ignore | |
const rightAttInfo = getAttentionInfo(focusAtt, heads, "right", token); | |
this.vizs.leftHeads.options.offset = this.uiConf.offset | |
this.vizs.leftHeads.update(leftAttInfo) | |
this.vizs.rightHeads.update(rightAttInfo) | |
this._renderHeadSummary(); | |
// Make sure | |
heads.forEach((h) => { | |
if (this.uiConf.headSet().has(h)) { | |
selectHead(h) | |
} else { | |
unselectHead(h) | |
} | |
}) | |
}; | |
renderTokens() { | |
const left = this.tokCapsule[this.uiConf.attType[0]] | |
const right = this.tokCapsule[this.uiConf.attType[1]] | |
console.log("now: ", this.uiConf.offset); | |
this.vizs.tokens.left.options.offset = this.uiConf.offset | |
this.vizs.tokens.left.update(left.tokenData); | |
this.vizs.tokens.left.mask(left.maskInds); | |
this.vizs.tokens.right.update(right.tokenData); | |
this.vizs.tokens.right.mask(right.maskInds); | |
// displaySelectedToken | |
} | |
renderSvg() { | |
const att = this.attCapsule.byHeads(this.uiConf.heads()) | |
this.vizs.attentionSvg.options.offset = this.uiConf.offset | |
const svg = <AttentionGraph>; | |
svg.update(att) | |
const maxTokens = _.max([this.tokCapsule.a.length()]) | |
const newHeight = svg.options.boxheight * maxTokens | |
svg.height(newHeight) | |
// Don't redisplay everything if one token is selected | |
showBySide(this.uiConf.token()) | |
}; | |
render() { | |
this.renderTokens(); | |
this.renderSvg(); | |
this.renderAttHead(); | |
} | |
update() { | |
this.render(); | |
} | |
} | |