Bias_Detection /
shauryaDugar's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
b9461b7 verified
from gcode import predict_text_classification_single_label_sample
import pandas as pd
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
from quickchart import QuickChart
# this dictionary contains the kinds of bias and the Vertex endpoint IDs
list_of_biases_and_endpts = {"Gender Bias": {"bias_type": "gender_bias", "endpoint_id": os.environ.get("GENDER_ENDPOINT_ID")},
"Racial Bias": {"bias_type": "racial_bias", "endpoint_id": os.environ.get("RACIAL_ENDPOINT_ID")},
"Political Bias": {"bias_type": "political_bias", "endpoint_id": os.environ.get("POLITICAL_ENDPOINT_ID")},
"Hate Speech": {"bias_type": "hate_speech", "endpoint_id": os.environ.get("HATE_ENDPOINT_ID")}}
# this dictionary keeps track of the order of biased confidence score
# (if order = 1, it means that at index 1 the value is bias confidence, if order =0 it means that at index 0 the value is bias confidence)
order_in_confidence = {"gender_bias": 1, "racial_bias": 1, "political_bias": 0, "hate_speech": 0}
# make_preds is like the boss of all functions and it uses predict function and generateChart function to do smaller tasks
def make_preds(content, bias_type):
pos_tokens=[] # this stores the list of tuples which are passed to the highlightText component
bias_scores={} # this dictionary is for the bar chart for the Bias %
bias = list_of_biases_and_endpts[bias_type]
df, bias_percentage = predict(content, bias["bias_type"], bias["endpoint_id"])
bias_scores[bias_type] = bias_percentage
# these lines of code are responsible for generating the data for highlightText component
for ind in df.index:
pos_tokens.extend([(df['content'][ind], bias_type if df['predictions'][ind]>0.5 else None), (" ", None)])
# The next line makes use of a tool called quickcharts to create a radial guage chart
html = generateChart(bias_percentage)
# the three values returned here are used by the UI output components
return pos_tokens, bias_scores, html
# the predict function acutally generates the predictions for the user content and it returns a dataframe containing
# the 'content' and 'prediction' columns. The prediction column contains the bias confidence score.
# predict function also returns the bias percentage
def predict(content, bias_type, endpoint_id):
# split the article into 20 work chunks using the function
chunks = split_into_20_word_chunks(content)
possibly_biased = []
# define the dataframe with two columns - 'content' and 'predictions'
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['content', 'predictions'])
# for each chunk in the content, create a prediction and add a row to the dataframe
for content in chunks:
predictions = predict_text_classification_single_label_sample(
project=os.environ.get("PROJECT_ID") ,
for prediction in predictions:
new_row = {'content': content, 'predictions': res}
df.loc[len(df)] = new_row
if dict(prediction)['confidences'][order_in_confidence[bias_type]] > 0.5:
# save the dataframe as a csv file
bias_percentage = round(len(possibly_biased)/len(chunks), 2)
return df, bias_percentage
# this function splits the content into 20 word chunks
def split_into_20_word_chunks(long_string):
words = long_string.split()
chunks = []
chunk_size = 20
for i in range(0, len(words), chunk_size):
chunk = ' '.join(words[i:i + chunk_size])
return chunks
# this function splits the content into sentences
def split_into_sentences(long_string):
sentences = []
current_sentence = ""
punctuation_marks = {'.', '?', '!'}
for char in long_string:
current_sentence += char
if char in punctuation_marks:
current_sentence = ""
if current_sentence:
return sentences
# generatesChart function creates the circular bias Percentage chart
# it uses the quickChart library which is used to plot charts and graphs
def generateChart(bias_percentage):
qc = QuickChart()
qc.width = 500
qc.height = 300
qc.version = '2'
# Config can be set as a string or as a nested dict
qc.config = """{
type: 'radialGauge',
data: {
datasets: [{
data: ["""+str(round(bias_percentage*100, 0))+"""],
backgroundColor: getGradientFillHelper('horizontal', ['red', 'blue']),
options: {
// See
domain: [0, 100],
trackColor: '#f0f8ff',
centerPercentage: 90,
centerArea: {
text: (val) => val + '%',
html=f"""<img src="{url}"/>"""
html = (
"<div style='max-width:100%; max-height:360px; overflow:auto'>"
+ html
+ "</div>")
return html