import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import requests |
from dotenv import load_dotenv |
from transformers import pipeline |
from PIL import Image |
from info import akiec, bcc, bkl, df, mel, nv, vasc, vit_base_patch_16 |
load_dotenv() |
URL = 'https://i.stack.imgur.com/gPR77.jpg' |
def download_image(): |
if st.session_state.img_url: |
st.session_state['image'] = Image.open( |
requests.get(st.session_state.img_url, stream=True).raw) |
else: |
del st.session_state['image'] |
def file_upload(): |
if st.session_state.file_upload: |
st.session_state['image'] = Image.open(st.session_state.file_upload) |
else: |
del st.session_state['image'] |
def cam_upload(): |
if st.session_state.camera: |
st.session_state['image'] = Image.open(st.session_state.camera) |
else: |
del st.session_state['image'] |
if 'image' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['image'] = Image.open(requests.get(URL, stream=True).raw) |
st.header("Skin Cancer Classifier") |
with st.sidebar: |
img_upload_tab, cam_upload_tab, url_upload_tab = st.tabs( |
['π Upload', 'πΈ CAMERA', 'π URL']) |
with img_upload_tab: |
uploaded_img = st.file_uploader( |
label="Upload a Skin Lesion", on_change=file_upload, key='file_upload' |
) |
with cam_upload_tab: |
camera_img = st.camera_input( |
label='Take a picture of a Skin Lesion', on_change=cam_upload, key='camera' |
) |
with url_upload_tab: |
img_url = st.text_input( |
label="Enter the Skin Lesion URL", value=URL, on_change=download_image, key="img_url" |
) |
if 'image' in st.session_state: |
st.image(st.session_state['image']) |
analyze_btn = st.button(label='Analyze Skin Lesion', type='primary', use_container_width=True, key='analyze_btn') |
if 'image' in st.session_state and st.session_state['analyze_btn']: |
with st.spinner("Analyzing..."): |
pipe = pipeline("image-classification", model="sharren/vit-beta2-0.99") |
response = pipe(st.session_state['image']) |
df = pd.DataFrame(response) |
result = df.nlargest(n=1, columns='score') |
result_body = f'Model predicts: {result["label"].item()} with {result["score"].item()*100:.2f}% confidence' |
with st.expander(label=result_body, expanded=True): |
st.subheader(f':red[{result["label"].item()}] Detected') |
st.bar_chart(data=df, x='label', y='score') |
with st.expander(label="Skin lesion analyzed"): |
st.image(st.session_state['image']) |
with st.expander(label="Model Details"): |
st.markdown(body=vit_base_patch_16) |
else: |
tab_1, tab_2, tab_3, tab_4, tab_5, tab_6, tab_7 = st.tabs([ |
'Actinic Keratoses', 'Basal Cell Carcinoma', 'Benign Keratosis', 'Dermatofibroma', |
'Melanoma', 'Melanocytic Nevi', 'Vascular Lesion' |
]) |
with tab_1: |
st.subheader('Actinic Keratoses') |
st.markdown(body=akiec) |
with tab_2: |
st.subheader('Basal Cell Carcinoma') |
st.markdown(body=bcc) |
with tab_3: |
st.subheader('Benign Lesions of the Keratosis Type') |
st.markdown(body=bkl) |
with tab_4: |
st.subheader('Dermatofibroma') |
st.markdown(body=df) |
with tab_5: |
st.subheader('Melanoma') |
st.markdown(body=mel) |
with tab_6: |
st.subheader('Melanocytic Nevi') |
st.markdown(body=nv) |
with tab_7: |
st.subheader('Vascular Lesion') |
st.markdown(body=vasc) |