PAYADOR-experiments /
sgongora27's picture
World 2 Now in english
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"""Includes two example worlds to experiment with different scenarios."""
import random
from world import Character, Item, Location, Puzzle, World
def get_world(arg: str, language: str ='en') -> World:
if arg=='1':
if language == 'es':
return get_world_1_spanish()
return get_world_1_english()
elif arg=='2':
if language == 'es':
return get_world_2_spanish()
return get_world_2_english()
if language == 'es':
return get_world_0_spanish()
return get_world_0_english()
def get_world_0_english() -> World:
item_1 = Item("Apple",
["A fruit that can be eaten", "It is round-shaped and green"])
item_2 = Item("Toy car",
["A tiny toy purple car", "It looks brand new"])
item_3 = Item("Mate",
["A classical mate, ready to drink!", "It contains some yerba", "You can drink this to boost your energy!"])
place_1 = Location("Garden",
["A beautiful garden", "There is a statue in the center"],
items = [item_2])
place_2 = Location("Cabin",
["A small cabin", "It looks like no one has lived here for a while"])
place_3 = Location("Mansion hall",
["A big hall", "There is a big staircase"])
two_random_numbers = [random.randrange(0, 10) for i in range(2)]
puzzle1 = Puzzle("puzzle",["There's a symbol of a microphone and below a letter that says how to open the door"],
f"To unlock this door, you have to say out loud the sum of {str(two_random_numbers[0])} and {str(two_random_numbers[1])}.",
f"The answer is {str(two_random_numbers[0] + two_random_numbers[1])} ")
player = Character("Alicia",
["She is wearing a long skirt","She likes to sing"],
npc = Character("Javier",
["He has a long beard", "He loves to restore furtniture"],
the_world = World(player)
the_world.add_locations([place_1, place_2, place_3])
the_world.add_items([item_1, item_2, item_3])
return the_world
def get_world_0_spanish() -> World:
item_1 = Item("Manzana",
["Una fruta que puede ser comida", "Es redonda y verde"])
item_2 = Item("Auto de juguete",
["Un pequeño auto de juguete de color púrpura", "Luce como recién comprado"])
item_3 = Item("Mate",
["Un mate clásico ¡listo para tomar!", "Contiene algo de yerba", "¡Puedes tomar esto para mejorar tu energía!"])
place_1 = Location("Jardín",
["Un jardín hermoso", "Hay una estatua en el centro"],
items = [item_2])
place_2 = Location("Cabaña",
["Una pequeña cabaña", "Parece que nadie ha vivido acá por un tiempo"])
place_3 = Location("Hall de la Mansión",
["Un hall grande", "Hay una enorme escalera principal"])
two_random_numbers = [random.randrange(0, 10) for i in range(2)]
puzzle1 = Puzzle("puzzle",["Hay un dibujo de un micrófono y debajo un letrero, con la premisa para abrir la puerta"],
f"Para desbloquear esta puerta, hay que decir en voz alta la suma de {str(two_random_numbers[0])} y {str(two_random_numbers[1])}.",
f"La respuesta es {str(two_random_numbers[0] + two_random_numbers[1])} ")
player = Character("Alicia",
["Está usando una falda larga","Le gusta cantar"],
npc = Character("Javier",
["Tiene una barba larga", "Le encanta restaurar muebles"],
the_world = World(player)
the_world.add_locations([place_1, place_2, place_3])
the_world.add_items([item_1, item_2, item_3])
return the_world
def get_world_1_english() -> World:
item_1 = Item("Turtle",["A small turtle", "Emma's pet", "Emma calls it 'Hojita'"])
item_2 = Item("Key",
["A key to open a lock", "It is golden", "There is a strange coat of arms engraved on it"])
item_3 = Item("A grey hammer",
["A big grey hammer that can be used to break things", "It is so heavy..."])
item_4 = Item("Lock",
["A strong lock with a coat of arms engraved on it", "It seems that it cannot be opened with your bare hands"])
item_5 = Item("A green hammer",
["A small green hammer", "It is just a toy and you cannot break anything with it"])
place_3 = Location ("Garden",
["The garden of the house", "It is relatively small, about 5 square meters."],
items = [item_1])
place_2 = Location("Kitchen",
["The kitchen of the house", "It's not huge, but it's not the smallest kitchen in the world either.", "A lot of light comes in through the windows"])
place_2.connecting_locations = [place_3]
place_2.block_passage(place_3, item_4)
place_3.connecting_locations = [place_2]
place_1 = Location("Art studio",
["This is the art studio that Emma's mom has in the house"],
items = [item_3, item_5])
place_1.connecting_locations = [place_2]
place_2.connecting_locations = [place_1]
player = Character("Emma",
["A teenager of average height", "She is looking for her pet 'Hojita'"],
inventory = [],
location = place_1)
npc = Character("Laura",
["A woman in her 40s", "She is Emma's mom", "She is an artist, and loves oil painting"],
inventory = [item_2],
location= place_1)
the_world = World(player)
return the_world
def get_world_1_spanish() -> World:
item_1 = Item("Tortuga",["Una tortuga pequeña", "La mascota de Emma", "Emma la llama 'Hojita'"])
item_2 = Item("Llave",
["Una llave para abrir un candado", "Es dorada", "Tiene grabada la imagen de un extraño escudo de armas"])
item_3 = Item("Un martillo gris",
["Un martillo gris grande que puede ser usado para romper cosas", "Es muy pesado"])
item_4 = Item("Candado",
["Un candado fuerte que tiene grabado un escudo de armas", "Parece que no puede ser abierto con las manos"])
item_5 = Item("Un martillo verde",
["Un pequeño martillo verde", "Es solamente un juguete y no se puede romper nada con él"])
place_3 = Location ("Jardín",
["El jardín de la casa", "Es relativamente chico, de unos 5 metros cuadrados"],
items = [item_1])
place_2 = Location("Cocina",
["Es la cocina de la casa", "No es enorme, pero tampoco es la cocina más chiquita del mundo", "Por las ventanas entra mucha luz"])
place_2.connecting_locations = [place_3]
place_2.block_passage(place_3, item_4)
place_3.connecting_locations = [place_2]
place_1 = Location("Taller de pintura",
["Es el taller de pintura que la madre de Emma tiene en su casa"],
items = [item_3, item_5])
place_1.connecting_locations = [place_2]
place_2.connecting_locations = [place_1]
player = Character("Emma",
["Una adolescente de estatura promedio", "Está buscando a su mascota 'Hojita'"],
inventory = [],
location = place_1)
npc = Character("Laura",
["Una mujer de unos 45 años de edad", "Es la madre de Emma", "Es una artista que pinta al óleo"],
inventory = [item_2],
location= place_1)
the_world = World(player)
return the_world
def get_world_2_spanish() -> World:
item_1 = Item("Pinturas",
["Hay algo escrito con una pintura hecha con barro", "Dice 'Hay que confiar en los poderes que se nos han otorgado"],
item_2 = Item("Estanque",
["Un estanque de agua cristalina", "El agua es tan clara que funciona como un espejo"],
item_3 = Item("Un muro de llamas",
["Las llamas son fuertes y dan mucho calor", "Tiene una altura de 3 metros", "Es imposible cruzarlas, ni caminando, ni corriendo, ni saltando."],
item_4 = Item("Guitarra",
["Una guitarra clásica con 6 cuerdas", "Suena muy bien"])
puzzle_1 = Puzzle("Puzzle",
["Un encanto mágico que genera un muro intraspasable", "Mágicamente, al acercarse aparecen unas letras azules que explican cuál es el acertijo a resolver"],
"Hay que susurrar el nombre del río que baña la costa sur de la Banda Oriental", "Rio de la Plata")
place_1 = Location ("Claro en el monte",
["Un claro en un monte de eucaliptus cerca del Río Uruguay", "Se puede escuchar el sonido de los animales que viven en los árboles de este monte"],
items = [item_1, item_2])
place_2 = Location("Zona silenciosa",
["El monte continúa en esta parte", "A diferencia de la parte anterior, esta zona está insonorizada y no se escucha ni siquiera un mínimo sonido"])
place_2.connecting_locations = [place_1]
place_1.connecting_locations = [place_2]
place_1.block_passage(place_2, item_3)
place_3 = Location("Celda",
["Una celda cuadrada de dos metros cuadrados", "La vegetación del monte ya ha ingresado al interior"])
place_3.connecting_locations = [place_2]
place_2.connecting_locations = [place_3]
npc = Character("José Artigas",
["El héroe nacional de Uruguay", "Está muy debilitado al estar tanto tiempo encerrado"],
inventory = [],
location = place_3)
player = Character("Venancio",
["Un gaucho uruguayo de 40 años de edad", "Pertenece a los soldados de Artigas", "Tiene el poder mágico de invocar una ola gigante de agua con la que puede apagar fuegos o humedecer la tierra"],
inventory = [item_4],
location= place_1)
the_world = World(player)
return the_world
def get_world_2_english() -> World:
item_1 = Item("Writings",
["There is something written on the wall.", "It says 'You have to trust in the powers that have been given to you.'"],
item_2 = Item("Pond",
["A pond full of crystal clear water", "The water is so clear that it works like a mirror"],
item_3 = Item("Firewall",
["The flames are very hot", "It's 3 metres high", "It is impossible to cross them, neither walking, nor running, nor jumping."],
item_4 = Item("Guitar",
["A classic guitar with 6 strings", "It sounds great"])
puzzle_1 = Puzzle("Puzzle",
["A strong magic is generating an impassable wall", "Magically, as you get closer, some blue letters appear explaining what the riddle to solve is."],
"You have to whisper the name of the river located on the southern coast of the Banda Oriental", "Rio de la Plata")
place_1 = Location ("Clearing in the woods",
["A clearing in a eucalyptus forest near the Uruguay River", "You can hear the sound of the animals that live in the trees of this forest."],
items = [item_1, item_2])
place_2 = Location("Silent zone",
["The forest continues in this part", "Unlike the previous area, this area is very silent and not even the slightest sound can be heard."])
place_2.connecting_locations = [place_1]
place_1.connecting_locations = [place_2]
place_1.block_passage(place_2, item_3)
place_3 = Location("Cell",
["A square cell of two square meters", "The interior is full of plants that grew outside"])
place_3.connecting_locations = [place_2]
place_2.connecting_locations = [place_3]
npc = Character("José Artigas",
["Uruguay's national hero", "He is very weak after being locked up for so long."],
inventory = [],
location = place_3)
player = Character("Venancio",
["A Uruguayan gaucho in his 40s", "He belongs to the Artigas army", "He has the magical power to summon a giant wave of water with which he can put out fires or moisten the ground."],
inventory = [item_4],
location= place_1)
the_world = World(player)
return the_world