Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from scraper import RedditScraper | |
import pandas as pd | |
from classifier import predict | |
from config import settings | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
from loguru import logger | |
reddit = RedditScraper() | |
st.title("$TSLA Market Sentiment Analyzer using r/TSLA Subreddit") | |
def load_data(number, scraping_option): | |
st.write("loading new data") | |
# st.write(scraping_option) | |
comments = [] | |
for submission in scraping_option(number): | |
comments.extend(reddit.get_comment_forest(submission.comments)) | |
logger.debug( | |
submission.title, | |
submission.num_comments, | |
len(reddit.get_comment_forest(submission.comments)), | |
) | |
df = pd.DataFrame(comments) | |
return df | |
def select_scrap_type(option): | |
if option == "Hot": | |
st.write("Selected Hot submissions") | |
return reddit.get_hot | |
if option == "Rising": | |
st.write("Selected rising submissions") | |
return reddit.get_rising | |
if option == "New": | |
st.write("Selected new submissions") | |
return reddit.get_new | | | |
"Option has been deactivated as the same submissions were scraped because the subreddit is not too active" | |
) | |
select = st.selectbox("choose option", ["Hot", "Rising", "New"], disabled=True) | |
number = st.number_input("Insert a number", step=1, max_value=30, min_value=3) | |
sentiment_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", settings.model_path) | |
data = load_data(number, select_scrap_type("Hot")) | |
if st.button("Analyze"): | |
results = sentiment_pipeline(list(data["comment"])) | |
data["label"] = [res["label"] for res in results] | |
data["sentiment_score"] = [res["score"] for res in results] | |
st.write(data.groupby("label").count()) | |
sizes = list(data.groupby("label").count()["comment"]) | |
labels = "Negative", "Positive" | |
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() | |
ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct="%1.1f%%", shadow=True, startangle=90) | |
ax1.axis("equal") | |
st.pyplot(fig1) | |
st.write(data) | |