WhatsappAnalysis / script.py
selbl's picture
Added support for AM and PM time formats
5c3185b verified
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb 28 18:10:36 2024
@author: STEFAN
#Import all libraries
import pandas as pd
import re
from wordcloud import WordCloud
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
#import nltk
#from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
#from gensim import corpora, models
#import numpy as np
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import random
import calendar
import string
import streamlit as st
def WhatsappAnalysis(df,nombregrupo,savefigs=False,directory=''):
#file = "WhatsApp Chat with Test Group.txt"
#If you do not want to save figures, just comment the directory line and change savefigs to False
#directory = "/Users/selbl/Downloads//"
#savefigs = False
#Get stop words for filtering
#stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
#stop_words = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')
#Get special characters for filtering
#Create dictionary with the items to be deleted
del_dict = {sp_character: '' for sp_character in string.punctuation}
#Add the space character
del_dict[' '] = ''
#Create reference table
table = str.maketrans(del_dict)
#Create filtered database
dfFilter = df
#Obtain length of the filtered database (important for later)
largo = len(dfFilter)
#Iterate over sample to eliminate stop words
for i in range(largo):
#Extract message
message = df.at[i,"Message"]
word_tokens = word_tokenize(message)
#Filter stop words
filtered_sentence = [w for w in word_tokens if not w in stop_words]
#This filter still returns certain punctation and special characters which we do not care about
#Hence why I get rid of them
filtered_sentence = [val.translate(table) for val in filtered_sentence]
#Create coherent message
fd = ""
for x in filtered_sentence:
fd = fd + x + " "
#Remove final space
fd = fd[:-1]
#Add in database
dfFilter.at[i,"Message"] = fd
dfFilter['Sender'] = dfFilter['Sender'].str.split().str[0]
Senders = list(set([sender for sender in dfFilter['Sender']]))
colours = list(mcolors.CSS4_COLORS.keys())
transparent_colours = ['lightgray','lightgrey','whitesmoke','white','snow','mistyrose','lightcoral','seashell',
#eliminate them from consideration
colours = [x for x in colours if x not in transparent_colours]
def random_color_generator(colors):
color = random.choice(colors)
return color
#Create the color scheme
#Get number of senders
num_senders = len(Senders)
#Initialize the empty list that stores the colours
colorscheme = random.sample(colours, num_senders)
#Store colorscheme as a dictionary as well. This is to make plotting easier
colour_dict = {}
conti = 0
for sender in Senders:
colour_dict[sender] = colorscheme[conti]
conti = conti + 1
#Obtain the first year by looking at the first message, same with first month
splitline_date = re.split('/',dfFilter.iloc[0]['Date'])
anio = 2000 + int(splitline_date[2])
mes = calendar.month_name[int(splitline_date[0])]
#Get a graph of different messages by sender
#Get the number of messages
NumMessages = [sum(dfFilter['Sender'] == sender) for sender in Senders]
#Generate the plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
ax.set_title(f'Number of Messages in {nombregrupo} by sender since {mes} of {anio}')
if savefigs:
plt.savefig(directory[:-1] + "Global Messages.png")
#Yearly segmentation
#Obtain the evolution of messages per year
#Define years
#obtain last year from og year
c = dfFilter['Date'].str.extract('.*(\d{2})', expand = False)
last_year = 2000 + int(c.iloc[-1])
#Obtain range of years
diff_year = last_year - anio + 1
#Obtain distinct last digit of years
years = [anio + x for x in range(0,diff_year)]
#Define dictionary
vals2 = {}
#Obtain counts
for year in years:
vals2[year] = {}
#subset dataframealse)
cont = Counter(dfFilter[dfFilter['Date'].str.extract('.*(\d{2})', expand = False) == str(year - 2000)]['Sender']).most_common(len(Senders))
#Check if somebody is missing
#Check if length is different
if len(cont) < len(Senders):
#If so, find which ones are not in the count
PresentSenders = [cont[i][0] for i in range(len(cont))]
for sender in Senders:
if sender not in PresentSenders:
#Obtain return list
for i in range(len(cont)):
#Get sender
send = cont[i][0]
#Get number of messages
nro = cont[i][1]
#Add to dictionary
vals2[year][send] = nro
#Plot the evolution
fig = plt.figure()
for sender in Senders:
#Get messages:
messages = [vals2[year][sender] for year in years]
plt.plot(years,messages, label=sender, color = colour_dict[sender])
fig.suptitle('Evolution of Number of Messages Sent per Year', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Year', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Messages', fontsize=12)
if savefigs:
plt.savefig(directory[:-1]+ "Evolution Messages.png")
#Global Word Cloud
all_words = ''
#looping through all incidents and joining them to one text, to extract most common words
for arg in dfFilter['Message']:
tokens = arg.split()
#Remove media and omitted if they exist
if ('Media' in tokens):
if ('omitted' in tokens):
The tokens below appeared a lot during testing
My guess is because they appeared when tokenizing a plural word or because they represent Whatsapp data that cannot be
represented into text (such as a sticker).
In any case, the code works well with this
if ('s' in tokens):
if ('m' in tokens):
all_words += " ".join(tokens)+" "
wordcloud = WordCloud(width = 700, height = 700,
background_color ='white',
min_font_size = 10,normalize_plurals=False).generate(all_words)
# plot the WordCloud image
plt.figure(figsize = (5, 5), facecolor = None)
plt.title("Global Word Cloud since " + mes + " of " + str(anio))
plt.tight_layout(pad = 0)
if savefigs:
plt.savefig(directory[:-1] + "WordCloud Global.png")
#One worldcloud per person
#Obtain senders
for sender in Senders:
all_words = ''
#Create subdf with only their messages
dfFilter2 = dfFilter[dfFilter['Sender'] == sender]
#looping through all incidences and joining them to one text, to extract most common words
for arg in dfFilter2['Message']:
tokens = arg.split()
#Remove media and omitted if they exist
if ('Media' in tokens):
if ('omitted' in tokens):
#Same comment as in the cell above
if ('s' in tokens):
if ('m' in tokens):
all_words += " ".join(tokens)+" "
wordcloud = WordCloud(width = 700, height = 700,
background_color ='white',
min_font_size = 10).generate(all_words)
plt.figure(figsize = (5, 5), facecolor = None)
plt.title(f"Word cloud for {sender} from {mes} of {anio}")
plt.tight_layout(pad = 0)
if savefigs:
plt.savefig(directory[:-1] + "WordCloud for" + sender + ".png")
#Conduct sentiment analysis
# Initialize the VADER Sentiment Intensity Analyzer
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
# Function to get sentiment polarity
def get_sentiment_polarity(message):
sentiment_scores = sid.polarity_scores(message)
return 'positive' if sentiment_scores['compound'] >= 0.05 else 'negative' if sentiment_scores['compound'] <= -0.05 else 'neutral'
# Apply the sentiment analysis to the 'Message' column
dfFilter['Sentiment'] = dfFilter['Message'].apply(get_sentiment_polarity)
# Calculate the percentage of each sentiment for all messages
sentiment_percentage_all = dfFilter['Sentiment'].value_counts(normalize=True) * 100
# Calculate the percentage of each sentiment per sender
sentiment_percentage_per_sender = dfFilter.groupby(['Sender', 'Sentiment']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
sentiment_percentage_per_sender = sentiment_percentage_per_sender.div(sentiment_percentage_per_sender.sum(axis=1), axis=0) * 100
# Display the results
print("Sentiment Percentage for All Messages:")
print("\nSentiment Percentage per Sender:")
# Calculate the percentage of each sentiment per year per sender
#Create year column
dfFilter['Year'] = pd.to_datetime(dfFilter['Date']).dt.year
#Get it by year
sentiment_percentage_per_year_per_sender = dfFilter.groupby(['Year', 'Sender', 'Sentiment']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
sentiment_percentage_per_year_per_sender = sentiment_percentage_per_year_per_sender.div(sentiment_percentage_per_year_per_sender.sum(axis=1), axis=0) * 100
# Plot the results using Matplotlib
for sender in dfFilter['Sender'].unique():
data = sentiment_percentage_per_year_per_sender.loc[(slice(None), sender), :]
ax = data.unstack().plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title=f'Sentiment Percentage per Year for {sender}')
plt.legend(title='Sentiment', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left')
if savefigs:
plt.savefig(directory[:-1] + f"Sentiment Analysis for {sender}.png")
#Define senders to do more specific analysis
senders = dfFilter['Sender'].unique()
for sender in senders:
data = sentiment_percentage_per_year_per_sender.loc[(slice(None), sender), :].unstack()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
for sentiment in ['positive', 'neutral', 'negative']:
plt.plot(data[sentiment], label=sentiment.capitalize())
plt.title(f'Sentiment Percentage per Year for {sender}')
plt.xticks(list(set(dfFilter['Year'])), rotation=45) # Set x-axis ticks to unique years
if savefigs:
plt.savefig(directory[:-1] + f"Sentiment Percentage Line Evolution for {sender}.png")
# Assuming 'Time' is in the format 'HH:MM:SS'. If not, adjust the format accordingly.
#dfFilter['Activation_Time'] = pd.to_datetime(dfFilter['Time'], format='%H:%M').dt.hour
dfFilter['Activation_Time'] = pd.to_datetime(dfFilter['Time'], format='mixed').dt.hour
# Plot a histogram of message activation times
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.hist(dfFilter['Activation_Time'], bins=24, edgecolor='black', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Distribution of Message Activation Times')
plt.xlabel('Activation Time (Hour of Day)')
plt.ylabel('Number of Messages')
if savefigs:
plt.savefig(directory[:-1] + "Activation Times.png")
# Plot a histogram of message activation times
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
for sender in senders:
plt.hist(dfFilter[dfFilter['Sender'] == sender]['Activation_Time'], bins=24, edgecolor='black',color = colour_dict[sender], alpha=0.7,label = sender)
plt.title('Distribution of Message Activation Times')
plt.xlabel('Activation Time (Hour of Day)')
plt.ylabel('Number of Messages')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
if savefigs:
plt.savefig(directory[:-1] + "Activation Times by Senders.png")