secretunicornx's picture
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Copy of Skin NTDs.ipynb
Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
Original file is located at
import numpy as np
import skfuzzy as fuzz
from skfuzzy import control as ctrl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import streamlit as st
# Create fuzzy variables & membership functions for lump
lump_amount = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'lump_amount')
lump_amount['1 to 3'] = fuzz.trimf(lump_amount.universe, [0, 0, 3])
lump_amount['more than 3'] = fuzz.trimf(lump_amount.universe, [3, 11, 11])
lump_hardness = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'lump_hardness')
lump_hardness['soft'] = fuzz.trimf(lump_hardness.universe, [0, 0, 5])
lump_hardness['solid'] = fuzz.trimf(lump_hardness.universe, [5, 11, 11])
lump_size = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'lump_size')
lump_size['small'] = fuzz.trimf(lump_size.universe, [0, 0, 5])
lump_size['large'] = fuzz.trimf(lump_size.universe, [5, 11, 11])
lump_location = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'lump_location')
lump_location['localized'] = fuzz.trapmf(lump_location.universe, [0, 0, 3, 6])
lump_location['widespread'] = fuzz.trapmf(lump_location.universe, [3, 6, 11, 11])
lump_itch = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'lump_itch')
lump_itch['not itchy'] = fuzz.trapmf(lump_itch.universe, [0, 0, 3, 6])
lump_itch['itchy'] = fuzz.trapmf(lump_itch.universe, [3, 6, 7, 8])
lump_itch['very itchy'] = fuzz.trapmf(lump_itch.universe, [7, 8, 11, 11])
lump_pus = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 1), 'lump_pus')
lump_pus['present'] = fuzz.trapmf(lump_pus.universe, [0, 0, 1, 1])
lump_pus['absent'] = fuzz.trapmf(lump_pus.universe, [1, 1, 2, 2])
# Create fuzzy variables for ulcer
ulcer_location = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 3, 1), 'ulcer_location')
ulcer_location['feet or hands'] = fuzz.trapmf(ulcer_location.universe, [0, 0, 1, 1])
ulcer_location['others'] = fuzz.trapmf(ulcer_location.universe, [1, 1, 2, 2])
ulcer_edge = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 1), 'ulcer_edge')
ulcer_edge['irregular'] = fuzz.trapmf(ulcer_edge.universe, [0, 0, 1, 1])
ulcer_edge['regular'] = fuzz.trapmf(ulcer_edge.universe, [1, 1, 2, 2])
ulcer_pain = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 1), 'ulcer_pain')
ulcer_pain['painless'] = fuzz.trapmf(ulcer_pain.universe, [0, 0, 1, 1])
ulcer_pain['painful'] = fuzz.trapmf(ulcer_pain.universe, [1, 1, 2, 2])
# Create fuzzy variables for swollen limb
swollen_limb = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 1), 'swollen_limb')
swollen_limb['unilateral'] = fuzz.trapmf(swollen_limb.universe, [0, 0, 1, 1])
swollen_limb['bilateral'] = fuzz.trapmf(swollen_limb.universe, [1, 1, 2, 2])
swollen_location = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 3, 1), 'swollen_location')
swollen_location['localised'] = fuzz.trapmf(swollen_location.universe, [0, 0, 1, 1])
swollen_location['widespread'] = fuzz.trapmf(swollen_location.universe, [1, 1, 2, 2])
swelling_sensation = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 1), 'swelling_sensation')
swelling_sensation['painless'] = fuzz.trapmf(swelling_sensation.universe, [0, 0, 1, 1])
swelling_sensation['painful'] = fuzz.trapmf(swelling_sensation.universe, [1, 1, 2, 2])
# Create fuzzy variables for patch
patch_itch = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'patch_itch')
patch_itch['itchy'] = fuzz.trimf(patch_itch.universe, [0, 0, 5])
patch_itch['non-itchy'] = fuzz.trimf(patch_itch.universe, [5, 11, 11])
patch_texture = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'patch_texture')
patch_texture['smooth'] = fuzz.trimf(patch_texture.universe, [0, 0, 5])
patch_texture['scaly'] = fuzz.trimf(patch_texture.universe, [5, 11, 11])
patch_wetness = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'patch_wetness')
patch_wetness['wet'] = fuzz.trimf(patch_wetness.universe, [0, 0, 5])
patch_wetness['dry'] = fuzz.trimf(patch_wetness.universe, [5, 11, 11])
# Create fuzzy variable for diagnosis
diagnosis = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'diagnosis')
diagnosis['leprosy'] = fuzz.trapmf(diagnosis.universe, [0, 0, 2, 5])
diagnosis['scabies'] = fuzz.trapmf(diagnosis.universe, [3, 5, 7, 8])
diagnosis['lymphatic_filariasis'] = fuzz.trapmf(diagnosis.universe, [6, 8, 10, 10])
# Fuzzy rules
rule1 = ctrl.Rule(lump_amount['more than 3'] & lump_hardness['solid'] & lump_size['large'] & patch_itch['non-itchy'] | patch_texture['scaly'] | patch_wetness['dry'], diagnosis['leprosy'])
rule2 = ctrl.Rule(lump_amount['more than 3'] & lump_hardness['soft'] & lump_size['small'] | lump_location['widespread'] | lump_itch['very itchy'] | lump_pus['present'], diagnosis['scabies'])
rule3 = ctrl.Rule(swollen_limb['unilateral'] | swollen_location['localised'] | swelling_sensation['painful'], diagnosis['lymphatic_filariasis'])
# Create control system
diagnosis_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystem([rule1, rule2, rule3])
# Create control system simulator
diagnosis_fuzzy = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(diagnosis_ctrl)
import streamlit as st
# Create the user interface
st.title("Disease Diagnosis")
lump_amount = st.selectbox("Lump amount", ["1 to 3", "more than 3"])
lump_hardness = st.selectbox("Lump hardness", ["soft", "solid"])
lump_size = st.selectbox("Lump size", ["small", "large"])
lump_location = st.text_input("Lump location", ["localised", "widespread"])
lump_itch = st.selectbox("Lump itch", ["not itchy", "slightly itchy", "very itchy"])
lump_pus = st.selectbox("Lump pus", ["absent", "present"])
ulcer_location = st.selectbox("Ulcer location", ["feet", "hands", "other"])
ulcer_edge = st.selectbox("Ulcer edge", ["regular", "irregular"])
ulcer_pain = st.selectbox("Ulcer pain", ["painful", "painless"])
swollen_limb = st.selectbox("Swollen limb", ["unilateral", "bilateral"])
swollen_location = st.text_input("Swollen location", ["localised", "widespread"])
swelling_sensation = st.selectbox("Swelling sensation", ["painful", "painless"])
patch_itch = st.selectbox("Patch itch", ["non-itchy", "itchy"])
patch_texture = st.selectbox("Patch texture", ["smooth", "scaly"])
patch_wetness = st.selectbox("Patch wetness", ["dry", "wet"])
if st.button("Diagnose"):
#st.success(diagnosis(lump_amount, lump_hardness, lump_size, lump_location, lump_itch, lump_pus, ulcer_location, ulcer_edge, ulcer_pain, swollen_limb, swollen_location, swelling_sensation, patch_itch, patch_texture, patch_wetness))
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_amount'] = lump_amount
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_hardness'] = lump_hardness
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_size'] = lump_size
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_location'] = lump_location
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_itch'] = lump_itch
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_pus'] = lump_pus
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['ulcer_location'] = ulcer_location
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['ulcer_edge'] = ulcer_edge
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['ulcer_pain'] = ulcer_pain
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['swollen_limb'] = swollen_limb
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['swollen_location'] = swollen_location
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['swelling_sensation'] = swelling_sensation
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['patch_itch'] = patch_itch
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['patch_texture'] = patch_texture
diagnosis_fuzzy.input['patch_wetness'] = patch_wetness
# Print the diagnosis
# Defuzzification
# Pass crisp input values to the control system and get the diagnosis
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_amount'] = 5
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_hardness'] = 7
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_size'] = 6
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_location'] = 8
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_itch'] = 9
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['lump_pus'] = 1
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['swollen_limb'] = 1
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['swollen_location'] = 10
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['swelling_sensation'] = 8
# diagnosis_fuzzy.input['swelling_color'] = 7
# Print the diagnosis