topic_modelling / funcs /

Commit History

Reduce outliers now more efficient and relabels with correct vectoriser. Default topic labels now tidier. Hiearchical topics outputs more useful for joining to df afterwards. Switched low resource reduction algorithm to UMAP as default is not good.

Sonnyjim commited on

Allowed for loading in external topic labels. A few visualisation modifications.

Sonnyjim commited on

Lots of general fixes. New visualisations, fixed hierarchical vis for zero shot. Added calc all probabilities.

Sonnyjim commited on

Split off LLM representation, visualisation, and reduce outliers from main function. Added hierarchical visualisation and logs

Sonnyjim commited on

More efficient embeddings save and representations load/process. Custom visualisation hover option added, formatting improvements. Version 0.1?

Sonnyjim commited on