Fixed issue where redactions were sometimes not removing text underneath boxes. You can now redact in different colours from review page
from typing import Type, List | |
import pandas as pd | |
import boto3 | |
import tempfile | |
import os | |
from tools.helper_functions import get_or_create_env_var | |
PandasDataFrame = Type[pd.DataFrame] | |
# Get AWS credentials | |
bucket_name="" | |
RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS = get_or_create_env_var("RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS", "1") | |
print(f'The value of RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS is {RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS}') | |
AWS_REGION = get_or_create_env_var('AWS_REGION', 'eu-west-2') | |
print(f'The value of AWS_REGION is {AWS_REGION}') | |
def get_assumed_role_info(): | |
sts_endpoint = 'https://sts.' + AWS_REGION + '' | |
sts = boto3.client('sts', region_name=AWS_REGION, endpoint_url=sts_endpoint) | |
response = sts.get_caller_identity() | |
# Extract ARN of the assumed role | |
assumed_role_arn = response['Arn'] | |
# Extract the name of the assumed role from the ARN | |
assumed_role_name = assumed_role_arn.split('/')[-1] | |
return assumed_role_arn, assumed_role_name | |
if RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS == "1": | |
try: | |
bucket_name = os.environ['DOCUMENT_REDACTION_BUCKET'] | |
session = boto3.Session() | |
#print("session:", session) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Could not start boto3 session:", e) | |
try: | |
assumed_role_arn, assumed_role_name = get_assumed_role_info() | |
print("Assumed Role ARN:", assumed_role_arn) | |
print("Assumed Role Name:", assumed_role_name) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Could not get assumed role from STS:", e) | |
# Download direct from S3 - requires login credentials | |
def download_file_from_s3(bucket_name, key, local_file_path_and_name): | |
s3 = boto3.client('s3') | |
s3.download_file(bucket_name, key, local_file_path_and_name) | |
print(f"File downloaded from S3: s3://{bucket_name}/{key} to {local_file_path_and_name}") | |
def download_folder_from_s3(bucket_name, s3_folder, local_folder): | |
""" | |
Download all files from an S3 folder to a local folder. | |
""" | |
s3 = boto3.client('s3') | |
# List objects in the specified S3 folder | |
response = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket_name, Prefix=s3_folder) | |
# Download each object | |
for obj in response.get('Contents', []): | |
# Extract object key and construct local file path | |
object_key = obj['Key'] | |
local_file_path = os.path.join(local_folder, os.path.relpath(object_key, s3_folder)) | |
# Create directories if necessary | |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_file_path), exist_ok=True) | |
# Download the object | |
try: | |
s3.download_file(bucket_name, object_key, local_file_path) | |
print(f"Downloaded 's3://{bucket_name}/{object_key}' to '{local_file_path}'") | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error downloading 's3://{bucket_name}/{object_key}':", e) | |
def download_files_from_s3(bucket_name, s3_folder, local_folder, filenames): | |
""" | |
Download specific files from an S3 folder to a local folder. | |
""" | |
s3 = boto3.client('s3') | |
print("Trying to download file: ", filenames) | |
if filenames == '*': | |
# List all objects in the S3 folder | |
print("Trying to download all files in AWS folder: ", s3_folder) | |
response = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket_name, Prefix=s3_folder) | |
print("Found files in AWS folder: ", response.get('Contents', [])) | |
filenames = [obj['Key'].split('/')[-1] for obj in response.get('Contents', [])] | |
print("Found filenames in AWS folder: ", filenames) | |
for filename in filenames: | |
object_key = os.path.join(s3_folder, filename) | |
local_file_path = os.path.join(local_folder, filename) | |
# Create directories if necessary | |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_file_path), exist_ok=True) | |
# Download the object | |
try: | |
s3.download_file(bucket_name, object_key, local_file_path) | |
print(f"Downloaded 's3://{bucket_name}/{object_key}' to '{local_file_path}'") | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error downloading 's3://{bucket_name}/{object_key}':", e) | |
def load_data_from_aws(in_aws_keyword_file, aws_password="", bucket_name=bucket_name): | |
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() | |
local_address_stub = temp_dir + '/doc-redaction/' | |
files = [] | |
if not 'LAMBETH_BOROUGH_PLAN_PASSWORD' in os.environ: | |
out_message = "Can't verify password for dataset access. Do you have a valid AWS connection? Data not loaded." | |
return files, out_message | |
if aws_password: | |
if "Lambeth borough plan" in in_aws_keyword_file and aws_password == os.environ['LAMBETH_BOROUGH_PLAN_PASSWORD']: | |
s3_folder_stub = 'example-data/lambeth-borough-plan/latest/' | |
local_folder_path = local_address_stub | |
# Check if folder exists | |
if not os.path.exists(local_folder_path): | |
print(f"Folder {local_folder_path} does not exist! Making folder.") | |
os.mkdir(local_folder_path) | |
# Check if folder is empty | |
if len(os.listdir(local_folder_path)) == 0: | |
print(f"Folder {local_folder_path} is empty") | |
# Download data | |
download_files_from_s3(bucket_name, s3_folder_stub, local_folder_path, filenames='*') | |
print("AWS data downloaded") | |
else: | |
print(f"Folder {local_folder_path} is not empty") | |
#files = os.listdir(local_folder_stub) | |
#print(files) | |
files = [os.path.join(local_folder_path, f) for f in os.listdir(local_folder_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(local_folder_path, f))] | |
out_message = "Data successfully loaded from AWS" | |
print(out_message) | |
else: | |
out_message = "Data not loaded from AWS" | |
print(out_message) | |
else: | |
out_message = "No password provided. Please ask the data team for access if you need this." | |
print(out_message) | |
return files, out_message | |
def upload_file_to_s3(local_file_paths:List[str], s3_key:str, s3_bucket:str=bucket_name): | |
""" | |
Uploads a file from local machine to Amazon S3. | |
Args: | |
- local_file_path: Local file path(s) of the file(s) to upload. | |
- s3_key: Key (path) to the file in the S3 bucket. | |
- s3_bucket: Name of the S3 bucket. | |
Returns: | |
- Message as variable/printed to console | |
""" | |
final_out_message = [] | |
s3_client = boto3.client('s3') | |
if isinstance(local_file_paths, str): | |
local_file_paths = [local_file_paths] | |
for file in local_file_paths: | |
if s3_client: | |
#print(s3_client) | |
try: | |
# Get file name off file path | |
file_name = os.path.basename(file) | |
s3_key_full = s3_key + file_name | |
print("S3 key: ", s3_key_full) | |
s3_client.upload_file(file, s3_bucket, s3_key_full) | |
out_message = "File " + file_name + " uploaded successfully!" | |
print(out_message) | |
except Exception as e: | |
out_message = f"Error uploading file(s): {e}" | |
print(out_message) | |
final_out_message.append(out_message) | |
final_out_message_str = '\n'.join(final_out_message) | |
else: final_out_message_str = "Could not connect to AWS." | |
return final_out_message_str | |