sds-bosch commited on
1 Parent(s): 643deb7

Adding files

Browse files
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ from llama_index import SimpleDirectoryReader, ServiceContext, VectorStoreIndex, set_global_service_context, \
+ StorageContext, load_index_from_storage
+ from llama_index.llms import OpenAI
+ import gradio as gr
+ service_context = ServiceContext.from_defaults(
+ llm=OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613")
+ )
+ set_global_service_context(service_context)
+ def construct_index(directory_path):
+ docs = SimpleDirectoryReader(directory_path).load_data()
+ index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(docs, service_context=service_context)
+ index.set_index_id("vector_index")
+ index.storage_context.persist("./storage")
+ return index
+ def chatbot(input_text):
+ storage_context = StorageContext.from_defaults(persist_dir="storage")
+ # load index
+ index = load_index_from_storage(storage_context, index_id="vector_index")
+ query_engine = index.as_query_engine()
+ response = query_engine.query(input_text)
+ return response.response
+ iface = gr.Interface(fn=chatbot,
+ inputs=gr.components.Textbox(lines=7, label="Ask a question!"),
+ outputs="text",
+ title="Bosch - Home Appliances ",
+ description = "Effortless living with Bosch Home appliances chatbot - troubleshoot, maintain, and get answers with ease.",
+ css=".main {background-image: url(''); background-size: cover;} .header {background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 200px;}",
+ )
+ index = construct_index("docs")
+ iface.launch(share=False)
docs/docs_manual.txt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ Get the best out of your Bosch washing machine for longer.
storage/default__vector_store.json ADDED
The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff
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Get hands-on solutions to these and other issues with your appliance right here, at a glance. And if you need more help, don't hesitate to get in touch with Bosch Home Appliances Service directly for personal advice or for arranging a visit by a Bosch service engineer.\nWashing machine makes strong noise\nAll washing machines make some degree of noise, of course, this varies widely but the noise were talking about isnt the soothing hum of a wash cycle. No, its a louder more irritating sound and one that can have several causes. At some point or another, weve all heard some strange sounds emanating from our washing machines. Squealing, screeching, banging, knocking, bumping, scratching and rumbling are the most common noises - if yours is making a sound other than that, you might want to have it checked out by a professional. Otherwise, fixing the problem yourself should be fairly straight forward.\n1. Check the transportations bolts and remove them\nCheck whether the transportation bolts have been removed from the back of the appliance. If they haven't, you should remove these immediately and replace them with the blanks that came with your washing machine.\nRemoving the transit bolts\nThe appliance is secured for transportation using transit bolts on the rear of the appliance.\nExtra-Tip:Keep the transit bolts, screws and sleeves in a safe place for future transport\nStep by step tutorial:\n\n1. Remove the hose from the holders\nUnscrew the transit bolts with a WAF 13 wrench.\n2. Remove all four screws.\n\n3. Remove the four sleeves.\n\n4. Put on the four cover caps. Then press down on the four cover caps.\nExtra-Tip: Check the placement of your washing machine.\nThe washing machine should be installed on suitable surface. Wooden floors are particularly unsuitable. Ideally install your washing machine in the corner of the room on a hard surface.\n2. Check the balance of your washing machine level your machine\n\nOff-balance washers can result in loud thumping or knocking sounds, especially at high spin speeds.\n\nTo silence your machine, check the legs to ensure its evenly balanced and resting on a flat surface.\nEnsure that the appliance is parallel to the ground by using a spirit level. If it is found not to be, adjust the feet accordingly and tighten them in place.\nIf possible, put the machine on again to see if this has resolved the problem.\nOtherwise, continue troubleshooting.\nThe position of the the transit bolts you can find on the picture\nThe picture show the rear of washing machines / Mark all 4 positions of transit bolts = No 7 = trans bolts\n1. Loosen the lock nuts using a WAF 17 wrench by turning it in a clockwise direction.\n2. To align the appliance, turn the appliance feet.\n3. Check that the appliance is level using a spirit level.\nAll appliance feet must stand firmly on the ground.\n4. Screw the lock nuts tightly against the housing using a WAF 17 wrench. In doing so, hold the foot tight and do not adjust its height.\nWashing machines which make suddenly strange noises during the usage\n1. Unbalanced load of your washing machine\nIf you notice bumps and bangs this is due to an undistributed load.\nHeavy items can throw the washer off balance.\nAvoid overfilling the drum.\n2. Check the drum and clean the pump\nIf there are rattlings noises during the washing during the washing program, there might be some foreign objects in washing machine drum or in the drain pump. Please check the drum for objects which might get in with your clothes and then check the drain pump.\n\nWhat to do if washing machine is leaking?\nA puddle in the laundry room almost always means that your washer is leaking. Fortunately, some of the puddles mean only a minor issue which can be solved by your own, others indicate a bigger problem. No matter the reason, every leak needs to be investigated and solved before the puddle becomes a flood.\n1. Check the door and the rubber seal.\nIf water is pooling at the front of the appliance, the leak could be coming from the door.\nAlways make sure the door is firmly shut before starting a cycle.\nYou should hear an audible click to indicate this. Check that there are no clothes stuck between the door and the housing that could be preventing the door from shutting properly, and be sure not to overfill the washing machine drum.\nClean and inspect the rubber seal\nMaintaining a clean rubber seal is important in order to prevent any damage to it, which could lead to leaks.", "start_char_idx": 0, "end_char_idx": 4622, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "fbe2d54f-3b5b-44f5-96a6-c0a17c3c3fd9": {"__data__": {"id_": "fbe2d54f-3b5b-44f5-96a6-c0a17c3c3fd9", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "893b4243-c795-48f8-9718-206f18c9fb6c", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "3dcdd2c367c286e4dfb9287bd661ab75c1328ed93385d7a8adb4975198aee045", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "3c0e642f-b3da-4516-929a-70ef38dd1f69", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "3fb18fd3374c38cf568fe3e21678ea5bc6c6f6f285259980c10a0339c1d9e6e2", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "1431fa3035f1a23be94ab3199f7a8389fabe25944875646f4ef413644e9dce80", "text": "What to do if washing machine is leaking?\nA puddle in the laundry room almost always means that your washer is leaking. Fortunately, some of the puddles mean only a minor issue which can be solved by your own, others indicate a bigger problem. No matter the reason, every leak needs to be investigated and solved before the puddle becomes a flood.\n1. Check the door and the rubber seal.\nIf water is pooling at the front of the appliance, the leak could be coming from the door.\nAlways make sure the door is firmly shut before starting a cycle.\nYou should hear an audible click to indicate this. Check that there are no clothes stuck between the door and the housing that could be preventing the door from shutting properly, and be sure not to overfill the washing machine drum.\nClean and inspect the rubber seal\nMaintaining a clean rubber seal is important in order to prevent any damage to it, which could lead to leaks. Simply clean the rubber seal and the door, ensuring that all fluff and detergent residue is removed from the contact area between the rubber seal and the appliance door. To clean your washing machines seal, you will need a cloth and warm water. Abrasive cleaners are not necessary. These can attack the rubber. Wipe around the seal with a damp cloth until its clean\n2. Check the usage of detergent\nExcessive foam may be produced if you wash laundry or curtains that are only lightly soiled, add too much detergent or use unsuitable/old detergent.\nFoam and water might overflow the detergent drawer or will leak at the door.\nThree key facts to consider concerning detergent:\n1.Check the amount of dirt in the washing\nThe more dirty the clothes are, the more detergent that's needed to remove it. You may not see it, but approximately 70% of dirt on clothes comes from the body, such as skin, sweat, grease and other bodily fluids. Only 30% of dirt on clothes comes from external sources, such as food, mud, grass, lotions and creams.\n2. Consider the size of the washing load\nDetergent dosage instructions are based upon a washing machine's drum size, and for good reason. The larger the washing load, the more dirt introduced and therefore the more detergent that's needed to remove it.\n3. Check the water hardness level in your area\nHard water contains a high concentration of minerals which need to be softened and neutralised for more effective cleaning results. It's for this reason that detergent manufacturers recommend using slightly more detergent than normal in hard water areas.\n\nWhat to do if washing machines does not drain the water?\nIf your washing machine is not draining water, the issue could be a clogged pump or a kinked hose. Follow the simple instructions displayed below to quickly resolve the issue.\nThree checks to get your washing machine running again.\n1. Start by draining the water away and check the pump\nIf such an error occurs, the first thing a user should do is to close the water supply so that no more water can flow in. Next, turn off the washing machine first with the button, and then pull out the main plug.\nTo find the cause and to check the pump you must drain the water away from the tank.\nStep-by-step tutorial How to drain the water away which stays in the machine\n1. Turn the appliance off.\n2. Pull out the mains plug.\n3. Open and remove the service flap.\n4. Drain off all water using a drainage hose or by removing the pump cover slowly.\n5. Clean the interior, the thread and the housing of the pump so that the impeller is able to rotate.\n6. Refit the pump cover and screw back firmly.\n7. To check the pump for leakage and the power of the pump, pour 1 litre of water into the detergent drawer.\n8. Check for any leakage.\n9. If the pump is sealed watertight, start the pumping programme.\n2. Check the drainage whether it is kinked or blocked by foreign objects\nA blocked or kinked drain hose might be the reason why your washing machine is not draining.\nStep-by-step guide: How to check the drainage of your washing machine\n1. Turn the appliance off.\n2. Pull out the mains plug.\n3. Check that the drainage hose has been installed correctly without any kinks.\n4. Before loosening the hose clip on the siphon, place a bucket under the tap to avoid spills.\n5. Carefully remove the drainage hose and pour the remaining water out of the drainage hose into the bucket.\n6. Clean the drainage hose and the connecting piece of the siphon.\n7. Hold the drainage hose in the bucket.\n8. Select the \"Drain\" programme.\n9. Connect the drainage hose to the siphon.", "start_char_idx": 3701, "end_char_idx": 8216, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "3c0e642f-b3da-4516-929a-70ef38dd1f69": {"__data__": {"id_": "3c0e642f-b3da-4516-929a-70ef38dd1f69", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "fbe2d54f-3b5b-44f5-96a6-c0a17c3c3fd9", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "1431fa3035f1a23be94ab3199f7a8389fabe25944875646f4ef413644e9dce80", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "8fb596f6-7c9b-4557-9395-5d45daaf20b7", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "c97bcd5608ab0b56fd14561f78cdae8602c0794e078b52fcc06bc591ec36ba8a", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "3fb18fd3374c38cf568fe3e21678ea5bc6c6f6f285259980c10a0339c1d9e6e2", "text": "2. Check the drainage whether it is kinked or blocked by foreign objects\nA blocked or kinked drain hose might be the reason why your washing machine is not draining.\nStep-by-step guide: How to check the drainage of your washing machine\n1. Turn the appliance off.\n2. Pull out the mains plug.\n3. Check that the drainage hose has been installed correctly without any kinks.\n4. Before loosening the hose clip on the siphon, place a bucket under the tap to avoid spills.\n5. Carefully remove the drainage hose and pour the remaining water out of the drainage hose into the bucket.\n6. Clean the drainage hose and the connecting piece of the siphon.\n7. Hold the drainage hose in the bucket.\n8. Select the \"Drain\" programme.\n9. Connect the drainage hose to the siphon.\n10. Check whether the draine hose is watertight.\n\n3. Is the washing machine still not draining the water?\nAfter carrying out one or all of these actions, your washing machine should once again be correctly pumping and draining the water. If your washing machine is still not pumping out the water, the visit of a service engineer might solve the issue.\n\nWhat to do if washing machine shows E18 in display?\n3 checks to get your washing machine running again.\nThe E18 code that appears in the Bosch washing machine display means that there is no drainage of water. And maybe you also notice that there is water in the tank. Dont worry this problem is solvable in many cases by your own. Reasons might be a blocked pump or kinked drain hose.\nIn various Bosch washing machines models, the error might be shown by different codes. F18 and d02 faults are the identical ones.\n1. Start by drain the water away and check the pump\nIf such an error occurs, the first thing a user should do is to close the water supply so that no more water can flow in. Next, turn off the washing machine first with the button, and then pull out the main plug.\nTo find the cause and to check the pump you must drain the water away from the tank.\n\nStep 1: Emergency draining - How to drain the water away\n\n\nStep-by-step tutorial How to drain the water away which stays in the machine\nThe washing water will get very hot when washing at high temperatures.\nYou may be scalded if you touch the hot washing water.\nAllow the washing water to cool down.\nOpen and remove the service flap.\nTake the drain hose out of the holder.\nRemove the sealing cap and drain the water into a suitable container.\nPut the sealing cap back on and press down firmly.\nWarning: Water might be hot.\nDrain off all water using the drainage hose.\n\nStep 2: How to check the pump\nStep-by-step tutorial How to check the pump\nUnscrew the pump cover.\nCarefully unscrew the pump cover.\nBe aware that any remaining water may leak out.\nTake out the pump cover\n\nClean the interior of residues.\nClean the inside, the pump cover thread and the pump housing.\nThe impeller in the drain pump must be able to rotate.\n\nPut the pump cover back on and screw back firmly.\nThe grip must be vertical.\nClose the service flap.\n\nHow to check the pump?\nNote: To prevent unused detergent from flowing straight into the drain during the next wash: Pour 1 litre of water into compartment II and check the pump for leakage and the power of the pump, pour 1 litre of water into the detergent drawer.\nStart the drain/empty programme.\nCheck for any leakage.\n2. Check the drainage whether it is kinked or blocked by foreign\nAn E18 error can also be caused by a blocked or kinked drain hose.\nFirst, look to see if the drain hose is bent or kinked, which may be blocking the water flow. If that is the case, simply straightening the hose may fix the problem. If the hose looks uncompromising, then disconnect it from the drain, unscrewing a clamp if necessary.\nFollow the instructions in the video to check the drain hose\n3. Is the washing machine still showing E:18 in the display and is not draining the water?\nAfter carrying out one or all of these actions, your washing machine should once again be correctly pumping and draining the water. If your washing machine is still not pumping out the water, it could be due to a defective pump.", "start_char_idx": 7457, "end_char_idx": 11566, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "8fb596f6-7c9b-4557-9395-5d45daaf20b7": {"__data__": {"id_": "8fb596f6-7c9b-4557-9395-5d45daaf20b7", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "3c0e642f-b3da-4516-929a-70ef38dd1f69", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "3fb18fd3374c38cf568fe3e21678ea5bc6c6f6f285259980c10a0339c1d9e6e2", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "c643652c-5bb4-4875-ac94-315670c34a55", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "c2165f4660553b9a42060d322f8df54d8c8e8b5f2cf9f9c00986f7be952a38b7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "c97bcd5608ab0b56fd14561f78cdae8602c0794e078b52fcc06bc591ec36ba8a", "text": "How to avoid that the washing machine trips the electrics?\nThere are multiple causes which can result in a washing machine tripping the electrics, such as the motor, the heater, the supressor, a wire shorting out, or water leaking onto an electric part. It can therefore be difficult to determine exactly which cause is responsible.\nThe first thing to do is to reset the RCD and to replace the fuse in the plug.\nAfter doing this, if the washing machine is still tripping the electrics or it now no longer works, this will require an inspection and repair by a trained and qualified Bosch engineer.\n\nHow to deactivate the child lock of a Bosch washing machine?\nBosch washing machines have a child lock functionality. Sometimes child lock is activated by accident and prevents washing machines to start. This can be quickly changed. Depending on the model of your Bosch washing machine, there are several ways how to deactivate the child lock. Some washing machines show CL in the display if the child lock is active.\n\n1. Press and hold the start button for three to five seconds\nWhen the child lock is activated, there will be a message CL in the display and all the washing machine buttons will be disabled.\nTo deactivate the child lock, press and hold the start button for three to five seconds. After this time you will hear an audible beep and the key symbol will disappear.\n2. Press and hold the \"rpm\" and the \"finished in\" buttons\nAnother way to deactivate the child lock on some Bosch washing machine models is to press and hold the \"rpm\" and the \"finished in\" buttons together for approximately three seconds. After this time you will hear an audible beep and the message CL will disappear.\n3. Call a service professional for help\nIs the washing machine still showing the key symbol? After carrying out one or all of these actions, this message should disappear. If the problem is still there, a service engineer might solve the issue.\nWhat to do if the key symbol appears in the display of your washing machine?\nThis is one of the most common problems that prevents customers from being able to use their Bosch washing machines, but luckily it can be deactivated very easily. Depending on the model of your Bosch washing machine, there are several ways that the child lock can be deactivated\n1. Press and hold the start button for three to five seconds\nPress and hold the start button for three to five seconds\nWhen the child lock is activated, there will be a key symbol in the display and all the washing machine buttons will be disabled.\nTo deactivate the child lock, press and hold the start button for three to five seconds. After this time you will hear an audible beep and the key symbol will disappear.\n2. Press and hold the \"rpm\" and the \"finished in\" buttons\nAnother way to deactivate the child lock on some Bosch washing machine models is to press and hold the \"rpm\" and the \"finished in\" buttons together for approximately three seconds. After this time you will hear an audible beep and the key symbol will disappear.\n3. Washing machines with touch screen display and a square button with a key symbol\nIf your Bosch washing machine has an advanced touch screen display, there should be an illuminated square button with a key symbol and \"3 sec\" underneath it.\nSimply hold this button down for three seconds, the button will darken and an audible\nbeep will indicate that the child lock has been deactivated.\n4. Call a service professional for help\nIs the washing machine still showing the key symbol? After carrying out one or all of these actions, this message should disappear. If the problem is still there, a service engineer might solve the issue.\nWhat to do if water tap appears in the display or is blinking?\nThe water tap symbol appears in the display when there is a problem with the water inlet. Washing machines without display might show a blinking LED near to the water tap symbol on the front. Follow the simple instructions displayed below to quickly resolve the issue.\n4 checks to get rid of the water tap message in the display of your washing machine.\n1. Clean the water inlet filter\n\nStep-by-step tutorial\nThe water inlet filter may be clogged. Follow this step to check it.\n1. Turn the appliance off and disconnect the appliance.\n2. Turn off the water tap\n3. Remove the hose from the water tap\n4. Clean the filter with a small brush under running water\n5. Tip: For standard and Aqua-secure models:\n* Clean the filter on the rear of the appliance\n* Remove the hose\n* Use pliers to remove the filter and clean it\n6. Connect the hose and check for leaks\n2. Check the supply hose\nA blocked or kinked water supply hose might be the reason why your washing machine is not filling with water.\n* Pull the appliance out slightly\n* Untwist any visible kinks", "start_char_idx": 11569, "end_char_idx": 16356, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "c643652c-5bb4-4875-ac94-315670c34a55": {"__data__": {"id_": "c643652c-5bb4-4875-ac94-315670c34a55", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "8fb596f6-7c9b-4557-9395-5d45daaf20b7", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "c97bcd5608ab0b56fd14561f78cdae8602c0794e078b52fcc06bc591ec36ba8a", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "9fca4f79-b504-406e-9f19-4b58214e677f", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "c05ea3f0f5960fdb0391fb430a4891d2ddfcfac29a70db134ec1188de7d96724", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "c2165f4660553b9a42060d322f8df54d8c8e8b5f2cf9f9c00986f7be952a38b7", "text": "3. Check the water tap and water pressure\n\nCheck the water pressure of the tap. Close the water tap and remove the hose.\n\nPut a bucket below the tap and turn of the water tap.\nApproximately 10 liters of water per minute should come out.\nIf the water pressure is too low, please contact your plumber to check the water installation.\n\n4. Call a service professional for help\nIs the washing machine still showing the tap symbol? After carrying out one or all of these actions, your washing machine shouldnt show the tap symbol. If the problem is still there, a service engineer might solve the issue.\nWhat to do if water is not running in washing machine?\nWhen your washing machine wont fill with water, act! You can probably solve the problem yourself in most cases. Generally, this is a fairly simple laundry problem. So here is what you should check:\n1. Checking the washing machine has water\nWatch the video with the explanations about:\n* Clean the water inlet filters\n* Check the supply hose\nStep-by-step tutorial How to check the water supply\nFor washing machines with Aqua-Stop\n\nTurn off the water tap\n\nRemove the hose from the water tap\n\nClear filter under running water.\nUse a small brush to clean.\n\nConnect the hose and checks for leaks\nCheck that there are no kinks in the cold water fill hose.\n\nThe supply hose may be kinked.\nCheck that there are no kinks in the cold water fill hose and the waste water hose by pulling the appliance out slightly.\nUntwist any visible kinks or bends in these hoses. Move the appliance back and ensure correct placement..\n\n2. Check the water pressure\nHow to check the water pressure\nCheck the water pressure directly from the tap using a bucket. Approximately 10 litres of water per minute should flow out of the tap when fully open.\nStep-by-step guide: How to check the water pressure\n\nCheck the water pressure of the tap.\nClose the water tap and remove the hose.\nPut a bucket below the tap and turn of the water tap.\nApproximately 10 liters of water per minute should come out.\nIf the water pressure is too low, please contact your plumber to check the water installation.\n\n3. Check whether the door is locked\nPlease check whether the door is locked properly. Always make sure the door is firmly shut before starting a cycle. You should hear an audible click to indicate this. Check that there are no clothes stuck between the door and the housing that could be preventing the door from shutting properly, and be sure not to overfill the washing machine drum.\nOne more hint:\nSome washing programmes e.g. with cottons, specially detect the load level after the programme has started to calculate the optimum amount of water for washing. Detection can take up to 2 minutes and no water is added during this time. After this delay the water will run in.\n4. There is still no water running in the washing machine?\nAfter carrying out one or all of these actions, your washing machine should be filled with water. If water is still not running in, you may need support by a Bosch service expert.\n\n\nWhy is my washing machine not spinning?\nIn some situation your washing machine does not start spinning or stops spinning suddenly. A blocked pump or kinked washing machine hose might be the reason. Please follow the tips below to solve this issue on your own.\n1. Clean the pump\n\nStep-by-step\n1. Turn the appliance off.\n2. Pull out the mains plug.\n3. Open and remove the service flap.\n4. Drain off all water using a drainage hose or by removing the pump cover slowly.\n5. Clean the interior, the thread and the housing of the pump so that the impeller is able to rotate.\n6. Refit the pump cover and screw back firmly.\n7. To check the pump for leakage and the power of the pump, pour 1 litre of water into the detergent drawer.\n8. Check for any leakage.\n9. If the pump is sealed watertight, start the pumping programme.\n2. The washing machine hoses are kinked or blocked\nIf your washing machine is not spinning properly, or not spinning at all, the issue could be a blocked or a kinked waste water hose. Follow the steps below to check if this is the issue.\n1. Turn the appliance off.\n2. Pull out the mains plug.\n3. Check that the drainage hose has been installed correctly without any kinks.\n4. Before loosening the hose clip on the siphon, place a bucket under the tap to avoid spills.\n5. Carefully remove the drainage hose and pour the remaining water out of the drainage hose into the bucket.\n6. Clean the drainage hose and the connecting piece of the siphon.\n7. Hold the drainage hose in the bucket.\n8. Select the \"Drain\" programme.", "start_char_idx": 16359, "end_char_idx": 20929, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "9fca4f79-b504-406e-9f19-4b58214e677f": {"__data__": {"id_": "9fca4f79-b504-406e-9f19-4b58214e677f", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "c643652c-5bb4-4875-ac94-315670c34a55", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "c2165f4660553b9a42060d322f8df54d8c8e8b5f2cf9f9c00986f7be952a38b7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "c453a765-7597-4892-9091-89a8021a99fe", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "ef2ff025c8c862eff3253c249fd1d317b320ea51b64bdae5cd6ddcc73b445338", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "c05ea3f0f5960fdb0391fb430a4891d2ddfcfac29a70db134ec1188de7d96724", "text": "Check for any leakage.\n9. If the pump is sealed watertight, start the pumping programme.\n2. The washing machine hoses are kinked or blocked\nIf your washing machine is not spinning properly, or not spinning at all, the issue could be a blocked or a kinked waste water hose. Follow the steps below to check if this is the issue.\n1. Turn the appliance off.\n2. Pull out the mains plug.\n3. Check that the drainage hose has been installed correctly without any kinks.\n4. Before loosening the hose clip on the siphon, place a bucket under the tap to avoid spills.\n5. Carefully remove the drainage hose and pour the remaining water out of the drainage hose into the bucket.\n6. Clean the drainage hose and the connecting piece of the siphon.\n7. Hold the drainage hose in the bucket.\n8. Select the \"Drain\" programme.\n9. Connect the drainage hose to the siphon.\n10. Check whether the draine hose is watertight.\n3. Call a service professional for help\nIs the washing machine still not spinning? After carrying out one or all of these actions, this issue should be solved. If the problem is still there, a service engineer might solve the issue.\n\nWhy are my clothes soaking wet after washing?\nThere might be several reasons why your laundry is coming out wet from your Bosch washing machine. To resolve the issue, please follow the advice shown in the video or consult the list below.\n1. Check the load of your washing machine\nThe most common cause for clothes coming out of the drum soaking wet at the end of the cycle is a washing machine that is either not spinning at the optimum spin speed, or not spinning at all.\n2. Check why your washing machine is not draining\nA kink or blockage in the waste water hose will affect the ability of your washing machine to drain water from the drum. Check that there are no kinks in the waste water hose by pulling the appliance out slightly and untwisting any visable kinks or bends in this hose\nWhy are error codes?\n\nError E16 / F16: Door open\nClose the door. If the error cant be rectified, please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\n\nError E17 / F17: Water supply time exceeded\nOpen the tap. If the error cant be rectified, please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\nError E19 / F19: heating time exceeded\nThe fault connected with Error code E19 / F19: heating time exceeded\" cant be rectified by itself. Please contact our customer service department and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\n\nError E20 / F20: unexpected heating\nCarry out a reset by turning the machine on and off. If the error cant be rectified, please contact our customer service department and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\nError E23 / F23: Aquastop activated\nThe fault connected with Error code E23 / F23: Aquastop activated\" cant be rectified by itself. Please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\nError E25 / F25: turbidity sensor faulty\nThe fault connected with Error code E25 / F25: turbidity sensor faulty\" cant be rectified by itself. Please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\n\nError E26 / F26: analogue pressure sensor faulty\nThe fault connected with Error code E26 / F26: analogue pressure sensor faulty\" cant be rectified by itself. Please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\n\nError F27: Pressure sensor faulty\nThe fault connected with Error code E27 / F27: pressure sensor faulty\" cant be rectified by itself. Please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.", "start_char_idx": 20123, "end_char_idx": 24493, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "c453a765-7597-4892-9091-89a8021a99fe": {"__data__": {"id_": "c453a765-7597-4892-9091-89a8021a99fe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "9fca4f79-b504-406e-9f19-4b58214e677f", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "c05ea3f0f5960fdb0391fb430a4891d2ddfcfac29a70db134ec1188de7d96724", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "c13afca7-4069-4760-915c-ea07953cef06", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "65f71ecd5f3dbdc337b523e54b68ab5d6f61279813539d5858a21a139b2fbe4c", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "ef2ff025c8c862eff3253c249fd1d317b320ea51b64bdae5cd6ddcc73b445338", "text": "Please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\n\nError E26 / F26: analogue pressure sensor faulty\nThe fault connected with Error code E26 / F26: analogue pressure sensor faulty\" cant be rectified by itself. Please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\n\nError F27: Pressure sensor faulty\nThe fault connected with Error code E27 / F27: pressure sensor faulty\" cant be rectified by itself. Please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\nError E28 / F28: flow sensor faulty\nThe fault connected with Error code E28 / F28: flow sensor faulty\" cant be rectified by itself. Please contact our customer service and arrange a service appointment. You can reach us on the service number: <CustSerPhoneNo>. Or use our online appointment booking service.\nCleaning Washing Machine\nHow can I clean my washing machine with household products?\nYoud like some tips on cleaning your washing machine as gently as possible, perhaps using household products? Essentially, the approach is very commendable. Nevertheless, we advise using the Bosch recommended washing machine cleaner. Weve tested it in Bosch washing machines and are convinced that it provides optimum cleaning results.\nWe advise you not to clean your washing machine with household products. Cleaning products that contain acid or vinegar can attack the rubber parts of your appliance. Primarily, make sure that you use the right amount of washing detergent. Please see the detergent manufacturers instructions.\n\nCan I clean my washing machine with vinegar?\nYou might have heard that electrical appliances can be descaled or cleaned with vinegar and want to use it on your washing machine. We advise you not to do this. Vinegar is not recommended because it causes too much damage to the rubber parts in the machine.\nWe advise you to use the Bosch recommended washing machine cleaner. Weve tested it in Bosch washing machines and are convinced that it provides optimum cleaning results. That way, youll have prolonged enjoyment with your washing machine.\n\nCan I clean my washing machine with dishwasher tabs?\nYou might think that using dishwasher tablets might also work in the washing machine. Cleaning the washing machine with dishwasher tabs is not a good idea and we advise against it strongly.\nRather, use Bosch washing machine cleaner. This has been tested in Bosch washing machines and provides optimum cleaning results. In doing so, you protect your machine and can look forward to the best washing results in future.\n\nCan I clean my washing machine with citric acid?\nYou might have heard that citric acid removes limescale and want to clean your washing machine with it. Unfortunately, this isnt a good idea. Citric acid isnt recommended for cleaning your washing machine. It attacks the rubber parts of the machine and causes faster wear.\nInstead, use Bosch washing machine cleaner. This has been tested in Bosch washing machines and ensures optimal results.\nHow can I clean the pump in my washing machine?\nCleaning the pump in your washing machine is easier than you think. First, unplug the washing machine and make sure that there is no power to it. Open the service flap and let the remaining water in the drain hose run off. Unscrew the pump cover and check carefully to ensure there are no foreign objects in the pump.\nIf the impeller cant be turned, something could have become jammed in it. In this case, contact customer service on <CustSerPhoneNo>. Watch our video with an instruction and tips on how to unblock the pump in your Bosch washing machine.\nHow can I clean the filter in the washing machine?\nCleaning the filter in your washing machine is very easy. First, unplug the washing machine and make sure that there is no power to it. Unscrew the water supply and lay a towel under it. Now open the service flap and let off the water through the pipe. Next, unscrew the pump cover and fluff filter. Carefully check to see if there are any foreign objects in the pump.\nIf the impeller cant be turned, something could have become jammed in it. In this case, contact the customer service department on <CustSerPhoneNo>. Watch our video with an instruction and tips on how to clean the filter in your Bosch washing machine.\n\nHow can I clean the rubber in the washing machine?\nTo clean the rubber in your washing machine, you just need a cloth and warm water. Wash the rubber thoroughly. Aggressive cleaners arent necessary. These can attack the rubber.", "start_char_idx": 23672, "end_char_idx": 28476, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "c13afca7-4069-4760-915c-ea07953cef06": {"__data__": {"id_": "c13afca7-4069-4760-915c-ea07953cef06", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "c453a765-7597-4892-9091-89a8021a99fe", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "ef2ff025c8c862eff3253c249fd1d317b320ea51b64bdae5cd6ddcc73b445338", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "a8b58269-0f79-435e-9bc9-8bb480fbb04d", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "4074c9b0e7c5ad23c03f322501c44cb925f8f14ccc83a3cdfd78cb9bb1e7d290", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "65f71ecd5f3dbdc337b523e54b68ab5d6f61279813539d5858a21a139b2fbe4c", "text": "Cleaning the filter in your washing machine is very easy. First, unplug the washing machine and make sure that there is no power to it. Unscrew the water supply and lay a towel under it. Now open the service flap and let off the water through the pipe. Next, unscrew the pump cover and fluff filter. Carefully check to see if there are any foreign objects in the pump.\nIf the impeller cant be turned, something could have become jammed in it. In this case, contact the customer service department on <CustSerPhoneNo>. Watch our video with an instruction and tips on how to clean the filter in your Bosch washing machine.\n\nHow can I clean the rubber in the washing machine?\nTo clean the rubber in your washing machine, you just need a cloth and warm water. Wash the rubber thoroughly. Aggressive cleaners arent necessary. These can attack the rubber. You see: caring for your washing machine is really simple.\nHow can I clean the soap dispenser in the washing machine?\nA clean washing machine soap dispenser contributes considerably to hygienic washing. You should therefore clean the draw approximately every two months and remove any washing powder and conditioner residues. This avoids unpleasant odours and bacteria from forming.\nWith stubborn dirt, clean the draw in the following order: completely remove the draw from the machine by operating the lock in the middle. Allow it to soak in a washbasin and remove the residues with a cleaning cloth or small brush, for example an old toothbrush. For stubborn deposits such as limescale, please use the appropriate cleaner such as the washing machine cleaner recommended by Bosch.\nHow do I clean the washing machine seal?\nTo clean your washing machines seal, you will need a cloth and warm water. Abrasive cleaners are not necessary. These can attack the rubber. Wipe around the seal with a damp cloth until its clean. Thats it! As you can see, sometimes, the simplest things are the best.\nHow do I clean the washing machine drum?\nTo clean the drum in your washing machine, weve developed a washing machine cleaner. The Bosch washing machine cleaner is ideal for removing detergent residues from the drum and thereby avoid unpleasant odours forming. This ensures a hygienic, clean wash and can improve your washing results.\nYou should clean your washing machine drum approximately every three months for optimal care. Please follow the instructions for our washing machine cleaner.\nHow can I clean the drain pump in my washing machine?\nBefore cleaning the drain pump in your washing machine its important to ensure that the power has been disconnected. Open the service flap on the machine and let the water run off from the tube. You can now unscrew the pump cover. Place a towel underneath it in case any remaining water runs out. Carefully check for foreign objects in the pump.\nIf the impeller cant be turned, something could have become jammed in the pump. In this case, contact the customer service department on <CustSerPhoneNo>. Watch our video with an instruction and tips on how to clean the filter in your Bosch washing machine.\nHow do I clean the washing machine after dyeing?\nYou want to dye clothes and textiles? Ideally, you shouldnt do this in the washing machine. Cleaning the washing machine after dyeing is usually very difficult and unattractive dye residues can often remain in the draw or on worn rubber parts. That way, youll be safe.\nIf you really have no other option than use the washing machine for dyeing, wash, for example, cleaning cloths at a high temperature with plenty of detergent in the next wash cycle. In this way, dye residues in the washing machine can be absorbed as well as possible. ?\n\nDescale Washing Machine\nWashing machine descaling what do I need to watch out for?\nDescale your washing machine regularly for optimal washing results and to ensure a long machine life. Here is an overview of all questions and answers about descaling your washing machine properly.\nCan I descale the washing machine with vinegar?\nWe advise against descaling your washing machine with vinegar. Its too aggressive and can attack the rubber parts. We recommend you use Bosch washing machine cleaner instead. This has been tested in Bosch washing machines and provides optimal cleaning results.\nBe sure to use the correct amount of detergent. Please follow the washing machine manufacturers instructions.\n\nCan I descale the washing machine with citric acid?\nDescaling your washing machine? Avoid using citric acid! Theres a Bosch recommended washing machine cleaner for cleaning. Its been tested in Bosch washing machines and provides optimal cleaning results.\nWe advise you not to descale your washing machine with household products that contain acid or vinegar. These can attack the rubber parts of the machine. Primarily, make sure that you dont use too little washing detergent.", "start_char_idx": 27627, "end_char_idx": 32486, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "a8b58269-0f79-435e-9bc9-8bb480fbb04d": {"__data__": {"id_": "a8b58269-0f79-435e-9bc9-8bb480fbb04d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "c13afca7-4069-4760-915c-ea07953cef06", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "65f71ecd5f3dbdc337b523e54b68ab5d6f61279813539d5858a21a139b2fbe4c", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "0e7cb7e5-55d9-4510-8aa1-9d48edeb57d1", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "2f2bec2cedebed8be67ba48247ed5f260860c0b3ffdd8a50b607c3f1274d778e", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "4074c9b0e7c5ad23c03f322501c44cb925f8f14ccc83a3cdfd78cb9bb1e7d290", "text": "Here is an overview of all questions and answers about descaling your washing machine properly.\nCan I descale the washing machine with vinegar?\nWe advise against descaling your washing machine with vinegar. Its too aggressive and can attack the rubber parts. We recommend you use Bosch washing machine cleaner instead. This has been tested in Bosch washing machines and provides optimal cleaning results.\nBe sure to use the correct amount of detergent. Please follow the washing machine manufacturers instructions.\n\nCan I descale the washing machine with citric acid?\nDescaling your washing machine? Avoid using citric acid! Theres a Bosch recommended washing machine cleaner for cleaning. Its been tested in Bosch washing machines and provides optimal cleaning results.\nWe advise you not to descale your washing machine with household products that contain acid or vinegar. These can attack the rubber parts of the machine. Primarily, make sure that you dont use too little washing detergent. Please see the detergent manufacturers instructions.\nHow can I protect my washing machine with hard water?\nYoure worried about your washing machine because youve got very hard water? We recommend cleaning and descaling your washing machine with the specially developed washing machine cleaner. That way, you ensure optimal hygiene when washing and excellent results.\nPlease follow the instructions for the cleaner. That way, youll be able to enjoy your washing machine for a long time and wash with confidence.\nHow often should I descale my washing machine?\nHow often you should descale your washing machine depends on how hard the water is and the detergent used. We recommend using the washing machine cleaner developed specially for the purpose every 3 months.\nPlease follow the instructions for the cleaner. That way, youll be able to enjoy the feeling of hygienically clean clothes for longer.\n\tHow can I protect my washing machine from scale?\nIf you want to prevent limescale forming in your washing machine, use sufficient detergent and descale every 3 months using the Bosch tested washing machine cleaner. Please follow the dosage recommendations of the detergent manufacturer.\nAre there any household products I can use to descale the washing machine?\nYoure thinking of descaling your washing machine using standard household products. We advise you not to descale your washing machine with household products that contain acid or vinegar. These can attack the rubber parts of the machine.\nPrimarily, make sure that you use sufficient washing detergent and descale your machine regularly with washing machine cleaner tested by Bosch. Please follow your detergent manufacturers instructions to avoid unnecessary build up of limescale.\nIs there a limescale filter for my washing machine?\nYou might have heard of using limescale filters for washing machines to protect from a build up of deposits. Bosch doesnt offer limescale filters for washing machines. Instead, we recommend that you descale your machine every three months. This is the most cost effective solution.\nIf, nevertheless, you are interested in having a limescale filter for your washing machine, we recommend you consult a specialist to help you quickly find a suitable solution.\nWashing machine smells\n\n\nWashing machine smells. What can I do?\nYouve got the feeling that strange smells are coming from your washing machine? This is where you can find an overview of all the questions and answers about quickly removing unpleasant smells from your washing machine or washed laundry.\nWhat can I do when my washing machine smells bad?\nDo you have the feeling that your washing machine smells bad? It is possible if you often wash at low temperatures and with small amounts of detergent. In this case, unpleasant smells can develop in the machine or your laundry. You should therefore wash regularly at 60 C or higher and also use the correct amount of detergent, in accordance with the manufacturer and amount of laundry.\nIn addition, its advisable to use the washing machine cleaner tested by Bosch to clean your machine. This helps removes unpleasant smells and avoids them building up in future.\nWhat causes the smell in my washing machine?\nYouve noticed a smell in the washing machine? That shouldnt happen but can certainly occur if you wash a lot at low temperatures and use a small amount of detergent. You should therefore wash regularly at 60 C or higher and also use the correct amount of detergent, in accordance with the manufacturer and amount of laundry.\nApart from that, we recommend you use the washing machine cleaner tested by Bosch. Please also check the water outlet of your washing machine. Smells sometimes occur when water runs back into the machine. Make sure this isnt the case in your house.\nWhat should I do when my new washing machine smells?\nYouve purchased a new machine and now you have the impression that it smells? The truth is, new machines always have a certain smell, or new smell that cant escape when the machine is packaged up. These smells evaporate during the first few washes and arent harmful to health.", "start_char_idx": 31493, "end_char_idx": 36605, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "0e7cb7e5-55d9-4510-8aa1-9d48edeb57d1": {"__data__": {"id_": "0e7cb7e5-55d9-4510-8aa1-9d48edeb57d1", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "a8b58269-0f79-435e-9bc9-8bb480fbb04d", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "4074c9b0e7c5ad23c03f322501c44cb925f8f14ccc83a3cdfd78cb9bb1e7d290", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "3": {"node_id": "376ee2b5-3792-4da7-9df8-8df981b39e2e", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {}, "hash": "8ba9e246346cdbd6115cf455e147692890af900df1c4dbc3b9b052989d19b14d", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "2f2bec2cedebed8be67ba48247ed5f260860c0b3ffdd8a50b607c3f1274d778e", "text": "What causes the smell in my washing machine?\nYouve noticed a smell in the washing machine? That shouldnt happen but can certainly occur if you wash a lot at low temperatures and use a small amount of detergent. You should therefore wash regularly at 60 C or higher and also use the correct amount of detergent, in accordance with the manufacturer and amount of laundry.\nApart from that, we recommend you use the washing machine cleaner tested by Bosch. Please also check the water outlet of your washing machine. Smells sometimes occur when water runs back into the machine. Make sure this isnt the case in your house.\nWhat should I do when my new washing machine smells?\nYouve purchased a new machine and now you have the impression that it smells? The truth is, new machines always have a certain smell, or new smell that cant escape when the machine is packaged up. These smells evaporate during the first few washes and arent harmful to health.\nThe perception of the unpleasant smell gets less and less with every wash. Let the drum air additionally to help this process.\nDoes vinegar help when my washing machine smells?\nIf your washing machine smells, please dont use vinegar. Its too aggressive and can attack the rubber parts. Instead, make sure that the drum is continuously aired and use the washing machine cleaner recommended by Bosch. That should be enough to cause the smell to disappear quickly.\nWhat can I do about my washing machine trap smelling?\nYouve got the feeling that a smell is trapped in the machine? The reason for trapped smells in your washing machine could be that water isnt running out. We recommend you make an appointment with a service engineer. Make an appointment by calling <CustSerPhoneNo> or directly, online.\nWhat can I do when the inside of my washing machine smells?\nYou have the feeling, the inside of your washing machine smells? That can occur if you wash a lot at low temperatures and use a small amount of detergent. Unpleasant smells can then build up in the machine or your laundry. You should therefore wash regularly at 60 C or higher and also use the correct amount of detergent, in accordance with the manufacturer and amount of laundry.\nIn addition, we recommend you use washing machine tested by Bosch. Please also check the water discharge of the washing machine. Is everything properly tightened and no water run back into the machine? If youve excluded all these potential sources, your washing machine should smell normal again.\nWhat can I do if my clothes smell when they come out of the washing machine?\nIf your clothes smell when they come out of the washing machine, this can be for various reasons. It could be caused by washing regularly at low temperatures or wrong dosing of the detergent. Laundry that isnt taken out of the drum at the end of the programme can quickly develop unpleasant smells.\nModern breathable fabrics such as sport clothing or special machine-washable textiles should be treated with the appropriate detergent to ensure that bacteria are completely removed. Bacteria can be responsible for odours in textiles as well as in the washing machine. We recommend you use a hygienic conditioner to avoid this.\nWhat should I do when my washing machine smells of rotten eggs?\nIf your washing machine smells like rotten eggs, check the machines water supply and drain hoses for a quick remedy. The smell can come from the water inlet or blocked drain system. Constantly washing at low temperatures and with small amounts of detergent can also lead to unpleasant smells in the machine or your laundry.\nTake care to wash regularly at 60 C or higher and keep to the right dose of detergent, in accordance with the manufacturer and amount of laundry. In addition, we recommend using the Bosch tested washing machine cleaner to avoid all types of smell.\nWhat should I do when my washing machine smells?\nIf your washing machine smells, the reason could be frequent washing at low temperatures and using too little detergent. Therefore, wash regularly at 60 C or higher and use the correct amount of detergent, in accordance with the manufacturer and the amount of laundry.\nIn addition, we recommend you use the Bosch recommended washing machine cleaner. If its more of a charred smell, turn the machine of immediately and call customer service on <CustSerPhoneNo>. This is your expert contact who will be able to quickly help you.\nCan domestic cleaners help when my washing machine smells?\nIf your washing machine smells, we advise against the use of domestic cleaners. The accumulation of smells in the laundry and washing machine can have various causes. For example, frequent washing at low temperatures or incorrect dosage of the detergent. You should, therefore, wash regularly at 60 C or higher and use the correct dosage of detergent. Follow the manufacturers recommendations on dosage and the quantity of laundry.\nIn addition, we recommend using the Bosch tested washing machine cleaner.", "start_char_idx": 35657, "end_char_idx": 40626, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "376ee2b5-3792-4da7-9df8-8df981b39e2e": {"__data__": {"id_": "376ee2b5-3792-4da7-9df8-8df981b39e2e", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91", "node_type": "4", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "9c2ce9ce59edf1a8787ef6e7a490d6ab34576dac1e1cd77ea21e0f4ac5214eb7", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}, "2": {"node_id": "0e7cb7e5-55d9-4510-8aa1-9d48edeb57d1", "node_type": "1", "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}, "hash": "2f2bec2cedebed8be67ba48247ed5f260860c0b3ffdd8a50b607c3f1274d778e", "class_name": "RelatedNodeInfo"}}, "hash": "8ba9e246346cdbd6115cf455e147692890af900df1c4dbc3b9b052989d19b14d", "text": "Therefore, wash regularly at 60 C or higher and use the correct amount of detergent, in accordance with the manufacturer and the amount of laundry.\nIn addition, we recommend you use the Bosch recommended washing machine cleaner. If its more of a charred smell, turn the machine of immediately and call customer service on <CustSerPhoneNo>. This is your expert contact who will be able to quickly help you.\nCan domestic cleaners help when my washing machine smells?\nIf your washing machine smells, we advise against the use of domestic cleaners. The accumulation of smells in the laundry and washing machine can have various causes. For example, frequent washing at low temperatures or incorrect dosage of the detergent. You should, therefore, wash regularly at 60 C or higher and use the correct dosage of detergent. Follow the manufacturers recommendations on dosage and the quantity of laundry.\nIn addition, we recommend using the Bosch tested washing machine cleaner. If you want to be really sure, please check that the drain hose is clear and that water cant run back into the machine. This can also be the reason that your washing machine smells. Domestic cleaners wont help here.\nWashing machine drum\n\nProblems with the washing machine drum what can I do about them?\nTheres something wrong with your washing machine drum? Here, youll find all the possible reasons that the drum in your washing machine isnt working properly and the appropriate solutions:\nWhy does my washing machine have a transport lock?\nWhen you purchase a new washing machine, its fitted with a transport lock to protect the machine against damage in transit. When you get your new washing machine, remove the transport lock and keep it safe. You can use it again if you move.\nWhat should I do if the washing machine drum doesnt turn?\nIf your washing machine drum doesnt turn, there are various possibilities. Is it a new machine? If so, it could be that the transport lock needs to be removed. If thats not the case, we recommend you call a service engineer on <CustSerPhoneNo> or use our online appointment booking service.\nMy washing machine drum is making a grinding noise. What can I do?\nIf your washing machine drum makes a grinding noise, there are various possible reasons that, unfortunately, you cant resolve yourself. We recommend you call a service engineer on <CustSerPhoneNo> or use our online appointment booking service. The engineer will be able to help and quickly find a solution.\nWhat can I do when my washing machine drum doesnt turn any more?\nIf your washing machine drum isnt turning any more, there are various possible reasons for this that, unfortunately, you cant resolve yourself. We recommend you call a service engineer on <CustSerPhoneNo> or use our online appointment booking service.\nThe washing machine bearings are broken. What can I do?\nIf your washing machine bearings are broken, you should rely on the expertise and technical knowledge of an expert. With defective washing machine drum bearings, we advise you to call a service engineer on <CustSerPhoneNo> or use our online appointment booking service.\n\nMy washing machine drum is loose and banging. What can I do?\nIf your washing machine drum is loose, there is, unfortunately, nothing you can do yourself. We therefore advise you to rely on the knowledge of an expert and contact our customer service on <CustSerPhoneNo>. Make an appointment with one of our service engineers or use the online appointment booking service. You can be sure of rapid service.\n\nHow can I change my washing machine bearings?\nIf your washing machine bearings need replacing, you should get in touch with a professional. Please call one of our customer service technicians on <CustSerPhoneNo> or make an appointment online.\nWhat should I do when the washing machine drum is stuck?\nIf your washing machine drum is stuck and wont turn any more, you should rely on the knowledge of an expert. We advise you to call a customer service technician on 089 / 59 339 339 <CustSerPhoneNo> or make an appointment online.\nThe drum in my washing machine is loose. What can I do?\nIf your washing machine drum is loose, there is, unfortunately, nothing you can do yourself. The best thing is to get in touch with an expert. We recommend you call one of our customer service technicians on <CustSerPhoneNo> to arrange an appointment or book it online.\n\nWhat can I do if my washing machine drum is banging?\nYou can hear banging and you think the drum in your washing machine is banging? Unfortunately, you cant do anything yourself in this case. Youre better off trusting the competence of an expert. Better, call a customer service technician on <CustSerPhoneNo>. And of course, you can use our online appointment booking service.", "start_char_idx": 39656, "end_char_idx": 44417, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}}, "docstore/ref_doc_info": {"3b1c3c38-6ad1-41e2-a73c-dfec2513cf91": {"node_ids": ["893b4243-c795-48f8-9718-206f18c9fb6c", "fbe2d54f-3b5b-44f5-96a6-c0a17c3c3fd9", "3c0e642f-b3da-4516-929a-70ef38dd1f69", "8fb596f6-7c9b-4557-9395-5d45daaf20b7", "c643652c-5bb4-4875-ac94-315670c34a55", "9fca4f79-b504-406e-9f19-4b58214e677f", "c453a765-7597-4892-9091-89a8021a99fe", "c13afca7-4069-4760-915c-ea07953cef06", "a8b58269-0f79-435e-9bc9-8bb480fbb04d", "0e7cb7e5-55d9-4510-8aa1-9d48edeb57d1", "376ee2b5-3792-4da7-9df8-8df981b39e2e"], "metadata": {"file_path": "docs/docs_manual.txt", "file_name": "docs_manual.txt", "file_type": "text/plain", "file_size": 44537, "creation_date": "2024-01-10", "last_modified_date": "2024-01-10", "last_accessed_date": "2024-01-10"}}}}
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