Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import gradio as gr | |
import pandas as pd | |
import os | |
hf_writer = gr.HuggingFaceDatasetSaver(HF_TOKEN, "co2_submissions") | |
st.set_page_config( | |
page_title="AI Carbon Calculator", | |
layout="wide", | |
) | |
tdp_url = "" | |
compute_url = "" | |
electricity_url = "" | |
server_sheet_id = "1DqYgQnEDLQVQm5acMAhLgHLD8xXCG9BIrk-_Nv6jF3k" | |
server_sheet_name = "Server%20Carbon%20Footprint" | |
server_url = f"{server_sheet_id}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={server_sheet_name}" | |
embodied_gpu_sheet_id = "1DqYgQnEDLQVQm5acMAhLgHLD8xXCG9BIrk-_Nv6jF3k" | |
embodied_gpu_sheet_name = "Scope%203%20Ratios" | |
embodied_gpu_url = f"{embodied_gpu_sheet_id}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={embodied_gpu_sheet_name}" | |
TDP =pd.read_csv(tdp_url) | |
instances = pd.read_csv(compute_url) | |
providers = [p.upper() for p in instances['provider'].unique().tolist()] | |
providers.append('Local/Private Infastructure') | |
kg_per_mile = 0.348 | |
electricity = pd.read_csv(electricity_url) | |
servers = pd.read_csv(server_url) | |
embodied_gpu = pd.read_csv(embodied_gpu_url) | |
st.title("AI Carbon Calculator") | |
st.markdown('## Estimate your model\'s CO2 carbon footprint!') | |
st.markdown('Building on the work of the [ML CO2 Calculator](, this tool allows you to consider' | |
'other aspects of your model\'s carbon footprint based on the LCA methodology.') | |
st.markdown('We will consider 3 aspects of your model: the dynamic emissions, idle emissions embodied emissions.') | |
st.markdown('### Dynamic Emissions') | |
with st.expander("Calculate the emissions produced by energy consumption of model training"): | |
with st.form(key='dynamic_emissions'): | |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) | |
with col1: | |
hardware = st.selectbox('GPU used', TDP['name'].tolist()) | |
gpu_tdp = TDP['tdp_watts'][TDP['name'] == hardware].tolist()[0] | |
st.markdown("Different GPUs have different TDP (Thermal Design Power), which impacts how much energy you use.") | |
with col2: | |
training_time = st.number_input('Total number of GPU hours') | |
st.markdown('This is calculated by multiplying the number of GPUs you used by the training time: ' | |
'i.e. if you used 100 GPUs for 10 hours, this is equal to 100x10 = 1,000 GPU hours.') | |
with col3: | |
provider = st.selectbox('Provider used', providers) | |
st.markdown('If you can\'t find your provider here, select "Local/Private Infrastructure".') | |
with col4: | |
if provider != 'Local/Private Infastructure': | |
provider_instances = instances['region'][instances['provider'] == provider.lower()].unique().tolist() | |
region = st.selectbox('Provider used', provider_instances) | |
carbon_intensity = instances['impact'][(instances['provider'] == provider.lower()) & (instances['region'] == region)].tolist()[0] | |
else: | |
carbon_intensity = st.number_input('Carbon intensity of your energy grid, in grams of CO2 per kWh') | |
st.markdown('You can consult a resource like the [IEA]( or ' | |
' [Electricity Map]( to get this information.') | |
dynamic_emissions = round(gpu_tdp * training_time * carbon_intensity/1000000) | |
st.metric(label="Dynamic emissions", value=str(dynamic_emissions)+' kilograms of CO2eq') | |
st.markdown('This is roughly equivalent to '+ str(round(dynamic_emissions/kg_per_mile,1)) + ' miles driven in an average US car' | |
' produced in 2021. [(Source:](') | |
hf_writer.setup([hardware, training_time, provider, carbon_intensity, dynamic_emissions], "dynamic_emissions") | |
st.form_submit_button(label="Share my data", help="Submit the data from your model anonymously for research purposes!", | |
onclick=hf_writer.flag([hardware, training_time, provider, carbon_intensity, dynamic_emissions])) | |
st.markdown('### Idle Emissions') | |
st.markdown('Do you know what the PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) of your infrastructure is?') | |
st.markdown('### Embodied Emissions') | |
st.markdown('Choose your hardware, runtime and cloud provider/physical infrastructure to estimate the carbon impact of your research.') | |
st.markdown('#### More information about our Methodology') | |
st.image('images/LCA_CO2.png', caption='The LCA methodology - the parts in green are those we focus on.') | |
modelname = st.selectbox('Choose a model to test', TDP) | |