sasan's picture
history blame
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import requests
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
# Functions we want to articulate (APIs calls): ###
# Functions called in the articulated functions (not directly called by the model): ###
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="MyApp")
def find_precise_place(lat, lon):
location = geolocator.reverse(str(lat) +", " + str(lon))
return location.raw.get('display_name', {})
def find_coordinates(address):
coord = geolocator.geocode(address)
lat = coord.latitude
lon = coord.longitude
def check_city_coordinates(lat = "", lon = "", city = "", **kwargs):
:param lat: latitude
:param lon: longitude
:param city: name of the city
Checks if the coordinates correspond to the city, if not update the coordinate to correspond to the city
if lat != "0" and lon != "0":
reverse = partial(geolocator.reverse, language="en")
location = reverse(f"{lat}, {lon}")
address = location.raw.get('address', {})
city = address.get('city') or address.get('town') or address.get('village') or address.get('county')
else :
reverse = partial(geolocator.reverse, language="en")
location = reverse(f"{lat}, {lon}")
address = location.raw.get('address', {})
city_name = address.get('city') or address.get('town') or address.get('village') or address.get('county')
if city_name is None :
city_name = 'not_found'
if city_name.lower() != city.lower():
coord = geolocator.geocode(city )
if coord is None:
coord = geolocator.geocode(city)
lat = coord.latitude
lon = coord.longitude
return lat, lon, city
# Select coordinates at equal distance, including the last one
def select_equally_spaced_coordinates(coords, number_of_points=10):
n = len(coords)
selected_coords = []
interval = max((n - 1) / (number_of_points - 1), 1)
for i in range(number_of_points):
# Calculate the index, ensuring it doesn't exceed the bounds of the list
index = int(round(i * interval))
if index < n:
return selected_coords
def find_points_of_interest(lat="0", lon="0", city="", type_of_poi="restaurant", **kwargs):
Return some of the closest points of interest for a specific location and type of point of interest. The more parameters there are, the more precise.
:param lat (string): latitude
:param lon (string): longitude
:param city (string): Required. city
:param type_of_poi (string): Required. type of point of interest depending on what the user wants to do.
lat, lon, city = check_city_coordinates(lat,lon,city)
r = requests.get(f'{type_of_poi}'
# Parse JSON from the response
data = r.json()
# Extract results
results = data['results']
# Sort the results based on distance
sorted_results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x['dist'])
# Format and limit to top 5 results
formatted_results = [
f"The {type_of_poi} {result['poi']['name']} is {int(result['dist'])} meters away"
for result in sorted_results[:5]
return ". ".join(formatted_results)
def find_route(lat_depart="0", lon_depart="0", city_depart="", address_destination="", depart_time ="", **kwargs):
Return the distance and the estimated time to go to a specific destination from the current place, at a specified depart time.
:param lat_depart (string): latitude of depart
:param lon_depart (string): longitude of depart
:param city_depart (string): Required. city of depart
:param address_destination (string): Required. The destination
:param depart_time (string): departure hour, in the format '08:00:20'.
date = "2025-03-29T"
departure_time = '2024-02-01T' + depart_time
lat, lon, city = check_city_coordinates(lat_depart,lon_depart,city_depart)
lat_dest, lon_dest = find_coordinates(address_destination)
#print(lat_dest, lon_dest)
r = requests.get('{0},{1}:{2},{3}/json?key={4}&departAt={5}'.format(
# Parse JSON from the response
data = r.json()
result = data['routes'][0]['summary']
# Calculate distance in kilometers (1 meter = 0.001 kilometers)
distance_km = result['lengthInMeters'] * 0.001
# Calculate travel time in minutes (1 second = 1/60 minutes)
time_minutes = result['travelTimeInSeconds'] / 60
if time_minutes < 60:
time_display = f"{time_minutes:.0f} minutes"
hours = int(time_minutes / 60)
minutes = int(time_minutes % 60)
time_display = f"{hours} hours" + (f" and {minutes} minutes" if minutes > 0 else "")
# Extract arrival time from the JSON structure
arrival_time_str = result['arrivalTime']
# Convert string to datetime object
arrival_time = datetime.fromisoformat(arrival_time_str)
# Extract and display the arrival hour in HH:MM format
arrival_hour_display = arrival_time.strftime("%H:%M")
# return the distance and time
return(f"The route to go to {address_destination} is {distance_km:.2f} km and {time_display}. Leaving now, the arrival time is estimated at {arrival_hour_display} " )
# Sort the results based on distance
#sorted_results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x['dist'])
#return ". ".join(formatted_results)
def search_along_route(latitude_depart, longitude_depart, city_destination, type_of_poi):
Return some of the closest points of interest along the route from the depart point, specified by its coordinates and a city destination.
:param latitude_depart (string): Required. Latitude of depart location
:param longitude_depart (string): Required. Longitude of depart location
:param city_destination (string): Required. City destination
:param type_of_poi (string): Required. type of point of interest depending on what the user wants to do.
lat_dest, lon_dest = find_coordinates(city_destination)
r = requests.get('{0},{1}:{2},{3}/json?key={4}'.format(
coord_route = select_equally_spaced_coordinates(r.json()['routes'][0]['legs'][0]['points'])
# The API endpoint for searching along a route
url = f'{type_of_poi}.json?key={TOMTOM_KEY}&maxDetourTime=700&limit=20&sortBy=detourTime'
# The data payload
payload = {
"route": {
"points": [
{"lat": float(latitude_depart), "lon": float(longitude_depart)},
{"lat": float(coord_route[1]['latitude']), "lon": float(coord_route[1]['longitude'])},
{"lat": float(coord_route[2]['latitude']), "lon": float(coord_route[2]['longitude'])},
{"lat": float(coord_route[3]['latitude']), "lon": float(coord_route[3]['longitude'])},
{"lat": float(coord_route[4]['latitude']), "lon": float(coord_route[4]['longitude'])},
{"lat": float(coord_route[5]['latitude']), "lon": float(coord_route[5]['longitude'])},
{"lat": float(coord_route[6]['latitude']), "lon": float(coord_route[6]['longitude'])},
{"lat": float(coord_route[7]['latitude']), "lon": float(coord_route[7]['longitude'])},
{"lat": float(coord_route[8]['latitude']), "lon": float(coord_route[8]['longitude'])},
{"lat": float(lat_dest), "lon": float(lon_dest)},
# Make the POST request
response =, json=payload)
# Check if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
# Parse the JSON response
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
print('Failed to retrieve data:', response.status_code)
answer = ""
for result in data['results']:
name = result['poi']['name']
address = result['address']['freeformAddress']
detour_time = result['detourTime']
answer = answer + f" \nAlong the route to {city_destination}, there is the {name} at {address} that would represent a detour of {int(detour_time/60)} minutes."
return answer
#current weather API
def get_weather(city_name:str= "", **kwargs):
Returns the CURRENT weather in a specified city.
city_name (string) : Required. The name of the city.
# The endpoint URL provided by WeatherAPI
url = f"{WEATHER_API_KEY}&q={city_name}&aqi=no"
# Make the API request
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
# Parse the JSON response
weather_data = response.json()
# Extracting the necessary pieces of data
location = weather_data['location']['name']
region = weather_data['location']['region']
country = weather_data['location']['country']
time = weather_data['location']['localtime']
temperature_c = weather_data['current']['temp_c']
condition_text = weather_data['current']['condition']['text']
wind_mph = weather_data['current']['wind_mph']
humidity = weather_data['current']['humidity']
feelslike_c = weather_data['current']['feelslike_c']
# Formulate the sentences
weather_sentences = (
f"The current weather in {location}, {region}, {country} is {condition_text} "
f"with a temperature of {temperature_c}°C that feels like {feelslike_c}°C. "
f"Humidity is at {humidity}%. "
f"Wind speed is {wind_mph} mph."
return weather_sentences
# Handle errors
return f"Failed to get weather data: {response.status_code}, {response.text}"
#weather forecast API
def get_forecast(city_name:str= "", when = 0, **kwargs):
Returns the weather forecast in a specified number of days for a specified city .
city_name (string) : Required. The name of the city.
when (int) : Required. in number of days (until the day for which we want to know the forecast) (example: tomorrow is 1, in two days is 2, etc.)
when +=1
# The endpoint URL provided by WeatherAPI
url = f"{WEATHER_API_KEY}&q={city_name}&days={str(when)}&aqi=no"
# Make the API request
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
# Parse the JSON response
data = response.json()
# Initialize an empty string to hold our result
forecast_sentences = ""
# Extract city information
location = data.get('location', {})
city_name = location.get('name', 'the specified location')
# Extract the forecast days
forecast_days = data.get('forecast', {}).get('forecastday', [])[when-1:]
#number = 0
#print (forecast_days)
for day in forecast_days:
date = day.get('date', 'a specific day')
conditions = day.get('day', {}).get('condition', {}).get('text', 'weather conditions')
max_temp_c = day.get('day', {}).get('maxtemp_c', 'N/A')
min_temp_c = day.get('day', {}).get('mintemp_c', 'N/A')
chance_of_rain = day.get('day', {}).get('daily_chance_of_rain', 'N/A')
if when == 1:
number_str = 'today'
elif when == 2:
number_str = 'tomorrow'
number_str = f'in {when-1} days'
# Generate a sentence for the day's forecast
forecast_sentence = f"On {date} ({number_str}) in {city_name}, the weather will be {conditions} with a high of {max_temp_c}°C and a low of {min_temp_c}°C. There's a {chance_of_rain}% chance of rain. "
#number = number + 1
# Add the sentence to the result
forecast_sentences += forecast_sentence
return forecast_sentences
# Handle errors
print( f"Failed to get weather data: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
return f'error {response.status_code}'