''' |
Copyright (C) 2012-2018: W.G. Vree |
Contributions: M. Tarenskeen, N. Liberg, Paul Villiger, Janus Meuris, Larry Myerscough, |
Dick Jackson, Jan Wybren de Jong, Mark Zealey. |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the |
Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; |
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. |
See the Lesser GNU General Public License for more details. <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html>. |
''' |
try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as E |
except: import xml.etree.ElementTree as E |
import os, sys, types, re, math |
VERSION = 143 |
python3 = sys.version_info.major > 2 |
if python3: |
tupletype = tuple |
listtype = list |
max_int = sys.maxsize |
else: |
tupletype = types.TupleType |
listtype = types.ListType |
max_int = sys.maxint |
note_ornamentation_map = { |
'ornaments/trill-mark': 'T', |
'ornaments/mordent': 'M', |
'ornaments/inverted-mordent': 'P', |
'ornaments/turn': '!turn!', |
'ornaments/inverted-turn': '!invertedturn!', |
'technical/up-bow': 'u', |
'technical/down-bow': 'v', |
'technical/harmonic': '!open!', |
'technical/open-string': '!open!', |
'technical/stopped': '!plus!', |
'technical/snap-pizzicato': '!snap!', |
'technical/thumb-position': '!thumb!', |
'articulations/accent': '!>!', |
'articulations/strong-accent':'!^!', |
'articulations/staccato': '.', |
'articulations/staccatissimo':'!wedge!', |
'articulations/scoop': '!slide!', |
'fermata': '!fermata!', |
'arpeggiate': '!arpeggio!', |
'articulations/tenuto': '!tenuto!', |
'articulations/staccatissimo':'!wedge!', |
'articulations/spiccato': '!wedge!', |
'articulations/breath-mark': '!breath!', |
'articulations/detached-legato': '!tenuto!.', |
} |
dynamics_map = { |
'p': '!p!', |
'pp': '!pp!', |
'ppp': '!ppp!', |
'pppp': '!pppp!', |
'f': '!f!', |
'ff': '!ff!', |
'fff': '!fff!', |
'ffff': '!ffff!', |
'mp': '!mp!', |
'mf': '!mf!', |
'sfz': '!sfz!', |
} |
percSvg = '''%%beginsvg |
<defs> |
<text id="x" x="-3" y="0"></text> |
<text id="x-" x="-3" y="0"></text> |
<text id="x+" x="-3" y="0"></text> |
<text id="normal" x="-3.7" y="0"></text> |
<text id="normal-" x="-3.7" y="0"></text> |
<text id="normal+" x="-3.7" y="0"></text> |
<g id="circle-x"><text x="-3" y="0"></text><circle r="4" class="stroke"></circle></g> |
<g id="circle-x-"><text x="-3" y="0"></text><circle r="4" class="stroke"></circle></g> |
<path id="triangle" d="m-4 -3.2l4 6.4 4 -6.4z" class="stroke" style="stroke-width:1.4"></path> |
<path id="triangle-" d="m-4 -3.2l4 6.4 4 -6.4z" class="stroke" style="stroke-width:1.4"></path> |
<path id="triangle+" d="m-4 -3.2l4 6.4 4 -6.4z" class="stroke" style="fill:#000"></path> |
<path id="square" d="m-3.5 3l0 -6.2 7.2 0 0 6.2z" class="stroke" style="stroke-width:1.4"></path> |
<path id="square-" d="m-3.5 3l0 -6.2 7.2 0 0 6.2z" class="stroke" style="stroke-width:1.4"></path> |
<path id="square+" d="m-3.5 3l0 -6.2 7.2 0 0 6.2z" class="stroke" style="fill:#000"></path> |
<path id="diamond" d="m0 -3l4.2 3.2 -4.2 3.2 -4.2 -3.2z" class="stroke" style="stroke-width:1.4"></path> |
<path id="diamond-" d="m0 -3l4.2 3.2 -4.2 3.2 -4.2 -3.2z" class="stroke" style="stroke-width:1.4"></path> |
<path id="diamond+" d="m0 -3l4.2 3.2 -4.2 3.2 -4.2 -3.2z" class="stroke" style="fill:#000"></path> |
</defs> |
%%endsvg''' |
tabSvg = '''%%beginsvg |
<style type="text/css"> |
.bf {font-family:sans-serif; font-size:7px} |
</style> |
<defs> |
<rect id="clr" x="-3" y="-1" width="6" height="5" fill="white"></rect> |
<rect id="clr2" x="-3" y="-1" width="11" height="5" fill="white"></rect>''' |
kopSvg = '<g id="kop%s" class="bf"><use xlink:href="#clr"></use><text x="-2" y="3">%s</text></g>\n' |
kopSvg2 = '<g id="kop%s" class="bf"><use xlink:href="#clr2"></use><text x="-2" y="3">%s</text></g>\n' |
def info (s, warn=1): sys.stderr.write ((warn and '-- ' or '') + s + '\n') |
class Measure: |
def __init__ (s, p): |
s.reset () |
s.ixp = p |
s.ixm = 0 |
s.mdur = 0 |
s.divs = 0 |
s.mtr = 4,4 |
def reset (s): |
s.attr = '' |
s.lline = '' |
s.rline = '|' |
s.lnum = '' |
class Note: |
def __init__ (s, dur=0, n=None): |
s.tijd = 0 |
s.dur = dur |
s.fact = None |
s.tup = [''] |
s.tupabc = '' |
s.beam = 0 |
s.grace = 0 |
s.before = [] |
s.after = '' |
s.ns = n and [n] or [] |
s.lyrs = {} |
s.tab = None |
s.ntdec = '' |
class Elem: |
def __init__ (s, string): |
s.tijd = 0 |
s.str = string |
class Counter: |
def inc (s, key, voice): s.counters [key][voice] = s.counters [key].get (voice, 0) + 1 |
def clear (s, vnums): |
tups = list( zip (vnums.keys (), len (vnums) * [0])) |
s.counters = {'note': dict (tups), 'nopr': dict (tups), 'nopt': dict (tups)} |
def getv (s, key, voice): return s.counters[key][voice] |
def prcnt (s, ip): |
for iv in s.counters ['note']: |
if s.getv ('nopr', iv) != 0: |
info ( 'part %d, voice %d has %d skipped non printable notes' % (ip, iv, s.getv ('nopr', iv))) |
if s.getv ('nopt', iv) != 0: |
info ( 'part %d, voice %d has %d notes without pitch' % (ip, iv, s.getv ('nopt', iv))) |
if s.getv ('note', iv) == 0: |
info ( 'part %d, skipped empty voice %d' % (ip, iv)) |
class Music: |
def __init__(s, options): |
s.tijd = 0 |
s.maxtime = 0 |
s.gMaten = [] |
s.gLyrics = [] |
s.vnums = {} |
s.cnt = Counter () |
s.vceCnt = 1 |
s.lastnote = None |
s.bpl = options.b |
s.cpl = options.n |
s.repbra = 0 |
s.nvlt = options.v |
s.jscript = options.j |
def initVoices (s, newPart=0): |
s.vtimes, s.voices, s.lyrics = {}, {}, {} |
for v in s.vnums: |
s.vtimes [v] = 0 |
s.voices [v] = [] |
s.lyrics [v] = [] |
if newPart: s.cnt.clear (s.vnums) |
def incTime (s, dt): |
s.tijd += dt |
if s.tijd < 0: s.tijd = 0 |
if s.tijd > s.maxtime: s.maxtime = s.tijd |
def appendElemCv (s, voices, elem): |
for v in voices: |
s.appendElem (v, elem) |
def insertElem (s, v, elem): |
obj = Elem (elem) |
obj.tijd = 0 |
s.voices [v].insert (0, obj) |
def appendObj (s, v, obj, dur): |
obj.tijd = s.tijd |
s.voices [v].append (obj) |
s.incTime (dur) |
if s.tijd > s.vtimes[v]: s.vtimes[v] = s.tijd |
def appendElem (s, v, elem, tel=0): |
s.appendObj (v, Elem (elem), 0) |
if tel: s.cnt.inc ('note', v) |
def appendElemT (s, v, elem, tijd): |
obj = Elem (elem) |
obj.tijd = tijd |
s.voices [v].append (obj) |
def appendNote (s, v, note, noot): |
note.ns.append (note.ntdec + noot) |
s.appendObj (v, note, int (note.dur)) |
s.lastnote = note |
if noot != 'z' and noot != 'x': |
s.cnt.inc ('note', v) |
if not note.grace: |
s.lyrics[v].append (note.lyrs) |
def getLastRec (s, voice): |
if s.gMaten: return s.gMaten[-1][voice][-1] |
return None |
def getLastMelis (s, voice, num): |
if s.gLyrics: |
lyrdict = s.gLyrics[-1][voice] |
if num in lyrdict: return lyrdict[num][1] |
return 0 |
def addChord (s, note, noot): |
for d in note.before: |
if d not in s.lastnote.before: |
s.lastnote.before += [d] |
s.lastnote.ns.append (note.ntdec + noot) |
def addBar (s, lbrk, m): |
if m.mdur and s.maxtime > m.mdur: info ('measure %d in part %d longer than metre' % (m.ixm+1, m.ixp+1)) |
s.tijd = s.maxtime |
for v in s.vnums: |
if m.lline or m.lnum: |
p = s.getLastRec (v) |
if p: |
x = p.str |
if m.lline: |
x = (x + m.lline).replace (':|:','::').replace ('||','|') |
if s.nvlt == 3: |
if m.ixp + v == min (s.vnums): x += m.lnum |
elif m.lnum: |
x += m.lnum |
s.repbra = 1 |
p.str = x |
elif m.lline: |
s.insertElem (v, '|:') |
if lbrk: |
p = s.getLastRec (v) |
if p: p.str += lbrk |
if m.attr: |
s.insertElem (v, '%s' % m.attr) |
s.appendElem (v, ' %s' % m.rline) |
s.voices[v] = sortMeasure (s.voices[v], m) |
lyrs = s.lyrics[v] |
lyrdict = {} |
nums = [num for d in lyrs for num in d.keys ()] |
maxNums = max (nums + [0]) |
for i in range (maxNums, 0, -1): |
xs = [syldict.get (i, '') for syldict in lyrs] |
melis = s.getLastMelis (v, i) |
lyrdict [i] = abcLyr (xs, melis) |
s.lyrics[v] = lyrdict |
mkBroken (s.voices[v]) |
s.gMaten.append (s.voices) |
s.gLyrics.append (s.lyrics) |
s.tijd = s.maxtime = 0 |
s.initVoices () |
def outVoices (s, divs, ip, isSib): |
vvmap = {} |
vnum_keys = list (s.vnums.keys ()) |
if s.jscript or isSib: vnum_keys.sort () |
lvc = min (vnum_keys or [1]) |
for iv in vnum_keys: |
if s.cnt.getv ('note', iv) == 0: |
continue |
if abcOut.denL: unitL = abcOut.denL |
else: unitL = compUnitLength (iv, s.gMaten, divs) |
abcOut.cmpL.append (unitL) |
vn, vl = [], {} |
for im in range (len (s.gMaten)): |
measure = s.gMaten [im][iv] |
vn.append (outVoice (measure, divs [im], im, ip, unitL)) |
checkMelismas (s.gLyrics, s.gMaten, im, iv) |
for n, (lyrstr, melis) in s.gLyrics [im][iv].items (): |
if n in vl: |
while len (vl[n]) < im: vl[n].append ('') |
vl[n].append (lyrstr) |
else: |
vl[n] = im * [''] + [lyrstr] |
for n, lyrs in vl.items (): |
mis = len (vn) - len (lyrs) |
lyrs += mis * [''] |
abcOut.add ('V:%d' % s.vceCnt) |
if s.repbra: |
if s.nvlt == 1 and s.vceCnt > 1: abcOut.add ('I:repbra 0') |
if s.nvlt == 2 and iv > lvc: abcOut.add ('I:repbra 0') |
if s.cpl > 0: s.bpl = 0 |
elif s.bpl == 0: s.cpl = 100 |
bn = 0 |
while vn: |
ib = 1 |
chunk = vn [0] |
while ib < len (vn): |
if s.cpl > 0 and len (chunk) + len (vn [ib]) >= s.cpl: break |
if s.bpl > 0 and ib >= s.bpl: break |
chunk += vn [ib] |
ib += 1 |
bn += ib |
abcOut.add (chunk + ' %%%d' % bn) |
del vn[:ib] |
lyrlines = sorted (vl.items ()) |
for n, lyrs in lyrlines: |
abcOut.add ('w: ' + '|'.join (lyrs[:ib]) + '|') |
del lyrs[:ib] |
vvmap [iv] = s.vceCnt |
s.vceCnt += 1 |
s.gMaten = [] |
s.gLyrics = [] |
s.cnt.prcnt (ip+1) |
return vvmap |
class ABCoutput: |
pagekeys = 'scale,pageheight,pagewidth,leftmargin,rightmargin,topmargin,botmargin'.split (',') |
def __init__ (s, fnmext, pad, X, options): |
s.fnmext = fnmext |
s.outlist = [] |
s.title = 'T:Title' |
s.key = 'none' |
s.clefs = {} |
s.mtr = 'none' |
s.tempo = 0 |
s.tempo_units = (1,4) |
s.pad = pad |
s.X = X + 1 |
s.denL = options.d |
s.volpan = int (options.m) |
s.cmpL = [] |
s.jscript = options.j |
s.tstep = options.t |
s.stemless = 0 |
s.shiftStem = options.s |
if pad: |
_, base_name = os.path.split (fnmext) |
s.outfile = open (os.path.join (pad, base_name), 'w') |
else: s.outfile = sys.stdout |
if s.jscript: s.X = 1 |
s.pageFmt = {} |
for k in s.pagekeys: s.pageFmt [k] = None |
if len (options.p) == 7: |
for k, v in zip (s.pagekeys, options.p): |
try: s.pageFmt [k] = float (v) |
except: info ('illegal float %s for %s', (k, v)); continue |
def add (s, str): |
s.outlist.append (str + '\n') |
def mkHeader (s, stfmap, partlist, midimap, vmpdct, koppen): |
accVce, accStf, staffs = [], [], stfmap[:] |
for x in partlist: |
try: prgroupelem (x, ('', ''), '', stfmap, accVce, accStf) |
except: info ('lousy musicxml: error in part-list') |
staves = ' '.join (accStf) |
clfnms = {} |
for part, (partname, partabbrv) in zip (staffs, accVce): |
if not part: continue |
firstVoice = part[0][0] |
nm = partname.replace ('\n','\\n').replace ('.:','.').strip (':') |
snm = partabbrv.replace ('\n','\\n').replace ('.:','.').strip (':') |
clfnms [firstVoice] = (nm and 'nm="%s"' % nm or '') + (snm and ' snm="%s"' % snm or '') |
hd = ['X:%d\n%s\n' % (s.X, s.title)] |
for i, k in enumerate (s.pagekeys): |
if s.jscript and k in ['pageheight','topmargin', 'botmargin']: continue |
if s.pageFmt [k] != None: hd.append ('%%%%%s %.2f%s\n' % (k, s.pageFmt [k], i > 0 and 'cm' or '')) |
if staves and len (accStf) > 1: hd.append ('%%score ' + staves + '\n') |
tempo = s.tempo and 'Q:%d/%d=%s\n' % (s.tempo_units [0], s.tempo_units [1], s.tempo) or '' |
d = {} |
for x in s.cmpL: d[x] = d.get (x, 0) + 1 |
if s.jscript: defLs = sorted (d.items (), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])) |
else: defLs = sorted (d.items (), key=lambda x: -x[1]) |
defL = s.denL and s.denL or defLs [0][0] |
hd.append ('L:1/%d\n%sM:%s\n' % (defL, tempo, s.mtr)) |
hd.append ('K:%s\n' % s.key) |
if s.stemless: hd.append ('U:s=!stemless!\n') |
vxs = sorted (vmpdct.keys ()) |
for vx in vxs: hd.extend (vmpdct [vx]) |
s.dojef = 0 |
for vnum, clef in s.clefs.items (): |
ch, prg, vol, pan = midimap [vnum-1][:4] |
dmap = midimap [vnum - 1][4:] |
if dmap and 'perc' not in clef: clef = (clef + ' map=perc').strip (); |
hd.append ('V:%d %s %s\n' % (vnum, clef, clfnms.get (vnum, ''))) |
if vnum in vmpdct: |
hd.append ('%%%%voicemap tab%d\n' % vnum) |
hd.append ('K:none\nM:none\n%%clef none\n%%staffscale 1.6\n%%flatbeams true\n%%stemdir down\n') |
if 'perc' in clef: hd.append ('K:none\n'); |
if s.volpan > 1: |
if ch > 0 and ch != vnum: hd.append ('%%%%MIDI channel %d\n' % ch) |
if prg > 0: hd.append ('%%%%MIDI program %d\n' % (prg - 1)) |
if vol >= 0: hd.append ('%%%%MIDI control 7 %.0f\n' % vol) |
if pan >= 0: hd.append ('%%%%MIDI control 10 %.0f\n' % pan) |
elif s.volpan > 0: |
if dmap and ch > 0: hd.append ('%%%%MIDI channel %d\n' % ch) |
if prg > 0: hd.append ('%%%%MIDI program %d\n' % (prg - 1)) |
for abcNote, step, midiNote, notehead in dmap: |
if not notehead: notehead = 'normal' |
if abcMid (abcNote) != midiNote or abcNote != step: |
if s.volpan > 0: hd.append ('%%%%MIDI drummap %s %s\n' % (abcNote, midiNote)) |
hd.append ('I:percmap %s %s %s %s\n' % (abcNote, step, midiNote, notehead)) |
s.dojef = s.tstep |
if defL != s.cmpL [vnum-1]: |
hd.append ('L:1/%d\n' % s.cmpL [vnum-1]) |
s.outlist = hd + s.outlist |
if koppen: |
k1 = kopSvg.replace ('-2','-5') if s.shiftStem else kopSvg |
k2 = kopSvg2.replace ('-2','-5') if s.shiftStem else kopSvg2 |
tb = tabSvg.replace ('-3','-6') if s.shiftStem else tabSvg |
ks = sorted (koppen.keys ()) |
ks = [k2 % (k, k) if len (k) == 2 else k1 % (k, k) for k in ks] |
tbs = map (lambda x: x.strip () + '\n', tb.splitlines ()) |
s.outlist = tbs + ks + ['</defs>\n%%endsvg\n'] + s.outlist |
def writeall (s): |
str = ''.join (s.outlist) |
if s.dojef: str = perc2map (str) |
if python3: s.outfile.write (str) |
else: s.outfile.write (str.encode ('utf-8')) |
if s.pad: s.outfile.close () |
else: s.outfile.write ('\n') |
info ('%s written with %d voices' % (s.fnmext, len (s.clefs)), warn=0) |
def abcLyr (xs, melis): |
if not ''.join (xs): return '', 0 |
res = [] |
for x in xs: |
if x == '': |
if melis: x = '_' |
else: x = '*' |
elif x.endswith ('_') and not x.endswith ('\_'): |
x = x.replace ('_', '') |
melis = 1 |
else: melis = 0 |
res.append (x) |
return (' '.join (res), melis) |
def simplify (a, b): |
x, y = a, b |
while b: a, b = b, a % b |
return x // a, y // a |
def abcdur (nx, divs, uL): |
if nx.dur == 0: return '' |
num, den = simplify (uL * nx.dur, divs * 4) |
if nx.fact: |
numfac, denfac = nx.fact |
num, den = simplify (num * numfac, den * denfac) |
if den > 64: |
x = float (num) / den; n = math.floor (x); |
if x - n < 0.1 * x: num, den = n, 1; |
num64 = 64. * num / den + 1.0e-15 |
num, den = simplify (int (round (num64)), 64) |
if num == 1: |
if den == 1: dabc = '' |
elif den == 2: dabc = '/' |
else: dabc = '/%d' % den |
elif den == 1: dabc = '%d' % num |
else: dabc = '%d/%d' % (num, den) |
return dabc |
def abcMid (note): |
r = re.search (r"([_^]*)([A-Ga-g])([',]*)", note) |
if not r: return -1 |
acc, n, oct = r.groups () |
nUp = n.upper () |
p = 60 + [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]['CDEFGAB'.index (nUp)] + (12 if nUp != n else 0); |
if acc: p += (1 if acc[0] == '^' else -1) * len (acc) |
if oct: p += (12 if oct[0] == "'" else -12) * len (oct) |
return p |
def staffStep (ptc, o, clef, tstep): |
ndif = 0 |
if 'stafflines=1' in clef: ndif += 4 |
if not tstep and clef.startswith ('bass'): ndif += 12 |
if ndif: |
nm7 = 'C,D,E,F,G,A,B'.split (',') |
n = nm7.index (ptc) + ndif |
ptc, o = nm7 [n % 7], o + n // 7 |
if o > 4: ptc = ptc.lower () |
if o > 5: ptc = ptc + (o-5) * "'" |
if o < 4: ptc = ptc + (4-o) * "," |
return ptc |
def setKey (fifths, mode): |
sharpness = ['Fb', 'Cb','Gb','Db','Ab','Eb','Bb','F','C','G','D','A', 'E', 'B', 'F#','C#','G#','D#','A#','E#','B#'] |
offTab = {'maj':8, 'ion':8, 'm':11, 'min':11, 'aeo':11, 'mix':9, 'dor':10, 'phr':12, 'lyd':7, 'loc':13, 'non':8} |
mode = mode.lower ()[:3] |
key = sharpness [offTab [mode] + fifths] + (mode if offTab [mode] != 8 else '') |
accs = ['F','C','G','D','A','E','B'] |
if fifths >= 0: msralts = dict (zip (accs[:fifths], fifths * [1])) |
else: msralts = dict (zip (accs[fifths:], -fifths * [-1])) |
return key, msralts |
def insTup (ix, notes, fact): |
tupcnt = 0 |
nx = notes [ix] |
if 'start' in nx.tup: |
nx.tup.remove ('start') |
tix = ix |
fn, fd = fact |
fnum, fden = nx.fact |
tupfact = fnum//fn, fden//fd |
while ix < len (notes): |
nx = notes [ix] |
if isinstance (nx, Elem) or nx.grace: |
ix += 1 |
continue |
if 'start' in nx.tup: |
ix, tupcntR = insTup (ix, notes, tupfact) |
tupcnt += tupcntR |
elif nx.fact: |
tupcnt += 1 |
if 'stop' in nx.tup: |
nx.tup.remove ('stop') |
break |
if not nx.fact: |
ix = lastix |
break |
lastix = ix |
ix += 1 |
tup = (tupfact[0], tupfact[1], tupcnt) |
if tup == (3, 2, 3): tupPrefix = '(3' |
else: tupPrefix = '(%d:%d:%d' % tup |
notes [tix].tupabc = tupPrefix + notes [tix].tupabc |
return ix, tupcnt |
def mkBroken (vs): |
vs = [n for n in vs if isinstance (n, Note)] |
i = 0 |
while i < len (vs) - 1: |
n1, n2 = vs[i], vs[i+1] |
if not n1.fact and not n2.fact and n1.dur > 0 and n2.beam: |
if n1.dur * 3 == n2.dur: |
n2.dur = (2 * n2.dur) // 3 |
n1.dur = n1.dur * 2 |
n1.after = '<' + n1.after |
i += 1 |
elif n2.dur * 3 == n1.dur: |
n1.dur = (2 * n1.dur) // 3 |
n2.dur = n2.dur * 2 |
n1.after = '>' + n1.after |
i += 1 |
i += 1 |
def outVoice (measure, divs, im, ip, unitL): |
ix = 0 |
while ix < len (measure): |
nx = measure [ix] |
if isinstance (nx, Note) and nx.fact and not nx.grace: |
ix, tupcnt = insTup (ix, measure, (1, 1)) |
ix += 1 |
vs = [] |
for nx in measure: |
if isinstance (nx, Note): |
durstr = abcdur (nx, divs, unitL) |
chord = len (nx.ns) > 1 |
cns = [nt[:-1] for nt in nx.ns if nt.endswith ('-')] |
tie = '' |
if chord and len (cns) == len (nx.ns): |
nx.ns = cns |
tie = '-' |
s = nx.tupabc + ''.join (nx.before) |
if chord: s += '[' |
for nt in nx.ns: s += nt |
if chord: s += ']' + tie |
if s.endswith ('-'): s, tie = s[:-1], '-' |
s += durstr + tie |
s += nx.after |
nospace = nx.beam |
else: |
if isinstance (nx.str, listtype): nx.str = nx.str [0] |
s = nx.str |
nospace = 1 |
if nospace: vs.append (s) |
else: vs.append (' ' + s) |
vs = ''.join (vs) |
while vs.find ('!ped!!ped!') >= 0: vs = vs.replace ('!ped!!ped!','!ped!') |
while vs.find ('!ped-up!!ped-up!') >= 0: vs = vs.replace ('!ped-up!!ped-up!','!ped-up!') |
while vs.find ('!8va(!!8va)!') >= 0: vs = vs.replace ('!8va(!!8va)!','') |
return vs |
def sortMeasure (voice, m): |
voice.sort (key=lambda o: o.tijd) |
time = 0 |
v = [] |
rs = [] |
for i, nx in enumerate (voice): |
if nx.tijd > time and chkbug (nx.tijd - time, m): |
v.append (Note (nx.tijd - time, 'x')) |
rs.append (len (v) - 1) |
if isinstance (nx, Elem): |
if nx.tijd < time: nx.tijd = time |
v.append (nx) |
time = nx.tijd |
continue |
if nx.tijd < time: |
if nx.ns[0] == 'z': continue |
if v[-1].tijd <= nx.tijd: |
if v[-1].ns[0] == 'z': |
v[-1].dur = nx.tijd - v[-1].tijd |
if v[-1].dur == 0: del v[-1] |
info ('overlap in part %d, measure %d: rest shortened' % (m.ixp+1, m.ixm+1)) |
else: |
v[-1].ns += nx.ns |
info ('overlap in part %d, measure %d: added chord' % (m.ixp+1, m.ixm+1)) |
nx.dur = (nx.tijd + nx.dur) - time |
if nx.dur <= 0: continue |
nx.tijd = time |
else: |
info ('overlapping notes in one voice! part %d, measure %d, note %s discarded' % (m.ixp+1, m.ixm+1, isinstance (nx, Note) and nx.ns or nx.str)) |
continue |
v.append (nx) |
if isinstance (nx, Note): |
if nx.ns [0] in 'zx': |
rs.append (len (v) - 1) |
elif len (rs): |
if nx.beam and not nx.grace: |
for j in rs: v[j].beam = nx.beam |
rs = [] |
time = nx.tijd + nx.dur |
if time == 0: info ('empty measure in part %d, measure %d, it should contain at least a rest to advance the time!' % (m.ixp+1, m.ixm+1)) |
return v |
def getPartlist (ps): |
xs = [] |
e = [] |
for x in list (ps): |
if x.tag == 'part-group': |
num, type = x.get ('number'), x.get ('type') |
if type == 'start': |
if num in e: |
xs.append (E.Element ('part-group', number = num, type = 'stop')) |
xs.append (x) |
else: |
xs.append (x) |
e.append (num) |
else: |
if num in e: |
e.remove (num) |
xs.append (x) |
else: pass |
else: xs.append (x) |
for num in reversed (e): |
xs.append (E.Element ('part-group', number = num, type = 'stop')) |
return xs |
def parseParts (xs, d, e): |
if not xs: return [],[] |
x = xs.pop (0) |
if x.tag == 'part-group': |
num, type = x.get ('number'), x.get ('type') |
if type == 'start': |
s = [x.findtext (n, '') for n in ['group-symbol','group-barline','group-name','group-abbreviation']] |
d [num] = s |
e.append (num) |
elemsnext, rest1 = parseParts (xs, d, e) |
elems, rest2 = parseParts (rest1, d, e) |
return [elemsnext] + elems, rest2 |
else: |
nums = e.pop () |
if xs and xs[0].get ('type') == 'stop': |
if num != nums: |
d[nums], d[num] = d[num], d[nums] |
sym = d[num] |
return [sym], xs |
else: |
elems, rest = parseParts (xs, d, e) |
name = x.findtext ('part-name',''), x.findtext ('part-abbreviation','') |
return [name] + elems, rest |
def bracePart (part): |
if not part: return [] |
brace = [] |
for ivs in part: |
if len (ivs) == 1: |
brace.append ('%s' % ivs[0]) |
else: |
brace += ['('] + ['%s' % iv for iv in ivs] + [')'] |
brace.append ('|') |
del brace[-1] |
if len (part) > 1: |
brace = ['{'] + brace + ['}'] |
return brace |
def prgroupelem (x, gnm, bar, pmap, accVce, accStf): |
if type (x) == tupletype: |
y = pmap.pop (0) |
if gnm[0]: x = [n1 + ':' + n2 for n1, n2 in zip (gnm, x)] |
accVce.append (x) |
accStf.extend (bracePart (y)) |
elif len (x) == 2 and type (x[0]) == tupletype: |
y = pmap.pop (0) |
nms = [n1 + ':' + n2 for n1, n2 in zip (x[0], x[1][2:])] |
accVce.append (nms) |
accStf.extend (bracePart (y)) |
else: |
prgrouplist (x, bar, pmap, accVce, accStf) |
def prgrouplist (x, pbar, pmap, accVce, accStf): |
sym, bar, gnm, gabbr = x[-1] |
bar = bar == 'yes' or pbar |
accStf.append (sym == 'brace' and '{' or '[') |
for z in x[:-1]: |
prgroupelem (z, (gnm, gabbr), bar, pmap, accVce, accStf) |
if bar: accStf.append ('|') |
if bar: del accStf [-1] |
accStf.append (sym == 'brace' and '}' or ']') |
def compUnitLength (iv, maten, divs): |
uLmin, minLen = 0, max_int |
for uL in [4,8,16]: |
vLen = 0 |
for im, m in enumerate (maten): |
for e in m[iv]: |
if isinstance (e, Elem) or e.dur == 0: continue |
vLen += len (abcdur (e, divs [im], uL)) |
if vLen < minLen: uLmin, minLen = uL, vLen |
return uLmin |
def doSyllable (syl): |
txt = '' |
for e in syl: |
if e.tag == 'elision': txt += '~' |
elif e.tag == 'text': |
txt += (e.text or '').replace ('_','\_').replace('-', r'\-').replace(' ', '~') |
if not txt: return txt |
if syl.findtext('syllabic') in ['begin', 'middle']: txt += '-' |
if syl.find('extend') is not None: txt += '_' |
return txt |
def checkMelismas (lyrics, maten, im, iv): |
if im == 0: return |
maat = maten [im][iv] |
curlyr = lyrics [im][iv] |
prvlyr = lyrics [im-1][iv] |
for n, (lyrstr, melis) in prvlyr.items (): |
if n not in curlyr and melis: |
ms = getMelisma (maat) |
if ms: curlyr [n] = (ms, 0) |
def getMelisma (maat): |
ms = [] |
for note in maat: |
if not isinstance (note, Note): continue |
if note.grace: continue |
if note.ns [0] in 'zx': break |
ms.append ('_') |
return ' '.join (ms) |
def perc2map (abcIn): |
fillmap = {'diamond':1, 'triangle':1, 'square':1, 'normal':1}; |
abc = map (lambda x: x.strip (), percSvg.splitlines ()) |
id='default' |
maps = {'default': []}; |
dmaps = {'default': []} |
r1 = re.compile (r'V:\s*(\S+)') |
ls = abcIn.splitlines () |
for x in ls: |
if 'I:percmap' in x: |
noot, step, midi, kop = map (lambda x: x.strip (), x.split ()[1:]) |
if kop in fillmap: kop = kop + '+' + ',' + kop |
x = '%%%%map perc%s %s print=%s midi=%s heads=%s' % (id, noot, step, midi, kop) |
maps [id].append (x) |
if '%%MIDI' in x: dmaps [id].append (x) |
if 'V:' in x: |
r = r1.match (x) |
if r: |
id = r.group (1); |
if id not in maps: maps [id] = []; dmaps [id] = [] |
ids = sorted (maps.keys ()) |
for id in ids: abc += maps [id] |
id='default' |
for x in ls: |
if 'I:percmap' in x: continue |
if '%%MIDI' in x: continue |
if 'V:' in x or 'K:' in x: |
r = r1.match (x) |
if r: id = r.group (1) |
abc.append (x) |
if id in dmaps and len (dmaps [id]) > 0: abc.extend (dmaps [id]); del dmaps [id] |
if 'perc' in x and 'map=' not in x: x += ' map=perc'; |
if 'map=perc' in x and len (maps [id]) > 0: abc.append ('%%voicemap perc' + id); |
if 'map=off' in x: abc.append ('%%voicemap'); |
else: |
abc.append (x) |
return '\n'.join (abc) + '\n' |
def addoct (ptc, o): |
p = ptc |
if o > 4: p = ptc.lower () |
if o > 5: p = p + (o-5) * "'" |
if o < 4: p = p + (4-o) * "," |
return p |
def chkbug (dt, m): |
if dt > m.divs / 16: return 1 |
info ('MuseScore bug: incorrect duration, smaller then 1/64! in measure %d, part %d' % (m.ixm, m.ixp)) |
return 0 |
class Parser: |
note_alts = [ |
[x.strip () for x in '=C, ^C, =D, ^D, =E, =F, ^F, =G, ^G, =A, ^A, =B'.split (',')], |
[x.strip () for x in '^B, _D,^^C, _E, _F, ^E, _G,^^F, _A,^^G, _B, _C'.split (',')], |
[x.strip () for x in '__D,^^B,__E,__F,^^D,__G,^^E,__A,_/A,__B,__C,^^A'.split (',')] ] |
step_map = {'C':0,'D':2,'E':4,'F':5,'G':7,'A':9,'B':11} |
def __init__ (s, options): |
s.slurBuf = {} |
s.dirStk = {} |
s.ingrace = 0 |
s.msc = Music (options) |
s.unfold = options.u |
s.ctf = options.c |
s.gStfMap = [] |
s.midiMap = [] |
s.drumInst = {} |
s.drumNotes = {} |
s.instMid = [] |
s.midDflt = [-1,-1,-1,-91] |
s.msralts = {} |
s.curalts = {} |
s.stfMap = {} |
s.vce2stf = {} |
s.clefMap = {} |
s.curClef = {} |
s.stemDir = {} |
s.clefOct = {} |
s.curStf = {} |
s.nolbrk = options.x; |
s.jscript = options.j |
s.ornaments = sorted (note_ornamentation_map.items ()) |
s.doPageFmt = len (options.p) == 1 |
s.tstep = options.t |
s.dirtov1 = options.v1 |
s.ped = options.ped |
s.wstems = options.stm |
s.pedVce = None |
s.repeat_str = {} |
s.tabVceMap = {} |
s.koppen = {} |
def matchSlur (s, type2, n, v2, note2, grace, stopgrace): |
if type2 not in ['start', 'stop']: return |
if n == None: n = '1' |
if n in s.slurBuf: |
type1, v1, note1, grace1 = s.slurBuf [n] |
if type2 != type1: |
if v2 == v1: |
if type1 == 'start' and (not grace1 or not stopgrace): |
note1.before = ['('] + note1.before |
note2.after += ')' |
del s.slurBuf [n] |
else: |
info ('double slur numbers %s-%s in part %d, measure %d, voice %d note %s, first discarded' % (type2, n, s.msr.ixp+1, s.msr.ixm+1, v2, note2.ns)) |
s.slurBuf [n] = (type2, v2, note2, grace) |
else: |
s.slurBuf [n] = (type2, v2, note2, grace) |
def doNotations (s, note, nttn, isTab): |
for key, val in s.ornaments: |
if nttn.find (key) != None: note.before += [val] |
trem = nttn.find ('ornaments/tremolo') |
if trem != None: |
type = trem.get ('type') |
if type == 'single': |
note.before.insert (0, '!%s!' % (int (trem.text) * '/')) |
else: |
note.fact = None |
if s.tstep: |
if type == 'stop': note.before.insert (0, '!trem%s!' % trem.text); |
else: |
if type == 'start': note.before.insert (0, '!%s-!' % (int (trem.text) * '/')); |
fingering = nttn.findall ('technical/fingering') |
for finger in fingering: |
if not isTab: note.before += ['!%s!' % finger.text] |
snaar = nttn.find ('technical/string') |
if snaar != None and isTab: |
if s.tstep: |
fret = nttn.find ('technical/fret') |
if fret != None: note.tab = (snaar.text, fret.text) |
else: |
deco = '!%s!' % snaar.text |
if deco not in note.ntdec: note.ntdec += deco |
wvln = nttn.find ('ornaments/wavy-line') |
if wvln != None: |
if wvln.get ('type') == 'start': note.before = ['!trill(!'] + note.before |
elif wvln.get ('type') == 'stop': note.before = ['!trill)!'] + note.before |
glis = nttn.find ('glissando') |
if glis == None: glis = nttn.find ('slide') |
if glis != None: |
lt = '~' if glis.get ('line-type') =='wavy' else '-' |
if glis.get ('type') == 'start': note.before = ['!%s(!' % lt] + note.before |
elif glis.get ('type') == 'stop': note.before = ['!%s)!' % lt] + note.before |
def tabnote (s, alt, ptc, oct, v, ntrec): |
p = s.step_map [ptc] + int (alt or '0') |
if p > 11: oct += 1 |
if p < 0: oct -= 1 |
p = p % 12 |
snaar_nw, fret_nw = ntrec.tab |
for i in range (4): |
na = s.note_alts [i % 3] [p] |
o = oct |
if na in ['^B', '^^B']: o -= 1 |
if na in ['_C', '__C']: o += 1 |
if '/' in na or i == 3: o = 9 |
nt = addoct (na, o) |
snaar, fret = s.tabmap.get ((v, nt), ('', '')) |
if not snaar: break |
if snaar_nw == snaar: return nt |
if i == 3: |
fmt = 'rejected: voice %d note %3s string %s fret %2s remains: string %s fret %s' |
info (fmt % (v, nt, snaar_nw, fret_nw, snaar, fret), 1) |
ntrec.tab = (snaar, fret) |
s.tabmap [v, nt] = ntrec.tab |
return nt |
def ntAbc (s, ptc, oct, note, v, ntrec, isTab): |
acc2alt = {'double-flat':-2,'flat-flat':-2,'flat':-1,'natural':0,'sharp':1,'sharp-sharp':2,'double-sharp':2} |
oct += s.clefOct.get (s.curStf [v], 0) |
acc = note.findtext ('accidental') |
alt = note.findtext ('pitch/alter') |
if ntrec.tab: return s.tabnote (alt, ptc, oct, v, ntrec) |
elif isTab and s.tstep: |
nt = ['__','_','','^','^^'][int (alt or '0') + 2] + addoct (ptc, oct) |
info ('no string notation found for note %s in voice %d' % (nt, v), 1) |
p = addoct (ptc, oct) |
if alt == None and s.msralts.get (ptc, 0): alt = 0 |
if alt == None and (p, v) in s.curalts: alt = 0 |
if acc == None and alt == None: return p |
elif acc != None: |
alt = acc2alt [acc] |
else: |
alt = int (float (alt)) |
if (p, v) in s.curalts: |
if alt == s.curalts [(p, v)]: return p |
elif alt == s.msralts.get (ptc, 0): return p |
tieElms = note.findall ('tie') + note.findall ('notations/tied') |
if 'stop' in [e.get ('type') for e in tieElms]: return p |
info ('accidental %d added in part %d, measure %d, voice %d note %s' % (alt, s.msr.ixp+1, s.msr.ixm+1, v+1, p)) |
s.curalts [(p, v)] = alt |
p = ['__','_','=','^','^^'][alt+2] + p |
return p |
def doNote (s, n): |
note = Note () |
v = int (n.findtext ('voice', '1')) |
if s.isSib: v += 100 * int (n.findtext ('staff', '1')) |
chord = n.find ('chord') != None |
p = n.findtext ('pitch/step') or n.findtext ('unpitched/display-step') |
o = n.findtext ('pitch/octave') or n.findtext ('unpitched/display-octave') |
r = n.find ('rest') |
numer = n.findtext ('time-modification/actual-notes') |
if numer: |
denom = n.findtext ('time-modification/normal-notes') |
note.fact = (int (numer), int (denom)) |
note.tup = [x.get ('type') for x in n.findall ('notations/tuplet')] |
dur = n.findtext ('duration') |
grc = n.find ('grace') |
note.grace = grc != None |
note.before, note.after = [], '' |
if note.grace and not s.ingrace: |
s.ingrace = 1 |
note.before = ['{'] |
if grc.get ('slash') == 'yes': note.before += ['/'] |
stopgrace = not note.grace and s.ingrace |
if stopgrace: |
s.ingrace = 0 |
s.msc.lastnote.after += '}' |
if dur == None or note.grace: dur = 0 |
if r == None and n.get ('print-object') == 'no': |
if chord: return |
r = 1 |
note.dur = int (dur) |
if r == None and (not p or not o): |
s.msc.cnt.inc ('nopt', v) |
o, p = 5,'E' |
isTab = s.curClef and s.curClef.get (s.curStf [v], '').startswith ('tab') |
nttn = n.find ('notations') |
if nttn != None: s.doNotations (note, nttn, isTab) |
e = n.find ('stem') if r == None else None |
if e != None and e.text == 'none' and (not isTab or v in s.hasStems or s.tstep): |
note.before += ['s']; abcOut.stemless = 1; |
e = n.find ('accidental') |
if e != None and e.get ('parentheses') == 'yes': note.ntdec += '!courtesy!' |
if r != None: noot = 'x' if n.get ('print-object') == 'no' or isTab else 'z' |
else: noot = s.ntAbc (p, int (o), n, v, note, isTab) |
if n.find ('unpitched') != None: |
clef = s.curClef [s.curStf [v]] |
step = staffStep (p, int (o), clef, s.tstep) |
instr = n.find ('instrument') |
instId = instr.get ('id') if instr != None else 'dummyId' |
midi = s.drumInst.get (instId, abcMid (noot)) |
nh = n.findtext ('notehead', '').replace (' ','-') |
if nh == 'x': noot = '^' + noot.replace ('^','').replace ('_','') |
if nh in ['circle-x','diamond','triangle']: noot = '_' + noot.replace ('^','').replace ('_','') |
if nh and n.find ('notehead').get ('filled','') == 'yes': nh += '+' |
if nh and n.find ('notehead').get ('filled','') == 'no': nh += '-' |
s.drumNotes [(v, noot)] = (step, midi, nh) |
tieElms = n.findall ('tie') + n.findall ('notations/tied') |
if 'start' in [e.get ('type') for e in tieElms]: |
noot = noot + '-' |
note.beam = sum ([1 for b in n.findall('beam') if b.text in ['continue', 'end']]) + int (note.grace) |
lyrlast = 0; rsib = re.compile (r'^.*verse') |
for e in n.findall ('lyric'): |
lyrnum = int (rsib.sub ('', e.get ('number', '1'))) |
if lyrnum == 0: lyrnum = lyrlast + 1 |
else: lyrlast = lyrnum |
note.lyrs [lyrnum] = doSyllable (e) |
stemdir = n.findtext ('stem') |
if s.wstems and (stemdir == 'up' or stemdir == 'down'): |
if stemdir != s.stemDir.get (v, ''): |
s.stemDir [v] = stemdir |
s.msc.appendElem (v, '[I:stemdir %s]' % stemdir) |
if chord: s.msc.addChord (note, noot) |
else: |
xmlstaff = int (n.findtext ('staff', '1')) |
if s.curStf [v] != xmlstaff: |
dstaff = xmlstaff - s.curStf [v] |
s.curStf [v] = xmlstaff |
s.msc.appendElem (v, '[I:staff %+d]' % dstaff) |
s.msc.appendNote (v, note, noot) |
for slur in n.findall ('notations/slur'): |
s.matchSlur (slur.get ('type'), slur.get ('number'), v, s.msc.lastnote, note.grace, stopgrace) |
def doAttr (s, e): |
teken = {'C1':'alto1','C2':'alto2','C3':'alto','C4':'tenor','F4':'bass','F3':'bass3','G2':'treble','TAB':'tab','percussion':'perc'} |
dvstxt = e.findtext ('divisions') |
if dvstxt: s.msr.divs = int (dvstxt) |
steps = int (e.findtext ('transpose/chromatic', '0')) |
fifths = e.findtext ('key/fifths') |
first = s.msc.tijd == 0 and s.msr.ixm == 0 |
if fifths: |
key, s.msralts = setKey (int (fifths), e.findtext ('key/mode','major')) |
if first and not steps and abcOut.key == 'none': |
abcOut.key = key |
elif key != abcOut.key or not first: |
s.msr.attr += '[K:%s]' % key |
beats = e.findtext ('time/beats') |
if beats: |
unit = e.findtext ('time/beat-type') |
mtr = beats + '/' + unit |
if first: abcOut.mtr = mtr |
else: s.msr.attr += '[M:%s]' % mtr |
s.msr.mtr = int (beats), int (unit) |
s.msr.mdur = (s.msr.divs * s.msr.mtr[0] * 4) // s.msr.mtr[1] |
for ms in e.findall('measure-style'): |
n = int (ms.get ('number', '1')) |
voices = s.stfMap [n] |
for mr in ms.findall('measure-repeat'): |
ty = mr.get('type') |
if ty == 'start': |
s.repeat_str [n] = [s.msr.ixm, mr.text] |
for v in voices: |
s.msc.insertElem (v, s.repeat_str [n]) |
elif ty == 'stop': |
start_ix, text_ = s.repeat_str [n] |
repeat_count = s.msr.ixm - start_ix |
if text_: |
mid_str = "%s " % text_ |
repeat_count /= int (text_) |
else: |
mid_str = "" |
s.repeat_str [n][0] = '[I:repeat %s%d]' % (mid_str, repeat_count) |
del s.repeat_str [n] |
toct = e.findtext ('transpose/octave-change', '') |
if toct: steps += 12 * int (toct) |
for clef in e.findall ('clef'): |
n = int (clef.get ('number', '1')) |
sgn = clef.findtext ('sign') |
line = clef.findtext ('line', '') if sgn not in ['percussion','TAB'] else '' |
cs = teken.get (sgn + line, '') |
oct = clef.findtext ('clef-octave-change', '') or '0' |
if oct: cs += {-2:'-15', -1:'-8', 1:'+8', 2:'+15'}.get (int (oct), '') |
s.clefOct [n] = -int (oct); |
if steps: cs += ' transpose=' + str (steps) |
stfdtl = e.find ('staff-details') |
if stfdtl and int (stfdtl.get ('number', '1')) == n: |
lines = stfdtl.findtext ('staff-lines') |
if lines: |
lns= '|||' if lines == '3' and sgn == 'TAB' else lines |
cs += ' stafflines=%s' % lns |
s.stafflines = int (lines) |
strings = stfdtl.findall ('staff-tuning') |
if strings: |
tuning = [st.findtext ('tuning-step') + st.findtext ('tuning-octave') for st in strings] |
cs += ' strings=%s' % ','.join (tuning) |
capo = stfdtl.findtext ('capo') |
if capo: cs += ' capo=%s' % capo |
s.curClef [n] = cs |
if first: s.clefMap [n] = cs |
else: |
voices = s.stfMap[n] |
for v in voices: |
if n != s.curStf [v]: |
dstaff = n - s.curStf [v] |
s.curStf [v] = n |
s.msc.appendElem (v, '[I:staff %+d]' % dstaff) |
s.msc.appendElem (v, '[K:%s]' % cs) |
def findVoice (s, i, es): |
stfnum = int (es[i].findtext ('staff',1)) |
vs = s.stfMap [stfnum] |
v1 = vs [0] if vs else 1 |
if s.dirtov1: return stfnum, v1, v1 |
for e in es [i+1:]: |
if e.tag == 'note': |
v = int (e.findtext ('voice', '1')) |
if s.isSib: v += 100 * int (e.findtext ('staff', '1')) |
stf = s.vce2stf [v] |
return stf, v, v1 |
if e.tag == 'backup': break |
return stfnum, v1, v1 |
def doDirection (s, e, i, es): |
def addDirection (x, vs, tijd, stfnum): |
if not x: return |
vs = s.stfMap [stfnum] if '!8v' in x else [vs] |
for v in vs: |
if tijd != None: |
s.msc.appendElemT (v, x.replace ('(',')').replace ('ped','ped-up'), tijd) |
else: |
s.msc.appendElem (v, x) |
def startStop (dtype, vs, stfnum=1): |
typmap = {'down':'!8va(!', 'up':'!8vb(!', 'crescendo':'!<(!', 'diminuendo':'!>(!', 'start':'!ped!'} |
type = t.get ('type', '') |
k = dtype + t.get ('number', '1') |
if type in typmap: |
x = typmap [type] |
if k in s.dirStk: |
stype, tijd = s.dirStk [k]; del s.dirStk [k] |
if stype == 'stop': |
addDirection (x, vs, tijd, stfnum) |
else: |
info ('%s direction %s has no stop in part %d, measure %d, voice %d' % (dtype, stype, s.msr.ixp+1, s.msr.ixm+1, vs+1)) |
s.dirStk [k] = ((type , vs)) |
else: |
s.dirStk [k] = ((type , vs)) |
elif type == 'stop': |
if k in s.dirStk: |
type, vs = s.dirStk [k]; del s.dirStk [k] |
if type == 'stop': |
info ('%s direction %s has double stop in part %d, measure %d, voice %d' % (dtype, type, s.msr.ixp+1, s.msr.ixm+1, vs+1)) |
x = '' |
else: |
x = typmap [type].replace ('(',')').replace ('ped','ped-up') |
else: |
s.dirStk [k] = ('stop', s.msc.tijd) |
x = '' |
else: raise ValueError ('wrong direction type') |
addDirection (x, vs, None, stfnum) |
tempo, wrdstxt = None, '' |
plcmnt = e.get ('placement') |
stf, vs, v1 = s.findVoice (i, es) |
jmp = '' |
jmps = [('dacapo','D.C.'),('dalsegno','D.S.'),('tocoda','dacoda'),('fine','fine'),('coda','O'),('segno','S')] |
t = e.find ('sound') |
if t != None: |
minst = t.find ('midi-instrument') |
if minst: |
prg = t.findtext ('midi-instrument/midi-program') |
chn = t.findtext ('midi-instrument/midi-channel') |
vids = [v for v, id in s.vceInst.items () if id == minst.get ('id')] |
if vids: vs = vids [0] |
parm, inst = ('program', str (int (prg) - 1)) if prg else ('channel', chn) |
if inst and abcOut.volpan > 0: s.msc.appendElem (vs, '[I:MIDI= %s %s]' % (parm, inst)) |
tempo = t.get ('tempo') |
if tempo: |
tempo = '%.0f' % float (tempo) |
tempo_units = (1,4) |
for r, v in jmps: |
if t.get (r, ''): jmp = v; break |
dirtypes = e.findall ('direction-type') |
for dirtyp in dirtypes: |
units = { 'whole': (1,1), 'half': (1,2), 'quarter': (1,4), 'eighth': (1,8) } |
metr = dirtyp.find ('metronome') |
if metr != None: |
t = metr.findtext ('beat-unit', '') |
if t in units: tempo_units = units [t] |
else: tempo_units = units ['quarter'] |
if metr.find ('beat-unit-dot') != None: |
tempo_units = simplify (tempo_units [0] * 3, tempo_units [1] * 2) |
tmpro = re.search ('[.\d]+', metr.findtext ('per-minute')) |
if tmpro: tempo = tmpro.group () |
t = dirtyp.find ('wedge') |
if t != None: startStop ('wedge', vs) |
allwrds = dirtyp.findall ('words') |
if not allwrds: allwrds = dirtyp.findall ('rehearsal') |
for wrds in allwrds: |
if jmp: |
s.msc.appendElem (vs, '!%s!' % jmp , 1) |
break |
plc = plcmnt == 'below' and '_' or '^' |
if float (wrds.get ('default-y', '0')) < 0: plc = '_' |
wrdstxt += (wrds.text or '').replace ('"','\\"').replace ('\n', '\\n') |
wrdstxt = wrdstxt.strip () |
for key, val in dynamics_map.items (): |
if dirtyp.find ('dynamics/' + key) != None: |
s.msc.appendElem (vs, val, 1) |
if dirtyp.find ('coda') != None: s.msc.appendElem (vs, 'O', 1) |
if dirtyp.find ('segno') != None: s.msc.appendElem (vs, 'S', 1) |
t = dirtyp.find ('octave-shift') |
if t != None: startStop ('octave-shift', vs, stf) |
t = dirtyp.find ('pedal') |
if t != None and s.ped: |
if not s.pedVce: s.pedVce = vs |
startStop ('pedal', s.pedVce) |
if dirtyp.findtext ('other-direction') == 'diatonic fretting': s.diafret = 1; |
if tempo: |
tempo = '%.0f' % float (tempo) |
if s.msc.tijd == 0 and s.msr.ixm == 0: |
abcOut.tempo = tempo |
abcOut.tempo_units = tempo_units |
else: |
s.msc.appendElem (v1, '[Q:%d/%d=%s]' % (tempo_units [0], tempo_units [1], tempo)) |
if wrdstxt: s.msc.appendElem (vs, '"%s%s"' % (plc, wrdstxt), 1) |
def doHarmony (s, e, i, es): |
_, vt, _ = s.findVoice (i, es) |
short = {'major':'', 'minor':'m', 'augmented':'+', 'diminished':'dim', 'dominant':'7', 'half-diminished':'m7b5'} |
accmap = {'major':'maj', 'dominant':'', 'minor':'m', 'diminished':'dim', 'augmented':'+', 'suspended':'sus'} |
modmap = {'second':'2', 'fourth':'4', 'seventh':'7', 'sixth':'6', 'ninth':'9', '11th':'11', '13th':'13'} |
altmap = {'1':'#', '0':'', '-1':'b'} |
root = e.findtext ('root/root-step','') |
alt = altmap.get (e.findtext ('root/root-alter'), '') |
sus = '' |
kind = e.findtext ('kind', '') |
if kind in short: kind = short [kind] |
elif '-' in kind: |
triad, mod = kind.split ('-') |
kind = accmap.get (triad, '') + modmap.get (mod, '') |
if kind.startswith ('sus'): kind, sus = '', kind |
elif kind == 'none': kind = e.find ('kind').get ('text','') |
degrees = e.findall ('degree') |
for d in degrees: |
kind += altmap.get (d.findtext ('degree-alter'),'') + d.findtext ('degree-value','') |
kind = kind.replace ('79','9').replace ('713','13').replace ('maj6','6') |
bass = e.findtext ('bass/bass-step','') + altmap.get (e.findtext ('bass/bass-alter'),'') |
s.msc.appendElem (vt, '"%s%s%s%s%s"' % (root, alt, kind, sus, bass and '/' + bass), 1) |
def doBarline (s, e): |
rep = e.find ('repeat') |
if rep != None: rep = rep.get ('direction') |
if s.unfold: |
return rep and (rep == 'forward' and 1 or 2) or 0 |
loc = e.get ('location', 'right') |
if loc == 'right': |
style = e.findtext ('bar-style') |
if style == 'light-light': s.msr.rline = '||' |
elif style == 'light-heavy': s.msr.rline = '|]' |
if rep != None: |
if rep == 'forward': s.msr.lline = ':' |
else: s.msr.rline = ':|' |
end = e.find ('ending') |
if end != None: |
if end.get ('type') == 'start': |
n = end.get ('number', '1').replace ('.','').replace (' ','') |
try: list (map (int, n.split (','))) |
except: n = '"%s"' % n.strip () |
s.msr.lnum = n |
elif s.msr.rline == '|': |
s.msr.rline = '||' |
return 0 |
def doPrint (s, e): |
if e.get ('new-system') == 'yes' or e.get ('new-page') == 'yes': |
if not s.nolbrk: return '$' |
def doPartList (s, e): |
for sp in e.findall ('part-list/score-part'): |
midi = {} |
for m in sp.findall ('midi-instrument'): |
x = [m.findtext (p, s.midDflt [i]) for i,p in enumerate (['midi-channel','midi-program','volume','pan'])] |
pan = float (x[3]) |
if pan >= -90 and pan <= 90: |
pan = (float (x[3]) + 90) / 180 * 127 |
midi [m.get ('id')] = [int (x[0]), int (x[1]), float (x[2]) * 1.27, pan] |
up = m.findtext ('midi-unpitched') |
if up: s.drumInst [m.get ('id')] = int (up) - 1 |
s.instMid.append (midi) |
ps = e.find ('part-list') |
xs = getPartlist (ps) |
partlist, _ = parseParts (xs, {}, []) |
return partlist |
def mkTitle (s, e): |
def filterCredits (y): |
cs = [] |
for x in credits: |
if y < 6 and (x in title or x in mvttl): continue |
if y < 5 and (x in composer or x in lyricist): continue |
if y < 4 and ((title and title in x) or (mvttl and mvttl in x)): continue |
if y < 3 and ([1 for c in composer if c in x] or [1 for c in lyricist if c in x]): continue |
if y < 2 and re.match (r'^[\d\W]*$', x): continue |
cs.append (x) |
if y == 0 and (title + mvttl): cs = '' |
return cs |
title = e.findtext ('work/work-title', '').strip () |
mvttl = e.findtext ('movement-title', '').strip () |
composer, lyricist, credits = [], [], [] |
for creator in e.findall ('identification/creator'): |
if creator.text: |
if creator.get ('type') == 'composer': |
composer += [line.strip () for line in creator.text.split ('\n')] |
elif creator.get ('type') in ('lyricist', 'transcriber'): |
lyricist += [line.strip () for line in creator.text.split ('\n')] |
for rights in e.findall ('identification/rights'): |
if rights.text: |
lyricist += [line.strip () for line in rights.text.split ('\n')] |
for credit in e.findall('credit'): |
cs = ''.join (e.text or '' for e in credit.findall('credit-words')) |
credits += [re.sub (r'\s*[\r\n]\s*', ' ', cs)] |
credits = filterCredits (s.ctf) |
if title: title = 'T:%s\n' % title.replace ('\n', '\nT:') |
if mvttl: title += 'T:%s\n' % mvttl.replace ('\n', '\nT:') |
if credits: title += '\n'.join (['T:%s' % c for c in credits]) + '\n' |
if composer: title += '\n'.join (['C:%s' % c for c in composer]) + '\n' |
if lyricist: title += '\n'.join (['Z:%s' % c for c in lyricist]) + '\n' |
if title: abcOut.title = title[:-1] |
s.isSib = 'Sibelius' in (e.findtext ('identification/encoding/software') or '') |
if s.isSib: info ('Sibelius MusicXMl is unreliable') |
def doDefaults (s, e): |
if not s.doPageFmt: return |
d = e.find ('defaults'); |
if d == None: return; |
mils = d.findtext ('scaling/millimeters') |
tenths = d.findtext ('scaling/tenths') |
if not mils or not tenths: return |
xmlScale = float (mils) / float (tenths) / 10 |
space = 10 * xmlScale |
abcScale = space / 0.2117 |
abcOut.pageFmt ['scale'] = abcScale |
eks = 2 * ['page-layout/'] + 4 * ['page-layout/page-margins/'] |
eks = [a+b for a,b in zip (eks, 'page-height,page-width,left-margin,right-margin,top-margin,bottom-margin'.split (','))] |
for i in range (6): |
v = d.findtext (eks [i]) |
k = abcOut.pagekeys [i+1] |
if not abcOut.pageFmt [k] and v: |
try: abcOut.pageFmt [k] = float (v) * xmlScale |
except: info ('illegal value %s for xml element %s', (v, eks [i])); continue |
def locStaffMap (s, part, maten): |
vmap = {} |
s.vceInst = {} |
s.msc.vnums = {} |
s.hasStems = {} |
s.stfMap, s.clefMap = {}, {} |
ns = part.findall ('measure/note') |
for n in ns: |
v = int (n.findtext ('voice', '1')) |
if s.isSib: v += 100 * int (n.findtext ('staff', '1')) |
s.msc.vnums [v] = 1 |
sn = int (n.findtext ('staff', '1')) |
s.stfMap [sn] = [] |
if v not in vmap: |
vmap [v] = {sn:1} |
else: |
d = vmap[v] |
d[sn] = d.get (sn, 0) + 1 |
x = n.find ('instrument') |
if x != None: s.vceInst [v] = x.get ('id') |
x, noRest = n.findtext ('stem'), n.find ('rest') == None |
if noRest and (not x or x != 'none'): s.hasStems [v] = 1 |
vks = list (vmap.keys ()) |
if s.jscript or s.isSib: vks.sort () |
for v in vks: |
xs = [(n, sn) for sn, n in vmap[v].items ()] |
xs.sort () |
stf = xs[-1][1] |
s.stfMap [stf].append (v) |
s.vce2stf [v] = stf |
s.curStf [v] = stf |
def addStaffMap (s, vvmap): |
part = [] |
for stf, voices in sorted (s.stfMap.items ()): |
locmap = [vvmap [iv] for iv in voices if iv in vvmap] |
nostem = [(iv not in s.hasStems) for iv in voices if iv in vvmap] |
if locmap: |
part.append (locmap) |
clef = s.clefMap.get (stf, 'treble') |
for i, iv in enumerate (locmap): |
clef_attr = '' |
if clef.startswith ('tab'): |
if nostem [i] and 'nostems' not in clef: clef_attr = ' nostems' |
if s.diafret and 'diafret' not in clef: clef_attr += ' diafret' |
abcOut.clefs [iv] = clef + clef_attr |
s.gStfMap.append (part) |
def addMidiMap (s, ip, vvmap): |
instr = s.instMid [ip] |
if instr.values (): defInstr = list(instr.values ())[0] |
else: defInstr = s.midDflt |
xs = [] |
for v, vabc in vvmap.items (): |
ks = sorted (s.drumNotes.items ()) |
ds = [(nt, step, midi, head) for (vd, nt), (step, midi, head) in ks if v == vd] |
id = s.vceInst.get (v, '') |
if id in instr: |
xs.append ((vabc, instr [id] + ds)) |
else: xs.append ((vabc, defInstr + ds)) |
xs.sort () |
s.midiMap.extend ([midi for v, midi in xs]) |
snaarmap = ['E','G','B','d', 'f', 'a', "c'", "e'"] |
diamap = '0,1-,1,1+,2,3,3,4,4,5,6,6+,7,8-,8,8+,9,10,10,11,11,12,13,13+,14'.split (',') |
for k in sorted (s.tabmap.keys ()): |
v, noot = k; |
snaar, fret = s.tabmap [k]; |
if s.diafret: fret = diamap [int (fret)] |
vabc = vvmap [v] |
snaar = s.stafflines - int (snaar) |
xs = s.tabVceMap.get (vabc, []) |
xs.append ('%%%%map tab%d %s print=%s heads=kop%s\n' % (vabc, noot, snaarmap [snaar], fret)) |
s.tabVceMap [vabc] = xs |
s.koppen [fret] = 1 |
def parse (s, fobj): |
vvmapAll = {} |
e = E.parse (fobj) |
s.mkTitle (e) |
s.doDefaults (e) |
partlist = s.doPartList (e) |
parts = e.findall ('part') |
for ip, p in enumerate (parts): |
maten = p.findall ('measure') |
s.locStaffMap (p, maten) |
s.drumNotes = {} |
s.clefOct = {} |
s.curClef = {} |
s.stemDir = {} |
s.tabmap = {} |
s.diafret = 0 |
s.stafflines = 5 |
s.msc.initVoices (newPart = 1) |
aantalHerhaald = 0 |
herhaalMaat = 0 |
divisions = [] |
s.msr = Measure (ip) |
while s.msr.ixm < len (maten): |
maat = maten [s.msr.ixm] |
herhaal, lbrk = 0, '' |
s.msr.reset () |
s.curalts = {} |
es = list (maat) |
for i, e in enumerate (es): |
if e.tag == 'note': s.doNote (e) |
elif e.tag == 'attributes': s.doAttr (e) |
elif e.tag == 'direction': s.doDirection (e, i, es) |
elif e.tag == 'sound': s.doDirection (maat, i, es) |
elif e.tag == 'harmony': s.doHarmony (e, i, es) |
elif e.tag == 'barline': herhaal = s.doBarline (e) |
elif e.tag == 'backup': |
dt = int (e.findtext ('duration')) |
if chkbug (dt, s.msr): s.msc.incTime (-dt) |
elif e.tag == 'forward': |
dt = int (e.findtext ('duration')) |
if chkbug (dt, s.msr): s.msc.incTime (dt) |
elif e.tag == 'print': lbrk = s.doPrint (e) |
s.msc.addBar (lbrk, s.msr) |
divisions.append (s.msr.divs) |
if herhaal == 1: |
herhaalMaat = s.msr.ixm |
s.msr.ixm += 1 |
elif herhaal == 2: |
if aantalHerhaald < 1: |
s.msr.ixm = herhaalMaat |
aantalHerhaald += 1 |
else: |
aantalHerhaald = 0 |
s.msr.ixm += 1 |
else: s.msr.ixm += 1 |
for rv in s.repeat_str.values (): |
rv [0] = '[I:repeat %s %d]' % (rv [1], 1) |
vvmap = s.msc.outVoices (divisions, ip, s.isSib) |
s.addStaffMap (vvmap) |
s.addMidiMap (ip, vvmap) |
vvmapAll.update (vvmap) |
if vvmapAll: |
abcOut.mkHeader (s.gStfMap, partlist, s.midiMap, s.tabVceMap, s.koppen) |
abcOut.writeall () |
else: info ('nothing written, %s has no notes ...' % abcOut.fnmext) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
from optparse import OptionParser |
from glob import glob |
from zipfile import ZipFile |
ustr = '%prog [-h] [-u] [-m] [-c C] [-d D] [-n CPL] [-b BPL] [-o DIR] [-v V]\n' |
ustr += '[-x] [-p PFMT] [-t] [-s] [-i] [--v1] [--noped] [--stems] <file1> [<file2> ...]' |
parser = OptionParser (usage=ustr, version=str(VERSION)) |
parser.add_option ("-u", action="store_true", help="unfold simple repeats") |
parser.add_option ("-m", action="store", help="0 -> no %%MIDI, 1 -> minimal %%MIDI, 2-> all %%MIDI", default=0) |
parser.add_option ("-c", action="store", type="int", help="set credit text filter to C", default=0, metavar='C') |
parser.add_option ("-d", action="store", type="int", help="set L:1/D", default=0, metavar='D') |
parser.add_option ("-n", action="store", type="int", help="CPL: max number of characters per line (default 100)", default=0, metavar='CPL') |
parser.add_option ("-b", action="store", type="int", help="BPL: max number of bars per line", default=0, metavar='BPL') |
parser.add_option ("-o", action="store", help="store abc files in DIR", default='', metavar='DIR') |
parser.add_option ("-v", action="store", type="int", help="set volta typesetting behaviour to V", default=0, metavar='V') |
parser.add_option ("-x", action="store_true", help="output no line breaks") |
parser.add_option ("-p", action="store", help="pageformat PFMT (cm) = scale, pageheight, pagewidth, leftmargin, rightmargin, topmargin, botmargin", default='', metavar='PFMT') |
parser.add_option ("-j", action="store_true", help="switch for compatibility with javascript version") |
parser.add_option ("-t", action="store_true", help="translate perc- and tab-staff to ABC code with %%map, %%voicemap") |
parser.add_option ("-s", action="store_true", help="shift node heads 3 units left in a tab staff") |
parser.add_option ("--v1", action="store_true", help="start-stop directions allways to first voice of staff") |
parser.add_option ("--noped", action="store_false", help="skip all pedal directions", dest='ped', default=True) |
parser.add_option ("--stems", action="store_true", help="translate stem directions", dest='stm', default=False) |
parser.add_option ("-i", action="store_true", help="read xml file from standard input") |
options, args = parser.parse_args () |
if options.n < 0: parser.error ('only values >= 0') |
if options.b < 0: parser.error ('only values >= 0') |
if options.d and options.d not in [2**n for n in range (10)]: |
parser.error ('D should be on of %s' % ','.join ([str(2**n) for n in range (10)])) |
options.p = options.p and options.p.split (',') or [] |
if len (args) == 0 and not options.i: parser.error ('no input file given') |
pad = options.o |
if pad: |
if not os.path.exists (pad): os.mkdir (pad) |
if not os.path.isdir (pad): parser.error ('%s is not a directory' % pad) |
fnmext_list = [] |
for i in args: fnmext_list += glob (i) |
if options.i: fnmext_list = ['stdin.xml'] |
if not fnmext_list: parser.error ('none of the input files exist') |
for X, fnmext in enumerate (fnmext_list): |
fnm, ext = os.path.splitext (fnmext) |
if ext.lower () not in ('.xml','.mxl','.musicxml'): |
info ('skipped input file %s, it should have extension .xml or .mxl' % fnmext) |
continue |
if os.path.isdir (fnmext): |
info ('skipped directory %s. Only files are accepted' % fnmext) |
continue |
if fnmext == 'stdin.xml': |
fobj = sys.stdin |
elif ext.lower () == '.mxl': |
z = ZipFile(fnmext) |
for n in z.namelist(): |
if (n[:4] != 'META') and (n[-4:].lower() == '.xml'): |
fobj = z.open (n) |
break |
else: |
fobj = open (fnmext, 'rb') |
abcOut = ABCoutput (fnm + '.abc', pad, X, options) |
psr = Parser (options) |
try: |
psr.parse (fobj) |
except: |
etype, value, traceback = sys.exc_info () |
info ('** %s occurred: %s in %s' % (etype, value, fnmext), 0) |