history blame
5.22 kB
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
import h5py
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from skimage.util import random_noise
import time
import tensorflow as tf
from model import VGGNet
def query_normal(query_img: np.ndarray):
query_feature = model.extract_feature(query_img, verbose=0)
scores =, features.T)
rank_ID = np.argsort(scores)[::-1]
rank_score = scores[rank_ID]
imlist = [image_ids.astype(str)[index] for i, index in enumerate(rank_ID[0:10])]
return imlist, rank_score[0:10].tolist(), len(scores)
def query_kmeans(query_img: np.ndarray):
query_feature = model.extract_feature(query_img, verbose=0)
cluster = kmeans.predict(query_feature.reshape(1, -1))
cluster = cluster[0]
df = pd.DataFrame({'image_id': image_ids.astype(str), 'cluster_id': kmeans.labels_})
df = df[df['cluster_id'] == cluster]
query = df[df['cluster_id'] == cluster].index
query_feature = model.extract_feature(query_img)
scores =, features[query].T)
rank_ID = np.argsort(scores)[::-1]
rank_score = scores[rank_ID]
imlist = [image_ids.astype(str)[index] for i, index in enumerate(query[rank_ID[0:10]])]
return imlist, rank_score[0:10].tolist(), len(scores), cluster
def query(image, mode, noise, noise_seed, mean, var, amount, salt_vs_pepper):
if image == None or noise_seed == None:
return None, None, None, None, None
query_img = tf.keras.utils.load_img(image, target_size=(model.input_shape[0], model.input_shape[1]))
query_img = tf.keras.utils.img_to_array(query_img).astype(int)
if noise == 'none':
elif noise == 'gaussian' or noise =='speckle':
query_img = random_noise(query_img / 255, mode=noise, rng=int(noise_seed), mean=mean, var=var, clip=True)
query_img = np.array(query_img * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
elif noise == 'localvar':
query_img = random_noise(query_img / 255, mode=noise, rng=int(noise_seed), clip=True)
query_img = np.array(query_img * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
elif noise == 'poisson':
query_img = random_noise(query_img / 255, mode=noise, rng=int(noise_seed), clip=True)
query_img = np.array(query_img * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
elif noise == 'salt' or noise == 'pepper':
query_img = random_noise(query_img / 255, mode=noise, rng=int(noise_seed), amount=amount, clip=True)
query_img = np.array(query_img * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
elif noise == 's&p':
query_img = random_noise(query_img / 255, mode=noise, rng=int(noise_seed), amount=amount, salt_vs_pepper=salt_vs_pepper, clip=True)
query_img = np.array(query_img * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
start = time.time()
if mode == 'normal':
results, scores, length = query_normal(query_img)
elif mode == 'kmeans':
results, scores, length, cluster = query_kmeans(query_img)
end = time.time()
query_time = end - start
query_time = round(query_time * 1000, 2)
return query_img, f'Query time: {query_time} ms', [(result, f'Score: {score}, file: {result}') for result, score in zip(results, scores)], length, f'{cluster}' if mode == 'kmeans' else 'None'
if __name__ == '__main__':
model = VGGNet()
# Load dataset
datasets = h5py.File('features.h5', 'r')
features = datasets['features'][:]
image_ids = datasets['image_ids'][:]
# Load kmeans model
with open('kmeans.pkl', 'rb') as f:
kmeans = pickle.load(f)
# Run web app
iface = gr.Interface(
title='An image search engine based on VGG16',
description='dataset: Error may occur when result showing because i\'d deleted some images in the dataset, please try another image to search.',
gr.Radio(['normal', 'kmeans'], value='normal', info='normal: search all images, kmeans: search images in the same cluster'),
gr.Radio(['none', 'gaussian', 'localvar', 'poisson', 'salt', 'pepper', 's&p', 'speckle'], value='none', info='noise type (default: none)'),
gr.Number(label='random_seed', value=0, info='random seed for noise (default: 0)'),
gr.Slider(label='mean', maximum=1, minimum=0, value=0, info='mean of the noise, works with gaussian and localvar (default: 0)'),
gr.Slider(label='var', maximum=1, minimum=0, value=0.01, info='variance of the noise, works with gaussian and localvar (default: 0.01)'),
gr.Slider(label='amount', maximum=1, minimum=0, value=0.05, info='proportion of image pixels to replace with noise, works with salt, pepper, and s&p (default: 0.05)'),
gr.Slider(label='salt_vs_pepper', maximum=1, minimum=0, value=0.5, info='proportion of s&p noise (default: 0.5)'),
gr.Image(label='query image', type='numpy'),
gr.Label(label='query time'),
gr.Gallery(label='Top 10 similar images').style(columns=[5], rows=[2]),
gr.Label(label='count of images for searching'),
gr.Label(label='cluster id')