Babel / Optimus /code /scripts /scripts_hpc /rr3_wiki_beta.json
rynmurdock's picture
"version": "2019-10-23",
"metadata": {
"name": "train_wikipedia_lvlm_b16_beta",
"cluster": "rr3",
"vc": "msrhyper"
"resources": {
"workers": {
"type": "skuResource",
"sku": "G16",
"count": 1,
"image": "",
"commandLine": "cd /aztextae/code && python examples/big_ae/ --use_philly --num_train_epochs 1.0 --beta 1.0 --dim_target_kl 1.0 --ratio_zero 0.5 --ratio_increase 0.25 --dataset wikipedia --per_gpu_train_batch_size 16 --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 1 --block_size 128 --output_dir /aztextae/output/philly_rr3hyper_g16_vae_wikipedia_pretraining_beta_schedule_beta1.0_d1.0_ro0.5_ra0.25 --encoder_model_type bert --encoder_model_name_or_path /aztextae/data/models/bert-base-cased --decoder_model_type gpt2 --decoder_model_name_or_path /aztextae/data/models/gpt2 --do_train --train_data_file /aztextae/data/datasets/wikipedia_json_64_filtered --overwrite_output_dir --save_steps 20000 --logging_steps 100 --use_beta_schedule",
"constraints": [
"type": "uniqueConstraint",
"tag": "connectivityDomain"
"containerArgs": {
"shmSize": "4G"
"volumes": {
"blob_out": {
"_comment": "This will mount testcontainer in the storage account pavermatest inside the container at path '/blob'. The credentials required for accessing storage account pavermatest are below, in the 'credentials' section.",
"type": "blobfuseVolume",
"storageAccount": "textae",
"containerName": "bigtextae",
"path": "/aztextae",
"options": ["-o", "allow_other"]
"credentials": {
"storageAccounts": {
"textae": {
"_comment": "Credentials for accessing 'pavermatest' storage account. Secrets can be saved with Philly from your Philly profile page at https://philly/#/userView/. With this the secret doesn't have to be maintained in the user's workspace.",
"keyKeyvaultSecretId": ""