import base64 |
import os |
import cv2 |
import re |
import numpy as np |
import httpx |
import asyncio |
from quart import Quart, request, jsonify, render_template |
app = Quart(__name__) |
API_URL = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions" |
API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") |
def preprocess_image(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: |
return cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
def encode_image_to_base64(image: np.ndarray) -> str: |
success, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image) |
if not success: |
raise ValueError("Could not encode image to JPEG format.") |
encoded_image = base64.b64encode(buffer).decode('utf-8') |
return encoded_image |
def compose_payload(image_base64: str, prompt: str) -> dict: |
return { |
"model": "gpt-4-vision-preview", |
"messages": [ |
{ |
"role": "user", |
"content": [ |
{ |
"type": "text", |
"text": ( |
f"You are an expert in analyzing visual content. Please analyze the provided image for the following details:\n" |
f"1. Identify any text present in the image and provide a summary.\n" |
f"2. Describe the main objects and their arrangement.\n" |
f"3. Identify the context of the video frame (e.g., work environment, outdoor scene).\n" |
f"4. Provide any notable observations about lighting, colors, and overall composition.\n" |
f"5. Format using markdown.\n" |
f"Here is the Video Frame still:\n{prompt}" |
) |
}, |
{ |
"type": "image_url", |
"image_url": { |
"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64}" |
} |
} |
] |
} |
], |
"max_tokens": 2300 |
} |
def compose_headers(api_key: str) -> dict: |
return { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}" |
} |
async def prompt_image(image_base64: str, prompt: str, api_key: str) -> str: |
headers = compose_headers(api_key=api_key) |
payload = compose_payload(image_base64=image_base64, prompt=prompt) |
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: |
while True: |
try: |
response = await client.post(API_URL, headers=headers, json=payload, timeout=30.0) |
response.raise_for_status() |
try: |
response_json = response.json() |
except ValueError: |
raise ValueError("Failed to parse response as JSON") |
if 'error' in response_json: |
raise ValueError(response_json['error']['message']) |
return response_json['choices'][0]['message']['content'] |
except httpx.HTTPStatusError as http_err: |
if response.status_code == 429: |
error_message = response.json().get('error', {}).get('message', '') |
wait_time = parse_wait_time(error_message) |
if wait_time: |
print(f"Rate limit exceeded. Waiting for {wait_time} seconds.") |
await asyncio.sleep(wait_time) |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Rate limit exceeded but could not parse wait time from message: {error_message}") |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"HTTP error occurred: {http_err}") |
except httpx.RequestError as req_err: |
raise ValueError(f"Request error occurred: {req_err}") |
except httpx.TimeoutException: |
raise ValueError("Request timed out. Please try again later.") |
def parse_wait_time(error_message: str) -> int: |
match = re.search(r"try again in (\d+m)?(\d+\.\ds)?", error_message) |
if match: |
minutes = match.group(1) |
seconds = match.group(2) |
total_wait_time = 0 |
if minutes: |
total_wait_time += int(minutes[:-1]) * 60 |
if seconds: |
total_wait_time += float(seconds[:-1]) |
return int(total_wait_time) |
return None |
@app.route('/') |
async def index(): |
return await render_template('index.html') |
@app.route('/process_frame', methods=['POST']) |
async def process_frame(): |
data = await request.json |
image_data = data['image'].split(',')[1] |
image = np.frombuffer(base64.b64decode(image_data), dtype=np.uint8) |
image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) |
processed_image = preprocess_image(image) |
image_base64 = encode_image_to_base64(processed_image) |
prompt = data.get('prompt', "Analyze this frame") |
api_key = data.get('api_key') or API_KEY |
if not api_key: |
return jsonify({'response': 'API key is required.'}), 400 |
try: |
response = await prompt_image(image_base64, prompt, api_key) |
except ValueError as e: |
response = str(e) |
return jsonify({'response': response}) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
port = int(os.getenv("PORT", 7860)) |
app.run(host="", port=port, debug=True) |