Nadine Rueegg
initial commit with code and data
# Modified from:
import math
import torch
from kornia.geometry.subpix import dsnt # kornia 0.4.0
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .transforms import transform_preds
__all__ = ['get_preds', 'get_preds_soft', 'calc_dists', 'dist_acc', 'accuracy', 'final_preds_untransformed',
'final_preds', 'AverageMeter']
def get_preds(scores, return_maxval=False):
''' get predictions from score maps in torch Tensor
return type: torch.LongTensor
assert scores.dim() == 4, 'Score maps should be 4-dim'
maxval, idx = torch.max(scores.view(scores.size(0), scores.size(1), -1), 2)
maxval = maxval.view(scores.size(0), scores.size(1), 1)
idx = idx.view(scores.size(0), scores.size(1), 1) + 1
preds = idx.repeat(1, 1, 2).float()
preds[:,:,0] = (preds[:,:,0] - 1) % scores.size(3) + 1
preds[:,:,1] = torch.floor((preds[:,:,1] - 1) / scores.size(3)) + 1
pred_mask =, 1, 2).float() # values > 0
preds *= pred_mask
if return_maxval:
return preds, maxval
return preds
def get_preds_soft(scores, return_maxval=False, norm_coords=False, norm_and_unnorm_coords=False):
''' get predictions from score maps in torch Tensor
predictions are made assuming a logit output map
return type: torch.LongTensor
# New: work on logit predictions
scores_norm = dsnt.spatial_softmax2d(scores, temperature=torch.tensor(1))
# maxval_norm, idx_norm = torch.max(scores_norm.view(scores.size(0), scores.size(1), -1), 2)
# from unnormalized to normalized see:
# from -1to1 to 0to64
# see (line 40)
# xs = (xs / (width - 1) - 0.5) * 2
# ys = (ys / (height - 1) - 0.5) * 2
device = scores.device
if return_maxval:
preds_normalized = dsnt.spatial_expectation2d(scores_norm, normalized_coordinates=True)
# grid_sample(input, grid, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros')
gs_input_single = scores_norm.reshape((-1, 1, scores_norm.shape[2], scores_norm.shape[3])) # (120, 1, 64, 64)
gs_input = scores_norm.reshape((-1, 1, scores_norm.shape[2], scores_norm.shape[3])) # (120, 1, 64, 64)
half_pad = 2
gs_input_single_padded = F.pad(input=gs_input_single, pad=(half_pad, half_pad, half_pad, half_pad, 0, 0, 0, 0), mode='constant', value=0)
gs_input_all = torch.zeros((gs_input_single.shape[0], 9, gs_input_single.shape[2], gs_input_single.shape[3])).to(device)
ind_tot = 0
for ind0 in [-1, 0, 1]:
for ind1 in [-1, 0, 1]:
gs_input_all[:, ind_tot, :, :] = gs_input_single_padded[:, 0, half_pad+ind0:-half_pad+ind0, half_pad+ind1:-half_pad+ind1]
ind_tot +=1
gs_grid = preds_normalized.reshape((-1, 2))[:, None, None, :] # (120, 1, 1, 2)
gs_output_all = F.grid_sample(gs_input_all, gs_grid, mode='nearest', padding_mode='zeros', align_corners=True).reshape((gs_input_all.shape[0], gs_input_all.shape[1], 1))
gs_output = gs_output_all.sum(axis=1)
# scores_norm[0, :, :, :].max(axis=2)[0].max(axis=1)[0]
# gs_output[0, :, 0]
gs_output_resh = gs_output.reshape((scores_norm.shape[0], scores_norm.shape[1], 1))
if norm_and_unnorm_coords:
preds = dsnt.spatial_expectation2d(scores_norm, normalized_coordinates=False) + 1
return preds, preds_normalized, gs_output_resh
elif norm_coords:
return preds_normalized, gs_output_resh
preds = dsnt.spatial_expectation2d(scores_norm, normalized_coordinates=False) + 1
return preds, gs_output_resh
if norm_coords:
preds_normalized = dsnt.spatial_expectation2d(scores_norm, normalized_coordinates=True)
return preds_normalized
preds = dsnt.spatial_expectation2d(scores_norm, normalized_coordinates=False) + 1
return preds
def calc_dists(preds, target, normalize):
preds = preds.float()
target = target.float()
dists = torch.zeros(preds.size(1), preds.size(0))
for n in range(preds.size(0)):
for c in range(preds.size(1)):
if target[n,c,0] > 1 and target[n, c, 1] > 1:
dists[c, n] = torch.dist(preds[n,c,:], target[n,c,:])/normalize[n]
dists[c, n] = -1
return dists
def dist_acc(dist, thr=0.5):
''' Return percentage below threshold while ignoring values with a -1 '''
dist = dist[dist != -1]
if len(dist) > 0:
return 1.0 * (dist < thr).sum().item() / len(dist)
return -1
def accuracy(output, target, idxs=None, thr=0.5):
''' Calculate accuracy according to PCK, but uses ground truth heatmap rather than x,y locations
First value to be returned is average accuracy across 'idxs', followed by individual accuracies
if idxs is None:
idxs = list(range(target.shape[-3]))
preds = get_preds_soft(output) # get_preds(output)
gts = get_preds(target)
norm = torch.ones(preds.size(0))*output.size(3)/10
dists = calc_dists(preds, gts, norm)
acc = torch.zeros(len(idxs)+1)
avg_acc = 0
cnt = 0
for i in range(len(idxs)):
acc[i+1] = dist_acc(dists[idxs[i]], thr=thr)
if acc[i+1] >= 0:
avg_acc = avg_acc + acc[i+1]
cnt += 1
if cnt != 0:
acc[0] = avg_acc / cnt
return acc
def final_preds_untransformed(output, res):
coords = get_preds_soft(output) # get_preds(output) # float type
# pose-processing
for n in range(coords.size(0)):
for p in range(coords.size(1)):
hm = output[n][p]
px = int(math.floor(coords[n][p][0]))
py = int(math.floor(coords[n][p][1]))
if px > 1 and px < res[0] and py > 1 and py < res[1]:
diff = torch.Tensor([hm[py - 1][px] - hm[py - 1][px - 2], hm[py][px - 1]-hm[py - 2][px - 1]])
coords[n][p] += diff.sign() * .25
coords += 0.5
if coords.dim() < 3:
coords = coords.unsqueeze(0)
coords -= 1 # Convert from 1-based to 0-based coordinates
return coords
def final_preds(output, center, scale, res):
coords = final_preds_untransformed(output, res)
preds = coords.clone()
# Transform back
for i in range(coords.size(0)):
preds[i] = transform_preds(coords[i], center[i], scale[i], res)
if preds.dim() < 3:
preds = preds.unsqueeze(0)
return preds
class AverageMeter(object):
"""Computes and stores the average and current value"""
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.val = 0
self.avg = 0
self.sum = 0
self.count = 0
def update(self, val, n=1):
self.val = val
self.sum += val * n
self.count += n
self.avg = self.sum / self.count