Yurii Paniv
Add tests for formatter
history blame
4.12 kB
from io import BytesIO
import requests
from os.path import exists, join
from TTS.utils.synthesizer import Synthesizer
from enum import Enum
from .formatter import preprocess_text
from .stress import sentence_to_stress, stress_dict, stress_with_model
from torch import no_grad
class Voices(Enum):
"""List of available voices for the model."""
Olena = "olena"
Mykyta = "mykyta"
Lada = "lada"
Dmytro = "dmytro"
Olga = "olga"
class Stress(Enum):
"""Options how to stress sentence.
- `dictionary` - performs lookup in dictionary, taking into account grammatical case of a word and its' neighbors
- `model` - stress using transformer model"""
Dictionary = "dictionary"
Model = "model"
class TTS:
def __init__(self, cache_folder=None, use_cuda=False) -> None:
Class to setup a text-to-speech engine, from download to model creation. \n
Downloads or uses files from `cache_folder` directory. \n
By default stores in current directory."""
self.__setup_cache(cache_folder, use_cuda=use_cuda)
def tts(self, text: str, voice: str, stress: str, output_fp=BytesIO()):
Run a Text-to-Speech engine and output to `output_fp` BytesIO-like object.
- `text` - your model input text.
- `voice` - one of predefined voices from `Voices` enum.
- `stress` - stress method options, predefined in `Stress` enum.
- `output_fp` - file-like object output. Stores in RAM by default.
if stress not in [option.value for option in Stress]:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for stress option selected! Please use one of the following values: {', '.join([option.value for option in Stress])}.")
if stress == Stress.Model.value:
stress = True
stress = False
if voice not in [option.value for option in Voices]:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for voice selected! Please use one of the following values: {', '.join([option.value for option in Voices])}.")
text = preprocess_text(text, stress)
text = sentence_to_stress(text, stress_with_model if stress else stress_dict)
with no_grad():
wavs = self.synthesizer.tts(text, speaker_name=voice)
self.synthesizer.save_wav(wavs, output_fp)
return output_fp, text
def __setup_cache(self, cache_folder=None, use_cuda=False):
"""Downloads models and stores them into `cache_folder`. By default stores in current directory."""
print("downloading uk/mykyta/vits-tts")
release_number = "v3.0.0"
model_link = f"https://github.com/robinhad/ukrainian-tts/releases/download/{release_number}/model-inference.pth"
config_link = f"https://github.com/robinhad/ukrainian-tts/releases/download/{release_number}/config.json"
speakers_link = f"https://github.com/robinhad/ukrainian-tts/releases/download/{release_number}/speakers.pth"
if cache_folder is None:
cache_folder = "."
model_path = join(cache_folder, "model.pth")
config_path = join(cache_folder, "config.json")
speakers_path = join(cache_folder, "speakers.pth")
self.__download(model_link, model_path)
self.__download(config_link, config_path)
self.__download(speakers_link, speakers_path)
self.synthesizer = Synthesizer(
if self.synthesizer is None:
raise NameError("Model not found")
def __download(self, url, file_name):
"""Downloads file from `url` into local `file_name` file."""
if not exists(file_name):
print(f"Downloading {file_name}")
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
with open(file_name, "wb") as file:
print(f"Found {file_name}. Skipping download...")