Yurii Paniv
Get stressifier back
7a439aa unverified
from typing import List
from ukrainian_word_stress import Stressifier, StressSymbol
import ukrainian_accentor as accentor
stressify = Stressifier(stress_symbol=StressSymbol.CombiningAcuteAccent)
vowels = "аеєиіїоуюя"
consonants = "бвгґджзйклмнпрстфхцчшщь"
special = "'-"
alphabet = vowels + consonants + special + "+"
def _shift_stress(stressed, symboll_to_shift="+"):
new_stressed = ""
start = 0
last = 0
# shift stress symbol by one "при+віт" -> "пр+ивіт"
while True:
plus_position = stressed.find(symboll_to_shift, start)
if plus_position != -1:
new_stressed += (
stressed[last : plus_position - 1]
+ symboll_to_shift
+ stressed[plus_position - 1]
start = plus_position + 1
last = start
new_stressed += stressed[last:]
return new_stressed
def stress_with_model(text: str):
text = text.lower()
result = accentor.process(text, mode="plus")
return result
def stress_dict(sentence: str):
stressed = stressify(sentence.replace("+", "")).replace(
StressSymbol.CombiningAcuteAccent, "+"
return _shift_stress(stressed)
def sentence_to_stress(sentence: str, stress_function=stress_dict) -> str:
# replace acute accent with plus
sentence = _shift_stress(sentence, "́")
sentence = sentence.replace("́", "+")
# save custom stress positions
all_stresses = []
orig_words = sentence.split(" ")
for i in range(0, len(orig_words)):
if "+" in orig_words[i]:
# add stress before vowel
new_stressed = stress_function(sentence)
# stress single vowel words
new_list = []
# if letter is not in alphabet, then consider it an end of the word
previous = 0
for i, letter in enumerate(new_stressed):
if letter.lower() not in alphabet:
if previous == i:
previous = i + 1
# add remainder
if previous != len(new_stressed):
# add stress to single-vowel words
for word_index in range(0, len(new_list)):
element: str = new_list[word_index]
vowels_in_words = list(map(lambda letter: letter in vowels, element.lower()))
if "+" in element:
if element.count("+") > 1:
first = element.find("+")
new_list[word_index] = new_list[word_index][: first + 1] + new_list[
][first + 1 :].replace("+", "")
if vowels_in_words.count(True) == 0:
elif vowels_in_words.count(True) == 1:
vowel_index = vowels_in_words.index(True)
new_list[word_index] = element[0:vowel_index] + "+" + element[vowel_index::]
elif vowels_in_words.count(True) > 1:
new_list[word_index] = stress_with_model(element)
new_stressed = "".join(new_list)
# replace already stressed words
if len(all_stresses) > 0:
words = new_stressed.split(" ")
for stressed in all_stresses:
words[stressed] = orig_words[stressed]
return " ".join(words)
return new_stressed