rkrstacic's picture
Update app.py
import streamlit as st
from api_call_module import get_answer
processes = ["Praksa", "Izrada završnog rada"]
answers_key = "answers"
# Session init
if answers_key not in st.session_state:
st.session_state[answers_key] = []
# Save the answer to session
def save_answer(answer: str) -> None:
# Clears the session
def clear_session() -> None:
st.session_state[answers_key] = []
# Submits the query and saves the answer
def submit_query() -> None:
if query == "":
ans = get_answer(query, process)
save_answer("A: " + ans)
save_answer("Q: " + query)
save_answer("**Question {}**")
# Sidebar
with st.sidebar:
st.title("Set up your chatbot!")
process = st.selectbox("Select a process", processes)
st.caption("You can find this chatbot implementation [here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/rkrstacic/"
# Main
st.title("Welcome to the process answering chatbot!")
query = st.text_input("Ask me a question", placeholder="e.g. Koliko traje proces prakse?")
# Buttons
col1, col2 = st.columns([6, 1])
col1.button("Send", on_click=submit_query)
col2.button("Clear chat", on_click=clear_session)
# Chat history
with st.expander("Chat History", expanded=True):
for index, ans in enumerate(st.session_state[answers_key][::-1]):
st.write(ans if index % 4 != 1 else ans.format((len(st.session_state[answers_key]) - index) // 4 + 1))