Fastag_Fraud_Detection / FastagFraudDetectionProject.R
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############################### R Project #################################
######################### Fastag Fraud Detection ###########################
## 1) Descriptive analysis
## 2) Data Preprocessing
## 3) Data Visualization
## 4) Model Development
## 5) Create Model Pipeline
## 6) Model Deployment
## 1) Descriptive analysis
# Let's load dataset
df <- read.csv('FastagFraudDetection.csv')
# Let's look at first 5 row
# Let's look at dataframe with view
# Let's look at dataframe info
# Let's look at summary of dataframe
# Dimensions (rows and columns)
# Let's look at column names
# Let's look at target column
# Let's look at vehicle columns
df[, c("Vehicle_Dimensions", "Vehicle_Speed",'Vehicle_Plate_Number','Vehicle_Type')]
# For select a first row
df[1, ]
# For select first three rows
# Let's filter rows where vehicle type is bus
head(df[df$Vehicle_Type == "Bus ", ],n = 2)
# Let's use subset function
nrow(subset(df, Transaction_Amount > 300))
# Let's look at count of null values over each columns
null_counts <- colSums(
# Okey, missing data is not in dataframe :)
## 2) Data Preprocessing
# Let's divide timestamp column to time and date
df[['Date','Time']] <- df$Timestamp.split()
# Load necessary libraries
# Let's check for rows with infinite values
rows_with_inf <- apply(df, 1, function(row) any(is.infinite(row)))
View(df[rows_with_inf, ])
# Let's split Timestamp into Date and Time
df <- df %>%
separate(Timestamp, into = c("Date", "Time"), sep = " ") #-- Okey, Great
# Let's do great only first letter of words of vehicle type
df$Vehicle_Type <- str_to_title(df$Vehicle_Type)
# Let's remove fastag id
df <- df[, !colnames(df) %in% c('FastagID')]
# Let's group transaction amount and amount paid column
group <- function(x) {
ifelse(x < 100, '<100',
ifelse(x < 200, '100-200',
ifelse(x < 300, '200-300', '300+')))
# Create a new column with transaction amount groups
df$Transaction_Amount_Group <- group(df$Transaction_Amount)
# Let's define the amount paid groups
cut_points <- c(0, 100, 200, 300, Inf)
group_names <- c('<100', '100-200', '200-300', '300+')
# Let's create a new column with amount paid groups
df$Amount_Paid_Group <- cut(df$Amount_paid, breaks = cut_points, labels = group_names, include.lowest = TRUE)
# Let's define the vehicle speed groups
cut_points <- c(0, 30, 60, 80 , 100 , Inf)
group_names <- c('<30', '30-60', '60-80', '80-100','100+')
# Let's create a new column with transaction amount groups
df$Vehicle_Speed_Group <- cut(df$Vehicle_Speed, breaks = cut_points, labels = group_names, include.lowest = TRUE)
# Let's find ratio transaction amount and amount paid
divide <- function(x) {
ifelse( | x == 0,
round(df$Amount_paid / x, digits = 3)
df$Transaction_Amount_Ratio <- divide(df$Transaction_Amount)
# Let's seperate Geographical_Location column to long and lat
df <- df %>%
separate(Geographical_Location, into = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), sep = " ")
# Let's define fraud column as numeric for calculate process
df$Fraud_Number <- ifelse(df$Fraud_indicator == 'Fraud', 1, 0)
# Let's look at columns
# Let's add new columns whether weekend or weekday
df$Date <- as.Date(df$Date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
df$weekend <- ifelse(weekdays(df$Date) %in% c("Saturday", "Sunday"), 1, 0)
# Let's create column and add day of week
df$weekdays <- weekdays(df$Date)
# Let's create pm and am clock
df$Time1 <- as.POSIXct(df$Time, format = "%H:%M")
df$clock <- ifelse(hour(df$Time) >= 12 & hour(df$Time) < 24, 1, 0)
df <- df[, !colnames(df) %in% c("Time1")]
## 3) Data Visualization
# • Scatter Plot
plot(df$Transaction_Amount, df$Vehicle_Speed, main = "Transaction Amount & Vehicle Speed", xlab = "Amount", ylab = "Speed", col = "darkgreen", pch = 1, cex = 1.2, font.main = 9)
# • Histogram
hist(df$Amount_paid, main = "Amount Paid Group", xlab = "Groups", ylab = "Frequency", col = "green", border = "blue", font.main = 3)
# • Bar Plot
barplot(table(df$Vehicle_Type), main = "Frequency of Vehicle Types", xlab = "Vehicle Type", ylab = "Frequency", col = "blue")
text(x = 1:length(counts), y = counts + 11, labels = counts, pos = 3, cex = 0.9, col = "black", xpd = TRUE)
# • Bar Plot
lane_type_avg <- aggregate(Fraud_Number ~ Lane_Type, data = df, mean)
barplot(lane_type_avg$Fraud_Number, main = "Frequency of Fraud by Lane Type", xlab = "Lane Type",ylab = "Frequency", col = "blue", names.arg = lane_type_avg$Lane_Type)
# • Box Plot
boxplot(df$Transaction_Amount, df$Amount_paid, names = c("Transaction Amount", "Amount Paid"), main = "Transaction Amount & Amount Paid", col = c("blue", "green"), border = "black", font.main = 3)
boxplot(df$Vehicle_Speed, names = c("Speed"), main = "Vehicle Speed", col = c("green"), border = "black", font.main = 3)
boxplot(df$Transaction_Amount_Ratio, names = c("Ratio"), main = "Transaction Amount Ratio", col = c("red"), border = "blue", font.main = 3)
# • Pie Chart
pie(table(df$Transaction_Amount_Group), labels = levels(factor(df$Transaction_Amount_Group)) , main = "Transaction Amount Group", col = rainbow(length(levels(factor(df$Transaction_Amount_Group)))), border = "darkred", font.main = 4)
# • Pie Chart
pie3D(table(df$Transaction_Amount_Group), labels = levels(factor(df$Transaction_Amount_Group)) , main = "Transaction Amount Group", col = rainbow(length(levels(factor(df$Transaction_Amount_Group)))), border = "darkred", font.main = 4)
# • Line Plot
df$Date <- as.Date(df$Date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
daily_sum <- aggregate(Transaction_Amount ~ Date, data = df, sum)
plot(daily_sum$Date, daily_sum$Transaction_Amount, type = "l",
main = "Daily Sum of Transaction Amount",
xlab = "Date", ylab = "Sum of Transaction Amount",
col = "red", lwd = 2, font.main = 2)
# Let's extract analyze by month
df$MonthName <- format(df$Date, "%B")
monthly_avg <- aggregate(Transaction_Amount ~ MonthName, data = df, mean)
monthly_avg$MonthName <- factor(monthly_avg$MonthName,
levels = c("Yanvar", "Fevral", "Mart", "Aprel", "May", "İyun",
"İyul", "Avqust", "Sentyabr", "Oktyabr", "Noyabr", "Dekabr"),
ordered = TRUE)
plot(monthly_avg$MonthName, monthly_avg$Transaction_Amount, type = "l",
main = "Daily Sum of Transaction Amount",
xlab = "Date", ylab = "Sum of Transaction Amount",
col = "red", lwd = 2, font.main = 2)
# • Scatter with ggplot2 Plot
ggplot(df, aes(x = df$Transaction_ID, y = df$Transaction_Amount)) +
geom_point(color = "blue", size = 3) +
labs(title = "Transaction Id & Amount", x = "Transaction Id", y = "Amount") +
# • Bar plot with ggplot2
vehicle_type_avg <- aggregate(Amount_paid ~ Vehicle_Type, data = df, mean)
ggplot(vehicle_type_avg, aes(x = Vehicle_Type, y = Amount_paid)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "orange", color = "black") +
labs(title = "Average Amount Paid by Vehicle Type", x = "Vehicle Type", y = "Average Amount Paid") +
# Let's find transaction counts by longitude and latitude
transaction_counts <- aggregate(Transaction_ID ~ Longitude + Latitude, data = df, FUN = length)
# Plot the map
world <- map_data("world")
transaction_counts$Longitude <- as.numeric(as.character(transaction_counts$Longitude))
transaction_counts$Latitude <- as.numeric(as.character(transaction_counts$Latitude))
# Plot the map
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(data = world, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), fill = "lightgray", color = "black") +
geom_point(data = transaction_counts, aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, size = Transaction_ID), color = "red") +
labs(title = "Transaction Count by Location", x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude", size = "Transaction Count") +
## 4) Model Development
# Let's analyze needs : Analyzing Fastag fraud involves identifying
# patterns and trends in fraudulent transactions to enhance system
# security and user trust. By leveraging data analytics and machine
# learning, businesses can predict and prevent future fraudulent activities.
# This proactive approach helps mitigate financial losses and ensures
# the integrity of the Fastag system. Ultimately, maintaining a secure
# and reliable Fastag system promotes user satisfaction and supports
# efficient toll collection.
# Let's remove unnecessary columns from dataframe
df <- df[, !colnames(df) %in% c("Time","Fraud_indicator","Date","Longitude","Latitude","Vehicle_Plate_Number","Transaction_ID")]
# df <- df[,!colnames(df) %in% c('weekend',"weekdayscümə axşamı",'weekdaysçərşənbə axşamı','weekdaysşənbə')]
# Let's dummy some columns
cols_to_dummy <- c("Vehicle_Type", "Lane_Type", "TollBoothID", "Vehicle_Dimensions",
"Transaction_Amount_Group", "Amount_Paid_Group", "Vehicle_Speed_Group", "weekdays")
# Creating dummy variables
df_dummies <- df %>%
select(all_of(cols_to_dummy)) %>%
model.matrix(~ . - 1, data = .) %>%
# Combining the dummies with the original dataframe excluding the original columns
df <- bind_cols(df %>% select(-all_of(cols_to_dummy)), df_dummies)
# install.packages("randomForest")
# Split the data into training and testing sets
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(df$Fraud_Number, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
trainData <- df[trainIndex,]
testData <- df[-trainIndex,]
# Separate inputs and target for training
trainInput <- trainData[, !colnames(trainData) %in% c('Fraud_Number')]
trainTarget <- trainData$Fraud_Number
# Train the random forest model
rf_model <- randomForest(trainInput, trainTarget, ntree = 100, mtry = 3, importance = TRUE)
# Predict on the test set
testInput <- testData[, !colnames(testData) %in% c('Fraud_Number')]
testTarget <- testData$Fraud_Number
predictions <- predict(rf_model, testInput)
binary_predictions <- ifelse(predictions >= 0.5, 1, 0)
# Evaluate model performance
binary_predictions <- factor(binary_predictions, levels = c(0, 1))
testTarget <- factor(testTarget, levels = c(0, 1))
# Create the confusion matrix
conf_matrix <- confusionMatrix(binary_predictions, testTarget)
# Variable importance
# Let's remove non important columns
df <- df[,!colnames(df) %in% c('weekend',"weekdayscümə axşamı",'weekdaysçərşənbə axşamı','weekdaysşənbə')]
# --Let's again create model
# Let's predict new_value
new_data <- testInput[1,]
predictions <- predict(rf_model, new_data)
binary_predictions <- ifelse(predictions >= 0.5, 1, 0) # -------------------
# install.packages("pROC")
# install.packages("ggplot2")
# library(pROC)
# library(ggplot2)
# Let's calculate the ROC curve and AUC
roc_obj <- roc(testData$Fraud_Number, predictions)
auc_value <- auc(roc_obj)
roc_df <- data.frame(
tpr = roc_obj$sensitivities,
fpr = 1 - roc_obj$specificities,
thresholds = roc_obj$thresholds
ggplot(roc_df, aes(x = fpr, y = tpr)) +
geom_line(color = "blue") +
geom_abline(linetype = "dashed", color = "red") +
labs(title = paste("ROC Curve (AUC =", round(auc_value, 3), ")"),
x = "False Positive Rate",
y = "True Positive Rate") +
theme_minimal() # Great ✅
## 5) Create Model Pipeline
# Function 1:
# Let's create model deployment function
data_preprocessing_function <- function(df){
df <- separate(df, Timestamp, into = c("Date", "Time"), sep = " ")
df$Vehicle_Type <- str_to_title(df$Vehicle_Type)
df <- df[, !colnames(df) %in% c('FastagID')]
group <- function(x) {
ifelse(x < 100, '<100',
ifelse(x < 200, '100-200',
ifelse(x < 300, '200-300', '300+')))
df$Transaction_Amount_Group <- group(df$Transaction_Amount)
cut_points <- c(0, 100, 200, 300, Inf)
group_names <- c('<100', '100-200', '200-300', '300+')
# Let's create a new column with amount paid groups
df$Amount_Paid_Group <- cut(df$Amount_paid, breaks = cut_points, labels = group_names, include.lowest = TRUE)
cut_points <- c(0, 100, 200, 300, Inf)
group_names <- c('<100', '100-200', '200-300', '300+')
df$Vehicle_Speed_Group <- cut(df$Vehicle_Speed, breaks = cut_points, labels = group_names, include.lowest = TRUE)
divide <- function(x) {
ifelse( | x == 0,
round(df$Amount_paid / x, digits = 3)
df$Transaction_Amount_Ratio <- divide(df$Transaction_Amount)
df <- separate(df, Geographical_Location, into = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), sep = " ")
df$Fraud_Number <- ifelse(df$Fraud_indicator == 'Fraud', 1, 0)
df$Date <- as.Date(df$Date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
df$weekend <- ifelse(weekdays(df$Date) %in% c("Saturday", "Sunday"), 1, 0)
df$weekdays <- weekdays(df$Date)
df$Time <- as.POSIXct(df$Time, format = "%H:%M")
df$clock <- ifelse(hour(df$Time) >= 12 & hour(df$Time) < 24, 1, 0)
df <- df[, !colnames(df) %in% c("Time1")]
# Function 2:
# Let's create model deployment function
model_deployment_function <- function(df, model_file){
df <- df[, !colnames(df) %in% c("Time","Fraud_indicator","Date","Longitude","Latitude","Vehicle_Plate_Number","Transaction_ID",'weekend',"weekdayscümə axşamı",'weekdaysçərşənbə axşamı','weekdaysşənbə')]
cols_to_dummy <- c("Vehicle_Type", "Lane_Type", "TollBoothID", "Vehicle_Dimensions",
"Transaction_Amount_Group", "Amount_Paid_Group", "Vehicle_Speed_Group", "weekdays")
df_dummies <- df %>%
select(all_of(cols_to_dummy)) %>%
model.matrix(~ . - 1, data = .) %>%
df <- bind_cols(df %>% select(-all_of(cols_to_dummy)), df_dummies)
df_main <<- df
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(df$Fraud_Number, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
trainData <- df[trainIndex,]
testData <- df[-trainIndex,]
trainInput <- trainData[, !colnames(trainData) %in% c('Fraud_Number')]
trainTarget <- trainData$Fraud_Number
rf_model <- randomForest(trainInput, trainTarget, ntree = 100, mtry = 3, importance = TRUE)
testInput <- testData[, !colnames(testData) %in% c('Fraud_Number')]
testTarget <- testData$Fraud_Number
predictions <- predict(rf_model, testInput)
binary_predictions <- ifelse(predictions >= 0.5, 1, 0)
# Let's evaluate model
binary_predictions <- factor(binary_predictions, levels = c(0, 1))
testTarget <- factor(testTarget, levels = c(0, 1))
conf_matrix <- confusionMatrix(binary_predictions, testTarget)
# Save the model
saveRDS(rf_model, model_file)
# Let's applying the model_function to the dataframe
df_processed <- data_preprocessing_function(df)
# Let's create model and save model file as rds
model_file <- "C:/Users/HP/OneDrive/İş masası/R Programming/rf_model.rds"
processed_df <- model_deployment_function(df_processed, model_file)
## 6) Model Deployment
# Load the saved random forest model
load_model_function <- function(model_file) {
rf_model <- readRDS(model_file)
# Function to make predictions using the loaded model
predict_with_model <- function(rf_model, new_data) {
# Preprocess new data
new_data <- separate(new_data, Timestamp, into = c("Date", "Time"), sep = " ")
new_data$Vehicle_Type <- str_to_title(new_data$Vehicle_Type)
new_data <- new_data[, !colnames(new_data) %in% c('FastagID')]
group <- function(x) {
ifelse(x < 100, '<100',
ifelse(x < 200, '100-200',
ifelse(x < 300, '200-300', '300+')))
new_data$Transaction_Amount_Group <- group(new_data$Transaction_Amount)
cut_points <- c(0, 100, 200, 300, Inf)
group_names <- c('<100', '100-200', '200-300', '300+')
new_data$Amount_Paid_Group <- cut(new_data$Amount_paid, breaks = cut_points, labels = group_names, include.lowest = TRUE)
new_data$Vehicle_Speed_Group <- cut(new_data$Vehicle_Speed, breaks = cut_points, labels = group_names, include.lowest = TRUE)
divide <- function(x) {
ifelse( | x == 0, 0, round(new_data$Amount_paid / x, digits = 3))
new_data$Transaction_Amount_Ratio <- divide(new_data$Transaction_Amount)
new_data <- separate(new_data, Geographical_Location, into = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), sep = " ")
new_data$Date <- as.Date(new_data$Date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
new_data$weekend <- ifelse(weekdays(new_data$Date) %in% c("Saturday", "Sunday"), 1, 0)
new_data$weekdays <- weekdays(new_data$Date)
new_data$Time <- as.POSIXct(new_data$Time, format = "%H:%M")
new_data$clock <- ifelse(hour(new_data$Time) >= 12 & hour(new_data$Time) < 24, 1, 0)
new_data <- new_data[, !colnames(new_data) %in% c("Time1", "Time", "Fraud_indicator", "Date", "Longitude", "Latitude", "Vehicle_Plate_Number", "Transaction_ID", "weekend", "weekdayscümə axşamı", "weekdaysçərşənbə axşamı", "weekdaysşənbə")]
cols_to_dummy <- c("Vehicle_Type", "Lane_Type", "TollBoothID", "Vehicle_Dimensions", "Transaction_Amount_Group", "Amount_Paid_Group", "Vehicle_Speed_Group", "weekdays")
# Ensure each categorical variable has at least two levels
for (col in cols_to_dummy) {
if (length(unique(new_data[[col]])) < 2) {
new_data[[col]] <- factor(new_data[[col]], levels = c(unique(new_data[[col]]), "dummy_level"))
new_data_dummies <- new_data %>%
select(all_of(cols_to_dummy)) %>%
model.matrix(~ . - 1, data = .) %>%
new_data <- bind_cols(new_data %>% select(-all_of(cols_to_dummy)), new_data_dummies)
# List of columns to be checked and added if not present
cols_to_add <- c(
"Transaction_Amount", "Amount_paid", "Vehicle_Speed", "Transaction_Amount_Ratio",
"clock", "Vehicle_TypeBus ", "Vehicle_TypeCar", "Vehicle_TypeMotorcycle",
"Vehicle_TypeSedan", "Vehicle_TypeSuv", "Vehicle_TypeTruck", "Vehicle_TypeVan",
"Lane_TypeRegular", "TollBoothIDB-102", "TollBoothIDC-103", "TollBoothIDD-104",
"TollBoothIDD-105", "TollBoothIDD-106", "Vehicle_DimensionsMedium",
"Vehicle_DimensionsSmall", "Transaction_Amount_Group100-200",
"Transaction_Amount_Group200-300", "Transaction_Amount_Group300+",
"Amount_Paid_Group100-200", "Amount_Paid_Group200-300", "Amount_Paid_Group300+",
"Vehicle_Speed_Group100-200", "Vehicle_Speed_Group200-300", "Vehicle_Speed_Group300+",
"weekdaysbazar ertəsi", "weekdayscümə", "weekdaysçərşənbə"
# Add missing columns with value 0
missing_cols <- setdiff(cols_to_add, colnames(new_data))
if (length(missing_cols) > 0) {
new_data[, missing_cols] <- 0
# Select input features
new_input <- new_data[, cols_to_add]
# Make predictions
predictions <- predict(rf_model, new_input)
binary_predictions <- ifelse(predictions >= 0.5, 1, 0)
# Example usage:
model_file <- "C:/Users/HP/OneDrive/İş masası/R Programming/rf_model.rds"
rf_model <- load_model_function(model_file)
# Example new data
new_data <- data.frame(
Transaction_ID = 1,
Timestamp = c("1/6/2023 11:20"),
Vehicle_Type = c("Car"),
FastagID = c("12345"),
TollBoothID = c("A-101"),
Lane_Type = c("Express"),
Vehicle_Dimensions = c("Medium"),
Transaction_Amount = c(150),
Amount_paid = c(110),
Geographical_Location = c("34.0522118, 40.7128"),
Vehicle_Speed = c(60),
Vehicle_Plate_Number = c("ABC123")
# Make predictions
predictions <- predict_with_model(rf_model, new_data)