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import os
os.system("git clone --recursive https://github.com/JD-P/cloob-latent-diffusion")
os.system("cd cloob-latent-diffusion;pip install omegaconf pillow pytorch-lightning einops wandb ftfy regex ./CLIP")
import argparse
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from PIL import Image
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torchvision import transforms
from torchvision.transforms import functional as TF
from tqdm import trange
from CLIP import clip
from cloob_training import model_pt, pretrained
import ldm.models.autoencoder
from diffusion import sampling, utils
import train_latent_diffusion as train
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_url, cached_download
import random
# Download the model files
checkpoint = cached_download(hf_hub_url("huggan/distill-ccld-wa", filename="model_student.ckpt"))
ae_model_path = cached_download(hf_hub_url("huggan/ccld_wa", filename="ae_model.ckpt"))
ae_config_path = cached_download(hf_hub_url("huggan/ccld_wa", filename="ae_model.yaml"))
# Define a few utility functions
def parse_prompt(prompt, default_weight=3.):
if prompt.startswith('http://') or prompt.startswith('https://'):
vals = prompt.rsplit(':', 2)
vals = [vals[0] + ':' + vals[1], *vals[2:]]
vals = prompt.rsplit(':', 1)
vals = vals + ['', default_weight][len(vals):]
return vals[0], float(vals[1])
def resize_and_center_crop(image, size):
fac = max(size[0] / image.size[0], size[1] / image.size[1])
image = image.resize((int(fac * image.size[0]), int(fac * image.size[1])), Image.LANCZOS)
return TF.center_crop(image, size[::-1])
# Load the models
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
print('Using device:', device)
print('loading models')
# autoencoder
ae_config = OmegaConf.load(ae_config_path)
ae_model = ldm.models.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL(**ae_config.model.params)
n_ch, side_y, side_x = 4, 32, 32
# diffusion model
model = train.DiffusionModel(192, [1,1,2,2], autoencoder_scale=torch.tensor(4.3084))
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint, map_location='cpu'))
model = model.to(device).eval().requires_grad_(False)
cloob_config = pretrained.get_config('cloob_laion_400m_vit_b_16_16_epochs')
cloob = model_pt.get_pt_model(cloob_config)
checkpoint = pretrained.download_checkpoint(cloob_config)
cloob.load_state_dict(model_pt.get_pt_params(cloob_config, checkpoint))
# The key function: returns a list of n PIL images
def generate(n=1, prompts=['a red circle'], images=[], seed=42, steps=15,
method='plms', eta=None):
zero_embed = torch.zeros([1, cloob.config['d_embed']], device=device)
target_embeds, weights = [zero_embed], []
for prompt in prompts:
txt, weight = parse_prompt(prompt)
for prompt in images:
path, weight = parse_prompt(prompt)
img = Image.open(utils.fetch(path)).convert('RGB')
clip_size = cloob.config['image_encoder']['image_size']
img = resize_and_center_crop(img, (clip_size, clip_size))
batch = TF.to_tensor(img)[None].to(device)
embed = F.normalize(cloob.image_encoder(cloob.normalize(batch)).float(), dim=-1)
weights = torch.tensor([1 - sum(weights), *weights], device=device)
def cfg_model_fn(x, t):
n = x.shape[0]
n_conds = len(target_embeds)
x_in = x.repeat([n_conds, 1, 1, 1])
t_in = t.repeat([n_conds])
clip_embed_in = torch.cat([*target_embeds]).repeat_interleave(n, 0)
vs = model(x_in, t_in, clip_embed_in).view([n_conds, n, *x.shape[1:]])
v = vs.mul(weights[:, None, None, None, None]).sum(0)
return v
def run(x, steps):
if method == 'ddpm':
return sampling.sample(cfg_model_fn, x, steps, 1., {})
if method == 'ddim':
return sampling.sample(cfg_model_fn, x, steps, eta, {})
if method == 'prk':
return sampling.prk_sample(cfg_model_fn, x, steps, {})
if method == 'plms':
return sampling.plms_sample(cfg_model_fn, x, steps, {})
if method == 'pie':
return sampling.pie_sample(cfg_model_fn, x, steps, {})
if method == 'plms2':
return sampling.plms2_sample(cfg_model_fn, x, steps, {})
assert False
batch_size = n
x = torch.randn([n, n_ch, side_y, side_x], device=device)
t = torch.linspace(1, 0, steps + 1, device=device)[:-1]
steps = utils.get_spliced_ddpm_cosine_schedule(t)
pil_ims = []
for i in trange(0, n, batch_size):
cur_batch_size = min(n - i, batch_size)
out_latents = run(x[i:i+cur_batch_size], steps)
outs = ae_model.decode(out_latents * torch.tensor(2.55).to(device))
for j, out in enumerate(outs):
return pil_ims
import gradio as gr
def gen_ims(prompt, im_prompt=None, seed=None, n_steps=10, method='plms'):
if seed == None :
seed = random.randint(0, 10000)
print( prompt, im_prompt, seed, n_steps)
prompts = [prompt]
im_prompts = []
if im_prompt != None:
im_prompts = [im_prompt]
pil_ims = generate(n=1, prompts=prompts, images=im_prompts, seed=seed, steps=n_steps, method=method)
return pil_ims[0]
iface = gr.Interface(fn=gen_ims,
inputs=[#gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=1, step=1, default=1,label="Number of images"),
#gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=200, step=1, label='Random seed', default=0),
gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Text prompt"),
gr.inputs.Image(optional=True, label="Image prompt", type='filepath'),
#gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=10, maximum=35, step=1, default=15,label="Number of steps")
outputs=[gr.outputs.Image(type="pil", label="Generated Image")],
["Futurism, in the style of Wassily Kandinsky"],
["Art Nouveau, in the style of John Singer Sargent"],
["Surrealism, in the style of Edgar Degas"],
["Expressionism, in the style of Wassily Kandinsky"],
["Futurism, in the style of Egon Schiele"],
["Neoclassicism, in the style of Gustav Klimt"],
["Cubism, in the style of Gustav Klimt"],
["Op Art, in the style of Marc Chagall"],
["Romanticism, in the style of M.C. Escher"],
["Futurism, in the style of M.C. Escher"],
["Abstract Art, in the style of M.C. Escher"],
["Mannerism, in the style of Paul Klee"],
["Romanesque Art, in the style of Leonardo da Vinci"],
["High Renaissance, in the style of Rembrandt"],
["Magic Realism, in the style of Gustave Dore"],
["Realism, in the style of Jean-Michel Basquiat"],
["Art Nouveau, in the style of Paul Gauguin"],
["Avant-garde, in the style of Pierre-Auguste Renoir"],
["Baroque, in the style of Edward Hopper"],
["Post-Impressionism, in the style of Wassily Kandinsky"],
["Naturalism, in the style of Rene Magritte"],
["Constructivism, in the style of Paul Cezanne"],
["Abstract Expressionism, in the style of Henri Matisse"],
["Pop Art, in the style of Vincent van Gogh"],
["Futurism, in the style of Wassily Kandinsky"],
["Futurism, in the style of Zdzislaw Beksinski"],
['Surrealism, in the style of Salvador Dali'],
["Aaron Wacker, oil on canvas"],
["genre painting"],
["still life"],
["history painting"],
["animal painting"],
["symbolic painting"],
["mythological painting"],
["battle painting"],
["Impressionism, oil on canvas"]
title='Art Generator and Style Mixer from 🧠 Cloob and 🎨 WikiArt - Visual Art Encyclopedia:',
description="Trained on images from the [WikiArt](https://www.wikiart.org/) dataset, comprised of visual arts",
article = 'Model used is: [model card](https://huggingface.co/huggan/distill-ccld-wa)..'
iface.launch(enable_queue=True) # , debug=True for colab debugging