initial commit
history blame
8.53 kB
import os
import numbers
import torch
import torch.utils.data as data
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import random
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import numpy as np
import torchvision
from . import depth_transforms as flow_transforms
import pdb
import cv2
from utils.flowlib import read_flow
from utils.util_flow import readPFM, load_calib_cam_to_cam
def default_loader(path):
return Image.open(path).convert('RGB')
def flow_loader(path):
if '.pfm' in path:
data = readPFM(path)[0]
data[:,:,2] = 1
return data
return read_flow(path)
def load_exts(cam_file):
with open(cam_file, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
l_exts = []
r_exts = []
for l in lines:
if 'L ' in l:
l_exts.append(np.asarray([float(i) for i in l[2:].strip().split(' ')]).reshape(4,4))
if 'R ' in l:
r_exts.append(np.asarray([float(i) for i in l[2:].strip().split(' ')]).reshape(4,4))
return l_exts,r_exts
def disparity_loader(path):
if '.png' in path:
data = Image.open(path)
data = np.ascontiguousarray(data,dtype=np.float32)/256
return data
return readPFM(path)[0]
# triangulation
def triangulation(disp, xcoord, ycoord, bl=1, fl = 450, cx = 479.5, cy = 269.5):
depth = bl*fl / disp # 450px->15mm focal length
X = (xcoord - cx) * depth / fl
Y = (ycoord - cy) * depth / fl
Z = depth
P = np.concatenate((X[np.newaxis],Y[np.newaxis],Z[np.newaxis]),0).reshape(3,-1)
P = np.concatenate((P,np.ones((1,P.shape[-1]))),0)
return P
class myImageFloder(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, iml0, iml1, flowl0, loader=default_loader, dploader= flow_loader, scale=1.,shape=[320,448], order=1, noise=0.06, pca_augmentor=True, prob = 1.,sc=False,disp0=None,disp1=None,calib=None ):
self.iml0 = iml0
self.iml1 = iml1
self.flowl0 = flowl0
self.loader = loader
self.dploader = dploader
self.noise = noise
self.pca_augmentor = pca_augmentor
self.prob = prob
self.sc = sc
self.disp0 = disp0
self.disp1 = disp1
self.calib = calib
def __getitem__(self, index):
iml0 = self.iml0[index]
iml1 = self.iml1[index]
flowl0= self.flowl0[index]
th, tw = self.shape
iml0 = self.loader(iml0)
iml1 = self.loader(iml1)
# get disparity
if self.sc:
flowl0 = self.dploader(flowl0)
flowl0 = np.ascontiguousarray(flowl0,dtype=np.float32)
flowl0[np.isnan(flowl0)] = 1e6 # set to max
if 'camera_data.txt' in self.calib[index]:
if '15mm_' in self.calib[index]:
fl=450 # 450
cx = 479.5
cy = 269.5
# negative disp
d1 = np.abs(disparity_loader(self.disp0[index]))
d2 = np.abs(disparity_loader(self.disp1[index]) + d1)
elif 'Sintel' in self.calib[index]:
fl = 1000
bl = 1
cx = 511.5
cy = 217.5
d1 = np.zeros(flowl0.shape[:2])
d2 = np.zeros(flowl0.shape[:2])
ints = load_calib_cam_to_cam(self.calib[index])
fl = ints['K_cam2'][0,0]
cx = ints['K_cam2'][0,2]
cy = ints['K_cam2'][1,2]
bl = ints['b20']-ints['b30']
d1 = disparity_loader(self.disp0[index])
d2 = disparity_loader(self.disp1[index])
#flowl0[:,:,2] = (flowl0[:,:,2]==1).astype(float)
flowl0[:,:,2] = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(flowl0[:,:,2]==1, d1!=0), d2!=0).astype(float)
shape = d1.shape
mesh = np.meshgrid(range(shape[1]),range(shape[0]))
xcoord = mesh[0].astype(float)
ycoord = mesh[1].astype(float)
# triangulation in two frames
P0 = triangulation(d1, xcoord, ycoord, bl=bl, fl = fl, cx = cx, cy = cy)
P1 = triangulation(d2, xcoord + flowl0[:,:,0], ycoord + flowl0[:,:,1], bl=bl, fl = fl, cx = cx, cy = cy)
dis0 = P0[2]
dis1 = P1[2]
change_size = dis0.reshape(shape).astype(np.float32)
flow3d = (P1-P0)[:3].reshape((3,)+shape).transpose((1,2,0))
gt_normal = np.concatenate((d1[:,:,np.newaxis],d2[:,:,np.newaxis],d2[:,:,np.newaxis]),-1)
change_size = np.concatenate((change_size[:,:,np.newaxis],gt_normal,flow3d),2)
shape = iml0.size
flowl0 = np.zeros((shape[0],shape[1],3))
change_size = np.zeros((shape[0],shape[1],7))
depth = disparity_loader(self.iml1[index].replace('camera','groundtruth'))
change_size[:,:,0] = depth
seqid = self.iml0[index].split('/')[-5].rsplit('_',3)[0]
ints = load_calib_cam_to_cam('/data/gengshay/KITTI/%s/calib_cam_to_cam.txt'%seqid)
fl = ints['K_cam2'][0,0]
cx = ints['K_cam2'][0,2]
cy = ints['K_cam2'][1,2]
bl = ints['b20']-ints['b30']
iml1 = np.asarray(iml1)/255.
iml0 = np.asarray(iml0)/255.
iml0 = iml0[:,:,::-1].copy()
iml1 = iml1[:,:,::-1].copy()
## following data augmentation procedure in PWCNet
## https://github.com/lmb-freiburg/flownet2/blob/master/src/caffe/layers/data_augmentation_layer.cu
import __main__ # a workaround for "discount_coeff"
with open('/scratch/gengshay/iter_counts-%d.txt'%int(__main__.args.logname.split('-')[-1]), 'r') as f:
iter_counts = int(f.readline())
iter_counts = 0
schedule = [0.5, 1., 50000.] # initial coeff, final_coeff, half life
schedule_coeff = schedule[0] + (schedule[1] - schedule[0]) * \
(2/(1+np.exp(-1.0986*iter_counts/schedule[2])) - 1)
if self.pca_augmentor:
pca_augmentor = flow_transforms.pseudoPCAAug( schedule_coeff=schedule_coeff)
pca_augmentor = flow_transforms.Scale(1., order=0)
if np.random.binomial(1,self.prob):
co_transform1 = flow_transforms.Compose([
squeeze=[0.3,0.], schedule_coeff=schedule_coeff, order=self.order),
co_transform1 = flow_transforms.Compose([
co_transform2 = flow_transforms.Compose([
flow_transforms.pseudoPCAAug( schedule_coeff=schedule_coeff),
flow_transforms.ChromaticAug( schedule_coeff=schedule_coeff, noise=self.noise),
flowl0 = np.concatenate([flowl0,change_size],-1)
augmented,flowl0,intr = co_transform1([iml0, iml1], flowl0, [fl,cx,cy,bl])
imol0 = augmented[0]
imol1 = augmented[1]
augmented,flowl0,intr = co_transform2(augmented, flowl0, intr)
iml0 = augmented[0]
iml1 = augmented[1]
flowl0 = flowl0.astype(np.float32)
change_size = flowl0[:,:,3:]
flowl0 = flowl0[:,:,:3]
# randomly cover a region
if np.random.binomial(1,0.5):
sx = int(np.random.uniform(25,100))
sy = int(np.random.uniform(25,100))
#sx = int(np.random.uniform(50,150))
#sy = int(np.random.uniform(50,150))
cx = int(np.random.uniform(sx,iml1.shape[0]-sx))
cy = int(np.random.uniform(sy,iml1.shape[1]-sy))
iml1[cx-sx:cx+sx,cy-sy:cy+sy] = np.mean(np.mean(iml1,0),0)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis]
iml0 = torch.Tensor(np.transpose(iml0,(2,0,1)))
iml1 = torch.Tensor(np.transpose(iml1,(2,0,1)))
return iml0, iml1, flowl0, change_size, intr, imol0, imol1, np.asarray([cx-sx,cx+sx,cy-sy,cy+sy])
def __len__(self):
return len(self.iml0)