WebsiteStatusChecker / status.json
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"WebStatus": {
"Online": {
"SuccessfulConnection": {
"200": "Request was successful.",
"201": "Resource was created successfully.",
"202": "Request accepted, processing not complete.",
"203": "Request was successful, but information may be different.",
"204": "Request was successful, no content to return.",
"205": "Request was successful, reset the view.",
"206": "Request was successful, partial content returned.",
"207": "Request was successful, multiple statuses returned.",
"226": "Request was successful, and a transformation was applied."
"Redirection": {
"300": "Multiple options available.",
"301": "Resource moved permanently.",
"302": "Resource found, moved temporarily.",
"303": "Resource found at another location.",
"304": "Resource not modified, use cached version.",
"305": "Resource must be accessed through a proxy.",
"306": "Switch to a different proxy.",
"307": "Temporary redirect to another location.",
"308": "Permanent redirect to another location."
"Offline": {
"ClientError": {
"400": "Bad request due to client error.",
"401": "Unauthorized, authentication required.",
"402": "Payment required to access the resource.",
"403": "Forbidden, server refuses to respond.",
"404": "Resource not found.",
"405": "Method not allowed for this resource.",
"406": "Request not acceptable.",
"407": "Proxy authentication required.",
"408": "Request timed out.",
"409": "Conflict with current state of the resource.",
"410": "Resource no longer available.",
"411": "Content length required.",
"412": "Precondition failed.",
"413": "Payload too large.",
"414": "URI too long.",
"415": "Unsupported media type.",
"416": "Requested range not satisfiable.",
"417": "Expectation failed.",
"418": "I'm a teapot (joke response).",
"421": "Misdirected request.",
"422": "Unprocessable entity.",
"423": "Resource is locked.",
"424": "Failed dependency.",
"425": "Too early.",
"426": "Upgrade required.",
"428": "Precondition required.",
"429": "Too many requests.",
"431": "Request header fields too large.",
"451": "Unavailable due to legal reasons."
"ServerError": {
"500": "Internal server error.",
"501": "Not implemented.",
"502": "Bad gateway.",
"503": "Service unavailable.",
"504": "Gateway timeout.",
"505": "HTTP version not supported.",
"506": "Variant also negotiates.",
"507": "Insufficient storage.",
"508": "Loop detected.",
"510": "Not extended.",
"511": "Network authentication required."