import streamlit as st |
from firebase_admin import firestore |
def app(): |
if 'db' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.db = '' |
db=firestore.client() |
st.session_state.db=db |
ph = '' |
if st.session_state.username=='': |
ph = 'Login to be able to post!!' |
else: |
ph='Post your comments' |
post=st.text_area(label=' :orange[+ COMMENTS]',placeholder=ph,height=None, max_chars=500) |
if st.button('Post',use_container_width=20): |
if post!='': |
info = db.collection('Posts').document(st.session_state.username).get() |
if info.exists: |
info = info.to_dict() |
if 'Content' in info.keys(): |
pos=db.collection('Posts').document(st.session_state.username) |
pos.update({u'Content': firestore.ArrayUnion([u'{}'.format(post)])}) |
else: |
data={"Content":[post],'Username':st.session_state.username} |
db.collection('Posts').document(st.session_state.username).set(data) |
else: |
data={"Content":[post],'Username':st.session_state.username} |
db.collection('Posts').document(st.session_state.username).set(data) |
st.success('Comment uploaded!!') |
st.header(' :violet[Latest Posts] ') |
docs = db.collection('Posts').get() |
for doc in docs: |
d=doc.to_dict() |
try: |
st.text_area(label=':green[Posted by:] '+':orange[{}]'.format(d['Username']),value=d['Content'][-1],height=20) |
except: pass |