import uvicorn | |
from fastapi import File | |
from fastapi import FastAPI | |
from fastapi import UploadFile | |
import numpy as np | |
import spacy | |
import pickle | |
import sentence_transformers | |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util | |
from PIL import Image | |
import torch | |
import spacy | |
import spacy_dbpedia_spotlight | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import glob | |
import random | |
import pysos | |
from random import shuffle | |
app = FastAPI() | |
print('Loading Models...') | |
os.system("python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm") | |
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') | |
nlp.add_pipe('dbpedia_spotlight') | |
stop_words = set(['chopped', 'freshly ground', 'skinless', 'freshly squeezed', 'dash', 'powder', 'rice', 'ice', 'noodles', 'pepper', 'milk', 'ced', 'cheese', 'sugar', 'salt', 'pkt', 'minced', 'onion', 'onions', 'garlic', 'butter', 'slices', 'ounce', 'sauce', 'freshly', 'grated', 'teaspoon', 'cup', 'oz', 'β', 'to', 'or', 'diced', 'into', 'pound', 'dried', 'water', 'about', 'whole', 'small', 'vegetable', 'inch', 'tbsp', 'cooked', 'large', 'sliced', 'dry', 'optional', 'package', 'ounces', 'unsalted', 'lbs', 'green', 'flour', 'for', 'wine', 'crushed', 'drained', 'lb', 'frozen', 'tsp', 'finely', 'medium', 'tablespoon', 'tablespoons', 'juice', 'shredded', 'can', 'minced', 'fresh', 'cut', 'pieces', 'in', 'thinly', 'of', 'extract', 'teaspoons', 'ground', 'and', 'cups', 'peeled', 'taste', 'ml', 'lengths']) | |
model = SentenceTransformer('clip-ViT-B-32') | |
with open("./Pretrained/labels.pkl", 'rb') as fIn: | |
labels = pickle.load(fIn) | |
emb_filename = './Pretrained/food_embeddings.pkl' | |
text_emb = torch.load(emb_filename, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) | |
food2id = pysos.Dict("./Pretrained/food2id") | |
id2recipe = pysos.Dict("./Pretrained/id2recipe") | |
def read_root(): | |
return {"WhatTheFood !"} | |
def get_food(food_input): | |
results = detect_food(food_input, 3) | |
food_recognised, score = results[0] | |
id = food2id[food_recognised] | |
recipe_name = food_recognised.title() | |
ingredients_list =id2recipe[id]['ingredients'] | |
highlighted_ingredients= get_spacy_dbpedia_highlights(ingredients_list) | |
recipe= id2recipe[id]['instructions'] | |
dataset = " " + id2recipe[id]['dataset'] | |
nutritional_facts = id2recipe[id]['nutrition_facts'] | |
source= id2recipe[id]['recipesource'] | |
recipe_obj = {} | |
recipe_obj['recipe_name'] = recipe_name | |
recipe_obj['highlighted_ingredients'] = highlighted_ingredients | |
recipe_obj['recipe'] = recipe | |
recipe_obj['nutritional_facts'] = nutritional_facts | |
recipe_obj['source'] = source | |
return {"top3": results, "recipe": recipe_obj} | |
def get_spacy_dbpedia_highlights(ingredients): | |
raw_ingredients = ingredients | |
import re | |
ingredients = re.sub("[0-9,()\/\-\.]", "", ingredients) | |
doc = nlp(ingredients) | |
for ent in doc.ents: | |
if ent.text.lower() not in stop_words and ent.text in raw_ingredients: | |
replace_str = '<mark style="color: green; background-color:yellow"> <a href="' + ent.kb_id_ + '" target="_blank"> ' + ent.text + '</a> </mark>' | |
raw_ingredients = raw_ingredients.replace(ent.text, replace_str) | |
return raw_ingredients | |
def detect_food(query, k=1): | |
print(os.system("pwd")) | |
query_emb = model.encode(, convert_to_tensor=True, show_progress_bar=False) | |
hits = util.semantic_search(query_emb, text_emb, top_k=k)[0] | |
results = [] | |
for i, hit in enumerate(hits): | |
results.append((labels[hit['corpus_id']], hit['score'])) | |
if i > 2: | |
break | |
return results | |