politweet / app.py
olofbengtsson's picture
Added instruction field to the application
raw history blame
No virus
22.6 kB
import glob
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import regex as re
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, use as plt_use
from textclassifier import TextClassifier as tc
# from functions import functions as f
# import time
TOPIC = "merged_topic"
TOPIC: ['tweet', 'main_topic', 'sub_topic', 'synonym_topic', 'cos_sim_topic', 'merged_topic'],
'sentiment': ['tweet', 'sentiment'],
'merged_target': ['tweet', 'target', 'synonym_target', 'cos_sim_target', 'merged_target']
USER_LIST = ['jimmieakesson', 'BuschEbba', 'annieloof', 'JohanPehrson', 'bolund', 'martastenevi', 'SwedishPM',
USER_NAMES = ['Jimmie Åkesson', 'Ebba Busch', 'Annie Lööf', 'Johan Pehrson', 'Per Bolund', 'Märta Stenevi',
'Magdalena Andersson', 'Nooshi Dadgostar']
CHOICE_LIST = ['Topic', 'Sentiment', 'Target']
# PLOT_CHOICES_DICT = {'Topic': 'sub_topic', 'Sentiment': 'sentiment', 'Target': 'target'} I just changed its pavue
# to merged target and merged topic
PLOT_CHOICES_DICT = {'Topic': TOPIC, 'Sentiment': 'sentiment', 'Target': 'merged_target'}
PLOT_CHOICES_REVERSE_DICT = {TOPIC: 'Topic', 'sentiment': 'Sentiment', 'merged_target': 'Target'}
# PLOT_CHOICES_REVERSE_DICT= {'sub_topic':'Topic', 'sentiment':'Sentiment' , 'target':'Target'}
UserNameDict = dict(zip(['Jimmie Åkesson', 'Ebba Busch', 'Annie Lööf', 'Johan Pehrson', 'Per Bolund',
'Märta Stenevi', 'Magdalena Andersson', 'Nooshi Dadgostar'], USER_LIST))
Columns = ['username', 'nlikes', 'nreplies', 'nretweets', 'main_topic', 'sub_topic', 'sentiment', 'target', 'tweet',
'date', 'urls', 'id', 'class_tuple', 'user_id']
# NUM_TWEETS = 1000
LIMIT = 0.04
def show_all_stats(see_full_stats):
dataframe = pd.read_csv("{}/data/twitterdata.csv".format(tc.ROOT_PATH))
if see_full_stats:
return dataframe
return pd.DataFrame()
def fix_choices_correct_order(choices):
list_choices = [x for x in Columns if x in choices]
return list_choices
def match_name_lower_case(user_names):
users = []
for N in user_names:
return users
def convert_plot_choices(plot_choices):
return [PLOT_CHOICES_DICT[choice] for choice in plot_choices]
def convert_back_plot_choices(plot_choices_raw):
return [PLOT_CHOICES_REVERSE_DICT[choice] for choice in plot_choices_raw]
def main(from_date,
rb1, rb2, rb3, rb4, rb5, rb6, rb7, rb8,
v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8,
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8
save_file_bool = s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8
# Describe what save_file_bool is for: if you want to save the dataframe to a file, this is the boolean for that
def add_pie_chart(df, leaders, plot_choices):
df_list = []
pie_charts = []
return_list = []
leader_bool_list, plot_bool_list = convert_to_boolean(leaders, convert_back_plot_choices(plot_choices))
bool_list = []
for leader in leader_bool_list:
if leader:
for choice in plot_bool_list:
for i in range(len(plot_bool_list)):
for user in USER_NAMES: # leaders:
df_list.append((df.loc[df["username"] == UserNameDict[user]], user))
for db in df_list:
for col in PLOT_CHOICES_REVERSE_DICT: # plot_choices:
if col == 'merged_target':
pie_charts.append(bar(db[0], col + ": " + db[1]))
elif col == 'sentiment':
pie_charts.append(pie_chart(db[0], col, col + ": " + db[1]))
elif col == TOPIC:
return pie_charts
def bar(db: pd.DataFrame, title):
This method adds a stacked bar diagram for each target and each sentiment
NOTE: The tweets without any target are not shown in the plot, we just show distribution of tweets that have a
if db.empty:
return None
db['merged_target'] = db["merged_target"].apply(lambda
x: "other" if x == "ERROR_9000" or x == "ERROR_496" else x) # replacing Different Error type with string "other"
db['sentiment'] = db['sentiment'].apply(
lambda x: re.sub('\s+', "", x)) # removing extra spaces in at the end and beginning of the sentiments.
# This can be removed after we remove all unnessary spaces from twitter data
all_targets = ['v', 'mp', 's', 'c', 'l', 'kd', 'm', 'sd', 'Red-Greens', 'The opposition']
db_new = db.loc[db["merged_target"] != "other"] # dataframe with other category removed
percent_target = (len(db_new) / len(db)) * 100
positive = [0] * len(all_targets)
negative = [0] * len(all_targets)
neutral = [0] * len(all_targets)
other = [0] * len(all_targets)
for i, target in enumerate(all_targets):
temp_db = db_new.loc[db_new["merged_target"] == target]
if temp_db.empty:
sent = temp_db['sentiment'].to_list()
positive[i] += sent.count('positive')
negative[i] += sent.count('negative')
neutral[i] += sent.count('neutral')
other[i] += sent.count('other')
font1 = {'family': 'serif', 'color': 'blue', 'size': 10}
fig = plt.figure()
y1 = np.array(positive) / len(db_new) if len(db_new) > 0 else np.array(positive)
y2 = np.array(negative) / len(db_new) if len(db_new) > 0 else np.array(negative)
y3 = np.array(neutral) / len(db_new) if len(db_new) > 0 else np.array(neutral)
y4 = np.array(other) / len(db_new) if len(db_new) > 0 else np.array(other)
plt.bar(all_targets, y1, color='g')
plt.bar(all_targets, y2, bottom=y1, color='r')
plt.bar(all_targets, y3, bottom=(y1 + y2), color='yellow')
plt.bar(all_targets, y4, bottom=(y1 + y2 + y3), color='b')
plt.ylim(0, 1)
str(percent_target)[0:4] + "% " + " of tweets have target. " + "Number of tweets with target:" + str(
len(db_new)), loc='right', fontdict=font1)
# plt.xlabel("Targets")
plt.legend(["positive", "negative", "neutral", "other"])
return fig
def pie_chart(db, col_name, title):
if db.empty:
return None
# df = df[col_name].value_counts()[:5] # Lägg till "Others sedan"
db = pie_chart_input(db, col_name, LIMIT)
labels = db[col_name].to_list()
sizes = db['frequency'].values
# explode = (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) # only "explode" the 2nd slice (i.e. 'Hogs')
font1 = {'family': 'serif', 'color': 'blue', 'size': 20}
fig = plt.figure()
plt.pie(sizes, labels=labels, radius=1, autopct='%1.1f%%')
plt.title(title, fontdict=font1)
return fig
def nested_pie_chart(df):
This method adds a nested pie chart. The pie chart shows the sentiment for each target.
:param df: dataframe with data. The selected leaders have non-empty entries in the dataframe.
:return: figure with the nested pie chart.
if df.empty:
return None
count_dict = {}
sent_dict = {'positive': 0, 'negative': 1, 'neutral': 2, 'other': 3}
tot_sum = len(df)
for i in range(df.shape[0]):
topic = df.iloc[i][TOPIC]
sentiment = df.iloc[i]['sentiment'] if df.iloc[i]['sentiment'] in sent_dict else 'other'
if topic not in count_dict:
count_dict[topic] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
count_dict[topic][sent_dict[sentiment]] += 1
count_dict[topic][sent_dict[sentiment]] += 1
count_list = []
other_list = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
labels = []
for topic in count_dict:
if tot_sum > 0 and np.sum(count_dict[topic]) / tot_sum > LIMIT:
other_list += np.array(count_dict[topic])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
size = 0.3
vals = np.array(count_list)
inner_colors = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'yellow'] * len(count_dict)
if vals.shape[0] == 0:
ax.pie(vals.sum(axis=1), radius=1, labels=labels, pctdistance=0.9,
wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor='w'))
ax.pie(vals.flatten(), radius=1 - size, colors=inner_colors,
wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor='w'))
ax.set(aspect='equal', title='Topic (outer circle) and its corresponding sentiment (inner circle)')
return fig
# text_classifier = tc.TextClassifier(from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date,
# user_list=match_name_lower_case(usr_name_choices),
# num_tweets=NUM_TWEETS)
# text_classifier.run_main_pipeline()
# dataframe = text_classifier.get_dataframe()
dataframe = pd.read_csv("{}/data/twitterdata.csv".format(tc.ROOT_PATH))
# choose subset between from_date and to_date and username is in usr_name_choices
df = dataframe.loc[(dataframe['date'] >= from_date) & (dataframe['date'] <= to_date) & \
# Sort df by date
df.sort_values(by=['date'], inplace=True)
# Remove entries from df where 'tweet' starts with '@'
df = df[df['tweet'].str.startswith('@') == False]
# change 'merged_topic' to 'Other' if it is 'ERROR_9000' or 'ERROR_496'
df[TOPIC] = df[TOPIC].apply(lambda x: "N/A" if x == "ERROR_9000" or x == "ERROR_496" else x)
# change 'merged_topic' to 'Government' if it is 's'
df[TOPIC] = df[TOPIC].apply(lambda x: "The Government" if x == "s" else x)
if save_selected:
user_list = match_name_lower_case(usr_name_choices)
df_l = []
for user in user_list:
df_l.append(pd.DataFrame(df.loc[df['username'] == user]))
selected_df = pd.concat(df_l).reset_index(drop=True)
export_to_download(selected_df, "selected_leaders")
save_selected_checkbox = [gr.Checkbox.update(interactive=False)]
save_selected_checkbox = [gr.Checkbox.update(interactive=True)]
pie_charts = add_pie_chart(df, usr_name_choices, convert_plot_choices(plot_choice))
rb_components = [rb1, rb2, rb3, rb4, rb5, rb6, rb7, rb8] # radio_buttons
df_visibility_check = [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8]
def get_selected_df_list(d_frame, save_or_no, selected_users, radio, visibility):
leader_bool_list = [True if leader in selected_users else False for leader in USER_NAMES]
df_list = []
number_tweets = []
save_file_components_list = []
for i, u_bool in enumerate(leader_bool_list):
user_df = d_frame.loc[d_frame['username'] == USER_LIST[i]]
number_tweets.append(gr.Number.update(value=len(user_df), visible=u_bool))
if save_or_no[i]:
export_to_download(pd.DataFrame(user_df), "one_leader")
save_file_components_list.append(gr.Checkbox.update(visible=u_bool, interactive=False))
if u_bool and visibility[i]:
df_list.append(get_example_df(user_df, PLOT_CHOICES_DICT[radio[i]]))
return df_list + number_tweets + save_file_components_list
return pie_charts + save_selected_checkbox + get_selected_df_list(df, save_file_bool, list(usr_name_choices),
rb_components, df_visibility_check)
def get_example_df(df: pd.DataFrame, column: str):
df = df[SELECTED_COLUMN_DICT[column]]
unique_labels = df[column].value_counts().keys()
stat = []
for label in unique_labels:
df_temp = df.loc[df[column] == label]
if len(df_temp) > 5:
df_temp = df_temp[0:5]
example_df = pd.concat(stat)
# stat =stat.reset_index(drop=True) just in case u want to reset indexing
return example_df
def export_to_download(_data_frame, _type: str):
downloads_path = str(Path.home()) + "/Downloads/"
if _type == "one_leader":
file_name = _data_frame['username'].to_list()[0] # df['username'][0] + "_data"
file_name = "selected_leaders"
full_path = downloads_path + file_name + ".csv"
while full_path in glob.glob(downloads_path + "*"):
search_list = re.findall('\p{N}+', full_path)
if search_list:
index = search_list[0]
full_path = re.sub(index, str(int(index) + 1), full_path)
suffix = " (1).csv"
full_path = re.sub('\.csv', suffix, full_path)
_data_frame.to_csv(full_path, index=False)
# , pie_chart(df, "main_topic"), pie_chart("target")
def pie_chart_input(df, column, limit):
df_len = len(df)
if column == "sentiment":
ds_sentiment = df[column].apply(lambda x: re.sub("\s+", "", str(x)))
df_v = ds_sentiment.apply(lambda x: x if str(x).lower() == "positive" or str(x).lower() == "negative" or str(
x).lower() == "neutral" else "other").value_counts()
elif column == "merged_target":
ds_target = df[column].apply(lambda x: "other" if x == "ERROR_9000" or x == "ERROR_496" else x)
df_v = ds_target.value_counts()
freq = df_v.to_list()
labels = df_v.keys().to_list
freq_dict = {column: labels, "frequency": freq}
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(freq_dict)
df_v = df[column].value_counts()
freq = df_v.to_list()
labels = df_v.keys().to_list()
freq_other = 0
freq_dict = {column: [], "frequency": []}
for i in range(len(df_v)):
if freq[i] / df_len < limit:
freq_other += freq[i]
if "other" not in freq_dict[column]:
ind_other = freq_dict[column].index("other")
freq_dict["frequency"][ind_other] += freq_other
test_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(freq_dict)
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(freq_dict)
def convert_to_boolean(leaders, plot_choices):
leaders_converted = [True if leader in leaders else False for leader in USER_NAMES]
plot_converted = [True if choice in plot_choices else False for choice in CHOICE_LIST]
return leaders_converted, plot_converted
def update_window(leaders: list, plot_choices: list,
v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8
leader_bool_list, plot_bool_list = convert_to_boolean(leaders, plot_choices)
bool_list = []
df_visibility_bool = [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8]
# this loop sets boolean for plots
for leader in leader_bool_list:
if leader:
for choice in plot_bool_list:
# bool_list.append(True) ## this is for radio component
for i in range(len(plot_bool_list)):
# bool_list.append(False)
update_blocks = []
update_plots = []
update_radio = []
update_nr_tweet = []
update_checkbox = []
update_save_file_checkboxes = []
update_df = []
# all_visual = block_list + plots + radio_list + nr_tweet_list + checkbox_list + saving_file_checkboxes + df_list
for i, vis_or_not in enumerate(leader_bool_list):
if vis_or_not:
for choice in bool_list:
return update_blocks + update_plots + update_radio + update_nr_tweet + update_checkbox + update_save_file_checkboxes + update_df
def add_plots(user):
plot_list = []
for plot_type in PLOT_CHOICES_DICT:
plot_list.append(gr.Plot(label=plot_type + " for " + user, visible=False))
return plot_list
def add_nbr_boxes():
return [gr.Number(value=0, label='Tweets by ' + user, visible=False) for user in USER_NAMES]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import gradio as gr
demo = gr.Blocks(title='Politweet')
with demo:
with gr.Column():
instructions = gr.Markdown(
'How to use Politweet: \n\nFirst select the time interval you want to analyze, '
'then the party leaders you want to focus on. After this you pick which '
'statistics you want to see and click "Apply" to apply your choices. When '
'you see empty boxes appearing, you can click "Run" to run the program.\n\nYou should now be able to '
'see the visualisations of the collected statistics. Under the visualisations there are a few fields '
'and buttons. If you want to see the full presentation of a specific statistic you can press one of '
'the radio buttons, click "Show stats" and then once again press "Apply" and "Run" at the top. This '
'presents a dataframe that accounts for the whole classification process. For "Topic" and "Target" '
'there is a column called cos_sim_... which says how similar the algorithm found the classification '
'and "synonym_..." to be. The field "Number" tells how many tweets the party leader made during the '
'selected time period. If you do not see any tweets for a leader you might have to increase the time '
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
date1 = gr.Textbox(label="from_date", value='2022-01-01')
date2 = gr.Textbox(label="to_date", value='2022-05-31')
leaders = gr.Checkboxgroup(choices=USER_NAMES,
plot_choices = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=CHOICE_LIST, label='Choose what to show')
save_selected_data_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Export selected data")
with gr.Row():
update = gr.Button('Apply')
btn = gr.Button("Run")
# show_stat = gr.Checkbox(label="Show full statistics", value=True)
# show_plots = gr.components.Checkbox(label='Show topics', value=True)
with gr.Column():
selected = gr.DataFrame(label="Summary statistics for the selected choices",
max_rows=None, visible=False)
# all_data = gr.components.DataFrame(label="Summary statistics of the total database",
# max_rows=None)
plots = []
radio_list = []
checkbox_list = []
df_list = []
block_list = []
saving_file_checkboxes = []
nr_tweet_list = []
with gr.Column():
for i in range(len(USER_NAMES)):
block_list += [gr.Row()] * 3
for i, leader in enumerate(USER_NAMES):
with gr.Row():
plots += add_plots(leader)
with gr.Row():
radio_list.append(gr.Radio(list(PLOT_CHOICES_DICT.keys()), visible=False, interactive=True))
checkbox_list.append(gr.Checkbox(label="Show stats ", value=False, visible=False))
saving_file_checkboxes.append(gr.Checkbox(label="Export file", value=False, visible=False))
with gr.Row():
inp = [date1,
plot_choices, save_selected_data_checkbox] + radio_list + checkbox_list + saving_file_checkboxes
output = plots + [save_selected_data_checkbox] + df_list + nr_tweet_list + saving_file_checkboxes
all_visual = block_list + plots + radio_list + nr_tweet_list + checkbox_list + saving_file_checkboxes + df_list # + df_list # df_comps
update_inp = [leaders, plot_choices] + checkbox_list
update.click(fn=update_window, inputs=update_inp, outputs=all_visual)
btn.click(fn=main, inputs=inp, outputs=output)
# input.change(fn=main, inputs=input, outputs=output)
# df= pd.read_csv(os.getcwd()+"/data/twitterdata.csv")
# https://51285.gradio.app