Paula Leonova
Clean up notes
raw history blame
No virus
4.43 kB
from os import write
import pandas as pd
import base64
from typing import Sequence
import streamlit as st
from models import create_nest_sentences, load_summary_model, summarizer_gen, load_model, classifier_zero
from utils import plot_result, plot_dual_bar_chart, examples_load, example_long_text_load
import json
summarizer = load_summary_model()
classifier = load_model()
ex_text, ex_license, ex_labels = examples_load()
ex_long_text = example_long_text_load()
if __name__ == '__main__':
st.header("Summzarization & Multi-label Classification for Long Text")
st.write("This app summarizes and then classifies your long text with multiple labels (_output includes partial summaries, \
bar chart and data table of labels with confidence scores as well as a data download link_).")
with st.form(key='my_form'):
example_text = ex_long_text #ex_text
display_text = "[Excerpt from Project Gutenberg: Frankenstein]\n" + example_text + "\n\n" + ex_license
text_input = st.text_area("Input any text you want to summaryize & classify here (keep in mind very long text will take a while to process):", display_text)
if text_input == display_text:
text_input = example_text
labels = st.text_input('Possible labels (comma-separated):',ex_labels, max_chars=1000)
labels = list(set([x.strip() for x in labels.strip().split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0]))
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label='Submit')
if submit_button:
if len(labels) == 0:
st.write('Enter some text and at least one possible topic to see predictions.')
# For each body of text, create text chunks of a certain token size required for the transformer
nested_sentences = create_nest_sentences(document = text_input, token_max_length = 1024)
summary = []
st.markdown("### Text Chunk & Summaries")
st.markdown("Breaks up the original text into sections with complete sentences totaling \
less than 1024 tokens, a requirement for the summarizer.")
# For each chunk of sentences (within the token max), generate a summary
for n in range(0, len(nested_sentences)):
text_chunk = " ".join(map(str, nested_sentences[n]))
st.markdown(f"###### Chunk {n+1}/{len(nested_sentences)}" )
chunk_summary = summarizer_gen(summarizer, sequence=text_chunk, maximum_tokens = 300, minimum_tokens = 20)
st.markdown("###### Partial Summary")
# Combine all the summaries into a list and compress into one document, again
final_summary = " \n".join(list(summary))
# final_summary = summarizer_gen(summarizer, sequence=text_input, maximum_tokens = 30, minimum_tokens = 100)
st.markdown("### Combined Summary")
topics, scores = classifier_zero(classifier, sequence=final_summary, labels=labels, multi_class=True)
# st.markdown("### Top Label Predictions: Combined Summary")
# plot_result(topics[::-1][:], scores[::-1][:])
# st.markdown("### Download Data")
data = pd.DataFrame({'label': topics, 'scores_from_summary': scores})
# st.dataframe(data)
# coded_data = base64.b64encode(data.to_csv(index = False). encode ()).decode()
# st.markdown(
# f'<a href="data:file/csv;base64, {coded_data}" download = "data.csv">Download Data</a>',
# unsafe_allow_html = True
# )
st.markdown("### Top Label Predictions: Summary & Full Text")
topics_ex_text, scores_ex_text = classifier_zero(classifier, sequence=example_text, labels=labels, multi_class=True)
plot_dual_bar_chart(topics, scores, topics_ex_text, scores_ex_text)
data_ex_text = pd.DataFrame({'label': topics_ex_text, 'scores_from_full_text': scores_ex_text})
data2 = pd.merge(data, data_ex_text, on = ['label'])
st.markdown("### Data Table")
coded_data = base64.b64encode(data2.to_csv(index = False). encode ()).decode()
f'<a href="data:file/csv;base64, {coded_data}" download = "data.csv">Click here to download the data</a>',
unsafe_allow_html = True