wordify / src /utils.py
Pietro Lesci
update to python 3.10
import base64
from typing import List, Tuple
import streamlit as st
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
from PIL import Image
from .configs import ColumnNames, SupportedFiles
def get_col_indices(cols: List) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Ugly but works"""
cols = [i.lower() for i in cols]
label_index = cols.index(ColumnNames.LABEL.value)
label_index = 0
text_index = cols.index(ColumnNames.TEXT.value)
text_index = 0
return text_index, label_index
def get_logo(path: str) -> Image:
return Image.open(path)
def read_file(uploaded_file) -> DataFrame:
file_type = uploaded_file.name.split(".")[-1]
read_fn = SupportedFiles[file_type].value[0]
df = read_fn(uploaded_file)
df = df.dropna()
return df
def convert_df(df: DataFrame) -> bytes:
# IMPORTANT: Cache the conversion to prevent computation on every rerun
return df.to_csv(index=False, sep=";").encode("utf-8")
def download_button(dataframe: DataFrame, name: str) -> None:
csv = dataframe.to_csv(index=False)
# some strings <-> bytes conversions necessary here
b64 = base64.b64encode(csv.encode()).decode()
href = f'<a href="data:file/csv;base64,{b64}" download="{name}.csv">Download</a>'
st.write(href, unsafe_allow_html=True)