Major update. Support for 15 LLMs, World Flora Online taxonomy validation, geolocation, 2 OCR methods, significant UI changes, stability improvements, consistent JSON parsing
import json, torch, transformers, gc | |
from transformers import BitsAndBytesConfig | |
from langchain.output_parsers import RetryWithErrorOutputParser | |
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate | |
from langchain_core.output_parsers import JsonOutputParser | |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download | |
from langchain_community.llms.huggingface_pipeline import HuggingFacePipeline | |
from vouchervision.utils_LLM import SystemLoadMonitor, count_tokens, save_individual_prompt | |
from vouchervision.utils_LLM_JSON_validation import validate_and_align_JSON_keys_with_template | |
from vouchervision.utils_taxonomy_WFO import validate_taxonomy_WFO | |
from vouchervision.utils_geolocate_HERE import validate_coordinates_here | |
from vouchervision.tool_wikipedia import WikipediaLinks | |
''' | |
Local Pipielines: | | | |
''' | |
class LocalMistralHandler: | |
RETRY_DELAY = 2 # Wait 2 seconds before retrying | |
MAX_RETRIES = 5 # Maximum number of retries | |
VENDOR = 'mistral' | |
def __init__(self, logger, model_name, JSON_dict_structure): | |
self.logger = logger | |
self.has_GPU = torch.cuda.is_available() | |
self.monitor = SystemLoadMonitor(logger) | |
self.model_name = model_name | |
self.model_id = f"mistralai/{self.model_name}" | |
name_parts = self.model_name.split('-') | |
self.model_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=self.model_id, repo_type="model",filename="config.json") | |
self.JSON_dict_structure = JSON_dict_structure | |
self.starting_temp = float(self.STARTING_TEMP) | |
self.temp_increment = float(0.2) | |
self.adjust_temp = self.starting_temp | |
system_prompt = "You are a helpful AI assistant who answers queries a JSON dictionary as specified by the user." | |
template = """ | |
<s>[INST]{}[/INST]</s> | |
[INST]{}[/INST] | |
""".format(system_prompt, "{query}") | |
# Create a prompt from the template so we can use it with Langchain | |
self.prompt = PromptTemplate(template=template, input_variables=["query"]) | |
# Set up a parser | |
self.parser = JsonOutputParser() | |
self._set_config() | |
# def _clear_VRAM(self): | |
# # Clear CUDA cache if it's being used | |
# if self.has_GPU: | |
# self.local_model = None | |
# self.local_model_pipeline = None | |
# del self.local_model | |
# del self.local_model_pipeline | |
# gc.collect() # Explicitly invoke garbage collector | |
# torch.cuda.empty_cache() | |
# else: | |
# self.local_model_pipeline = None | |
# self.local_model = None | |
# del self.local_model_pipeline | |
# del self.local_model | |
# gc.collect() # Explicitly invoke garbage collector | |
def _set_config(self): | |
# self._clear_VRAM() | |
self.config = {'max_new_tokens': 1024, | |
'temperature': self.starting_temp, | |
'seed': 2023, | |
'top_p': 1, | |
'top_k': 40, | |
'do_sample': True, | |
'n_ctx':4096, | |
# Activate 4-bit precision base model loading | |
'use_4bit': True, | |
# Compute dtype for 4-bit base models | |
'bnb_4bit_compute_dtype': "float16", | |
# Quantization type (fp4 or nf4) | |
'bnb_4bit_quant_type': "nf4", | |
# Activate nested quantization for 4-bit base models (double quantization) | |
'use_nested_quant': False, | |
} | |
compute_dtype = getattr(torch,self.config.get('bnb_4bit_compute_dtype') ) | |
self.bnb_config = BitsAndBytesConfig( | |
load_in_4bit=self.config.get('use_4bit'), | |
bnb_4bit_quant_type=self.config.get('bnb_4bit_quant_type'), | |
bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=compute_dtype, | |
bnb_4bit_use_double_quant=self.config.get('use_nested_quant'), | |
) | |
# Check GPU compatibility with bfloat16 | |
if compute_dtype == torch.float16 and self.config.get('use_4bit'): | |
major, _ = torch.cuda.get_device_capability() | |
if major >= 8: | |
# print("=" * 80) | |
# print("Your GPU supports bfloat16: accelerate training with bf16=True") | |
# print("=" * 80) | |
self.b_float_opt = torch.bfloat16 | |
else: | |
self.b_float_opt = torch.float16 | |
self._build_model_chain_parser() | |
def _adjust_config(self): | |
new_temp = self.adjust_temp + self.temp_increment | |
self.json_report.set_text(text_main=f'Incrementing temperature from {self.adjust_temp} to {new_temp}') | |'Incrementing temperature from {self.adjust_temp} to {new_temp}') | |
self.adjust_temp += self.temp_increment | |
def _reset_config(self): | |
self.json_report.set_text(text_main=f'Resetting temperature from {self.adjust_temp} to {self.starting_temp}') | |'Resetting temperature from {self.adjust_temp} to {self.starting_temp}') | |
self.adjust_temp = self.starting_temp | |
def _build_model_chain_parser(self): | |
self.local_model_pipeline = transformers.pipeline("text-generation", | |
model=self.model_id, | |
max_new_tokens=self.config.get('max_new_tokens'), | |
top_k=self.config.get('top_k'), | |
top_p=self.config.get('top_p'), | |
do_sample=self.config.get('do_sample'), | |
model_kwargs={"torch_dtype": self.b_float_opt, | |
"load_in_4bit": True, | |
"quantization_config": self.bnb_config}) | |
self.local_model = HuggingFacePipeline(pipeline=self.local_model_pipeline) | |
# Set up the retry parser with the runnable | |
self.retry_parser = RetryWithErrorOutputParser.from_llm(parser=self.parser, llm=self.local_model, max_retries=self.MAX_RETRIES) | |
# Create an llm chain with LLM and prompt | |
self.chain = self.prompt | self.local_model # LCEL | |
def call_llm_local_MistralAI(self, prompt_template, json_report, paths): | |
_____, ____, _, __, ___, json_file_path_wiki, txt_file_path_ind_prompt = paths | |
self.json_report = json_report | |
self.json_report.set_text(text_main=f'Sending request to {self.model_name}') | |
self.monitor.start_monitoring_usage() | |
nt_in = 0 | |
nt_out = 0 | |
ind = 0 | |
while ind < self.MAX_RETRIES: | |
ind += 1 | |
try: | |
# Dynamically set the temperature for this specific request | |
model_kwargs = {"temperature": self.adjust_temp} | |
# Invoke the chain to generate prompt text | |
results = self.chain.invoke({"query": prompt_template, "model_kwargs": model_kwargs}) | |
# Use retry_parser to parse the response with retry logic | |
output = self.retry_parser.parse_with_prompt(results, prompt_value=prompt_template) | |
if output is None: | |
self.logger.error(f'Failed to extract JSON from:\n{results}') | |
self._adjust_config() | |
del results | |
else: | |
nt_in = count_tokens(prompt_template, self.VENDOR, self.TOKENIZER_NAME) | |
nt_out = count_tokens(results, self.VENDOR, self.TOKENIZER_NAME) | |
output = validate_and_align_JSON_keys_with_template(output, self.JSON_dict_structure) | |
if output is None: | |
self.logger.error(f'[Attempt {ind}] Failed to extract JSON from:\n{results}') | |
self._adjust_config() | |
else: | |
self.monitor.stop_inference_timer() # Starts tool timer too | |
json_report.set_text(text_main=f'Working on WFO, Geolocation, Links') | |
output, WFO_record = validate_taxonomy_WFO(output, replace_if_success_wfo=False) ###################################### make this configurable | |
output, GEO_record = validate_coordinates_here(output, replace_if_success_geo=False) ###################################### make this configurable | |
Wiki = WikipediaLinks(json_file_path_wiki) | |
Wiki.gather_wikipedia_results(output) | |
save_individual_prompt(Wiki.sanitize(prompt_template), txt_file_path_ind_prompt) | |"Formatted JSON:\n{json.dumps(output,indent=4)}") | |
usage_report = self.monitor.stop_monitoring_report_usage() | |
if self.adjust_temp != self.starting_temp: | |
self._reset_config() | |
json_report.set_text(text_main=f'LLM call successful') | |
del results | |
return output, nt_in, nt_out, WFO_record, GEO_record, usage_report | |
except Exception as e: | |
self.logger.error(f'{e}') | |
self._adjust_config() | |"Failed to extract valid JSON after [{ind}] attempts") | |
self.json_report.set_text(text_main=f'Failed to extract valid JSON after [{ind}] attempts') | |
usage_report = self.monitor.stop_monitoring_report_usage() | |
json_report.set_text(text_main=f'LLM call failed') | |
self._reset_config() | |
return None, nt_in, nt_out, None, None, usage_report | |