VoucherVision / vouchervision /data_project.py
phyloforfun's picture
Major update. Support for 15 LLMs, World Flora Online taxonomy validation, geolocation, 2 OCR methods, significant UI changes, stability improvements, consistent JSON parsing
history blame
No virus
16.9 kB
import os, sys, inspect, shutil, warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import pandas as pd
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
from vouchervision.general_utils import import_csv, import_tsv, bcolors
from vouchervision.general_utils import Print_Verbose, print_main_warn, print_main_success, make_file_names_valid, make_images_in_dir_vertical
from vouchervision.utils_GBIF import generate_image_filename
from vouchervision.download_from_GBIF_all_images_in_file import download_all_images_from_GBIF_LM2
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
from pathlib import Path
import fitz
def convert_pdf_to_jpg(source_pdf, destination_dir, dpi=100):
doc = fitz.open(source_pdf)
for page_num in range(len(doc)):
page = doc.load_page(page_num) # Load the current page
pix = page.get_pixmap(dpi=dpi) # Render page to an image
output_filename = f"{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_pdf))[0]}__{10000 + page_num + 1}.jpg"
output_filepath = os.path.join(destination_dir, output_filename)
pix.save(output_filepath) # Save the image
length_doc = len(doc)
return length_doc
class Project_Info():
batch_size: int = 50
image_location: str = ''
dir_images: str = ''
project_data: object = field(init=False)
project_data_list: object = field(init=False)
path_csv_combined: str = ''
path_csv_occ: str = ''
path_csv_img: str = ''
csv_combined: str = ''
csv_occ: str = ''
csv_img: str = ''
Dirs: object = field(init=False)
has_valid_images: bool = True
def __init__(self, cfg, logger, dir_home, Dirs) -> None:
self.Dirs = Dirs
logger.name = 'Project Info'
logger.info("Gathering Images and Image Metadata")
self.logger = logger
self.batch_size = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size']
self.image_location = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['image_location']
self.valid_extensions = ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG', '.png', '.PNG', '.bmp', '.BMP', '.tif', '.TIF', '.tiff', '.TIFF']
self.copy_images_to_project_dir(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_local'], Dirs)
self.make_file_names_custom(Dirs.save_original, cfg, Dirs)
# If project is local, expect:
# dir with images
# path to images.csv
# path to occ.csv
# OR path to combined.csv
# if self.image_location in ['local','l','L','Local']:
self.__import_local_files(cfg, logger, Dirs)
# If project is GBIF, expect:
# Darwin Core Images (or multimedia.txt) and Occurrences file pair, either .txt or .csv
# elif self.image_location in ['GBIF','g','G','gbif']:
# self.__import_GBIF_files_post_download(cfg, logger, dir_home)
self.__make_project_dict(Dirs) #, self.batch_size)
# Make sure image file names are legal
make_file_names_valid(Dirs.save_original, cfg)
# Make all images vertical
make_images_in_dir_vertical(Dirs.save_original, cfg)
def has_valid_images(self):
return self.check_for_images()
def file_ext(self):
return f"{['.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG', '.png', '.PNG', '.bmp', '.BMP', '.tif', '.TIF', '.tiff', '.TIFF']}"
def check_for_images(self):
for filename in os.listdir(self.dir_images):
if filename.endswith(tuple(self.valid_extensions)):
return True
return False
def remove_non_numbers(self, s):
return ''.join([char for char in s if char.isdigit()])
# def copy_images_to_project_dir(self, dir_images, Dirs):
# n_total = len(os.listdir(dir_images))
# for file in tqdm(os.listdir(dir_images), desc=f'{bcolors.HEADER} Copying images to working directory{bcolors.ENDC}',colour="white",position=0,total = n_total):
# # Copy og image to new dir
# # Copied image will be used for all downstream applications
# source = os.path.join(dir_images, file)
# destination = os.path.join(Dirs.save_original, file)
# shutil.copy(source, destination)
def copy_images_to_project_dir(self, dir_images, Dirs):
n_total = len(os.listdir(dir_images))
for file in tqdm(os.listdir(dir_images), desc=f'{bcolors.HEADER} Copying images to working directory{bcolors.ENDC}', colour="white", position=0, total=n_total):
source = os.path.join(dir_images, file)
# Check if file is a PDF
if file.lower().endswith('.pdf'):
# Convert PDF pages to JPG images
n_pages = convert_pdf_to_jpg(source, Dirs.save_original)
self.logger.info(f"Converted {n_pages} pages to JPG from PDF: {file}")
# Copy non-PDF files directly
destination = os.path.join(Dirs.save_original, file)
shutil.copy(source, destination)
def make_file_names_custom(self, dir_images, cfg, Dirs):
n_total = len(os.listdir(dir_images))
for file in tqdm(os.listdir(dir_images), desc=f'{bcolors.HEADER} Creating Catalog Number from file name{bcolors.ENDC}',colour="green",position=0,total = n_total):
# Copy og image to new dir
# Copied image will be used for all downstream applications
# source = os.path.join(dir_images, file)
# destination = os.path.join(Dirs.save_original, file)
# shutil.copy(source, destination)
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['catalog_numerical_only'] or cfg['leafmachine']['project']['prefix_removal'] or cfg['leafmachine']['project']['suffix_removal']:
name = Path(file).stem
ext = Path(file).suffix
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['prefix_removal']:
name_cleaned = name.replace(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['prefix_removal'], "")
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['suffix_removal']:
name_cleaned = name.replace(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['suffix_removal'], "")
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['catalog_numerical_only']:
name_cleaned = self.remove_non_numbers(name)
name_new = ''.join([name_cleaned,ext])
i = 0
os.rename(os.path.join(dir_images,file), os.path.join(dir_images,name_new))
warnings.warn("WARNING: duplicate file names will result given the current selections for 'prefix_removal', 'suffix_removal', or 'catalog_numerical_only'. Change them before continuing.")
warnings.warn("The affected file name has not been changed.")
def __create_combined_csv(self):
self.csv_img = self.csv_img.rename(columns={"gbifID": "gbifID_images"})
self.csv_img = self.csv_img.rename(columns={"identifier": "url"})
# print(self.csv_img.head(5))
combined = pd.merge(self.csv_img, self.csv_occ, left_on='gbifID_images', right_on='gbifID')
# print(combined.head(5))
names_list = combined.apply(generate_image_filename, axis=1, result_type='expand')
# print(names_list.head(5))
# Select columns 7, 0, 1
selected_columns = names_list.iloc[:,[7,0,1]]
# Rename columns
selected_columns.columns = ['fullname','filename_image','filename_image_jpg']
# print(selected_columns.head(5))
self.csv_combined = pd.concat([selected_columns, combined], axis=1)
# print(self.csv_combined.head(5))
new_name = ''.join(['combined_', os.path.basename(self.path_csv_occ).split('.')[0], '_', os.path.basename(self.path_csv_img).split('.')[0], '.csv'])
self.path_csv_combined = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path_csv_occ), new_name)
self.csv_combined.to_csv(self.path_csv_combined, mode='w', header=True, index=False)
return self.path_csv_combined
def __import_local_files(self, cfg, logger, Dirs):
# Images
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_local'] is None:
self.dir_images = None
self.dir_images = Dirs.save_original
# CSV import
# Combined
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['path_combined_csv_local'] is None:
self.csv_combined = None
self.path_csv_combined = None
self.path_csv_combined = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['path_combined_csv_local']
self.csv_combined = import_csv(self.path_csv_combined)
# Occurrence
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['path_occurrence_csv_local'] is None:
self.csv_occ = None
self.path_csv_occ = None
self.path_csv_occ = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['path_occurrence_csv_local']
self.csv_occ = import_csv(self.path_csv_occ)
# Images/metadata
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['path_images_csv_local'] is None:
self.path_csv_img = None
self.path_csv_img = None
self.path_csv_img = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['path_images_csv_local']
self.csv_img = import_csv(self.path_csv_img)
# Create combined if it's missing
if self.csv_combined is None:
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['path_combined_csv_local'] is not None:
# Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, 'Combined CSV file not provided, creating it now...').bold()
logger.info('Combined CSV file not provided, creating it now...')
location = self.__create_combined_csv()
# Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, ''.join(['Combined CSV --> ',location])).green()
logger.info(''.join(['Combined CSV --> ',location]))
# Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, 'Combined CSV file not available or provided. Skipped record import.').bold()
logger.info('Combined CSV file not available or provided. Skipped record import.')
# Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, ''.join(['Combined CSV --> ',self.path_csv_combined])).green()
logger.info(''.join(['Combined CSV --> ',self.path_csv_combined]))
# Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, ''.join(['Image Directory --> ',self.dir_images])).green()
logger.info(''.join(['Image Directory --> ',Dirs.save_original]))
# def __import_GBIF_files_post_download(self, cfg, logger, dir_home):
# # Download the images from GBIF
# # This pulls from /LeafMachine2/configs/config_download_from_GBIF_all_images_in_file or filter
# print_main_warn('Downloading Images from GBIF...')
# logger.info('Downloading Images from GBIF...')
# self.cfg_images = download_all_images_from_GBIF_LM2(dir_home, cfg['leafmachine']['project']['GBIF_mode'])
# self.dir_images = self.cfg_images['dir_destination_images']
# self.path_csv = self.cfg_images['dir_destination_csv']
# print_main_success(''.join(['Images saved to --> ',self.dir_images]))
# logger.info(''.join(['Images saved to --> ',self.dir_images]))
# self.path_csv_combined = os.path.join(self.path_csv, self.cfg_images['filename_combined'])
# self.path_csv_occ = os.path.join(self.path_csv, self.cfg_images['filename_occ'])
# self.path_csv_img = os.path.join(self.path_csv, self.cfg_images['filename_img'])
# if 'txt' in (self.cfg_images['filename_occ'].split('.')[1] or self.cfg_images['filename_img'].split('.')[1]):
# self.csv_combined = import_tsv(self.path_csv_combined)
# # self.csv_occ = import_tsv(self.path_csv_occ)
# # self.csv_img = import_tsv(self.path_csv_img)
# else:
# self.csv_combined = import_csv(self.path_csv_combined)
# # self.csv_occ = import_csv(self.path_csv_occ)
# # self.csv_img = import_csv(self.path_csv_img)
def process_in_batches(self, cfg):
batch_size = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size']
self.project_data_list = []
keys = list(self.project_data.keys())
num_batches = len(keys) // batch_size + 1
for i in range(num_batches):
start = i * batch_size
end = (i + 1) * batch_size
batch_keys = keys[start:end]
batch = {key: self.project_data[key] for key in batch_keys}
return num_batches, len(self.project_data)
# Original
'''def __make_project_dict(self):
self.project_data = {}
for img in os.listdir(self.dir_images):
if (img.endswith(".jpg") or img.endswith(".jpeg")):
img_name = str(img.split('.')[0])
self.project_data[img_name] = {}
# def __make_project_dict(self): # This DELETES the invalid file, not safe
# self.project_data = {}
# for img in os.listdir(self.dir_images):
# img_split, ext = os.path.splitext(img)
# if ext.lower() in self.valid_extensions:
# with Image.open(os.path.join(self.dir_images, img)) as im:
# _, ext = os.path.splitext(img)
# if ext != '.jpg':
# im = im.convert('RGB')
# im.save(os.path.join(self.dir_images, img_split) + '.jpg', quality=100)
# img += '.jpg'
# os.remove(os.path.join(self.dir_images, ''.join([img_split, ext])))
# img_name = os.path.splitext(img)[0]
# self.project_data[img_split] = {}
def __make_project_dict(self, Dirs):
self.project_data = {}
invalid_dir = None
for img in os.listdir(Dirs.save_original):
img_split, ext = os.path.splitext(img)
if ext in self.valid_extensions:
with Image.open(os.path.join(Dirs.save_original, img)) as im:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(img)
if ext not in ['.jpg']:
im = im.convert('RGB')
new_img_name = ''.join([img_split, '.jpg'])
im.save(os.path.join(Dirs.save_original, new_img_name), quality=100)
self.project_data[img_split] = {}
# move the original file to the INVALID_FILE directory
if invalid_dir is None:
invalid_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(Dirs.save_original), 'INVALID_FILES')
os.makedirs(invalid_dir, exist_ok=True)
# skip if the file already exists in the INVALID_FILE directory
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(invalid_dir, img)):
shutil.move(os.path.join(Dirs.save_original, img), os.path.join(invalid_dir, img))
img = new_img_name
img_name = os.path.splitext(img)[0]
self.project_data[img_split] = {}
# if the file has an invalid extension, move it to the INVALID_FILE directory
if invalid_dir is None:
invalid_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(Dirs.save_original), 'INVALID_FILES')
os.makedirs(invalid_dir, exist_ok=True)
# skip if the file already exists in the INVALID_FILE directory
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(invalid_dir, img)):
shutil.move(os.path.join(Dirs.save_original, img), os.path.join(invalid_dir, img))
def add_records_to_project_dict(self):
for img in os.listdir(self.Dirs.save_original):
if (img.endswith(".jpg") or img.endswith(".jpeg")):
img_name = str(img.split('.')[0])
self.project_data[img_name]['GBIF_Record'] = self.__get_data_from_combined(img_name)
self.project_data[img_name]['GBIF_Record'] = None
def __get_data_from_combined(self, img_name):
df = pd.DataFrame(self.csv_combined)
row = df[df['filename_image'] == img_name].head(1).to_dict()
return row
class Project_Stats():
specimens = 0
rulers = 0
def __init__(self, cfg, logger, dir_home) -> None:
logger.name = 'Project Info'
logger.info("Gathering Images and Image Metadata")