MediatorBot / about.txt
peterpull's picture
Update about.txt
This chatbot is specifically designed to answer questions related to the mediation philosophy of Dr. John M Haynes (1932-1999), often referred to as the father of mediation. Dr. Haynes was a pioneer in the field who trained thousands of mediators and court personnel at a time when mediation was just beginning to differentiate from couples therapy. He described the theoretical foundations of the profession and established its key elements.
To use the chatbot, simply enter your question in the textbox provided, and the chatbot will generate a response based on the context material available. The chatbot may get things wrong. It is a fun project to encourage exploration of his work.
The chatbot is designed to provide you with a reflective question at the end of its response. Note that it can 'hallucinate' and also is limited by its context information.