NeuralBody / lib /networks /renderer /
initial commit
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1.61 kB
import torch
from lib.config import cfg
from .nerf_net_utils import *
from .. import embedder
from . import if_clight_renderer_mmsk
class Renderer(if_clight_renderer_mmsk.Renderer):
def __init__(self, net):
super(Renderer, self).__init__(net)
def prepare_inside_pts(self, wpts, batch):
if 'R0_snap' not in batch:
return raw
# transform points from the world space to the smpl space
Th = batch['Th']
can_pts = wpts - Th[:, None, None]
R = batch['R']
can_pts = torch.matmul(can_pts, R)
R0 = batch['R0_snap']
Th0 = batch['Th0_snap']
# transform pts from smpl coordinate to the world coordinate
sh = can_pts.shape
can_pts = can_pts.view(sh[0], -1, sh[3])
pts = torch.matmul(can_pts, R0.transpose(2, 1)) + Th0[:, None]
# project pts to image space
R = batch['RT'][..., :3]
T = batch['RT'][..., 3]
pts = torch.matmul(pts, R.transpose(2, 1)) + T[:, None]
pts = torch.matmul(pts, batch['K'].transpose(2, 1))
pts2d = pts[..., :2] / pts[..., 2:]
# ensure that pts2d is inside the image
pts2d = pts2d.round().long()
H, W = int(cfg.H * cfg.ratio), int(cfg.W * cfg.ratio)
pts2d[..., 0] = torch.clamp(pts2d[..., 0], 0, W - 1)
pts2d[..., 1] = torch.clamp(pts2d[..., 1], 0, H - 1)
# remove the points outside the mask
pts2d = pts2d[0]
msk = batch['msk'][0]
inside = msk[pts2d[:, 1], pts2d[:, 0]][None].bool()
return inside