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Watch over a stream of numbers, incrementally learning their median.
Implemented via nested lists. New numbers are added to `lst[i]` and
when it fills up, it posts its median to `lst[i+1]`. Wen `lst[i+1]`
fills up, it posts the medians of its medians to `lst[i+2]`. Etc.
When a remedian is queried for the current median, it returns the
median of the last list with any numbers.
This approach is quite space efficient . E.g. four nested lists,
each with 64 items, require memory for 4*64 items yet can hold the
median of the median of the median of the median of over 17 million
Example usage:
for i in range(1000):
z + i
if not i % 100:
print(i, z.median())
Based on [The Remedian:A Robust Averaging Method for Large Data
by Peter J. Rousseeuw and Gilbert W. Bassett Jr. Journal of the
American Statistical Association March 1990, Vol. 85, No. 409,
Theory and Methods
The code []( compares this rig to just
using Python's built-in sort then reporing the middle number.
Assuming lists of length 64 and use of pypy3:
- Remedian is getting nearly as fast (within 20%) as raw sort after 500 items;
- While at the same time, avoids having to store all the numbers in RAM;
- Further, remedian's computed median is within 1% (or less) of the medians found via Python's sort.
## Programmer's Guide
# If `ordered` is `False`, do not sort `lst`
def median(lst,ordered=False):
assert lst,"median needs a non-empty list"
n = len(lst)
p = q = n//2
if n < 3:
p,q = 0, n-1
lst = lst if ordered else sorted(lst)
if not n % 2: # for even-length lists, use mean of mid 2 nums
q = p -1
return lst[p] if p==q else (lst[p]+lst[q])/2
class remedian:
# Initialization
def __init__(i,inits=[], k=64, # after some experimentation, 64 works ok
about = None):
i.all,i.k = [],k
[i + x for x in inits]
# When full, push the median of current values to next list, then reset.
def __add__(i,x):
i._median = None
if len(i.all) == i.k:
i.more = i.more or remedian(k=i.k)
i.more + i._medianPrim(i.all)
i.all = [] # reset
# If there is a next list, ask its median. Else, work it out locally.
def median(i):
return i.more.median() if i.more else i._medianPrim(i.all)
# Only recompute median if we do not know it already.
def _medianPrim(i,all):
if i._median == None:
i._median = median(all,ordered=False)
return i._median