pengc02's picture
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3.3 kB
import skimage.metrics
import numpy as np
import torch
import cv2 as cv
from network.lpips import LPIPS
class Metrics:
def __init__(self):
self.psnr = 0.
self.ssim = 0.
self.lpips = 0.
self.count = 0
def __repr__(self):
if self.count > 0:
return f'Count: {self.count}, PSNR: {self.psnr / self.count}, SSIM: {self.ssim / self.count}, LPIPS: {self.lpips / self.count}'
return 'count is 0!'
def crop_image(gt_mask, patch_size, *args):
:param gt_mask: (H, W)
:param patch_size: resize the cropped patch to the given patch_size
:param args: some images with shape of (H, W, C)
mask_uv = np.argwhere(gt_mask > 0.)
min_v, min_u = mask_uv.min(0)
max_v, max_u = mask_uv.max(0)
pad_size = 50
min_v = (min_v - pad_size).clip(0, gt_mask.shape[0])
min_u = (min_u - pad_size).clip(0, gt_mask.shape[1])
max_v = (max_v + pad_size).clip(0, gt_mask.shape[0])
max_u = (max_u + pad_size).clip(0, gt_mask.shape[1])
len_v = max_v - min_v
len_u = max_u - min_u
max_size = max(len_v, len_u)
cropped_images = []
for image in args:
if image is None:
cropped_image = np.ones((max_size, max_size, 3), dtype = image.dtype)
if len_v > len_u:
start_u = (max_size - len_u) // 2
cropped_image[:, start_u: start_u + len_u] = image[min_v: max_v, min_u: max_u]
start_v = (max_size - len_v) // 2
cropped_image[start_v: start_v + len_v, :] = image[min_v: max_v, min_u: max_u]
cropped_image = cv.resize(cropped_image, (patch_size, patch_size), interpolation = cv.INTER_LINEAR)
if len(cropped_images) > 1:
return cropped_images
return cropped_images[0]
def to_tensor(array, device = 'cuda'):
if isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
array = torch.from_numpy(array).to(device)
elif isinstance(array, torch.Tensor):
array =
raise TypeError('Invalid type of array.')
return array
def cut_rect(img):
h, w = img.shape[:2]
size = max(h, w)
img_ = torch.ones((size, size, img.shape[2])).to(img)
if h < w:
img_[:h] = img
img_[:, :w] = img
return img_
lpips_net = None
def compute_lpips(src, tar, device = 'cuda'):
src = to_tensor(src, device)
tar = to_tensor(tar, device)
global lpips_net
if lpips_net is None:
lpips_net = LPIPS(net = 'vgg').to(device)
if src.shape[0] != src.shape[1]:
src = cut_rect(src)
tar = cut_rect(tar)
with torch.no_grad():
lpips = lpips_net.forward(src.permute(2, 0, 1)[None], tar.permute(2, 0, 1)[None], normalize = True).mean()
return lpips.item()
def compute_psnr(src, tar):
psnr = skimage.metrics.peak_signal_noise_ratio(tar, src, data_range=1)
return psnr
def compute_ssim(src, tar):
ssim = skimage.metrics.structural_similarity(src, tar, multichannel = True, data_range = 1)
return ssim