""" |
labwidget by David Bau. |
Base class for a lightweight javascript notebook widget framework |
that is portable across Google colab and Jupyter notebooks. |
No use of requirejs: the design uses all inline javascript. |
Defines Model, Widget, Trigger, and Property, which set up data binding |
using the communication channels available in either google colab |
environment or jupyter notebook. |
This module also defines Label, Textbox, Range, Choice, and Div |
widgets; the code for these are good examples of usage of Widget, |
Trigger, and Property objects. |
Within HTML widgets, user interaction should update the javascript |
model using model.set('propname', value); this will propagate to |
the python model and notify any registered python listeners; similarly |
model.on('propname', callback) will listen for property changes |
that come from python. |
TODO: Support jupyterlab also. |
""" |
import json, html, re |
from inspect import signature |
class Model(object): |
''' |
Abstract base class that supports data binding. Within __init__, |
a model subclass defines databound events and properties using: |
self.evtname = Trigger() |
self.propname = Property(initval) |
Any Trigger or Property member can be watched by registering a |
listener with `model.on('propname', callback)`. |
An event can be triggered by `model.evtname.trigger(value)`. |
A property can be read with `model.propname`, and can be set by |
`model.propname = value`; this also triggers notifications. |
In both these cases, any registered listeners will be called |
with the given value. |
''' |
def on(self, name, cb): |
''' |
Registers a listener for named events and properties. |
A space-separated list of names can be provided as `name`. |
''' |
for n in name.split(): |
self.prop(n).on(cb) |
return self |
def off(self, name, cb=None): |
''' |
Unregisters a listener for named events and properties. |
A space-separated list of names can be provided as `name`. |
''' |
for n in name.split(): |
self.prop(n).off(cb) |
return self |
def prop(self, name): |
''' |
Returns the underlying Trigger or Property object for a |
property, rather than its held value. |
''' |
curvalue = super().__getattribute__(name) |
if not isinstance(curvalue, Trigger): |
raise AttributeError('%s not a property or trigger but %s' |
% (name, str(type(curvalue)))) |
return curvalue |
def _initprop_(self, name, value): |
''' |
To be overridden in base classes. Handles initialization of |
a new Trigger or Property member. |
''' |
value.name = name |
value.target = self |
return |
def __setattr__(self, name, value): |
''' |
When a member is an Trigger or Property, then assignment notation |
is delegated to the Trigger or Property so that notifications |
and reparenting can be handled. That is, `model.name = value` |
turns into `prop(name).set(value)`. |
''' |
if hasattr(self, name): |
curvalue = super().__getattribute__(name) |
if isinstance(curvalue, Trigger): |
curvalue.set(value) |
else: |
super().__setattr__(name, value) |
else: |
super().__setattr__(name, value) |
if isinstance(value, Trigger): |
self._initprop_(name, value) |
def __getattribute__(self, name): |
''' |
When a member is a Property, then property getter |
notation is delegated to the peoperty object. |
''' |
curvalue = super().__getattribute__(name) |
if isinstance(curvalue, Property): |
return curvalue.value |
return curvalue |
class Widget(Model): |
''' |
Base class for an HTML widget that uses a Javascript model object |
to syncrhonize HTML view state with the backend Python model state. |
Each widget subclass overrides widget_js to provide Javascript code |
that defines the widget's behavior. This javascript will be wrapped |
in an immediately-invoked function and included in the widget's HTML |
representation (_repr_html_) when the widget is viewed. |
A widget's javascript is provided with two local variables: |
element - the widget's root HTML element. By default this is |
a <div> but can be overridden in widget_html. |
model - the object representing the data model for the widget. |
within javascript. |
The model object provides the following javascript API: |
model.get('propname') obtains a current property value. |
model.set('propname', 'value') requests a change in value. |
model.on('propname', callback) listens for property changes. |
model.trigger('evtname', value) triggers an event. |
Note that model.set just requests a change but does not change the |
value immediately: model.get will not reflect the change until the |
python backend has handled it and notified the javascript of the new |
value, which will trigger any callbacks previously registered using |
.on('propname', callback). Thus Widget impelements a V-shaped |
notification protocol: |
User entry -> | -> User-visible feedback |
js model.set -> | -> js.model.on callback |
python prop.trigger -> | -> python prop.notify |
python prop.handle |
Finally, all widgets provide standard databinding for style and data |
properties, which are write-only (python-to-js) properties that |
let python directly control CSS styles and HTML dataset attributes |
for the top-level widget element. |
''' |
def __init__(self, style=None, data=None): |
if WIDGET_ENV == 'jupyter': |
self._comms = [] |
self._queue = [] |
self._viewcount = 0 |
def handle_remote_set(name, value): |
with capture_output(self): |
self.prop(name).trigger(value) |
self._recv_from_js_(handle_remote_set) |
self.style = Property(style) |
self.data = Property(data) |
self.write = Trigger() |
def widget_js(self): |
''' |
Override to define the javascript logic for the widget. Should |
render the initial view based on the current model state (if not |
already rendered using widget_html) and set up listeners to keep |
the model and the view synchornized. |
''' |
return '' |
def widget_html(self): |
''' |
Override to define the initial HTML view of the widget. Should |
define an element with id given by view_id(). |
''' |
return f'<div {self.std_attrs()}></div>' |
def view_id(self): |
''' |
Returns an HTML element id for the view currently being rendered. |
Note that each time _repr_html_ is called, this id will change. |
''' |
return f"_{id(self)}_{self._viewcount}" |
def std_attrs(self): |
''' |
Returns id and (if applicable) style attributes, escaped and |
formatted for use within the top-level element of widget HTML. |
''' |
return (f'id="{self.view_id()}"' + |
style_attr(self.style) + |
data_attrs(self.data)) |
def _repr_html_(self): |
''' |
Returns the HTML code for the widget. |
''' |
self._viewcount += 1 |
json_data = json.dumps({ |
k: v.value for k, v in vars(self).items() |
if isinstance(v, Property)}) |
json_data = re.sub('</', '<\\/', json_data) |
std_widget_js = minify(f''' |
var model = new Model("{id(self)}", {json_data}); |
var element = document.getElementById("{self.view_id()}"); |
model.on('write', (ev) => {{ |
var dummy = document.createElement('div'); |
dummy.innerHTML = ev.value.trim(); |
dummy.childNodes.forEach((item) => {{ |
element.parentNode.insertBefore(item, element); |
}}); |
}}); |
function upd(a) {{ return (e) => {{ for (k in e.value) {{ |
element[a][k] = e.value[k]; |
}}}}}} |
model.on('style', upd('style')); |
model.on('data', upd('dataset')); |
''') |
return ''.join([ |
self.widget_html(), |
'<script>(function() {', |
std_widget_js, |
self.widget_js(), |
'})();</script>' |
]); |
def _initprop_(self, name, value): |
if not hasattr(self, '_viewcount'): |
raise ValueError('base Model __init__ must be called') |
super()._initprop_(name, value) |
def notify_js(event): |
self._send_to_js_(id(self), name, event.value) |
if isinstance(value, Trigger): |
value.on(notify_js, internal=True) |
def _send_to_js_(self, *args): |
if self._viewcount > 0: |
if WIDGET_ENV == 'colab': |
colab_output.eval_js(minify(f""" |
(window.send_{id(self)} = window.send_{id(self)} || |
new BroadcastChannel("channel_{id(self)}") |
).postMessage({json.dumps(args)}); |
"""), ignore_result=True) |
elif WIDGET_ENV == 'jupyter': |
if not self._comms: |
self._queue.append(args) |
return |
for comm in self._comms: |
comm.send(args) |
def _recv_from_js_(self, fn): |
if WIDGET_ENV == 'colab': |
colab_output.register_callback(f"invoke_{id(self)}", fn) |
elif WIDGET_ENV == 'jupyter': |
def handle_comm(msg): |
fn(*(msg['content']['data'])) |
def handle_close(close_msg): |
comm_id = close_msg['content']['comm_id'] |
self._comms = [c for c in self._comms if c.comm_id != comm_id] |
def open_comm(comm, open_msg): |
self._comms.append(comm) |
comm.on_msg(handle_comm) |
comm.on_close(handle_close) |
comm.send('ok') |
if self._queue: |
for args in self._queue: |
comm.send(args) |
self._queue.clear() |
if open_msg['content']['data']: |
handle_comm(open_msg) |
cname = "comm_" + str(id(self)) |
COMM_MANAGER.register_target(cname, open_comm) |
def display(self): |
from IPython.core.display import display |
display(self) |
return self |
class Trigger(object): |
""" |
Trigger is the base class for Property and other data-bound |
field objects. Trigger holds a list of listeners that need to |
be notified about the event. |
Multple Trigger objects can be tied (typically a parent Model can |
have Triggers that are triggered by children models). To support |
this, each Trigger can have a parent. |
Trigger objects provide a notification protocol where view |
interactions trigger events at a leaf that are sent up to the |
root Trigger to be handled. By default, the root handler accepts |
events by notifying all listeners and children in the tree. |
""" |
def __init__(self): |
self._listeners = [] |
self.parent = None |
self.name = None |
self.target = None |
def handle(self, value): |
''' |
Method to override; called at the root when an event has been |
triggered, and on a child when the parent has notified. By |
default notifies all listeners. |
''' |
self.notify(value) |
def trigger(self, value=None): |
''' |
Triggers an event to be handled by the root. By default, the root |
handler will accept the event so all the listeners will be notified. |
''' |
if self.parent is not None: |
self.parent.trigger(value) |
else: |
self.handle(value) |
def set(self, value): |
''' |
Sets the parent Trigger. Child Triggers trigger events by |
triggering parents, and in turn they handle notifications |
that come from parents. |
''' |
if self.parent is not None: |
self.parent.off(self.handle) |
self.parent = None |
if isinstance(value, Trigger): |
ancestor = value.parent |
while ancestor is not None: |
if ancestor == self: |
raise ValueError('bound properties should not form a loop') |
ancestor = ancestor.parent |
self.parent = value |
self.parent.on(self.handle, internal=True) |
elif not isinstance(self, Property): |
raise ValueError('only properties can be set to a value') |
def notify(self, value=None): |
''' |
Notifies listeners and children. If a listener accepts an argument, |
the value will be passed as a single argument. |
''' |
for cb, internal in self._listeners: |
with enter_handler(self.name, internal) as ctx: |
if ctx.silence: |
pass |
elif len(signature(cb).parameters) == 0: |
cb() |
else: |
cb(Event(value, self.name, self.target)) |
def on(self, cb, internal=False): |
''' |
Registers a listener. Calling multiple times registers |
multiple listeners. |
''' |
self._listeners.append((cb, internal)) |
def off(self, cb=None): |
''' |
Unregisters a listener. |
''' |
self._listeners = [(c, i) for c, i in self._listeners |
if c != cb and cb is not None] |
class Property(Trigger): |
""" |
A Property is just an Trigger that remembers its last value. |
""" |
def __init__(self, value=None): |
''' |
Can be initialized with a starting value. |
''' |
super().__init__() |
self.set(value) |
def handle(self, value): |
''' |
The default handling for a Property is to store the value, |
then notify listeners. This method can be overridden, |
for example to validate values. |
''' |
self.value = value |
self.notify(value) |
def set(self, value): |
''' |
When a Property value is set to an ordinary value, it |
triggers an event which causes a notification to be |
sent to update all linked Properties. A Property set |
to another Property becomes a child of the value. |
''' |
if isinstance(value, Property): |
super().set(value) |
self.handle(value.value) |
elif isinstance(value, Trigger): |
raise ValueError('Cannot set a Property to an Trigger') |
else: |
self.trigger(value) |
class Event(object): |
def __init__(self, value, name, target, **kwargs): |
for k, v in kwargs.items(): |
setattr(self, k, v) |
self.value = value |
self.name = name |
self.target = target |
entered_handler_stack = [] |
class enter_handler(object): |
def __init__(self, name, internal): |
global entered_handler_stack |
self.internal = internal |
self.name = name |
self.silence = (not internal) and (len(entered_handler_stack) > 0) |
def __enter__(self): |
global entered_handler_stack |
if not self.internal: |
entered_handler_stack.append(self) |
return self |
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): |
global entered_handler_stack |
if not self.internal: |
entered_handler_stack.pop() |
class capture_output(object): |
"""Context manager for capturing stdout/stderr. This is used, |
by default, to wrap handler code that is invoked by a triggering |
event coming from javascript. Any stdout/stderr or exceptions |
that are thrown are formatted and written above the relevant widget.""" |
def __init__(self, widget): |
from io import StringIO |
self.widget = widget |
self.buffer = StringIO() |
def __enter__(self): |
import sys |
self.saved = dict(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) |
sys.stdout = self.buffer |
sys.stderr = self.buffer |
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): |
import sys, traceback |
captured = self.buffer.getvalue() |
if len(captured): |
self.widget.write.trigger(f'<pre>{html.escape(captured)}</pre>') |
if exc_type: |
import traceback |
tbtxt = ''.join( |
traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)) |
self.widget.write.trigger( |
f'<pre style="color:red;text-align:left">{tbtxt}</pre>') |
sys.stdout = self.saved['stdout'] |
sys.stderr = self.saved['stderr'] |
class Button(Widget): |
def __init__(self, label='button', style=None, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(style=defaulted(style, display='block'), **kwargs) |
self.click = Trigger() |
self.label = Property(label) |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
element.addEventListener('click', (e) => { |
model.trigger('click'); |
}) |
model.on('label', (ev) => { |
element.value = ev.value; |
}) |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
return f'''<input {self.std_attrs()} type="button" value="{ |
html.escape(str(self.label))}">''' |
class Label(Widget): |
def __init__(self, value='', **kwargs): |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
self.value = Property(value) |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
model.on('value', (ev) => { |
element.innerText = model.get('value'); |
}); |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
return f'''<label {self.std_attrs()}>{ |
html.escape(str(self.value))}</label>''' |
class Textbox(Widget): |
def __init__(self, value='', size=20, style=None, desc=None, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(style=defaulted(style, display='inline-block'), **kwargs) |
self.value = Property(value) |
self.size = Property(size) |
self.desc = Property(desc) |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
element.value = model.get('value'); |
element.size = model.get('size'); |
element.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { |
if (e.code == 'Enter') { |
model.set('value', element.value); |
} |
}); |
element.addEventListener('blur', (e) => { |
model.set('value', element.value); |
}); |
model.on('value', (ev) => { |
element.value = model.get('value'); |
}); |
model.on('size', (ev) => { |
element.size = model.get('size'); |
}); |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
html_str = f'''<input {self.std_attrs()} value="{ |
html.escape(str(self.value))}" size="{self.size}">''' |
if self.desc is not None: |
html_str = f"""<span>{self.desc}</span>{html_str}""" |
return html_str |
class Range(Widget): |
def __init__(self, value=50, min=0, max=100, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
self.value = Property(value) |
self.min = Property(min) |
self.max = Property(max) |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
element.addEventListener('change', (e) => { |
model.set('value', element.value); |
}); |
model.on('value', (e) => { |
if (!element.matches(':active')) { |
element.value = e.value; |
} |
}) |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
return f'''<input {self.std_attrs()} type="range" value="{ |
self.value}" min="{self.min}" max="{self.max}">''' |
class Choice(Widget): |
""" |
A set of radio button choices. |
""" |
def __init__(self, choices=None, selection=None, horizontal=False, |
**kwargs): |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
if choices is None: |
choices = [] |
self.choices = Property(choices) |
self.horizontal = Property(horizontal) |
self.selection = Property(selection) |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
function esc(unsafe) { |
return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<") |
.replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """); |
} |
function render() { |
var lines = model.get('choices').map((c) => { |
return '<label><input type="radio" name="choice" value="' + |
esc(c) + '">' + esc(c) + '</label>' |
}); |
element.innerHTML = lines.join(model.get('horizontal')?' ':'<br>'); |
} |
model.on('choices horizontal', render); |
model.on('selection', (ev) => { |
[...element.querySelectorAll('input')].forEach((e) => { |
e.checked = (e.value == ev.value); |
}) |
}); |
element.addEventListener('change', (e) => { |
model.set('selection', element.choice.value); |
}); |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
radios = [ |
f"""<label><input name="choice" type="radio" { |
'checked' if value == self.selection else '' |
} value="{html.escape(value)}">{html.escape(value)}</label>""" |
for value in self.choices ] |
sep = " " if self.horizontal else "<br>" |
return f'<form {self.std_attrs()}>{sep.join(radios)}</form>' |
class Menu(Widget): |
""" |
A dropdown choice. |
""" |
def __init__(self, choices=None, selection=None, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
if choices is None: |
choices = [] |
self.choices = Property(choices) |
self.selection = Property(selection) |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
function esc(unsafe) { |
return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<") |
.replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """); |
} |
function render() { |
var selection = model.get('selection'); |
var lines = model.get('choices').map((c) => { |
return '<option value="' + esc(''+c) + '"' + |
(c == selection ? ' selected' : '') + |
'>' + esc(''+c) + '</option>'; |
}); |
element.menu.innerHTML = lines.join('\\n'); |
} |
model.on('choices horizontal', render); |
model.on('selection', (ev) => { |
[...element.querySelectorAll('option')].forEach((e) => { |
e.selected = (e.value == ev.value); |
}) |
}); |
element.addEventListener('change', (e) => { |
model.set('selection', element.menu.value); |
}); |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
options = [ |
f"""<option value="{html.escape(str(value))}" { |
'selected' if value == self.selection else '' |
}>{html.escape(str(value))}</option>""" |
for value in self.choices ] |
sep = "\n" |
return f'''<form {self.std_attrs()}"><select name="menu">{ |
sep.join(options)}</select></form>''' |
class Datalist(Widget): |
""" |
An input with a dropdown choice. |
""" |
def __init__(self, choices=None, value=None, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
if choices is None: |
choices = [] |
self.choices = Property(choices) |
self.value = Property(value) |
def datalist_id(self): |
return self.view_id() + '-dl' |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
function esc(unsafe) { |
return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<") |
.replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """); |
} |
function render() { |
var lines = model.get('choices').map((c) => { |
return '<option value="' + esc(''+c) + '">'; |
}); |
element.inp.list.innerHTML = lines.join('\\n'); |
} |
model.on('choices', render); |
model.on('value', (ev) => { |
element.inp.value = ev.value; |
}); |
function restoreValue() { |
var inp = element.inp; |
if (inp.value == '') { |
inp.value = inp.placeholder; |
inp.placeholder = ''; |
} |
} |
element.inp.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { |
var inp = element.inp; |
if (inp.value != '') { |
inp.placeholder = inp.value; |
inp.value = ''; |
if (e.clientX < inp.getBoundingClientRect().right - 25) { |
setTimeout(restoreValue, 0); |
} |
} |
}); |
element.inp.addEventListener('mouseleave', restoreValue) |
element.inp.addEventListener('change', (e) => { |
model.set('value', element.inp.value); |
}); |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
options = [ |
f"""<option value="{html.escape(str(value))}">""" |
for value in self.choices ] |
return ''.join([ |
f'<form {self.std_attrs()} onsubmit="return false;">', |
f'<input name="inp" list="{self.datalist_id()}" autocomplete="off">', |
f'<datalist id="{self.datalist_id()}">', |
''.join(options), |
f'</datalist></form>']) |
class Div(Widget): |
""" |
Just an empty DIV element. Use the innerHTML property to |
change its contents, or use the clear() and print() method. |
""" |
def __init__(self, innerHTML='', **kwargs): |
super().__init__(**kwargs) |
self.innerHTML = Property(innerHTML) |
def clear(self): |
"""Clears the contents of the div.""" |
self.innerHTML = '' |
def show(self, *args): |
from . import show |
self.innerHTML = show.html(args) |
def print(self, *args, replace=False): |
"""Appends plain text (as a pre) into the div.""" |
newHTML = '<pre>%s</pre>' % ' '.join( |
html.escape(str(text)) for text in args) |
if replace: |
self.innerHTML = newHTML |
else: |
self.innerHTML += newHTML |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
model.on('innerHTML', (ev) => { |
element.innerHTML = ev.value; |
Array.from(element.querySelectorAll("script")).forEach(old=>{ |
const newScript = document.createElement("script"); |
Array.from(old.attributes).forEach(attr => |
newScript.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value)); |
newScript.appendChild(document.createTextNode(old.innerHTML)); |
old.parentNode.replaceChild(newScript, old); |
}); |
}); |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
return f'''<div {self.std_attrs()}>{self.innerHTML}</div>''' |
class ClickDiv(Div): |
''' |
A Div that triggers click events when anything inside them is clicked. |
If a clicked element contains a data-click value, then that value is |
sent as the click event value. |
''' |
def __init__(self, innerHTML='', **kwargs): |
super().__init__(innertHTML, **kwargs) |
self.click = Trigger() |
def widget_js(self): |
return super().widget_js() + minify(''' |
element.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { |
var target = ev.target; |
while (target && target != element && !target.dataset.click) { |
target = target.parentElement; |
} |
var value = target.dataset.click; |
model.trigger('click', value); |
}); |
''') |
class Image(Widget): |
""" |
Just a IMG element. Use the src property to change its contents by url, |
or use the clear() and render(imgdata) methods to convert PIL or |
tensor image data to a url to display. |
""" |
def __init__(self, src='', style=None, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(style=defaulted(style, margin=0), **kwargs) |
self.src = Property(src) |
self.click = Trigger() |
def clear(self): |
"""Clears the image.""" |
self.src = '' |
def render(self, imgdata, source=None): |
"""Converts a pil image or some tensor to a url to show inline.""" |
from . import renormalize |
self.src = renormalize.as_url(imgdata, source=source) |
def widget_js(self): |
return minify(''' |
model.on('src', (ev) => { element.src = ev.value; }); |
element.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { |
model.trigger('click'); |
}); |
''') |
def widget_html(self): |
return f'''<img {self.std_attrs()} src="{html.escape(self.src)}">''' |
def minify(t): |
return re.sub(r'\n\s*', '\n', t) |
def style_attr(d): |
if not d: |
return '' |
return ' style="%s"' % html.escape(css_style_from_dict(d)) |
def data_attrs(d): |
if not d: |
return '' |
return ''.join([ |
' data-%s="%s"' % (k, html.escape(str(v))) for k, v in d.items()]) |
def css_style_from_dict(d): |
return ';'.join( |
re.sub('([A-Z]+)', r'-\1',k).lower() + ':' + |
re.sub('([][\\!"#$%&\'()*+,./:;<=>?@^`{|}~])', r'\\\1', str(v)) |
for k, v in d.items()) |
def defaulted(d, **kwargs): |
if d is None: |
return kwargs |
result = dict(kwargs) |
result.update(d) |
return result |
if WIDGET_ENV is None: |
try: |
from google.colab import output as colab_output |
WIDGET_ENV = 'colab' |
except: |
pass |
if WIDGET_ENV is None: |
try: |
from ipykernel.comm import Comm as jupyter_comm |
COMM_MANAGER = get_ipython().kernel.comm_manager |
WIDGET_ENV = 'jupyter' |
except: |
pass |
SEND_RECV_JS = """ |
function recvFromPython(obj_id, fn) { |
var recvname = "recv_" + obj_id; |
if (window[recvname] === undefined) { |
window[recvname] = new BroadcastChannel("channel_" + obj_id); |
} |
window[recvname].addEventListener("message", (ev) => { |
if (ev.data == 'ok') { |
window[recvname].ok = true; |
return; |
} |
fn.apply(null, ev.data.slice(1)); |
}); |
} |
function sendToPython(obj_id, ...args) { |
google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('invoke_' + obj_id, args, {}) |
} |
""" if WIDGET_ENV == 'colab' else """ |
function getChan(obj_id) { |
var cname = "comm_" + obj_id; |
if (!window[cname]) { window[cname] = []; } |
var chan = window[cname]; |
if (!chan.comm && Jupyter.notebook.kernel) { |
chan.comm = Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.new_comm(cname, {}); |
chan.comm.on_msg((ev) => { |
if (chan.retry) { clearInterval(chan.retry); chan.retry = null; } |
if (ev.content.data == 'ok') { return; } |
var args = ev.content.data.slice(1); |
for (fn of chan) { fn.apply(null, args); } |
}); |
chan.retries = 5; |
chan.retry = setInterval(() => { |
if (chan.retries) { chan.retries -= 1; chan.comm.open(); } |
else { clearInterval(chan.retry); chan.retry = null; } |
}, 2000); |
} |
return chan; |
} |
function recvFromPython(obj_id, fn) { |
getChan(obj_id).push(fn); |
} |
function sendToPython(obj_id, ...args) { |
var comm = getChan(obj_id).comm; |
if (comm) { comm.send(args); } |
} |
""" |
class Model { |
constructor(obj_id, init) { |
this._id = obj_id; |
this._listeners = {}; |
this._data = Object.assign({}, init) |
recvFromPython(this._id, (name, value) => { |
this._data[name] = value; |
var e = new Event(name); e.value = value; |
if (this._listeners.hasOwnProperty(name)) { |
this._listeners[name].forEach((fn) => { fn(e); }); |
} |
}) |
} |
trigger(name, value) { |
sendToPython(this._id, name, value); |
} |
get(name) { |
return this._data[name]; |
} |
set(name, value) { |
this.trigger(name, value); |
} |
on(name, fn) { |
name.split(/\s+/).forEach((n) => { |
if (!this._listeners.hasOwnProperty(n)) { |
this._listeners[n] = []; |
} |
this._listeners[n].push(fn); |
}); |
} |
off(name, fn) { |
name.split(/\s+/).forEach((n) => { |
if (!fn) { |
delete this._listeners[n]; |
} else if (this._listeners.hasOwnProperty(n)) { |
this._listeners[n] = this._listeners[n].filter( |
(e) => { return e !== fn; }); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
""") |