"""Convolutional Box Predictors with and without weight sharing.""" |
import functools |
import tensorflow as tf |
from object_detection.core import box_predictor |
from object_detection.utils import static_shape |
slim = tf.contrib.slim |
class _NoopVariableScope(object): |
"""A dummy class that does not push any scope.""" |
def __enter__(self): |
return None |
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): |
return False |
class ConvolutionalBoxPredictor(box_predictor.BoxPredictor): |
"""Convolutional Box Predictor. |
Optionally add an intermediate 1x1 convolutional layer after features and |
predict in parallel branches box_encodings and |
class_predictions_with_background. |
Currently this box predictor assumes that predictions are "shared" across |
classes --- that is each anchor makes box predictions which do not depend |
on class. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
is_training, |
num_classes, |
box_prediction_head, |
class_prediction_head, |
other_heads, |
conv_hyperparams_fn, |
num_layers_before_predictor, |
min_depth, |
max_depth): |
"""Constructor. |
Args: |
is_training: Indicates whether the BoxPredictor is in training mode. |
num_classes: number of classes. Note that num_classes *does not* |
include the background category, so if groundtruth labels take values |
in {0, 1, .., K-1}, num_classes=K (and not K+1, even though the |
assigned classification targets can range from {0,... K}). |
box_prediction_head: The head that predicts the boxes. |
class_prediction_head: The head that predicts the classes. |
other_heads: A dictionary mapping head names to convolutional |
head classes. |
conv_hyperparams_fn: A function to generate tf-slim arg_scope with |
hyperparameters for convolution ops. |
num_layers_before_predictor: Number of the additional conv layers before |
the predictor. |
min_depth: Minimum feature depth prior to predicting box encodings |
and class predictions. |
max_depth: Maximum feature depth prior to predicting box encodings |
and class predictions. If max_depth is set to 0, no additional |
feature map will be inserted before location and class predictions. |
Raises: |
ValueError: if min_depth > max_depth. |
""" |
super(ConvolutionalBoxPredictor, self).__init__(is_training, num_classes) |
self._box_prediction_head = box_prediction_head |
self._class_prediction_head = class_prediction_head |
self._other_heads = other_heads |
self._conv_hyperparams_fn = conv_hyperparams_fn |
self._min_depth = min_depth |
self._max_depth = max_depth |
self._num_layers_before_predictor = num_layers_before_predictor |
@property |
def num_classes(self): |
return self._num_classes |
def _predict(self, image_features, num_predictions_per_location_list): |
"""Computes encoded object locations and corresponding confidences. |
Args: |
image_features: A list of float tensors of shape [batch_size, height_i, |
width_i, channels_i] containing features for a batch of images. |
num_predictions_per_location_list: A list of integers representing the |
number of box predictions to be made per spatial location for each |
feature map. |
Returns: |
A dictionary containing: |
box_encodings: A list of float tensors of shape |
[batch_size, num_anchors_i, q, code_size] representing the location of |
the objects, where q is 1 or the number of classes. Each entry in the |
list corresponds to a feature map in the input `image_features` list. |
class_predictions_with_background: A list of float tensors of shape |
[batch_size, num_anchors_i, num_classes + 1] representing the class |
predictions for the proposals. Each entry in the list corresponds to a |
feature map in the input `image_features` list. |
(optional) Predictions from other heads. |
""" |
predictions = { |
} |
for head_name in self._other_heads.keys(): |
predictions[head_name] = [] |
box_predictor_scopes = [_NoopVariableScope()] |
if len(image_features) > 1: |
box_predictor_scopes = [ |
tf.variable_scope('BoxPredictor_{}'.format(i)) |
for i in range(len(image_features)) |
] |
for (image_feature, |
num_predictions_per_location, box_predictor_scope) in zip( |
image_features, num_predictions_per_location_list, |
box_predictor_scopes): |
net = image_feature |
with box_predictor_scope: |
with slim.arg_scope(self._conv_hyperparams_fn()): |
with slim.arg_scope([slim.dropout], is_training=self._is_training): |
features_depth = static_shape.get_depth(image_feature.get_shape()) |
depth = max(min(features_depth, self._max_depth), self._min_depth) |
tf.logging.info('depth of additional conv before box predictor: {}'. |
format(depth)) |
if depth > 0 and self._num_layers_before_predictor > 0: |
for i in range(self._num_layers_before_predictor): |
net = slim.conv2d( |
net, |
depth, [1, 1], |
reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, |
scope='Conv2d_%d_1x1_%d' % (i, depth)) |
sorted_keys = sorted(self._other_heads.keys()) |
sorted_keys.append(BOX_ENCODINGS) |
for head_name in sorted_keys: |
if head_name == BOX_ENCODINGS: |
head_obj = self._box_prediction_head |
head_obj = self._class_prediction_head |
else: |
head_obj = self._other_heads[head_name] |
prediction = head_obj.predict( |
features=net, |
num_predictions_per_location=num_predictions_per_location) |
predictions[head_name].append(prediction) |
return predictions |
def _arg_scope_func_key(op): |
"""Returns a key that can be used to index arg_scope dictionary.""" |
return getattr(op, '_key_op', str(op)) |
class WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor(box_predictor.BoxPredictor): |
"""Convolutional Box Predictor with weight sharing. |
Defines the box predictor as defined in |
https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.02002. This class differs from |
ConvolutionalBoxPredictor in that it shares weights and biases while |
predicting from different feature maps. However, batch_norm parameters are not |
shared because the statistics of the activations vary among the different |
feature maps. |
Also note that separate multi-layer towers are constructed for the box |
encoding and class predictors respectively. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
is_training, |
num_classes, |
box_prediction_head, |
class_prediction_head, |
other_heads, |
conv_hyperparams_fn, |
depth, |
num_layers_before_predictor, |
kernel_size=3, |
apply_batch_norm=False, |
share_prediction_tower=False, |
use_depthwise=False): |
"""Constructor. |
Args: |
is_training: Indicates whether the BoxPredictor is in training mode. |
num_classes: number of classes. Note that num_classes *does not* |
include the background category, so if groundtruth labels take values |
in {0, 1, .., K-1}, num_classes=K (and not K+1, even though the |
assigned classification targets can range from {0,... K}). |
box_prediction_head: The head that predicts the boxes. |
class_prediction_head: The head that predicts the classes. |
other_heads: A dictionary mapping head names to convolutional |
head classes. |
conv_hyperparams_fn: A function to generate tf-slim arg_scope with |
hyperparameters for convolution ops. |
depth: depth of conv layers. |
num_layers_before_predictor: Number of the additional conv layers before |
the predictor. |
kernel_size: Size of final convolution kernel. |
apply_batch_norm: Whether to apply batch normalization to conv layers in |
this predictor. |
share_prediction_tower: Whether to share the multi-layer tower among box |
prediction head, class prediction head and other heads. |
use_depthwise: Whether to use depthwise separable conv2d instead of |
regular conv2d. |
""" |
super(WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor, self).__init__(is_training, |
num_classes) |
self._box_prediction_head = box_prediction_head |
self._class_prediction_head = class_prediction_head |
self._other_heads = other_heads |
self._conv_hyperparams_fn = conv_hyperparams_fn |
self._depth = depth |
self._num_layers_before_predictor = num_layers_before_predictor |
self._kernel_size = kernel_size |
self._apply_batch_norm = apply_batch_norm |
self._share_prediction_tower = share_prediction_tower |
self._use_depthwise = use_depthwise |
@property |
def num_classes(self): |
return self._num_classes |
def _insert_additional_projection_layer(self, image_feature, |
inserted_layer_counter, |
target_channel): |
if inserted_layer_counter < 0: |
return image_feature, inserted_layer_counter |
image_feature = slim.conv2d( |
image_feature, |
target_channel, [1, 1], |
stride=1, |
padding='SAME', |
activation_fn=None, |
normalizer_fn=(tf.identity if self._apply_batch_norm else None), |
scope='ProjectionLayer/conv2d_{}'.format( |
inserted_layer_counter)) |
if self._apply_batch_norm: |
image_feature = slim.batch_norm( |
image_feature, |
scope='ProjectionLayer/conv2d_{}/BatchNorm'.format( |
inserted_layer_counter)) |
inserted_layer_counter += 1 |
return image_feature, inserted_layer_counter |
def _compute_base_tower(self, tower_name_scope, image_feature, feature_index): |
net = image_feature |
for i in range(self._num_layers_before_predictor): |
if self._use_depthwise: |
conv_op = functools.partial(slim.separable_conv2d, depth_multiplier=1) |
else: |
conv_op = slim.conv2d |
net = conv_op( |
net, |
self._depth, [self._kernel_size, self._kernel_size], |
stride=1, |
padding='SAME', |
activation_fn=None, |
normalizer_fn=(tf.identity if self._apply_batch_norm else None), |
scope='{}/conv2d_{}'.format(tower_name_scope, i)) |
if self._apply_batch_norm: |
net = slim.batch_norm( |
net, |
scope='{}/conv2d_{}/BatchNorm/feature_{}'. |
format(tower_name_scope, i, feature_index)) |
net = tf.nn.relu6(net) |
return net |
def _predict_head(self, head_name, head_obj, image_feature, box_tower_feature, |
feature_index, num_predictions_per_location): |
tower_name_scope = 'ClassPredictionTower' |
else: |
tower_name_scope = head_name + 'PredictionTower' |
if self._share_prediction_tower: |
head_tower_feature = box_tower_feature |
else: |
head_tower_feature = self._compute_base_tower( |
tower_name_scope=tower_name_scope, |
image_feature=image_feature, |
feature_index=feature_index) |
return head_obj.predict( |
features=head_tower_feature, |
num_predictions_per_location=num_predictions_per_location) |
def _predict(self, image_features, num_predictions_per_location_list): |
"""Computes encoded object locations and corresponding confidences. |
Args: |
image_features: A list of float tensors of shape [batch_size, height_i, |
width_i, channels] containing features for a batch of images. Note that |
when not all tensors in the list have the same number of channels, an |
additional projection layer will be added on top the tensor to generate |
feature map with number of channels consitent with the majority. |
num_predictions_per_location_list: A list of integers representing the |
number of box predictions to be made per spatial location for each |
feature map. Note that all values must be the same since the weights are |
shared. |
Returns: |
A dictionary containing: |
box_encodings: A list of float tensors of shape |
[batch_size, num_anchors_i, code_size] representing the location of |
the objects. Each entry in the list corresponds to a feature map in |
the input `image_features` list. |
class_predictions_with_background: A list of float tensors of shape |
[batch_size, num_anchors_i, num_classes + 1] representing the class |
predictions for the proposals. Each entry in the list corresponds to a |
feature map in the input `image_features` list. |
(optional) Predictions from other heads. |
E.g., mask_predictions: A list of float tensors of shape |
[batch_size, num_anchord_i, num_classes, mask_height, mask_width]. |
Raises: |
ValueError: If the num predictions per locations differs between the |
feature maps. |
""" |
if len(set(num_predictions_per_location_list)) > 1: |
raise ValueError('num predictions per location must be same for all' |
'feature maps, found: {}'.format( |
num_predictions_per_location_list)) |
feature_channels = [ |
image_feature.shape[3].value for image_feature in image_features |
] |
has_different_feature_channels = len(set(feature_channels)) > 1 |
if has_different_feature_channels: |
inserted_layer_counter = 0 |
target_channel = max(set(feature_channels), key=feature_channels.count) |
tf.logging.info('Not all feature maps have the same number of ' |
'channels, found: {}, addition project layers ' |
'to bring all feature maps to uniform channels ' |
'of {}'.format(feature_channels, target_channel)) |
else: |
target_channel = -1 |
inserted_layer_counter = -1 |
predictions = { |
} |
for head_name in self._other_heads.keys(): |
predictions[head_name] = [] |
for feature_index, (image_feature, |
num_predictions_per_location) in enumerate( |
zip(image_features, |
num_predictions_per_location_list)): |
with tf.variable_scope('WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor', |
reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): |
with slim.arg_scope(self._conv_hyperparams_fn()): |
(image_feature, |
inserted_layer_counter) = self._insert_additional_projection_layer( |
image_feature, inserted_layer_counter, target_channel) |
if self._share_prediction_tower: |
box_tower_scope = 'PredictionTower' |
else: |
box_tower_scope = 'BoxPredictionTower' |
box_tower_feature = self._compute_base_tower( |
tower_name_scope=box_tower_scope, |
image_feature=image_feature, |
feature_index=feature_index) |
box_encodings = self._box_prediction_head.predict( |
features=box_tower_feature, |
num_predictions_per_location=num_predictions_per_location) |
predictions[BOX_ENCODINGS].append(box_encodings) |
sorted_keys = sorted(self._other_heads.keys()) |
for head_name in sorted_keys: |
head_obj = self._class_prediction_head |
else: |
head_obj = self._other_heads[head_name] |
prediction = self._predict_head( |
head_name=head_name, |
head_obj=head_obj, |
image_feature=image_feature, |
box_tower_feature=box_tower_feature, |
feature_index=feature_index, |
num_predictions_per_location=num_predictions_per_location) |
predictions[head_name].append(prediction) |
return predictions |