lol /
paracanthurus's picture
Duplicate from MirageML/sjc
history blame
No virus
6.86 kB
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import torch
from misc import torch_samps_to_imgs
from adapt import Karras, ScoreAdapter, power_schedule
from adapt_gddpm import GuidedDDPM
from adapt_ncsn import NCSN as _NCSN
# from adapt_vesde import VESDE # not included to prevent import conflicts
from adapt_sd import StableDiffusion
from my.utils import tqdm, EventStorage, HeartBeat, EarlyLoopBreak
from my.config import BaseConf, dispatch
from my.utils.seed import seed_everything
class GDDPM(BaseConf):
"""Guided DDPM from OpenAI"""
model: str = "m_lsun_256"
lsun_cat: str = "bedroom"
imgnet_cat: int = -1
def make(self):
args = self.dict()
model = GuidedDDPM(**args)
return model
class SD(BaseConf):
"""Stable Diffusion"""
variant: str = "v1"
v2_highres: bool = False
prompt: str = "a photograph of an astronaut riding a horse"
scale: float = 3.0 # classifier free guidance scale
precision: str = 'autocast'
def make(self):
args = self.dict()
model = StableDiffusion(**args)
return model
class SDE(BaseConf):
def make(self):
args = self.dict()
model = VESDE(**args)
return model
class NCSN(BaseConf):
def make(self):
args = self.dict()
model = _NCSN(**args)
return model
class KarrasGen(BaseConf):
family: str = "gddpm"
gddpm: GDDPM = GDDPM()
sd: SD = SD()
# sde: SDE = SDE()
ncsn: NCSN = NCSN()
batch_size: int = 10
num_images: int = 1250
num_t: int = 40
σ_max: float = 80.0
heun: bool = True
langevin: bool = False
cls_scaling: float = 1.0 # classifier guidance scaling
def run(self):
args = self.dict()
family = args.pop("family")
model = getattr(self, family).make()
self.karras_generate(model, **args)
def karras_generate(
model: ScoreAdapter,
batch_size, num_images, σ_max, num_t, langevin, heun, cls_scaling,
del kwargs # removed extra args
num_batches = num_images // batch_size
fuse = EarlyLoopBreak(5)
with tqdm(total=num_batches) as pbar, \
HeartBeat(pbar) as hbeat, \
EventStorage() as metric:
all_imgs = []
for _ in range(num_batches):
if fuse.on_break():
pipeline = Karras.inference(
model, batch_size, num_t,
init_xs=None, heun=heun, σ_max=σ_max,
langevin=langevin, cls_scaling=cls_scaling
for imgs in tqdm(pipeline, total=num_t+1, disable=False):
# _std = imgs.std().item()
# print(_std)
if isinstance(model, StableDiffusion):
imgs = model.decode(imgs)
imgs = torch_samps_to_imgs(imgs, uncenter=model.samps_centered())
all_imgs = np.concatenate(all_imgs, axis=0)
metric.put_artifact("imgs", ".npy", lambda fn:, all_imgs))
class SMLDGen(BaseConf):
family: str = "ncsn"
gddpm: GDDPM = GDDPM()
# sde: SDE = SDE()
ncsn: NCSN = NCSN()
batch_size: int = 16
num_images: int = 16
num_stages: int = 80
num_steps: int = 15
σ_max: float = 80.0
ε: float = 1e-5
def run(self):
args = self.dict()
family = args.pop("family")
model = getattr(self, family).make()
self.smld_generate(model, **args)
def smld_generate(
model: ScoreAdapter,
batch_size, num_images, num_stages, num_steps, σ_max, ε,
num_batches = num_images // batch_size
σs = power_schedule(σ_max, model.σ_min, num_stages)
σs = [model.snap_t_to_nearest_tick(σ)[0] for σ in σs]
fuse = EarlyLoopBreak(5)
with tqdm(total=num_batches) as pbar, \
HeartBeat(pbar) as hbeat, \
EventStorage() as metric:
all_imgs = []
for _ in range(num_batches):
if fuse.on_break():
init_xs = torch.rand(batch_size, *model.data_shape(), device=model.device)
if model.samps_centered():
init_xs = init_xs * 2 - 1 # [0, 1] -> [-1, 1]
pipeline = smld_inference(
model, σs, num_steps, ε, init_xs
for imgs in tqdm(pipeline, total=(num_stages * num_steps)+1, disable=False):
max=imgs.max().item(), min=imgs.min().item(), std=imgs.std().item()
imgs = torch_samps_to_imgs(imgs, uncenter=model.samps_centered())
all_imgs = np.concatenate(all_imgs, axis=0)
metric.put_artifact("imgs", ".npy", lambda fn:, all_imgs))
def smld_inference(model, σs, num_steps, ε, init_xs):
from math import sqrt
# not doing conditioning or cls guidance; for gddpm only lsun works; fine.
xs = init_xs
yield xs
for i in range(len(σs)):
α_i = ε * ((σs[i] / σs[-1]) ** 2)
for _ in range(num_steps):
grad = model.score(xs, σs[i])
z = torch.randn_like(xs)
xs = xs + α_i * grad + sqrt(2 * α_i) * z
yield xs
def load_np_imgs(fname):
fname = Path(fname)
data = np.load(fname)
if fname.suffix == ".npz":
imgs = data['arr_0']
imgs = data
return imgs
def visualize(max_n_imgs=16):
import torchvision.utils as vutils
from imageio import imwrite
from einops import rearrange
all_imgs = load_np_imgs("imgs/step_0.npy")
imgs = all_imgs[:max_n_imgs]
imgs = rearrange(imgs, "N H W C -> N C H W", C=3)
imgs = torch.from_numpy(imgs)
pane = vutils.make_grid(imgs, padding=2, nrow=4)
pane = rearrange(pane, "C H W -> H W C", C=3)
pane = pane.numpy()
imwrite("preview.jpg", pane)
if __name__ == "__main__":